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China Lies to Biden

Posted on Tuesday, November 28, 2023
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
President Xi of China vs Biden
China takes Biden for a fool, because he acts like one. Biden’s capacity for self-delusion seems to be exceeded only by the capacity of those around him, who race to disgrace him faster than he disgraces himself. The plot is thick, time short. You think I jest, but think on it. Garland tolerates felony greed, clear violations of federal law, no action. Blinken flees Afghanistan, indulges Iran, cannot figure the Middle East out. The latest is Biden’s agreement with China to hammer US fossil fuels, kill our energy sector, on promises China will help on “climate.” Right. First, even if climate hysteria were sound policy, which it is not – why not try sequestration, reforestation, reclamation, and dozens of counter-cyclical options? – Biden is in a netherworld. To trust China is to trust the devil with your destiny. So last week, Biden agreed that he would embrace a form of central planning, “group think” on the environment, a communist approach if there was one, and work to accelerate ending US dependence on fossil fuels, which presently power 81 percent of our power grid, 87 percent of China’s. China cannot believe their luck, a “Manchurian Candidate” they did not have to program, just appear to have bought, watched go senile, now guide to their will. During and after the China-Biden summit, Biden parroted China’s happy talk, a promise to stop fentanyl flooding the US, to return Biden’s phone calls, and to help end global dependence on fossil fuels. Um … how do you feel about all that? Watch for that big drop in Chinese fentanyl and Mexican-made fentanyl – made from China’s precursors – ahead. Never happen. China is fentanyl central, kills 100,000 Americans annually. Promise to stop is empty, in Biden-speak “malarky.” As for President Xi promising to speak with Biden and Defense, after ignoring them for weeks following China’s spy balloons, save the ink. No win there. Then comes this magical energy deal, a kind of self-imposed moratorium, allowing China to move ahead again, putting off metrics, claiming third-world status, and then hammering the US and our allies. Will we never learn? What stuns a longtime observer of Biden, China, Congress, free markets, and the American energy sector is that anyone believes anything China has to say, that anyone around Biden thinks China – or Iran, Russia, or North Korea – would keep any of these promises, and that any US president would punish America for China. Net-net, this is an odd time to be observing foreign policy in America, a stranger time to be observing it through the lens of border, national, and energy security. If Biden has disappointed Americans at home, on crime, spending, inflation, regulation, border security, constitutional rights, morality and election integrity, he has proven the ultimate fool in dealing with China. China thinks they can roll this president. And maybe they can. They think he is theirs. His capacity for self-delusion is growing, exceeded only by the capacity of those around him. China lies, and Biden accepts it. As the plot thickens, we need a president who distrusts China, is circumspect, and defends America. Time is short. Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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1 year ago

For a long time I thought Biden and his administration were just stupid. Now it is clear they aren’t stupid about China, they are complicit.

Gen. Patton
Gen. Patton
1 year ago

Hey Xi Jinping knows he is dealing with USEFUL IDIOTS in Biden and Blinken. It takes Blinken 2 hands to find his ass in the morning? But Blinken got the Russia disinformation letter signed by 51 former US Intelligence (what an oxymoron ). so he gets Sec of State job.

Could we have found a bigger bozo?

John Bass
John Bass
1 year ago

Your preaching to the choir RC. It seems and feel like our side is fighting with both hands tied behind our backs. It doesn’t help any when the leader of this country is obviously in bed with the opposition, and the Democratic party refuses to put the country first instead of padding their pockets.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Biden lies so much himself that he can’t tell what the truth is anymore.

1 year ago

Impeach now!!!

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

What would come as a shock is China not deceiving and opened to scrutiny The deceit lies and secrecy are the norm

Joe McHugh
Joe McHugh
1 year ago

Robert Charles holds that Joe Biden is a fool because he believes the Chinese dictator’s lies. Joe Biden doesn’t have the capacity to judge what is a lie, and what is not. Joe has always been a fool, and now he is a brain crippled fool with dementia.
However, Biden still understands that money is good, the more the better. That’s why he accepts money from China, Ukraine, and who knows what other countries have bribed the corrupted dullard.
That we are governed by the likes of hapless Joe is one thing, but the existence of the people who voted for him in 2020 is even more sobering. No, I am not saying that all of those 81-million votes for Biden were legitimate but more than a couple were. The people who voted for obama’s puppet are the taxsuckers, mentally defective liberals, illegal aliens with drivers licenses, and dead people. Throw in a few confused independents and you have a cross section of Biden voters.
The people who criticize Joe Biden should be more precise in who they are blaming for our current politically caused problems. Instead of naming Joe Biden, they should call out the puppeteers of obama, like Susan Rice and Valerie Jerrett. These are the ones who pull Biden’s strings and use him as a front for obama.
When a voter is considering who to return to the White House, he or she should ask the question: Are we better off now than we were with Donald Trump in office? You know, considering wars. petroleum independence, inflation, etc, etc. If you are a taxsucker you will always vote for the Democrat candidate. If you are a zombie voter you will always vote for who you are told to vote for. If you are an independent, think about the aforementioned question. The liberals? They are just mentally defective and beyond hope. Liberals sincerely swallow the ideals of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, you know, socialism.

Bob L.
Bob L.
1 year ago

His subtle smile reminds me of a python sizing up it’s prey before striking.

American Patriot
American Patriot
1 year ago

Biden is China’s pawn.
Everyone who voted for Biden are the accomplices who weren’t smart enough to see him for the compromised, corrupt, money hungry fool that he is.

Dave K
Dave K
1 year ago

The CCP has been playing the US as their useful idiots from their beginning!

John Shipway
John Shipway
1 year ago

Those Chinese really are inscrutible. They take an American invented medication and somehow upgrade it to where it can go across oceans, seek out innocent people and FORCE them to ingest the substance possibly leading to death and addiction,
Do we stand a chance against the inventors of such a substance with what appears to have magical properties?
One wonders how a society can get so low as to even contemplate using such substances, but in America we too can do anything.

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
1 year ago

china is not lying to biden. china is telling china what his marching orders are.

1 year ago

Biden belongs to XiXiping…..bought and paid for !!

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

One word says it all, DUH.

1 year ago

Do you really need this explained to you? Maybe that is the problem and you are part of that problem. I know that is harsh, and many take offense and feel themselves attacked. I am not attacking you, only challenging you to look harder at yourself and what makes you tick. Absolutely not easy but necessary. Please think about it.

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