
National Security , Newsline

China Builds Up Nuclear Arsenal Amid Expanding Global Ambitions

Posted on Monday, October 30, 2023
by Neil Banerji

AMAC Exclusive – By Neil Banerji

Weapons of mass destruction. Chinese ICBM missile. War Background. Nuclear Missile.

Amid increasingly brazen acts of aggression by the Chinese military in the South China Sea and around the globe, a new report from the Pentagon is now warning that Beijing could have more than 1,000 operational nuclear warheads by 2030.

In 2021, the Pentagon estimated that China’s nuclear arsenal contained around 400 nuclear warheads and that its stockpile could reach an astonishing 1,500 by 2035. Now, military leaders say that China possesses more than 500 operational nuclear warheads.

“Compared to the PLA’s nuclear modernization efforts a decade ago, current efforts dwarf previous attempts in both scale and complexity,” the report reads. “The PLA is aggressively developing capabilities to provide options for the PRC to dissuade, deter, or, if ordered, defeat third-party intervention in the Indo-Pacific region and to conduct military operations deeper into the Indo-Pacific region and globally.”

In addition, the report says that the Chinese Navy has added 30 ships since last year, bringing its fleet to a total of 370 – far greater than the 200 ships in the U.S. Navy’s Pacific fleet. Along with China’s rapid advancements in hypersonic missile technology, the prospect of a nuclear and naval buildup has military leaders in the United States and throughout the West concerned.

The Chinese government has predictably denied the findings of the report, with spokesperson Mao Ning alleging that it “ignores the facts, is full of prejudice, and spreads the theory of the threat posed by China.” Mr. Mao also contended that China “firmly adheres to a nuclear strategy of self-defense, and we have always maintained our nuclear forces at the lowest level required for national security.”

Tensions between the United States and China have escalated since Biden took office, particularly following the high-profile incident of a Chinese spy balloon drifting over sensitive U.S. military installations earlier this year. That fiasco caused Biden Secretary of State Antony Blinken to postpone a planned trip to Beijing.

In recent months, Chinese military planes have also repeatedly violated Taiwanese airspace amid Beijing’s increasingly bold forays into the South Pacific. Last week, the Philippines reported that a Chinese coast guard ship and an accompanying vessel rammed a Philippine coast guard ship near a contested island, and Chinese warships have harassed U.S. ships in the Taiwan Strait. The Pentagon’s report on China’s nuclear activity also found that over the past two years there have been “over 180 instances of PLA coercive and risky air intercepts against U.S. aircraft in the region — more in the past two years than in the previous decade.”

China has also offered a vital lifeline to Russia amid Western sanctions following Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. As of this summer, China’s exports to Russia had shot up 75 percent over 2022 figures. Chinese imports from Russia have also seen a massive surge this year.  

In another alarming development, China has grown increasingly willing to venture beyond its immediate sphere of influence in Southeast Asia. Following Hamas’s attack on Israel, China deployed six warships to the Middle East – a move that some saw as a direct counter to the United States’ decision to dispatch a carrier group to the region.

China has notably called for a “two-state solution” to the conflict, and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi accused Israel’s actions of going “beyond the scope of self-defense.” The comments appeared to be an overture to the pro-Hamas constituencies throughout the Middle East, and were another sign of antagonism toward the United States and the West.

China has no doubt been emboldened by Biden’s repeated foreign policy failures, most notably the botched evacuation from Afghanistan. That disaster was shortly followed by Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, and then Hamas’s attack on Israel – which was itself enabled by Biden’s policy of appeasement toward Iran.

In addition, earlier this year Biden chose to delay imposing sanctions on Beijing in a failed attempt to forge close “diplomatic ties.” Biden even offered to lift more sanctions to entice Beijing to cooperate on efforts to stop the flow of fentanyl into the United States – another effort that has been an utter failure.

Now, with China apparently building up its nuclear arsenal, Beijing has no reason to fear any sort of retaliation or pressure from this White House. Biden has proven time and again that, under his leadership, the United States can be pushed around without consequence.

As a result, the world could be heading for a nuclear arms race the likes of which has not been seen since the height of the Cold War.

Neil Banerji is a proud Las Vegas resident and former student at the University of Oxford. In his spare time, he enjoys reading Winston Churchill and Edmund Burke.

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11 months ago

Guessing how many actual nuclear warheads China possesses has always been an academic exercise by the United States and the other members of the G7. China has never allowed any sort of outside entity inside their country to inspect or validate either the claims of the CCP itself or the western government guesses put forth by various military and political experts over the decades. China has also studiously avoided being part of any nuclear weapons treaty with the west. So, the actual number of nuclear weapons possessed by the CCP and China is simply unknown.

I’ve seen estimates from various government entities that place the numbers between 400 and 2,000 at the current time. How stale that information is is impossible to say, as the 400 number has been around since the early 2,000s and I’m sure the Chinese haven’t been sitting on their hands all these years while we have. I would think by now the PLA has at least 1,000 nuclear weapons at this point, with the intention of at least doubling that to surpass the United States by 2035, when President Xi has set his goal of replacing the United States as the world’s lone superpower. Yes, we should be taking the Chinese threat seriously and both modernizing our nuclear arsenal and developing more advanced weaponry to counter the growing CCP threat.

The CCP has recently been constructing a couple of hundred new ICBM silos within China to add to the number of land-based ICBMs China already has in place. China is also intent on countering our sea-based nuclear arsenal aboard our subs and other ships (if Team Biden hasn’t orderd them off-loaded since taking office), as they realize that offers the advantage of having nuclear assets constantly mobile and able to be strategically positioned in any military conflict. So hopefully our inept intelligence agencies, the same ones that keep missing things over and over again, are at least able to keep track of the comings and goings of Chinese submarines with missile capabilities from their ports in mainland China.

China is also keenly aware that space-based weapons would give them a strategic advantage and they don’t care about any of the niceties of where the international community stands on weaponizing space. After all, in their long-term world view, they will be dictating to the rest of the world in a little over a decade, so current international treaties mean little to nothing to them. What we need in the White House is an administration that takes the threat of a CCP controlled China seriously. Unfortunately, what we have in Team Biden is NOT it. They are appeasers, who will continue to back down and roll over to China at every turn. The CCP knows all this, as many in the administration are bought and paid for, and they are taking full advantage of the situation to advance their global agenda on multiple fronts. The next show to drop looks to be the area of the Philippines, where China is intentionally trying to force a military response. Thus, opening up another active front in their multi-tiered effort to further weaken the United States and the other Western powers.

11 months ago

The weak Karen’s in our country better wake up or these other countries are going to take over in the world and we will be their slaves. I just can’t believe how weak the youth is today and we’re worried about ridiculous stuff like pronouns and gender and hurt feelings. You guys better toughen up or America will cease to exist.

Paul W
Paul W
11 months ago

Over 3 years ago, STRATCOM warned congress about the United States’ aging nuclear triad. Obviously they took the warning seriously [sarcasm]. We now have over half of the navy’s attack subs sitting in drydock awaiting repairs…with parts from china. Anyone that can’t see that this country is being deliberately destroyed from within is in a reality coma!
Nobody wants nuclear war (nobody that’s sane, anyhow), but being more defenseless doesn’t make the threat less likely. Quite the opposite, in fact. Further proof that this regime couldn’t care less about the lives of American citizens…as if any more proof was really needed.

11 months ago

How many nukes would it take to DESTROY the world’s civilizations? 100? So why the build-up of hundreds? Major overkill!

11 months ago

This is what happens when you elect a weak and cognitive deficient, moron, like Dumbass Joe Biden, who was only smart enough to select someone worse than himself for Vice President to insure he wouldn’t be impeached, he knew America wouldn’t want someone as stupid as her.
He is the only President (he is not my president that’s just his title) in my lifetime who emboldens our Enemies all the while working to disarm American citizens.
We are on a fast track to Socialism/Communism as long as Dumbass joe is President!
Save America, vote out all Democrats and RINO’s!

11 months ago

Never forget that the ccps power derives from this country being sold out by dems, rinos and business interests. Building them up economically was supposed to result inevitably in a middle class there that would demand peace. Not only did we provide them access to the biggest market in the world, we willingly gutted our own manufacturing capabilities. I know, i know, labor unions made it hard to be competitive. However, i live near the honda plants in ohio and they have used non union labor successfully for forty years. Apparently there exist scads of people eager to work for less than union scale rather than sit home and sniff fentanyl.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
11 months ago

Nuclear War coming
Ez 38-39 OT Bible prophesy then

anna hubert
anna hubert
11 months ago

We enabled indulged supplied and empowered China to become what it became Our technology our know how and our universities created the problem Also the refusal to see the facts that their ideology is incompatible with the ideas of the free world Oil and water will not mix no matter how hard we try to fool ourselves it does and will

John Bass
John Bass
11 months ago

As a result, the world could be heading for a nuclear arms race the likes of which has not been seen since the height of the Cold War.

It’s only a race if there are two participants. The United States has been shrinking from the world stage for three, going on four years now. You can thank the Democrat’s, especially demented diaper Joe and his woke administration.

11 months ago

We had best be waking up from our stupor and i mean fast. Its a violent world ,always has been and we need to be the best guarantee of our freedoms instead of letting the lefties run and ruin it all for us.

11 months ago

Next to the nuclear and military build up, has China bought strategic ports all over the world. Has installed so called police stations in about every country including the US. Has bought land especially in Africa and South America as well as the US. Secret labs are everywhere. And ole Joe has allowed this to happen. Doesn’t speak to it. Just like he let the balloon drift over the US for a week. After all ole Joe is beholden to the CCP. They can do what they want. Just like Hamas can do what they want with the backing of Iran. Joe is playing both sides for he thinks that will bring peace in the Middle East. This will only stop when Israel has been destroyed or Hamas is destroyed. For the whole world seems to want that because the UN and Klaus Schwab and the gang have decided Israel has got to go. They didn’t get it done in WW II.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
11 months ago

It’s okay! Nuclear war doesn’t worry me because the government taught us to be safe: I practiced “duck & cover” in elementary school.

9 months ago

WW3 in the Bible..
Then the sixth angel blew his trumpet, and I heard a voice speaking from the four horns of the gold altar that stands in the presence of God.  And the voice said to the sixth angel who held the trumpet, “Release the four angels who are bound at the great Euphrates River.”  Then the four angels who had been prepared for this hour and day and month and year were turned loose to kill one-third of all the people on earth.  I heard the size of their army, which was 200 million mounted troops.
Revelation 9:13-16
There is much evidence to suggest that the 1st 5 Trumpets have already sounded..

11 months ago

Wonder how much of our money has funded China???? Our country is messed up…remember this when you vote!!!!!

11 months ago

And what’s our Pentagon doing? DEI. Trans activities. And investing in Raytheon . That oughta keep us safe! Don’t give up your guns people! We may end up fighting terrorist in our hood along with criminal illegals . The Marxist Democrats have really fkd up this term, you name any problem and they caused it. So who would vote for this BS?? All the Marxist Communists Democrats. Who by the way support HAMAS!!!!

Paul Molinari
Paul Molinari
11 months ago

China is going to kill us.

11 months ago

And so as China is building up their arsenals, we have depleted our Strategic Petroleum Reserves and our military is in shambles!!! Way to go, Joe!!!! This says a lot to me about our federal government, who is truly in charge, why is this being allowed to happen??? Is no one paying any attention???

John Kostrubal
John Kostrubal
11 months ago

They are gearing up for a One World Government . They infiltrated our schools and our current Administration .America better WAKE UP . China is being allowed to buy up our farm land, WHY ??? Heaven help us if there is a WWW III . Thanks to Obama, our Military has been weakened .

David Millikan
David Millikan
11 months ago

Meanwhile, Dictator Beijing biden attacks our 2nd Amendment Rights to DEFEND ourselves not only from his tyranny government, criminals, and his Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion including Terrorist running rampant across the United States with Crime out of control but cuts our military Defense spending to support his Terrorist and Comrade Communist China buddies.
Then today brags how the Pentagon has a New Nuclear Weapon 27x’s more powerful than the one dropped on Hiroshima getting us that much closer to WWIII.
If we ALL survive to the end of Dictator Beijing biden’s Illegal and Unconstitutional administration term (Election Fraud and Election Interference) I will be impressed and Thanking GOD that President Trump is back in the White House when the World was the SAFEST in Modern History along with our Borders Secured and the United States SAFER.
Remember, it was BOTH democrat presidents that got the United States into TWO WORLD WARS with the Third so-called president getting us into WWIII.
That’s democrats for you.
History will show that Dictator Beijing biden is the most corrupt, Warmongering, tyrannical, anti-American so-called president of the United States.
That’s a FACT.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
11 months ago

P. S. Stay outta wal mart. Kyle L.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
11 months ago

Marcella is right. $00 Nukes could devestate the world as we know it. Why build more. As long as we have guns China wont invade this country. Hear that well anti gunners. Kyle L.

11 months ago

I doubt anyone will be around in 2030 to worry about the nuclear weapons. We are all most likely going to be vaporized long before that. With the World Leaders we have now, and the rich people of the world telling them what to do, not likely we will see 2030.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
11 months ago

Slow Joe has been PAID WELL to ignore China’s threat! You don’t expect him to double cross Xi, do you?

11 months ago

Biden has totally decimated our military personnel, weapons, fuel, manufacturing, and loyalty with his and his administration’s decisions for us to fight any attacks from our enemies…China, Russia, Iran, and Jihadist. Do they not understand than when the USA falls they do to? Usually the leaders of a defeated country are the first ones executed!

11 months ago

Communists doing communist activities. All communist leadership wants to be “the god” of the world. Nothing surprising her.

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
11 months ago

China is building nukes because of “global ambitions”? It may instead be ramping up production because of the saber rattling on the part of the US and because of little conflicts US intel agency funded NGOs fomenting dissent in small countries that surround China.
Don’t believe the narrative people. Try looking at actual world events. “We”, meaning our government are not “the good guys”.

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