
Elections , Newsline

Would Kamala Harris Be a Better Candidate Than Joe Biden? Doubtful

Posted on Friday, July 12, 2024
by Outside Contributor

If Joe Biden is pushed out of the presidential race by elite Democrats, the most obvious replacement is Kamala Harris. Numerous pundits have noted that the vice president is already running ahead of Biden against Donald Trump – even before she’s had the chance to make her case.

Though I’m not in the predictions racket, I’ve been around long enough to know that D.C. experts have no idea how the electorate is going to react to a candidate. History is strewn with sure things and can’t-miss prospects. Many voters are reliable partisans. Many others are driven by intuition and emotion, not the kind of hard rationalism experts tend to assign them.

Which is to say, it’s a mistake to assume Harris’ popularity is destined to increase after she makes her case to voters. In truth, the reverse is just as likely to happen.

In 2011, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s favorability numbers hit a historic high of 66%, and remained over 50% until the 2016 presidential campaign began in earnest. Those are better than Harris’ numbers today. By September 2018, Clinton was at 36%. Even among Democrats, Clinton’s favorability dropped 10 points from the start of the campaign until the election.

What happens when Harris faces a large-scale highly funded opposition campaign that launches relentless daily attacks on her? Most voters don’t know much about Harris’ record. Trump’s negatives, on the other hand, are already baked into the polls. What is Harris going to say about the former president that Biden hasn’t? Once you accuse your opponent of being Hitler, there really isn’t much space to ratchet up the rhetoric.

Besides, what will Harris’ case for the presidency be? Won’t she be compelled to run on Biden’s record? Sure, a change would shift the coverage away from Biden’s fragility. But before the media begins writing revisionist histories about the past four years, let’s not forget the administration’s policies were unpopular before everyone acknowledged the president’s declining mental state. Biden was lagging behind Trump on issues that matter most to voters before the debate.

And the most important non-economic issue for voters, according to Gallup, is immigration. The one memorable task given to Harris by Biden was to stem the U.S.-Mexico border crisis. She was appointed for the job in March of 2021. By May of 2022, the United States had the highest monthly number of encounters at the border, more than 241,000. By December 2023, that number was more than 250,000. In a 2019 appearance on “The View,” candidate Harris argued that illegal immigration should be a “civil enforcement issue,” not a criminal one. So perhaps she was just keeping her promise.

One supposes Harris could try to distance herself from Biden. Recall, though, that the driving reason Biden took the weak 2020 Democratic primary field was the perception of his moderation and decency. How will a hard-left presidential candidate, who didn’t even finish her first term in the Senate, help Democrats in competitive states?

An outside Democrat could be more effective in recalibrating the debate. Names like Gretchen Whitmer, Josh Shapiro and Gavin Newsom are making the rounds. But are Democrats really going to push out not only the president but the first black/South Asian/woman vice president in history? Seems risky.

Sure, Barack Obama proved that one can win the presidency without any real-world accomplishments. Harris, though, has never shown the political instincts that should convince anyone she’s going to be an effective national candidate. Indeed, there’s little evidence that independents or Democrats like Harris, at all. Recall that she ran a primary campaign that deteriorated into a squabbling mess and garnered little support from her own party. Even as veep, she has trouble running an office.

A candidate who believes pro-Hamas protesters are “showing exactly what the human emotion should be” or spreads the Jussie Smollett hoax – a “modern-day lynching” – even after an investigation has been opened probably has a rich history of saying stupid things.

Then again, as I said, who knows. Maybe voters will love her confusing tautologies and grating personality.

In many ways, after all, Harris is already running for the presidency. There’s a not-small chance that Biden would be unable to finish a second term, either because he’s mentally unable, physically incapacitated or worse. And every Democrat, the entire White House press corps and anyone paying attention already knew this before the president’s disastrous debate performance. Even if Biden stays in the race, he’s not getting sharper or less brittle. Benjamin Button is a fictional character. We also know Americans will sometimes vote for barely coherent candidates.

So, perhaps, in the long run, being the running mate is the best strategy for Harris to become the president.

David Harsanyi is a senior editor at The Federalist. Harsanyi is a nationally syndicated columnist and author of five books – the most recent, “Eurotrash: Why America Must Reject the Failed Ideas of a Dying Continent.” His work has appeared in National Review, the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Reason, New York Post and numerous other publications. Follow him on Twitter @davidharsanyi.


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3 months ago

Can you imagine Kamala in a meeting with world leaders explaining how the wheels on the bus go round and round and then cackling? I can.

Orion Bennett
Orion Bennett
3 months ago

The cheat is already in progress, so unless we can fight that … democrats will win in 2024. We need to stop mail in ballots, and non citizens from voting. NOW

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
3 months ago

anyone who’s looking at Kamala Harris as a replacement need look no further than at her stint as “border czar” to know what a disaster she will be as president. What has she done with regard to the border? NOTHING! The only thing she and the rest of the democrats have focused on is abortion and that’s pathetic, sad and disturbing.

Regald Smith
Regald Smith
3 months ago

I believe one of the major reasons Biden hasn’t been removed from office is because of his vice president’s inability to lead this country. That would scare the heck out of me.

3 months ago

Not a single living Socialist Democrat should be allowed to run! There a disgrace to our country!

Dan W.
Dan W.
3 months ago

Same policies, more physically fit. Probably would not change many minds one way or the other.

Her poll numbers would quickly fall to Biden levels if she (or anyone else) becomes the candidate.

3 months ago

This is an interesting question. Could Harris fill Joe’s shoes in the Oval Office. At first my thinking was no, never! Kamala does not have the skill set or personality to be President, but having said that, neither does Joey.
Kamala could be a puppet President controlled by the same strings attached to Joey now. It’s all behind the seems, she could just cackle all day long!

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 months ago

That this possibility is even considered says it all We are talking about the presidency of The United States of America not some neighborhood committee

Kevin Wexler
Kevin Wexler
3 months ago

The dems will run anyone on any theme they think they can force down the unsuspecting citizens. They are the most vile nasty scheming party ever..

3 months ago

The problem is the policies of the Democratic Party. It does not matter if you put up a genius. You will get the same democratic policies.. You need to develop a personal plan to protect yourself from Democratic Party Policies.

3 months ago

Well one never knows where one ends up when they are sleeping their way to the top. I think our citizens are a little smarter than kameltoe. She like Joe haven’t done anything for this country than divide the country and indict Trump to take away their political opponent. They rule like they own America. Are destroying the country from within by us being overrun by 15 million invaders in the past 4 years. And still they are coming or ole Joe flies them in. Will they get voting rights by November? Of course. The senate will see to it. No Kameltoe is no better than Joe I would say worse.

3 months ago

Whoever she happens to be, she held out on reporting Biden’s condition as long as anyone else. Failure to function in the people’s Oval Office is not a trifling matter. She observed him on a regular basis, and said nothing, while he was being given orders and led around by the nose, by Lord only knows who.

3 months ago

Hopefully, most of the voting population know of the silly antics of the current VP. For her to be ahead of Pres. Trump or Biden in polls, those polls must have interviewed babies (nonvoters) for their opinions. Totally unrealistic. If the Demos were to go with Harris, it would like shooting themselves in the head and surviving with no common sense. The Demos have to do something soon and the voting public be aware of the deception in the candidate that is chosen for them.

Joy Jackson
Joy Jackson
3 months ago

When i read the headline, I laughed and thought it was a joke.

Donald King
Donald King
3 months ago

Nothing would change. The same people who control Joe also control her. Only the names would change.

3 months ago

I haven’t seen Kamala do anything but giggle. Maybe they don’t show it on TV. And she doesn’t have a very good record for her past activities. Actually I have never read anything that stands out so I don’t understand why she is being considered for anything.

3 months ago

Barack Obama proved that one can win the presidency without any real-world accomplishments.”

Which goes to show barry only won because of the color of his skin. Voters are stupid. You can vote for “the other guy” and say you voted for barry. No one would know.

3 months ago

Two Socialists/Marxists! This is what today’s Democratic Party Leadership has become! NO THANKS TO EITHER ONE!

3 months ago

That is like Cheech and Chong!

3 months ago

According to Biden, Trump is the Vice President.

3 months ago

To answer the question in your headline, it’s not only “No,” it’s “HELL NO!!!”

Corbin Douthitt
Corbin Douthitt
3 months ago

the proper question is- would she be a better PRESIDENT than Biden. Oh heck no! she couldn’t be dogcather

3 months ago

Is a person who is intrinsicly a corrupt airhead better than one who is circumstantially a corrupt dementia patience? Tough choice.

3 months ago

She is just as bad if not worse. She is a disgrace to the United States right along with the rest of the demonRATS. Dems shouldn’t be able to run for office EVER.

Carolyn Carr
Carolyn Carr
3 months ago

What difference does it make who runs?!? It’s the platform they alll endorse, not the person. They are all America haters and want to destroy the country! At least there’s a reason for Joe’s ridiculous statements, what’s Kanela”s cause?

3 months ago

“Once you accuse your opponent of being Hitler, there really isn’t much space to ratchet up the rhetoric” Too funny.

3 months ago

Even if Harris receives and understands the message of good coaching, she’ll still be among those who concealed Biden’s horrendous cognitive condition, she wrecked our southern border (and, therefore, killed some innocent Americans), and, she often projects the persona of a dingbat.


Jeff Noncent
Jeff Noncent
3 months ago

She doesn’t know what is in front of her and cannot lead the people point and simple.

3 months ago

She might be a better candidate but sure the “heck” not a better official. Look at her history for her corrupt performance, ask Willy why he promoted her, and then look for those who are pulling O’Bidung’s strings today for your answer.

3 months ago

Cackling Kamala I don’t think so. If it wasn’t for Willy Brown you would not even know about her!

3 months ago

Agreed that Kamala’s record isn’t good, but remember this: she is a woman who does not agree with the conservative view on abortion! There are so many women, both young & old, who are so upset about no help for pregnancies gone bad plus that females no longer have the right to choose, that they may vote for anyone who sees that issue as they do. Be damned about immigration, inflation and all the rest.

3 months ago

Harris cannot legally be president!!!!!!!! It’s against the Constitution because of her birthright.

3 months ago

I believe that on or about Aug 19, SloJoe will have a medically induced or natural CVA. Harris will become the DeFacto candidate naming Killary as her VP. Campaigning to continue Beloved SloJoe economic and left wing destruction of the country, Harris becomes the first woman of color to occupy the Oval office. Killary signs Harris up for a Ron Brown flight. Don’t panic it’s just my thoughts of a future Twilight Zone episode.

Gary F Fanning
Gary F Fanning
3 months ago

Harris has shown her contempt for the American citizenry with her complete abdication of responsibility on securing the border! I think she is still looking for “root causes”!

3 months ago

I’m surprised she’s not sequestered at Camp David undergoing intensive grooming for meeting the press. Oh that’s right, Obama doesn’t want her, so let her be as silly as she’s always been.

3 months ago

Maybe in North Korea, since she was so proud during her visit to South Korea of her “stalwart partnership, and alliance with North Korea!” Somehow I think Americans deserve, and should expect more of a presidential candidate than just the simple fact of having a nervous ststem that supports the act of breathing.

Robert L Theriot
Robert L Theriot
3 months ago

I would suffer four more of JB rather than open that Pandora’s Box. Biden’s belief that she is capable of the Presidency is as unfounded as his idea of a closed border. She would laugh and giggle through that as she has as VP.

3 months ago

She hasn’t got half the smarts Biden does or a stick of gum. She would be alot worse because she would have a point to prove and would go about it with impunity and disregard for whoever is in her way.

3 months ago


Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

It doesn’t matter which (D) they nominate or which (D) is President if Biden was Article 25’d out: the same shadow administration will still be implementing the same open border, abortion-at-any-stage, antisemitic, America-hating policies.

3 months ago

She does NOT belong…

3 months ago

Why not? She did such a fabulous job with border security and all the other special projects on which she was working…..

3 months ago

Dont kid yourself. The dopes on the left will vote for her in the same numbers they voted for bite me. She will start with 40% or so and quickly garner support from mush minded moderates. She will also take back the % of black votes Trump has worked so hard to earn. However, i agree with the author that her best plan would be to be reelected as vp then assume office when bite me goes on to the great politburo in the sky.

3 months ago

I still believe the Democratic convention will choose the candidate. I would not be surprised to learn that Hillary is the candidate.

3 months ago

The fact that Harris has come out as a pro Palestine supporter is enough reason to keep her out of the office of president

3 months ago

“President Kama……” baaaa-hahahahahahahahahaha…etc.

Helen Householder
Helen Householder
3 months ago

She is not a natural born citizen, that I know of so she should not even be Vice president

3 months ago

That’s all we need is the cacklin’ ho in the white house. But would be the same as with Biden except the cackle.

Fed Up
Fed Up
3 months ago

Harris is a total failure as a VP. Here biggest failure is the border. She has allowed millions to cros the border and she is responsible for the deaths of our friends and family members. The three illegals who killed three different family members were not illegal Mexicans. They were the scum criminals from Ecuador and Columbia. Much of what we are getting now are the hardened murders and drug gang members. Time to turn everyone at the border and make them follow the law. Stop turning them lose in the United States!

Dave Cano
Dave Cano
3 months ago

Kamala would be marginally better than Biden, not worse. But I am totally against removing Biden. If I bet a million on Mike Tyson and his choice of opponents was Peewee Herman or Sylvester Stallone, please choose Peewee.

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