
Elections , Newsline

Biden Slipping in Silver State

Posted on Saturday, March 23, 2024
by Neil Banerji


President Joe Biden boards Air Force One at Los Angeles International Airport, Wednesday, February 21, 2024, en route to San Francisco. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

In an indication of both his growing weakness with Hispanics and general polling woes, Joe Biden is slipping further behind Donald Trump in Nevada, a state that could tip the scales nationally this November.

According to the latest RealClearPolitics average, Trump holds a 4.3 percent edge over Biden in Nevada, a lead outside the margin of error for many polls. After Biden carried the state 50 percent to 47.6 percent in 2020 (translating to just over a 30,000-vote edge) a Trump victory there this year would put the former president in prime position to oust Biden.

Clearly recognizing the significance of winning the Silver State, Biden delivered two speeches in Reno and Las Vegas on March 19 where he attempted to blame Trump for skyrocketing housing costs, a major issue for Nevadans, and blatantly lied about his predecessor’s economic record.

In Sin City, Biden accused Trump of enacting “a $2 trillion tax cut that overwhelmingly benefits the very wealthy and biggest corporations” and “exploding the federal deficit.” Biden also claimed that he has “cut the federal deficit by $1 trillion” and that his “bipartisan budget deal” would “cut another trillion dollars in the next decade.”

In reality, the deficit that Biden referred to was largely a result of government spending to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is Biden who has repeatedly blown out the budget and made trillion-dollar deficits the norm.

According to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO), despite tax revenues being $237 billion higher than anticipated, the deficit for Fiscal Year 2023 was 76 percent higher than projected before Biden took office. In January, the national debt hit a record $34 trillion, fueled by Biden’s trillion-dollar spending bills.

Moreover, IRS tax data shows that the Trump tax cuts mostly benefitted middle- and working-class Americans. Meanwhile, the 40-year high inflation brought on by Biden’s policies has hit working families the hardest.

Biden also lamented during his Vegas speech the fact that, “for too many people, the dream of having a home – it feels out of reach.”

That is indeed the case, and is something that Trump has made a point of emphasis in his 2024 re-election campaign. But the culprit of the current housing unaffordability crisis is Biden himself. It is his runaway spending policies that have caused inflation and subsequently interest rates to soar.

As the state’s Republican Governor Joe Lombardo pointed out in a letter to Biden dated March 18, the administration has also contributed to Nevada’s housing shortage by refusing to open up more public land for development.

“The federal government continues to arbitrarily restrict statewide growth, inhibiting our communities from realizing their vision for the future,” Lombardo wrote. “Despite spending billions on laws like the Inflation Reduction Act and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the federal government still struggles to efficiently deliver on public land conveyances due to a lack of resources and manpower.”

During another speech in Reno before arriving in Vegas, Biden also claimed that he had “created tens of thousands of good-paying jobs right here in [Nevada].”

But Nevadans have serious reason to doubt that claim, as the jobs numbers have been revised significantly down from the estimates initially offered by the Biden administration. In 2023 alone, the government overstated nationwide job growth by at least 439,000 jobs. A record high 8.7 million Americans also now hold multiple jobs, making the employment situation far less rosy than Biden is letting on.

In short, many voters in Nevada and throughout the country simply aren’t experiencing the phantom economic boom Biden keeps talking about.

Biden also baselessly claimed in a radio interview on March 19 that Trump “despises Latinos,” a reflection of how desperate the president is to stem the tide of Hispanics abandoning the Democrat Party for Trump. Hispanics comprise around 30 percent of the Nevada’s population and 19 percent of the voting population.

In 2020, Biden won the Latino vote in Nevada 56 percent to 37 percent over Trump. While there has not been Latino-specific statewide polling in Nevada this year, a new survey out from The New York Times on March 2 shows Trump leading Biden by six points with Hispanics, 46 to 40 percent – a devastating collapse in support after Biden won 66 percent of the Hispanic vote nationwide four years ago.

There is still a long way to go until November, and if history is any guide many disaffected Democrat voters may come back to Biden as the election draws near.

But if the Times poll results are even close to accurate, Biden faces a steep uphill climb in Nevada and likely Arizona as well, which would greatly narrow the path for the president on election night. No matter how much Biden attempts to spin his tenure as a great success, fewer and fewer Nevadans and Americans are buying it.

Neil Banerji is a proud Las Vegas resident and former student at the University of Oxford. In his spare time, he enjoys reading Winston Churchill and Edmund Burke.

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3 months ago

Besides being a brazen liar as always, Biden insults people’s intelligence with these speeches and of course msm is complicit in trying to keep this corrupt criminal in the White House.

3 months ago

Traitor, treasoness Biden needs to be inducted, arrested, tried and, as the Constitution calls for, executed for his actions in killing 13 soldiers in his totally messed up, against military advice, middle of the night pull out from Afghanistan. Let’s also add his aid and comfort to the enemy as he left billions of dollars of military arms and ammo for the Taliban. Violation of his oath….to protect the US from all enemies, both foreign and domestic…as millions of unknown, inverted illegal immigrants pour into our country from other punctures that are known enemies. Add the title to him if “drug dealer”, pimp as he traffics thousands of women into sex and also pedophile as he traffics 10’s of thousands of children into sex (of course we know he is a pedo from his daughters diary making her shower with him even ad she was just starting into her teens).

To heck with impeaching him…indict his lying, scummy, traitors ass!! Remember: “Beware of being tolerant of tolerance” and “Speaking the truth is offensive only to those who do not want to hear it”

David Millikan
David Millikan
3 months ago

Dictator Beijing biden has notoriously lied about everything so he can continue to destroy the United States. He blames President Trump and Republicans including whoever else for his espionage and treasonous acts including his constant failed policies while the FAKE news continues to protect him and his lies. Even protecting the lie of global warming and killing our food supply and the FAKE indictments against President Trump when there was NO crime or victims but loser DA’s and judges playing politics with election interference under Dictator Beijing biden’s orders. The same can be said about making the J6 defendants as political prisoners, the first in U.S. history by a Dictator who hides and puts Barbed wire around the White House with armed soldiers with assault rifles but leaves Americans defenseless including wanting to take our guns/2nd Amendment Rights away so we are helpless against his Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion and the Communist Chinese and a Roque U.S. government.
Take his Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion which he apologizes to Illegal Aliens but attacks Americans, arrest Americans, and blames everyone but himself for the INVASION that he started. Even now, Dictator Beijing biden is going after Social Security to destroy it like everything else he has DESTROYED. Like our Energy Independence, Economy, Military, Education System, Weaponized ALL Federal Agencies, etc., etc..
And we are LAST and the laughing stock of the world.
With President Trump we were Number ONE in the world with the strongest economy ever, strongest military, most Secured Border in U.S. history, and Number One in Energy Export among more Manufacturing jobs with Manufacturers coming back to the United States.
Today, it’s gone thanks to Dictator Beijing biden, pelosi, and the rest of the democrats.
These are one of many reasons I will vote for President Trump.

3 months ago

It’s pretty hard for anyone other than (illegal insurgence immigrants) “NOT” see the diasterous policies of the “Biden Regime”!!Higher costs in energy, food, transportation, housing, Just every sector of life that people need to survive / live and thrive.That doesn’t even cover Afghanistan, Ukraine and his support of Iran, hamas and global terrorism.Let’s not forget his submitting our sovereign under the control of the UN.In fact I defy anyone to show one Policy of “Biden the Inept” that actually benefited the American people and not the Totalitarian Communist Democrat Party comrade’s.

Kenneth Linhoff
Kenneth Linhoff
3 months ago

Joe Biden is a brazen liar. He is never to be trusted. I will be voting for Donald Trump with great confidence that my vote is going to the right guy

3 months ago

What a shame joe isn’t man enough to take the blame for his own shortcomings. I wish he would explain how Mr Trump is to blame for the housing prices in Nevada when he isn’t even a resident nor holds a political office there.

Ann Wigand
Ann Wigand
3 months ago

Why isn’t the main press reporting on the Biden administration discrepancies?

Kenneth Glenn Koons
Kenneth Glenn Koons
3 months ago

NV is like any common sense state when it sees Biden foul up our borders problems, rising crimes in Dem cities, poor education scores ….in Dem cities and states, a weakened military with DEI instead of using our military to kill our enemies and break their infracture.Biden is also trying to go to a cashless society=evil digital monies. Dems relied on minority votes but only deal with ’em in voting times.

3 months ago

Crooked liars. Made in America. Sold us out to China, Mother Russia

3 months ago

Biden’s SOTU speech was terrible, and the Democrats keep raving about it. Biden couldn’t even get Laken Riley’s name right, calling her Lincoln twice.

Elizabeth Cheever
Elizabeth Cheever
3 months ago

I remember Obama-Biden administration. As a Senator, Biden was known for voting against America and voting for “the other guys” when it came to bills involving foreign affair issues. Obama really wanted to change the face of the American culture. They had 8 years working together as President and Vice-President. Biden chose not to run for the Presidency do to personal issues so the door opened to Hillary vs Donald J. Trump! Trump won the election. The four years he was in office gave Obama and Biden 4 years to devise further their plan to regain the White House and to continue changing America the Obama-Biden way. Joe Biden won the election in 2020 from his basement dwelling…game on! Do not forget that Obama is the only President I’m aware of that chose to stay in Washington DC after his term was up. He used his daughters and their educations as the reason why but I never believed that was his only reason. I believe he was steering the Dems behind the scene! Any American who believes at this stage of the Biden Administration that as a country we are better off in any category is delusional at best! Joe Biden is clearly in cognitive decline called dementia. Jill has been working her magic in the Department of Education. Kamala Harris is just a cackling word salad…such a shallow acting distraction. These people are an embarrassment to this country as the leaders of America. Pelosi is back having had a neck tuck, face lift and new hair color/style. And then there is Chuck Schumer, now siding with Hamas (a terrorist organization who governs the Palestinian people) and he wants Israel to cow-tow to Hamas! AMERICA WAKE UP! We can not give the Biden Administration another 4 years period. We as American citizens need to take the power away from the Democrats period! Maybe citizens don’t care for Trumps personality or whatever but he is a hell of a leader and that is what we need…a good leader to get this country back from the clutches of socialism, marxism and communism, all the ism’s that don’t believe in freedoms. Biden has clearly sold out our country to every country that has wanted a piece of us…this is what he did behind his title of Senator! I find it very scary to see what is coming across our southern border! We are going to pay dearly for this! Allowing all these migrants into this country, particularly all of these young men is criminal!! It is all criminal and inhumane. The list is limitless as to why we need to change course….Vote Trump! He is the only candidate who is strong enough to deal with the crap that Obama, Biden Pelosi, Schumer, Schifty, Nadler, etc. have done to this country. Let us take America back in 2024….VOTE TRUMP!

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
3 months ago

Let’s all hope and pray that all of the United states of America unite in rejecting Biden and any other Progressive, self serving politician for the presidency and Congress.
We the People need and deserve representatives in government who actually represent We the People and not just themselves and foreign nations.

3 months ago

Ole Joe lied his way into office and is still lying to stay in office. That man has not said one truth till he was installed as president and he is not going to stop anytime soon. I think the voters are finally seeing what he is all about. Including Latino voters.

3 months ago

The bottom line, after all the statistics and Bidenlies, is that life was better during the Trump years. Things were affordable and we weren’t worrying about foreign wars or being invaded and attacked. The country is now in a disastrous mess.

NIcholas Elder
NIcholas Elder
3 months ago

It appears that Americans are finally realizing that Biden is a pathological liar and cannot believe much of what he says .

George Looney
George Looney
3 months ago

So…the most myopic and brain dead woukd be those that believe overtly easy to find truths when falsely addressed by a leader are not hicks but rather college educated Whyte kids and adults.
Ergo most democrat degree holders are complete morons

Business exit strategies
Business exit strategies
3 months ago

Simply desire to say your article is as surprising The clearness in your post is simply excellent and i could assume you are an expert on this subject Fine with your permission let me to grab your feed to keep up to date with forthcoming post Thanks a million and please carry on the gratifying work

3 months ago

You need to send this to every registered Democrat and maybe they will start looking more intelligently at facts, truth. Regardless of the statement from Biden, “You can’t confuse truth with facts!” Truth is fact. Hopefully the Democrates that can read and do simple math may have the revalation, that they have been lied too all along by profiting rich eletist. The working class, the stabilizing class of Americans who work and pay there taxes, aren’t supported by this one world leftist agenda. Their controlling means is to bankrupt Americans and America to matain control our country. Send the artical to every person in Navada for sure!

3 months ago

Biden’s campaign slogan should be “I’m here to mess things up and eat ice cream and I’m all out of ice cream”.

3 months ago

Unfortunately is we will know Baden in any Democrat they choose can slip and fall and crawl under any Pole any voting and yet they suddenly find there’s enough votes for them to take over to win whatever race they need to win no matter where the votes come from they will have enough to beat anybody they choose to. It’s a sad State of Affairs when we know that the actual votes don’t seem to matter. God help this country we seem to have done it to ourselves.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

Biden didn’t “make a speech” in either Reno or Las Vegas; he stopped in each city long enough to screw up traffic longer than the 25 minutes he spoke to high-end donors and a “diverse group” of campaign workers as a photo-op. Scripted of course!

Ron St.Martin
Ron St.Martin
3 months ago

What I find funny is the Majority of Super Rich are donating to Biden and to anyone against Trump. The wealthy are trying to destroy our economy for their own gain!

3 months ago

I will never understand why anyone with half a brain would support Biden, and why those disaffected (WITH GREAT REASON) would “come home.” The man proves daily why he should never have been in the WH and why he should be ousted from it in a landslide in November. Personally: liar, hypocrite, grifter, cheater, closet racist, ignorant, nasty, plagiarizer, panderer and more. Leadership: inflation, open borders, weakened military, divisive identity groups, weak, untrustworthy, lazy, catastrophic foreign affairs, dangerous, cognitively very impaired, etc. SO much more!

3 months ago

Biden seems to think he can say anything and somehow it will become true or someone may believe it.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
3 months ago

Research and common sense would benefit AMERICA.Unfortunatly our country lacks in both.Look at past and present performance.When was our country doing better,was it under obama,are we doing good under the obama,soros,biden bunch,or were we better under Trump,DO YOUR RESEARCH and look at AMERICA under the different parties,it’s rather obvious.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
3 months ago

The only thing that Biden talks about on his TV ads is himself and then about Trump he is so afraid of President Trump it shows he is no president compared to President Trump Biden needs to go and he can take Harris along with him and his team that has done nothing but lie to the people of this country.

3 months ago

“…if the Times poll results are even close to accurate, Biden faces a steep uphill climb in Nevada and likely Arizona as well…”
Well, that’s a nice sentiment. However, the demon-communist-cRAT fraud machine is alive and well and running full speed behind the scenes. Have to get around the fraud first before Trump can win.

Ken Paul
Ken Paul
3 months ago

Biden lies like a rug. Yet for some reason the masses are swayed by his “I’m-for-you” delivery. Lyin’ Biden is merely a predictable symptom of a larger problem. That problem, is a gullible constituency that continues to vote for a party and candidates that do not have their best interests in mind.

At a place where truth rules
At a place where truth rules
3 months ago

There is a lack of awareness in Biden (criminal what they do to use presence and harm to the country), with some approval by him, and the covert actions of the people behind him hiding in the shadows, fearful of recognition (Ask yourself why?). They fear the growing awareness of their lies and falsehoods, which remain hidden and attempt to control Americans.
We need Trump to clear the decks of corruption and false, lying anti-Americans who fill so many government posts and vast amounts of money and are now turned against genuine Americans. What they have done to him is also criminal, and one can only hope they received the attention he has.
Get out the vote, encourage others to vote, and vote for Donald Trump who demonstrates his care and concern for Americans that these others DO NOT. Look at their actions, statements, corruption, debt, no workable policies and other anti-American values and put an end to it. VOTE.

3 months ago

Why would anyone believe that the criminal traitor Biden would be leading in any state? The only reason he is occupying the Whitehouse is due to fraud at a massive scale.

3 months ago

biden the blowhard.

3 months ago

I must disagree with the author of this article regarding the statistics of the votes that Biden received in 2020. Those may be the stats reported by the MSM. But the forensic analysis of the voting machines in Michigan and Georgia both concluded beyond all doubt that it was indeed possible to switch votes within these machines from a remote or local input.
One person watching the tally in Georgia caught the flip of over 14,000 votes in real time by grabbing screen shots of local and national reports which had a 1 to 2 second delay between them.
In Michigan’s Antrim County a pole worker fell on her sword to take the blame for a switch of 6000 votes from Trump to Biden when she was caught in the act of making the switch. She claimed she made a mistake. Hah, I’ll believe that when I see pigs fly under their own power.
In Michigan’s Monroe County the pole watchers were ejected from the counting room and large cardboard or plywood sheets were placed over the windows so no one could see what was going on inside. But there was a problem for the Biden fraudsters. A female contract employee for the voting machine company was in an overlook at her computer and witnessed multiple stacks of ballots run repeatedly through the counting machines. According to this woman these stacks of ballots were run through at least 9 or 10 times. Then a new stack would be introduced and the same practice repeated.
Again in Michigan, one of the pole watchers ejected from a Monroe County precinct stuck around outside for a number of hours and witnessed a mini-van pull up to the doors of the precinct between 3 and 4 in the morning and off-load a number of boxes of ballots which were then carried inside, presumably for counting. Michigan law clearly states that no ballots are to be presented for counting after 8:00 PM when the poles close, unless the ballots are those of people standing in line to vote in-person. And a person standing in line to vote in person must be in line before 8:00 PM. Under Michigan law none of those boxes of ballots contained legal votes.
One must ask why all of these shenanigans were allowed. Simple, the then heads of the Michigan House and Senate were both Never-Trump RINOs. Those two scumbags denied the veracity of everything you just read and refused to challenge the vote tally in Michigan.
Of course the result of this fraud in Michigan was a sharp rise in the vote count for Biden in the early morning hours following the closing of the poles. And of course Biden was declared the winner of Michigan. Along with Democrat senator Gary Peters. There is no way that Peters beat John James without cheating. Simply no way!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 months ago

Victory for OUR side Hooray

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 months ago

No matter how many times he slips he will not fall

3 months ago

This article’s central claim is just plain factually false. Over the past several weeks Trump’s margin in Nevada has been falling, not rising.

President Joe Biden and NATO leaders pose for a family photo, Wednesday, July 10, 2024, at the NATO Summit at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)
Former President Donald Trump (L); U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon (C); Special counsel Jack Smith.
Former President Trump escorted off the stage of this campaign rally in Butler, PA after an assassination attempt
Gold compass looking the north. Beautiful compass looking the north in the highlands of Scotland

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