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ONE YEAR OUT: Where Things Stand on Looming Biden v. Trump Rematch

Posted on Tuesday, November 7, 2023
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Shane Harris

president biden speaking at podium

With voters in several states heading to the ballot box, Tuesday’s elections mark the final slate of major contests before a vitally important presidential showdown. While every race for the White House is high stakes, several factors like a struggling economy, alarming developments around the world, and the growing radicalism of the Biden administration make 2024 feel particularly momentous.

After Joe Biden became the oldest person ever elected president at 77, even many Democrats believed that he would be a one-term president. But in April, Biden announced that he would indeed be running for re-election. Although there is still some speculation that Biden could drop out of the race late, as of now he is undoubtedly the odds-on favorite to be the Democrat nominee.

On the Republican side, Donald Trump has similarly defied predictions that he would not be the nominee – although for precisely the opposite reasons. While the media and Democrat establishment have propped up Biden in spite of the fact that most Democrat voters want someone else, Trump has dominated GOP primary polling in spite of the media and the Republican establishment doing everything they can to tear him down.

In the latest CBS News poll published on Sunday, Biden trailed Trump by three points in a general election matchup. When it comes to overall favorability, the RealClearPolitics polling average currently has Trump at a slight 0.9 percent edge over Biden. (Trump never led in the averages in either 2020 or 2016.) Trump also leads in five of six critical swing states, according to a recent New York Times/Siena College poll.

It’s easy to see why Biden is struggling. Persistent inflation means many Americans have fallen behind financially and have little chance of catching up. A recent Associated Press/NORC poll found that two-thirds of Americans say costs have risen over the past year, while only one-fourth say their income has gone up. Less than 30 percent surveyed described their financial situation as “very good.”

Meanwhile, Biden has refused to curb his excessive spending and has even tried to sell hundreds of billions of dollars in “green” subsidies as an “inflation reduction” bill. Without a change in leadership, it seems inevitable that inflation will continue to eat into Americans’ paychecks.

The country also faces a number of other serious threats created or exacerbated by Biden that it will have a chance to address in 2024.

Three years in, the border crisis that began almost the day Biden took office has only gotten worse. FY 2023 was the worst year on record for illegal immigration – followed closely by FY 2022. September of this year was the worst single month at the border on record, with more than 270,000 illegal crossings.

In addition to jeopardizing American national security at the border, Biden has also undermined U.S. interests abroad. It is no coincidence that Putin felt emboldened to invade Ukraine just months after Biden’s Afghanistan debacle, and that Hamas launched its attack on Israel shortly after Biden released $6 billion in seized Iranian funds. Biden has alienated American allies like France, while China has grown more aggressive throughout the world.

Now, the chaos that has gripped the rest of the world is even spreading to the United States. Although it went virtually unreported in the mainstream media, a mob of pro-Hamas rioters vandalized monuments in Washington, D.C. this past weekend and attempted to climb the White House security fence.

While failing to punish these and other lawbreakers, Biden and his allies have also repeatedly weaponized the federal government against their political enemies – including Biden’s likely opponent in 2024, Donald Trump. Biden’s FBI raided Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in August of 2022 was followed one month later by a raid on the home of pro-life activist Mark Houck. In 2021, the FBI labeled parents who spoke out at school board meetings with domestic terrorism “threat tags,” and earlier this year circulated a memo describing traditionalist Catholics as a potential “violent extremist” threat.

Biden’s tenure has also been defined by a slate of radical left-wing social policies that are far out of step with what most Americans believe. Last year, for instance, the White House threatened to withhold federal lunch money from schools that refused to go along with the administration’s policy allowing biological males who identify as girls to use female restroom and shower facilities. Biden has embraced the left’s belief that America is “systemically racist” and sacrificed American energy production for the sake of his “green” agenda.

Because 2024 is shaping up to be a rematch of Trump and Biden, voters will be in the unique position of deciding which vision of the country they prefer after four years of each. Perhaps no other presidential election in history has offered such a clear-cut choice for the future direction of the nation. Regardless of what voters decide, it seems indisputable that the country is at a crossroads.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on X at @ShaneHarris513.

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11 months ago

The Democrat Party and their major financial donors have already been gearing up to run a repeat and enhanced version of their multi-pronged strategy from 2020 to remain in power after the 2024 elections for well over a year now. Everything from filing lawsuits in state and federal courts to invalidate state election maps where they lost to Republicans in either 2020 or 2022 to flooding targeted voting districts with thousands of fresh new Democrat voters in the form of illegal aliens, who are quickly signed up to receive numerous taxpayer-funded benefits and of course state issued IDs.

Few, if any, states took up rescinding or even just modifiying the horrendous mass mail-in balloting, with minimal to no real verification of voter IDs that afforded the Democrats the key means by which they could manipulate the national vote in 5 or the 6 key swing states in 2020. So, I’m sure the Democrats are NOT going to let that opportunity go to waste in 2024.

The MSM has of course been doing their part from day one of the Biden administration to carry the water for the Democrat Party on all fronts. They either spin an issue as disinformation or simply don’t report on it at all, if it negatively impacts Democrats. So, business as usual on this front with 10s of millions of woefully uniformed Americans buying the steady stream of BS the MSM is spewing every day.

The legal system of the United States, under Team Biden, has been successfully weaponized to both shield the Bidens from any legal jeopardy they would normally face for their various illegal and treasonous activities, as well as politically prosecute their political enemies on wholly inane charges. In essence, we now have the same justice system of any Marxist regime you can point to anywhere else around the world now being implemented here in the United States.

While the author seems to want to ignore all of this and just say it’s up to the voters to decide, the reality is what the voters decide may not necessarily be reflected in the final vote totals after the election. The Democrats have been very, very busy for the year ensuring they plug all the gaps that allowed the House of Representatives to flip to GOP control, so they can do a clean sweep in 2024 at the federal level. Marxists never accept defeat or change their ways, and they certainly don’t listen to the people they supposedly represent. That should be quite evident by now to even those that have buried their heads in the sand for the last 50 years thinking it couldn’t happen here.

11 months ago

Jackass Joe is an Imposter who happens to reside in the White House. Who in their right mind would ever vote for the highest gasoline, food and housing prices in the history of this country?

11 months ago

Besides all the deceased that still somehow find their way’s to the voting booth and always vote Democrat, Trump should; and maybe will; receive every living American’s vote against Biden. The only problem is he still may not stand a chance because of the dishonest counting. If they pull it off again, and get away with it, America’s short lived experiment with freedom and capitalism will soon be over. This may be the reason biden’s been keeping the Mexican border open and letting the entire planet invade our nation.
Unless we can put a stop to this lunacy real fast, the United States will quickly become the United Socialist States of America and we’ll be a third world nation probably in less than a generation.
God bless America

History 101
History 101
11 months ago

When are people going to stop referring to Biden as “President” and his installment in the White House as an “election”? None of these things are true and everyone knows it, regardless of which side you’re on. The man is a fraud. He was installed in the presidency by an ultra-powerful cabal of international Marxist Oligarchs who have, without much if any pretense to the contrary, been methodically dismantling this country as a constitutional republic. His “election” was the single greatest act of fraud and treason ever perpetrated against the American people and with it, any last hope for human freedom. These people are the hand servants of Satan and deserve nothing less than the wrath of God for their crimes and abominations. Make the 91st Psalm your hue and cry folks:
“…A thousand will fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. You will only observe with your eyes the punishment of the wicked.”
We must humble ourselves and pray for the intervention by the Lord God and watch what dedicated prayer from believers can accomplish. These people are toast, literally, it’s just a matter of time.

11 months ago

The TRAITOR to the citizen American……BIDEN. The Illegal entry of seven million foreign nationals and expecting Citizen American’s to support”’? Is Treasonous’!

11 months ago

I saw this t-shirt at a festival booth a few weeks ago. I would have bought it but I could never wear a shirt in public with a vulgar word on it, but the shirt says it all. It said- Biden the quicker f**ker upper.

11 months ago

Will Trump be convicted of course he will. That is a foregone conclusion. This took 8 years to prepare. To buy off all the judges and for the prosecutors to find an ancient law they could convict him on. The judge said as much yesterday. He won’t even listen to what Trump has to say. It used to be that the judiciary would ask for the facts and nothing but the facts. Now the question is who is the man and we will find a crime to charge and convict him with. And ole Joe has taken millions in bribes and walks around free. While America and the world are on the verge of World War III.
The MSM will not change they will repeat lies. Not report on the demonstrations going on against Israel. After all ole Joe has to go along with the change that is coming for the new world. Where you will own nothing and you WILL be happy. It doesn’t matter if you put any other rep as candidate for president he or she will be vilified by the dems. We saw voter fraud in Connecticut for this years local election. Stuffing ballot boxes. Don’t worry it is all set up for the big election next year. The dems will see to it. Dang those darn cameras they got everywhere. BE AWARE THE DEMS WILL PREVAIL.

11 months ago

What a total F-ing idiot: you, Biden. and your “administration.” Corrupt. Treason. Stolen election. You are not a/the President. You, your family, your administration, belong behind bars…or more. None of you treasonous impostors can win without cheating the election system, be it the President or most blue state governors, such as Minnesota, Wisconsin or Michigan.

11 months ago

Biden is president in name only and he is not capable of a coherent thought. We all suspected Obama was running the White House and now, it is all but confirmed. Biden`s choices of cabinet are Obamaites and it shows with the poor choices and failed policies that came from the Obama administration and this White House. Obama the traitor was/is corrupt, Biden the puppet is corrupt and his administration is corrupt and inept along with the DOJ, FBI and all of the other intelligence agencies tainted by Obama. We have one chance to set things back on the right course, to get America where she belongs and that is to vote and watch the vote count like a hawk! Voting needs to be one way throughout the nation. On election day, in person with exceptions made for our military, disabled, elderly and those that have to be away from home with a certified reason. Only then will we get an accurate vote count without the specter of fraud and tampering. Wake up America, we deserve better than Obama/Biden and the corruption they have smeared on America, we are better than what the Democrats have done to us. Our children and our future are depending on what we do now! Vote the Democrats out of office and give America back her standing and might. Vote the Democrats out to remove the cancer they have spread in our great country, remove them and Make America Great Again!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
11 months ago

TRUMP is way ahead for Now

11 months ago

Every time I think the administration has done its worst, another error occurs.

11 months ago

With 76% of the country believing that we are going in the wrong direction it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that Biden & the Radical Democrats are at war with the American people. His discredited “climate change” and Green Energy” programs have ruined our economy. Donald Trump reversed all of those policies and regulations from the Obama Administration and revitalized the country’s economy and created well paying jobs. Try to find someone these days who admits to supporting Biden and his poisonous policies! The media and deep state are so paranoid on destroying Donald Trump it’s obvious to even the most radical Trump haters. Unfortunately for them the more they try to destroy Trump the more support he is getting. The left has demonized Trump ever since he ran for President in 2016 and now all of their desperation is now turning to panic.

anna hubert
anna hubert
11 months ago

Voters will be deciding? Not going to happen It probably has been decided already Could be we’ll be remembering Biden fondly Lord have mercy We’ll need it

James Baudier
James Baudier
11 months ago

I think the polls are very miss leading. I believe President Trump leads Biden by at least 75%. No one in their right mind would vote Biden.

11 months ago

I’m afraid the dimocrats are just using Biden as a placeholder. Right before the election, they’ll force him out, then Newsome, Moochelle, Harris or someone else will announce and the media won’t have time to vet them.(of course, they won’t do that anyway). They want a wild-eyed progressive who’ll continue taking orders from Obama, but don’t want to have too much time left before the election for voters to be reminded of things they’ve done in the past!

11 months ago

It amazes me that with the total lie this joker tells. is nobody seems to question the situation. This clown lies so much he even changes any given lie from the past to suit his need for any audience which is to say he contradicts his own lies. However, when anyone looks at how joe and his family have used his position throughout his history in government to enrich themselves in ways that if any of us did any small portion of what they’ve done, we would never see the light of day starring from our room in the gray bar hotel.
I can’t feature that the electorate is so ignorant that the polls show him as close to Trump as he is, but then look at how obama was given a second term????? Anyone considering a vote for joe should wake up and read the tea leaves!!!!!

11 months ago

The Republicans must take a stand on abortion choice. It cannot be NO never or the Republican Party will never take the White House.

11 months ago

More evidence of corruption and over stepping their oath if office was exposed in Michigan as the secretary of state bensen, (one of the 3 marxist democrats ,whitmer, nessel,benson) was defeated in court for the 6TH TIME for her illegal altering of Citizens rights to watch for DEMOCRAT CHEATING at the election polling sites.
These 3 criminals have continually violated the constitution, laws and Citizens rights all in an attempt to increase their power and corruption in Michigan.
They consistently follow in lock step with EVERY anti American, illegal and destructive action and policy of joebama and the marxist democrat party!

11 months ago

It could be dubbed, — THE THRILLER IN SENILITY!
Sorry for this one!

11 months ago

The Democrats will go with Biden or Harris. When the Nixonian Standard for impeachment is reached and Biden is compelled to resign, the democrats will have little choice but to nominate Harris or lose the black vote for 100 years. The question is, has Trump learned enough to shut up when he ought to or will he keep digging? If it’s the former, people will hold their nose and vote Trump, if not … it’s any one’s guess.

Ted Tedstone
Ted Tedstone
11 months ago

Joe Biden wasn’t the oldest person to win the presidency.
He was the oldest person to be installed by the Corporate Uniparty.

11 months ago

The Questions and solutions aren’t about Biden. It’s about facing consequences that keep us falling deeper into the rabbit hole. The question is to the American People… What do you want? What will you tolerate? What can you control? We point the fingers at the obvious but the power is still in our hands if we believe it. State by state is where control comes back to us… if we believe. Power is in the hands of its people! Not the President, the few, boarders, even the 1%. We have potential, smarter, and have solutions when we give ourselves credit, and come together. Faith is a belief in something better, under God it is what made us the greatest country. Start what faith in what you believe. I look forward to miracles of the unseen!

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
11 months ago

SOME of the states have strengthened voter security. That will help Trump. Also, if ENOUGH dimms wise up, they may make it hard for their cheating leaders to steal enough votes like they did last time.

11 months ago

Think about this: MAGA might mean Make America Mad Again on Jan 6th. And what is Biden explanation of protesters in Capitol again in October 2023?

11 months ago

Today media had comments by Trump today & he said Secret Service would not let him go to Capitol to stop problem.

11 months ago

Okay, what poll shows that +60% voters do not want either Biden or Trump? Or is that old news & choice is only these two in 2024?

11 months ago

Biden’s age is important and I say that as a 80 something female!! He “speaks” in a mumbly-closed mouth way that is hard to understand WHAT he is saying! He obviously has dementia, because he can’t remember where he is or what he is doing there!! He has that “old drooping of the lower lip” when he “walks” that makes him look like a 190 something!! I prefer Trump because he doesn’t take any guff off the world leaders…you can understand him when he speaks…is is self deprecating and gives us a laugh….he knows what he is doing and explains to us what he believes! He doesn’t “yell” or “whisper” (which is stupid, Joe)!!! He is not a politician, where Joe has been a money-making (for himself only) politician for the past 50 yrs. in the Senate, not doing anything spectacular, just being a “good ole boy”! Every time he starts telling one of his “stories” about his life, in front of a world leader, in THEIR country, I just cringe!! I wish I were there so I could scream “STFU, you doddering old fool….you are an embarrassment to yourself & our country!!” His wife & family LOVE money or they wouldn’t victimize him that way…..they wouldn’t let him think he is proving anything!

Lloyd Grisham
Lloyd Grisham
11 months ago

How anyone could even think about voting for Biden is unbelievable! This country is in serious trouble and if Bonehead Biden is installed again we are done.

11 months ago

The democrat party would never let joe run again unless it was a sure thing. And it can only be a sure thing if the dems have it rigged.

11 months ago

To show how confused the Biden Administration is…they keep texting me as a suporter…just sent a message back to take me off there list..’.im a registered republican’. Nothing they do makes any sense…

11 months ago

Republican party needs to get their act together & do what is best for all Americans. Trump said this at rally last nite, It is a lot harder to stand here in front of thousands than it is to go to debates. My opinion, Trump is avoiding debates so that he does not have to tell voters what his agenda & platform is if he is elected in 2024. Some of the statements he has made on Truth Social are rather scary to me & I assume that his posts are things that he believes in . It is much different talking to his rally base of voters at his rally, then it is to tell all Americans & Republican candidates what his plans are. Avoid the debates is quite a strategy for not saying much in public.

11 months ago

The last polls that I have seen show that +60% of American voters do not want Trump or Biden as POTUS. And if that is true, then what is the answer to 2024 election. Republicans need to quit infighting & calling out RINOs and come up with a candidate that can take back the WH in 2024.

Cyril Grosvenor Oldfahrt
Cyril Grosvenor Oldfahrt
11 months ago

I think Gavin Newsom is in our future unfortunately.

Mary Ellen Stevens
Mary Ellen Stevens
11 months ago

I find it hard to believe that Biden and Trump are the front runners for the next presidential election. Our country is in sad shape when these two candidates are the best we’ve got to offer.

Jeremy Goldberg
Jeremy Goldberg
11 months ago

Yeah, they are crazy and pathetic, and the rightwing could very well lose everything next year over abortion extremism. One thing’s for sure: “trust us” isn’t going to work.

John Shipway
John Shipway
11 months ago

Quit worrying, America is back in full blown baby killing mode where we spent most of the last 30 some odd years. Now its little brown kids we get to help Israel slaughter as “collective punishment” (words of Israeli high level spokes-murderer, not mine). We appear to like killing little brown children of middle eastern extraction. Back in the day as in the sixties to early seventies America had a taste for oriental fare and indeed there appears to be some politicians that still have a hankering for oriental children’s death with their lust to go to war with China for their supposed desire to “conquer” themselves. You see the US by law recognizes Taiwan as being a part of China. Also think a minute and try to recall ever hearing any Chinese leader say anything at all about some “conquest” of Taiwan. The only people I’ve heard that come from are pundits on the lying mainstream media and from established war whores like Lindsay Graham or the Turtle, Mitch McConnel. Ive never heard President Xi say anything about any attacks on Taiwan and what in reality could we do about it? Does anyone think China or the entirety of the globe could hinder the United States from “Conquering” the island of Catalina? Its stupid rhetoric said to both hasten ever more borrowed funding to a variety of military contractors whose lobbyists have literally bought American Congressmen and now even an American President.
But worry not, babies are forever in danger as long as the good ole USA stands. Israel might have to use less rockets against the children in Gaza if they actually had to buy those rockets but nope, there we are giving Israel the means to freely slaughter untold tens of thousands of little brown kids of middle eastern extraction.
God Bless America.

Debra Wilks
Debra Wilks
11 months ago

Even if Trump should win again, the Democrats will find a way to steal it away from him like they did last time.

11 months ago

Welcome to Amerizuela!

11 months ago

Biden will be reelected in a landslide! and he’ll get 87 Million votes this time the Most EVAR!!!!!!
It definitely will not be Trump. Because if he survives all the court cases, and stays out of jail that alone will be a miracle. ( This has nothing to do with ANY validity of any of the charges) The process is the punishment.
Then if he manages to defeat the stupid levels of voting fraud and wins the election that will be another miracle. Then he has to physically survive to become President and survive during it. I mean beyond just being an old man. The daily antifa roits are going to be a hoot. I wonder if hey will be live streamed like last time?
Then as President the organs of the government simply will not work with him. No one will introduce or sponsor his bills, No one will move it through Congress. No one in the executive branch will follow anything his appointees say.
And he will be an INSTANT lame duck President and have all that baggage as well.
And We are starting a new war. So the mantra will be you never change horses in the middle of a stream. even if you President does not know what time it is and he needs his diaper changed.
Its a rigged game folks. The best thing Trump ever did was show it clearly.
No outsider is ever going to win again. And given all I’ve said I’m not sure we would WANT Trump

Old Silk
Old Silk
11 months ago

The title of the article pretty much says it all, and we know the rest in the story itself. As an oldster myself I see that it boils down to a ‘looming’ rematch between two old people, neither of whom has what it takes for what America needs to get back on track, both of whom loom over our country dragging us along and down. Ever looming shadows. Time for somebody younger, vigorous.

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