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Biden Has United the Country Against Himself

Posted on Friday, June 7, 2024
by Matt Kane

There is much mainstream talk about how divided the United States has become. This stems from a hyper fixation on the lack of common ground between the Republican and Democratic party platforms. However, it has become increasingly clear that people from all demographics are united in opposing Joe Biden and the events that have transpired under his administration.

It is a rare occurrence in American politics for one of the nominees from the two major parties to be universally viewed negatively, even during the most contentious times. In 2016 for example, voters were split on which nominee would be better at handling top concerns such as the economy, law and order, foreign affairs, and immigration. Hillary Clinton was viewed more favorably on immigration and foreign affairs, while Donald Trump was viewed more favorably on the economy and law and order.

Trump handled issues better than his detractors expected after taking office, but even so, the lead-up to the 2020 election again saw divisions on key issues. Trump remained more favorable than Democrats on the economy and law and order, and he also became more favorably viewed than Biden on foreign policy, which was not the case in 2016. However, Biden was viewed more favorably on immigration, likely due to the media misconstruing Trump’s immigration message.

Now, a recent New York Times/Siena poll revealed that Biden is viewed net-negatively across the board. In response to the broad question, “Do you think the United States is on the right track, or is it headed in the wrong direction?,” 64% of respondents replied “wrong direction.” Among all demographics polled—men and women, all ages, races, education levels, and regions of the U.S.—more than 54% in each group said “wrong direction,” with one demographic reaching as high as 73%.

Similarly, questions such as “Do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president?” and “Tell me whether you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable, or very unfavorable opinion of Joe Biden” resulted in 59% saying they either “strongly or somewhat disapprove,” and 56% saying they held either a “very or somewhat unfavorable” view of Biden.

When tracking voter sentiment on specific issues, responses were equally bleak for Biden. On the economy, Biden’s net disapproval is a whopping 63%. On law and order, it sits at 55%. Foreign affairs come in at 61%, while immigration is at 64%.

These figures come in addition to countless organic signs that people from all walks of life seem to be united against Biden. Following President Trump’s warm receptions during impromptu visits to a Harlem bodega and an Atlanta Chick-fil-A, Biden tested his luck in a Pennsylvania Wawa convenience store. No crowds of adoring supporters formed, there were no lines for photos, and many employees appeared unimpressed. Even during a Palestinian protest, both sides broke out into “F**k Joe Biden” chants. A lot can change in the months between now and election day. However, there are two key reasons why we should expect much of this to continue.

First, the current crisis between Israel and Iran doesn’t seem to be anywhere near a resolution, and the public has already become displeased with Biden’s handling of the conflict. While Republican voters viewing Biden negatively on this issue was to be expected, the Democratic Party is experiencing a rare internal fracture. This has resulted in Biden attempting to play both sides, angering both, and pleasing none in the process.

Secondly, Biden has not proven his ability to resolve any major crisis that has unfolded during his tenure up to this point. The war in Ukraine continues with endless aid flowing and no end in sight. U.S. military enrollment continues to crater, a direct effect of the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan and the insistence on promoting LGBTQ initiatives. Inflation and gas prices are rising once again, and during a two-day period earlier this month, the border saw 485 Chinese nationals cross, easily surpassing the 342 that crossed during the entire fiscal year 2021.

All of this coincides with President Trump securing his highest polling numbers of all time. His support has not only increased from previous highs, but in stark contrast to Biden, he is now viewed net positively on the most important issues – like immigration, foreign affairs, and the economy – by a majority of those polled. On the economy, 64% approve of his handling compared to 33% who disapprove. On law and order, 51% approve compared to 47% who don’t. Foreign affairs saw 48% approve of the job he did compared to 45% who don’t, and 50% approve of his handling of immigration compared to 47% who don’t.

Trump’s positivity margins may not seem significant, but in years past, he was underwater on many of these issues. The fact that his numbers have not just increased but have improved so drastically that he is now above water on the issues signals a massive shift in voter sentiment on policy.

Of course, beyond usual political issues, there now exists the legitimate threat of a rogue, tyrannical government that was set in motion by the egregious trial President Trump found himself embroiled in. It has become apparent to most, including many staunch Trump opposers, that the case was an unfortunate, country-destroying political persecution. But one positive that emerged as a result was a massive sense of unity in opposing those orchestrating this anti-American government weaponization.

President Trump has maintained his significant stronghold on the Republican Party. However, he has also gained substantial support from both independents and, more surprisingly, Democrats. Trump received just 6% of the Democratic vote and 41% of the independent vote in 2020. Now, he has managed to secure double-digit support from Democrats, which is rather unheard of for an opposing party’s nominee and has flipped the independent majority support Biden enjoyed in 2020 in his favor.

As far as racial demographics, CNN, notorious opponents of Trump, revealed that their polling averages show Trump receiving an eye-popping 22% of the Black vote. For reference, Trump received just 8% of the Black vote in 2016, and 12% in 2020. Trump receiving nearly a quarter of a demographic that typically votes in the single digits for a Republican says a lot about how these developments are changing hearts and minds.

Hispanics are another demographic that votes predominantly Democrat. However, Trump now has comfortable leads in some polls with Hispanic voters. While the divide between Hispanics supporting Democrats and Republicans is not as wide as that among Blacks, a plurality of Hispanics choosing Trump over Biden is another sign of previously Democrat voting blocs uniting in their opposition to Biden.

President Trump is the target of a life-threatening political persecution. Fearful Democrats and bitter Republicans who downplay the gravity of this threat by claiming Trump is a political beneficiary of this assault on American freedom don’t grasp the severity of the situation. Trump was the only person brave enough to shine a light on the many dark deeds taking place throughout the American political system a decade ago and has continued to do so to this very day, even as he stares down life in prison. The masses see that Trump was right about the evildoers within government, who have now made him their main target, and believe he represents the only chance we as a nation have at resisting and defeating it. He may be politically benefiting from it, but that is a massive and selfless price to pay, one that deserves proper recognition given that no American has ever been willing to endure such a sacrifice in America’s nearly 250-year history.

Unity is not measured in ideology, but rather by how many people support the ideologies. A divided nation would feature close to 50% of its citizens supporting one party, and close to 50% supporting the other. That is not the current reality in America. When all demographics signal unification on the most important issues and demonstrate a noteworthy shift towards the candidate who represents these issues, the “America is divided” narrative quickly shatters.

If you are looking solely for a lack of opposition to any man in today’s media world, where the vocal minority gets all the attention, as proof of unity, you will never find it. But America is undeniably united in opposing increased costs of living, high inflation, increased energy costs, a hostile state of foreign affairs, a weakening military, government weaponization, and the domestic cultural rot we are living through thanks to the Biden-Harris agenda, and has turned to President Trump to deliver us from it.

Matt Kane earned a bachelor’s degree in political science from Stony Brook University. His work has been posted by President Trump, RealClearPolitics, and American Thinker.

This article was originally published through Human Events here.

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3 months ago

We MUST prove it with a landslide victory for Trump and Republicans on the ballot up and down.

3 months ago

Biden never did anything for America..past or present.

3 months ago

The real question is why so many people still want to re-elect a president who has led the nation into economic hardship, orchestrated confusing international diplomacy, carried out a failed withdrawal from Afghanistan and created an open border and it’s attendant influx of criminals, drugs, sex slavery and child slavery. They must prize the leadership of a doddering old man who can’t put two unscripted sentences into a paragraph, can’t find his way off a stage and tells crazy, false stories about an uncle eaten by cannibals, his job as a truck driver and how he inherited the inflation we experience..

3 months ago

winning the next election is the best revenge!

3 months ago

For those of us who remember Pogo the Possum cartoons, Pogo once sagely said:” We have met the enemy and he is us.” Sounds like Biden. And those who voted for him.

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
3 months ago

Only those making money from things the Biden administration is doing and die-hard Progressive/Communists support Joe Biden. Many, more liberal minded citizens have come to realize how badly they have been deceived by the Progressive controlled Democrat Party.
Loyal Democrat Jews are seeing that Islamic votes count more than Israel or the survival of Jews worldwide. Loyal Democrat Black Americans are realizing how racism is being used to divide American citizens and how Black Americans are more and more being put into welfare programs that prevent Black citizens from being able to get out of perpetual financial slavery. Even those concerned with environMENTAL issues are coming to realize that deceitful information about the environment is used to divert funding to Progressive Democrats. Loyal Democrat women can no longer deny that women’s rights and basic respect for women is being completely sacrificed in order to promote homosexual social engineering designed to decrease population. No one is safe from the wrath of Progressive Democrats trying to take control of the U.S.

R. D. Beck
R. D. Beck
3 months ago

Excellent article. We say it every election cycle, but the 2024 presidential election is the most consequential election of our times . . . perhaps in America’s history. If Donald Trump can’t win this election, then I fear no conservative, given the polarized state of the country, can win a presidential election. The forces of evil have mobilized to an unprecedented extent, and we’ve seen nothing yet. The left-wing, neo-Marxist radicals see the “end of the world” occurring if Donald Trump is elected. I am one of those “deniers” in the sense that there were an inordinate number of instances of abnormal vote counting circumstances and consequences from local precincts and state election commissions that had not occurred before or had not occurred to that magnitude or severity during the 2020 election. These forces of evil are actually more energized now than they were in 2020. The Trump campaign certainly knows this, but the left will do anything . . . legal, illegal, unethical, and immoral to stop Trump. It is of paramount importance that we all vote for Trump and seek out those friends and family who may be undecided or typically don’t bother with voting at all. Failure to elect Trump really cannot be an option . . . otherwise America will be a most different place in years to come for our children and grandchildren.

Robert Sharpe
Robert Sharpe
3 months ago

The worst President that I have ever seen in my 84 years

3 months ago

Why is politics in America between persons. Should it not be between dems and reps. Here they judge the character of a person more than what he did for the country. All these polls mean nothing if they are based on the person. Follow the platform of each party. Not what the candidates are promising. That is why they could manipulate the election so easily in 2020 and 2022 and they are still at it for 2024. All the news is about ole Joe and his dementia and Trump and the court cases. But why not report on if the money that congress has appropriated for certain dept have been used for that purpose. We find out years later that the money went somewhere else and have no recourse to correct it. Every administration can appropriate money for their pet projects and with this administration it is buying votes. Not for the electric grid improvement, supplying the military with weapons and bullets. Fight drug use and drug cartels from doing business in America. Get our homeless off the streets. Provide help for our children traumatized by the years the schools were shut down. Not make them into trans. These children are so traumatized with the pandemic mandates they are easy prey for mutilation. We need a different administration for the good of America and since we only have 2 parties this year it must be the Republicans. For the good of America. VOTE REPUBLICAN IT WILL SAVE AMERICA AND ITS PEOPLE.

Andre Bixby
Andre Bixby
3 months ago

Prepare for the mid-August surprise. The dims will then haul out their “new” presidential candidate celebrating that person’s fictious prior service and be lauded by the lame stream news monkeys. Once again, the low information voter and dead voters will rise up to the glorious savior of the nation. Let the ballot stuffing begin. Once again, we will have a leader that will work toward “uniting the nation” as only the progress left can do. The United States of America will cease to exist as we know it under the newer, improved obidenwhoever and the left will rejoice as we will no longer be a Christian nation under GOD.
Sorry, just couldn’t help myself with this rant.

Ray Doyle LFP, WA
Ray Doyle LFP, WA
3 months ago

it is not just biden that is the problem. every single democrat is the problem

David Millikan
David Millikan
3 months ago

Dictator Beijing biden has Never been fit for office. Why didn’t he take a mental and drug test before debating President Trump the first time? Why won’t Dictator Beijing biden take a mental and drug test before June 27th, 2024 Presidential debate? Because he’s UNFIT for any position in the government. He proved that as VP with obama. Even obama said he manages to FU everything. That speaks volumes.

3 months ago

The flipping of democrats on the many issues listed is impressive, sure enough,but I doubt biden will ultimately be the democrat nominee. President Trump’s popularity will have to be compared to whomever the dimocrats present. That prospect doesn’t look so good. I wish it wasn’t so. But dimocrats are still dimocrats. I still think President Trump can beat anyone the dimocrats present in a fair election, but as I stated dimocrats are dimocrats and cheating comes second nature to them.

3 months ago

Republicans need to realize that even if President Trump wins, he’s going to be handcuffed without huge increases in Congress. All the talk is about the Presidential election, but every dimocrat and rino in Congress needs to go, too! I hope this comes up in the debates- if they even happen!

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
3 months ago

We are up against the Church of Satan and Trump is correct that our only hope is in “too big to rig.” Ironically Pedo-Joe’s bosses have dug the demonicrat party a pit that won’t be easy to escape. As ignorant and lazy as much of America is, they still recognize the cost of living going through the roof while the quality of governmental performance is evaporating. The real disease is globalism and the battle against Trump is based on that. What needs to be sold is nationalism! The competition to be a great nation benefits all involved, from whatever nation it may be. Like business, the competition to be the best benefits everyone and the blending of business enterprises leads to the loss of that motivation. Nationalism is being sold as a negative, when the opposite is the truth. The globalist mentality in America MUST be overcome!!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 months ago


3 months ago

“President” Biden is neither a leader, nor, in the personal maturity sense, a man. His seemingly countless deceptions, by themselves, show his refusal to not only “connect” with our electorate, but, also, to make even a token effort to be honest, impartial, and law-abiding in his radically divergent form of governance… that, by the way, he never alluded to during his 2020 election capaign.
Among many things, he has done our energy industry and overall economy enough harm to scare the daylights out of anyone who knows what a strained economic picture looks like. His entire re-election focus is to undermine the voice of Americans in favor of illegal immigrants, for the sake of his own personal victory. His very recent lies and obfuscations about immigration policy that he corrupted are the icing.
“President” Biden, hopefully, will be deselected, and cast out from our government this November.

The Armstrong Family
The Armstrong Family
3 months ago

Vote him out so we can get the country back to a normal country!!!!

3 months ago

Biden the Inept could careless about the American people or any people at all.
He’s so PUFFED up by being the “Big Guy” and having the chance to rob and destroy America just like Obama that he can’t see anything but his own desires for glory.
Seems like there was another leader just like him about 85 or so years ago and his name was Hitler, Mao, Stalin.
Awaken America this is the guy 50 years from now that hypothetical questions will be asked.
If you could go back in time and assassinate President Joe Biden would you? ,( He’s on track to overtake Hitler in that respect)

3 months ago

may we all have better days ahead.

3 months ago

I hope so, but really…..the confirmed brain-washed idiots on the left are very unlikely to vote for Trump. That would be like saying you love Trump and they are so married to their hate of him that they won’t change. God forbid they might have to admit they were wrong….won’t happen.

Jerry Webb
Jerry Webb
3 months ago

So, lets “all” give him what he has ask for, THE BOOT!

3 months ago

Biden and his Socialist Democrats are enemies to America! We need Trump for President!
Anyone who doesn’t vote for Trump should be tried for treason!

Neal M Christensen
Neal M Christensen
3 months ago

The election is already largely fixed by the Democrats and i fear for Trump because assassination is about the only thing left to keep from becoming President again.

3 months ago

Joe Bidens dementia is so extreme he doesn’t even realize he’s acting more like a dictator rather than a president and that behavior has caused the weaponization of his administration and other branches of government.. At times I think his biggest rivals are the America people. In my opinion he’ll go down in infamy as the worst president. Donald Trump must win the next election to prevent this country becoming another banana republic with an illegitimate president who behaves and acts like a dictator with the power to present that behavior for those he choses to govern.

3 months ago

All of these favorable stats won’t mean diddly unless people VOTE their strong sentiments!

3 months ago

Biden and his Socialist Democrats are low lift pieces of s*** and the enemies they have allowed to infiltrate our country should be held and executed!

3 months ago

What a corrupt lying p.o.s.

Orion Bennett
Orion Bennett
3 months ago

This is a moot point. Biden will not ultimately be the Democrat candidate, voting against Trump. And who ever they replace him with (It Will NOT BE kamala …) they will …. by the same standards used in 2020 …. win the presidency. The non english speaking aliens, who have migrated freely across the borders, are being registered to vote, and each (especially those who have no concept of voting) will have fully filled out ballots sent in the mail. Which along with the dead … and the truly ignorant, that will vote for anyone as long as it isn’t Trump … will assure that the 47th US President is a democrat.

3 months ago

Great article Matt! If the polls are right, this has to be a landslide victory for Presidency Trump. Americans are waking on account of the blunders, and evil doings of this administration. Americans are sick of getting lied to from JB, Garland, Yellen, Blinken, Mayorkas. Harris’s poll numbers are worse than JB’s. Vote red in every category.

Robert Hartshorn
Robert Hartshorn
3 months ago

It is obvious that the socialist minded officials in government have an agenda to make our country completely socialist. Biden has been and is nothing more than a puppet. The problem they are facing now is the puppet has cut the strings and he is now an embarrassment to them.
This also applies to the persons like Bragg who are nothing more than greedy egotistical politicians bent on being the next “DON”.
Our current leadership has purposely overlooked the infiltration of enemies pouring into the country. These enemies are many and some have been elected into government positions. An enemy once said they would destroy us from within. When will we open our eyes to see this happening now.
The Snoopy saying “We have met the enemy and they are us” has much more meaning today.

3 months ago

At first I thought, “what could you possibly be thinking?” But then I realized that you could not possibly be thinking at all. I hope you wake up before you vote. I do not believe we could survive 4 more years of Democrat rule.

David Millikan
David Millikan
3 months ago

A cousin of a juror in President Trumps so-called “Hush Money Trial” posted on Facebook with META logo a week before illegal and unconstitutional trial and conviction stated that President Trump is going to be convicted and great job for all the hard work. The Judge has to regardless declare it a Mistrial.
The Judge learned of this Friday, June 7, 2024.

3 months ago


Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
3 months ago

We need better leadership and we know that Biden is just not a good choice he can barely remember his name or if he is president we need a better leader in the White House and Biden is not up to being our president.

3 months ago

I vote for TRUMP to SAVE AMERICA ! We are intentionally being led down, down down the wrong pathway !


Eldridge (AL) Koppen
Eldridge (AL) Koppen
3 months ago

Not the entire country, just everybody but the RINOs and the Democrats.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

I held my nose and voted for McCain and Romney; I’ve no doubt even those Democrats that indeed hate him will too! Especially if they hate Trump more.

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 months ago

He might have done it unite people against himself but will it get him out?

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
3 months ago

Yes,sloppy joe is a professional criminal and very good at what he does.But then you have the nonobambas,the clintstones,schrewmer,noodler,peeloosli and it will never stop as long as uneducated citizens that are freeloaders with a limited amount of common sense and NO sense of patriotism keep voting for”santa claus”,AMERICA may not ever recover and hopefully will not turn into a marxist country.

3 months ago

It’s like chopping off your arm because you have a hangnail!

3 months ago

Joe puts the Dem in Dementia! I’d vote for a pile of dog poo before that old leftist!

3 months ago

Not too bright in my opinion as the night of the election when I went to bed, Trump was so far ahead I was sure Biden would never catch up but he “won”! I don’t believe it and Trump not conceding was because it was stolen and I wouldn’t either!

3 months ago

Stupid is as stupid does!

3 months ago

A vote for biden is a vote for insanity!

3 months ago

That is the most foolish statement..ever.

3 months ago

I doubt that this will result in him loosing the election. Remember who is ruling the country from his basement in his sweats. The cheating machinery is well greased; add to this the blind people that will vote Democrat even if that means their own demise, and he has a guaranteed election.

3 months ago

This makes 4 stories with the same sad post. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome is the true definition of mental illness. I suspect you are all in for a happy room

3 months ago

The title of the article says it all! The communist democrats will pay dearly for what they are doing. Good riddance!

3 months ago

What cave are you living in? He’s made America the laughing stock of the world.

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