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Biden Redefines “Freedom and Democracy”

Posted on Wednesday, March 20, 2024
by Aaron Flanigan


President Joe Biden delivers remarks on the South Lawn of the White House

The upcoming presidential election will feature crucial policy debates on issues of importance to Americans, most notably the border and the economy. But November’s contest is also shaping up to be uniquely centered on existential themes and civilizational questions—including the candidates’ sharply divergent views of freedom and democracy.

Just as he did in 2016 and 2020, Donald Trump has grounded his campaign in a hopeful and optimistic vision for America’s future based on adherence to traditional American values. Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan reflects his belief that the principles outlined in the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights – key among them freedom and equality before the law – are the keys to building a prosperous and just society.

Joe Biden has relied heavily on overtures to freedom and democracy in his re-election bid. (He has largely replaced “equality” with “equity.”) But as his policy agenda over the last four years has shown, Biden’s ideas of freedom and democracy are fundamentally different than those of most Americans.

What is becoming clear to voters is that Joe Biden and his legion of far-left enablers are invoking “freedom” and “democracy” to usurp the original freedoms outlined in the Constitution. In their place, Democrats are working to impose a new and deeply sinister set of “freedoms” that strike at the heart of American democracy: freedom to abortion-on-demand, freedom to disenfranchise the American voter, freedom to indoctrinate American children with sexually explicit material, freedom to censor dissenting political ideas, freedom to persecute one’s ideological enemies, and a host of other radical policy goals.

Biden’s State of the Union Address on March 7 perfectly illustrated this fact. “What makes our moment rare is that freedom and democracy are under attack, both at home and overseas, at the very same time,” Biden warned in the speech.

Biden is ultimately correct in his stark assessment of the threat to American freedom—but not for the reasons he thinks.

Of the 14 times Biden used the word “freedom” in the State of the Union earlier this month, four were used in the context of “reproductive freedom”—or the “freedom” of a woman to abort her child with no restrictions during any month of pregnancy.

One use of the term was in the context of the so-called “Freedom to Vote Act,” a Democrat bill that would deprive states of the ability to run their own elections and allow leftists in Washington, D.C. to trample election security and redistrict Republicans out of power. The bill would ban Voter ID laws, prohibit states from cleaning up voter rolls to remove deceased voters and ensure that shady ballot harvesting practices become even more widespread.

Biden then used the word “freedom” five additional times to warn of vague conservative “assaults” and “attacks” on “freedoms,” which he left conspicuously undefined.

Biden and his left-wing allies have also invoked language of liberty and freedom to defend hot-button left-wing priorities like Critical Race Theory (CRT) in K-12 schools, transgender men competing in women’s sports, and using the police power of the federal government to unconstitutionally target Christians, conservatives, and the political opponents of the Democrat Party.

At the same time, Biden is directly responsible for historically high inflation, plummeting wages, and soaring energy prices—eroding Americans’ actual freedom to achieve self-determination and financial independence.

The Biden administration is also importing millions of illegal aliens into American communities through their open border policies. This imperils Americans’ freedom from fear by allowing violent criminals to roam American streets, while also undermining Americans’ democratic representation by creating ample opportunity for illegals to vote in elections.

Biden and his Department of Justice are also working overtime to imprison Donald Trump, Biden’s chief political opponent, posing a direct threat to Americans’ freedom to choose their own leaders – the very cornerstone of democracy.

Of course, the warped vision of “freedom” advanced by Biden and other Democrats is completely out of step with the freedoms envisioned by our Founding Fathers nearly 250 years ago. And today, a resounding majority of Americans firmly stand against it.

Polling indicates that more than seven in 10 Americans oppose abortion after 15 weeks and nearly 80 percent of Americans reject Biden’s policy of abortion on demand.

Meanwhile, 80 percent of Americans support voter ID requirements—a measure generally opposed by Democrats in Washington.

American parents also remain gravely concerned about the influence of inappropriate sexual, racial, and partisan content in their children’s classrooms. And the American people overwhelmingly support our nation’s longstanding constitutional right to speak and worship freely and without fear of persecution.

As the country prepares for a historic campaign cycle this fall, voters are increasingly coming to see that this election is a choice not only between two candidates and two presidents, but also between two visions, two philosophies, and two wildly incompatible views of American freedom.

But perhaps even more importantly, as Election Day approaches, more and more voters are coming to see that Joe Biden is not a heroic defender of American freedom and democracy, but rather the biggest threat to those ideals.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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6 months ago

Democrats hate America. Anybody that is still voting for Democrats is voting for their own destruction and the destruction of their children.

Ron St.Martin
Ron St.Martin
6 months ago

As I’ve said before the federal government has 2 basic jobs, protecting our borders and interests, and to ensure every “Citizen” has equal opportunities! The only thing Illegal immigrants are entitled to is a ticket back to their country. We have many immigrants who followed the rules and are now Citizens, because they are good law abiding Americans!

6 months ago

The only thing he says is off a script most likely from Obama. Everything he says and believes in is from Satan’s mouth. We need to get rid of the stinking Democrats, everything they touch they destroy. I said it in 2018 and I will say it again watch out because the Democrats will lie and cheat their way into office again.

M. Forte
M. Forte
6 months ago

This whole article reaffirmed that he is in-American and traitor to the US. Weak and a hand pulpit for to left. The worst President since the birth of this nation.

Harry Mallory
Harry Mallory
6 months ago

Biden and the whole bunch need to be in JAIL for treason.

6 months ago

Obama pulling the strings in this administration, only the fools are fooled. Biden drooling down his chin trying to be relevant and driving his easter bunny handlers nuts while the only significant thing from his press corp’s illiterate pie holes is. “cleanup on aisle 7…” Does anyone recall comrade Obama’s words? “We will fundamentally change America…”

While America and the world is on fire

6 months ago

The dems Freedom is not the freedom our founding fathers saw that word. Dem freedom is to accept the dictates and mandates of the deep state and ole Joe, who is their spokesman.

Cheryl Granda
Cheryl Granda
6 months ago

Excellent article Aaron Flanigan. You just nailed the fundamental differences between the two parties. You explained it exceptionally well. I truly do not understand how “any” Democrat could vote for their own party. I relate it to Auschwitz … who wants to raise their hand and be the first to walk into the gas chamber? No, it’s not gas, it’s just a nice hot shower! Total idiots! Like Gigi said below, “it’s like voting for their own destruction”.

6 months ago

I wish the lefties and some Republicans could get it through their thick skulls that America is not a democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic that has a few democratic features but that does not make us a democracy. I don’t recall reading where any of our founding fathers called us a democracy. The Declaration of Independence and Constitution don’t refer to us as a democracy.

Doug C
Doug C
6 months ago

What those of us old enough to remember Democrats as being, no longer exists. What we are dealing with in today’s terms, are Socio-Communists waiving the Donkey banner. What I call Biden’s “handlers” have him by the nuts. They know how guilty of treason he actually is and hold that over him in order to keep him in check. They write it down for him and yet, he still goes off script. The whole thing is coming apart for them and they are not sure of their next step. Kamala is NOT an option, her mouth runs like it has diarrhea but, Basement Joe will not make it another 4 years. There is a good chance they are currently using a double but if not, they most assuredly are considering it.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
6 months ago

Biden talks a lot about “saving Democracy”… for who? Better still, FROM WHO? Seems the only people allowed this “freedom” are illegals, criminals, and ultra-leftists. Ask Daniel Penny how “free” he feels… man should be lauded as a hero! But not in Joe Bidens “free” America!

6 months ago

We need a new AMERICAN political party. DemocRATS & RINO’s have corrupted our government and Independents have no real power. As the comment below reveals, anyone voting for Democrats is voting against our democratic republic and voting for destruction for ourselves and future generations. Anyone voting for ABORTION is morally corrupt. Abstinence and contraception are viable means promoting women’s health, BUT ABORTION is MURDER! America traditionally is known as a “Melting Pot”, BUT, America without a protected border is nothing more than a “Chamber Pot.”

Jimmy Page
Jimmy Page
6 months ago

MOTIVATION OF A TRIBALIST; Because independent thinking is not on their Bucket List!!!

anna hubert
anna hubert
6 months ago

He does not need to open his mouth Actions scream and howl so loud it is deafening Who could possibly stand to listen to one word he says It’s a brain torture

6 months ago

President Biden’s party is not really for “equity”. Their voters are people who simply don’t want anyone else to make more money than they do. The circumstances, as in how hard someone else works over much longer hours… don’t matter. They simply want to confiscate the earnings of higher-skilled, 60+ hour per week professionals, so WE all pay their way even MORE than we have already been (in my case, after putting myself through college on low-paying jobs). They don’t want our personal sacrifices to be reconciled by our pay, AND they want us to pay for them.
In addition, President Biden is buying the future votes of illegal aliens with OUR tax dollars… so we get robbed on BOTH ends of every transaction.
One can truly feel the self-serving, non-equitable hipocracy after thinking about this cess pool we’re in for too long.

6 months ago

Damn totalitarian dictator…FJB.

Papa John
Papa John
6 months ago

The Democratic Party loves to portray freedom on the one hand ,while on the other hand limit our freedoms each and every day. Freedom to choose what cars we drive, what lightbulbs we buy, what types of appliances we purchase or heat to heat our homes with in the name of the climate control frauds.
All they care about is absolute power and pushing their extreme agenda.

Fighting Irish girl
Fighting Irish girl
6 months ago

Biden has no idea what freedom or democracy is. The man is so incompetent it’s not funny. Driving up our debt, wars going on all over, invasion at our border. If any of this happened under Trump, they would be having a s**t fit!!! But have a Democrat in office let’s just look the other way. All these committees having impeachment hearings to rid the old goat are going nowhere. Hunter is going to go free, money the Bidens get through China and Ukraine go unnoticed. What a sham!! What’s even worse is the Republicans talk a big game but zero is getting done. Time for you all to shit or get off the pot!! Our Republic is on a downward spiral and nobody but We The People give a damn. Time we took our country back!

Old Silk
Old Silk
6 months ago

Equity is far from equality.

6 months ago

Biden, is full of S##T, enough said!
God Bless America!

David Millikan
David Millikan
6 months ago

Dictator Beijing biden’s definition is “FASCISM” as what we are living in and have since he illegally and unconstitutionally by election fraud is in the WH.
He and his Communist Party are dead set in having a one party government. Why all the Fake Indictments against President Trump who is the Number One political opponent by committing election interference illegally then?
The Clock is Ticking.
President Trump equals Freedom and Prosperity, and being Number ONE in the World with America FIRST.
Dictator Beijing biden equals Fascism, Slavery (whose family owned slaves), and Total Control over Your Life and being LAST and the continued laughing stock of the world. And Illegal Alien Terrorist have more rights than you and have Your job.
Tyson Foods just fired 1,200 Americans but are hiring 42,000 Illegal Alien Terrorist to replace them. Think about that. That is what’s in store for the United States.
Tick Tock, Tick Tock.

6 months ago

Bide”s version of freedom is for him to have the freedom to do whatever he wants to democracy to suit the leftist view of America

Charlie Vet
Charlie Vet
6 months ago

First of all. TraderJoe leaves homeless vets suffer while illegals get medical needs and freebies. I’m a vet and he is a sad excuse 4 a commander and chief. He does not respect GOD country freedoms or morals. We need 2 pray 4 our country. ????

6 months ago

I maintain the major issue with Biden is he has no moral compass! Even a supposed devout Catholic he acts in contravention to the tenets of his faith. Amazingly there are Bishops in this country apparently OK with this, presumably because they are democrats and lacking in their faith as well. The real test this November is do we want to continue to see the erosion of everything this country stands for by Biden and his band of misfits and incompetents or do we want to return to our foundational standards and try to make our country great again represented by President Trump. It is a stark choice.

6 months ago

Do we need anymore proof that he is Compromised and influenced by the CCP?

Herbert Kempster
Herbert Kempster
6 months ago

Every time Joe uses the word democracy, it sounds more and more like democraZy………

6 months ago

The Federal Government has NO BUSINESS running elections. We taxpayers now employ 3 MILLION federal government bureaucrats and 19 MILLION in all the various States. Article 2 of our Constitution clearly specifies that the various States have the power to control elections. Elections are to be handled by, We The People. But these knuckleheads are Constitutionally illiterate. We need to get involved in some aspect of the election process.

6 months ago

Biden, the communist/democrats, the one or ones that pull Biden’s strings and anyone else from the uni-party are a sick joke. Too bad they all can’t experience “democracy” in North Korea or any other communist country.

6 months ago

The worst President since the birth of this nation., he hates america.

6 months ago

The socialist democrats want the United States to become California.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
6 months ago

Democrats hate America, the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence, especially the Second Amendment and the remedy articulated in the second paragraph of the Declaration. The long it mentioned doesn’t necessarily refer to time. It can also refer to the length of a list.

6 months ago

Biden and everyone like him are not only lazy but greedy as well.

6 months ago

how do we make sure the left doesn’t lie and cheat again. who will be watching all this nonsense. that’s what worries me!!!

6 months ago

this imposter no more wants freedom or democracy for this great country America – he needs to go

zoe frost
zoe frost
6 months ago

Read 1984, any of Ayn Rands books, to see where the despicable, evil Commie Demon party of destruction/death/misery, are taking this once great nation! We are a (Constitutional) Republic, can we keep it? The latest lawfare, born of the depth-of-hell D traitors, says maybe not. Too many corrupt judges, DA’s and compromised/bribed/useful idiot jurors fueled by the Communist Globalist elitist traitors and their BFF and/or corrupt puppets (JoeBama, corrupt weaponized DOJ/FBI/IRS, House Reps, Senators, Governors, Mayors, school indoctrinators, woke military/companies/employers), aided/abetted by their own MSM editing/obfuscating/lying propaganda spewers, are making it more difficult hour by hour as they get away with flipping off the Constitution.
Can we keep it? We’ll find out in November…we’ll either start draining this fetid swamp destroying us, bringing back common sense, safety, and real prosperity with Donald J. Trump, or call our country Amerikazuela if they cheat again, and we get corrupt traitor puppets JoeBama. Tick tock

At a place where truth rules
At a place where truth rules
6 months ago

Lies dominate a twisted mind.

6 months ago

He’s the worst president since the birth of this country !!!

6 months ago

and calling Trump the threat to democracy.

6 months ago

The term “democracy” used during current political speeches has more than one application to consider.
§ United States Constitution Democracy in a Republic, Rule of Law, Personal Responsibility and Freedom
Another —
§ #6 of the Ten Rules (Communist?) for Revolution! (available to anyone) Hoax?
“Always preach true democracy, but seize power as fast and as ruthlessly as possible.”
Choices to be made in the 2024 National Election, apart from the public demonizing of the political personalities, obviously are based upon current political policies/platforms as presented (taking care to check the association of the use of traditional familiar terms while matching them to observable actions).

U.S. Constitution Democracy in a Republic vs. “Save our Democracy”

Considering that ‘truth’ is always in ‘action,’ a willingness to take the time for astute observation/listening to daily media reports of current local and national news from numerous diverse sources can secure a personal reality check of current proposals. By focusing on the eternal law of cause and effect in action, one can personally observe/know what is real/fake by obtaining as much information as possible on both sides for a well-informed voting decision.
I feel that relative terms like political left wing, right wing, conservatives, liberals, moderates and extremists are extremely overused terms reported in the press over the years because of questions about their current meaning related to ever-changing reported attitudes/actions among the national candidates.

6 months ago

Why do politicians think it is their duty to make laws that concern any aspect of the abortion topic? It is nobodies business other than the Father, Mother, Doctor & Family, maybe even in that order.

6 months ago

In my opinion, neither Biden or Trump has broken ground on campaign trail. Both are blowing smoke & need to debate and answer some tough questions by moderator. Right now, they are just telling their core voters what they want to hear. And last week, Trump said it would be a bloodbath for country if he is not elected. This is not professional to pull out the card that says ELECTION IS RIGGED IF I DO NOT WIN.

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