
National Security , Newsline

Joe Biden’s World – Where Will War Break Out Next?

Posted on Monday, October 16, 2023
by Dr. Sebastian Gorka
President Joe Biden, joined by Secretary of State Antony Blinken, is briefed on the terrorist assault on Israel, Saturday October 7, 2023, in the Oval Office of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Cameron Smith)

It’s remarkable. 

Four years of record-breaking domestic prosperity. And Four years of global stability. 

Historic highs for the stock market and record lows for unemployment. And no new wars. 

Then 80 million mail-out ballots and the non-politician is replaced with a decrepit former Vice-President who’d been in politics for 47 years.

And then it all started to fall apart. 

The border regime the Trump Administration had put in place, which ranged from building physical barriers to using emergency COVID-related public health protocols such as Title 42, revivified a sense of national sovereignty. More importantly, drastically decreased illegal migration across the Southern border and decimated the billionaire-dollar business in human, drug, and weapons trafficking for the cartels. But that was just the beginning. 

The decision to dismantle the border was, of course, an ideological decision. Borders are bad. As Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told a private audience of bankers, there should be no borders anywhere in our hemisphere. The poor and disenfranchised must be allowed to live where they wish to. 

And it was, naturally, a very cynical political decision as well. 

The liberal “elite” openly celebrated the “browning of America,” as in their cynical and bigoted belief those with brown or black skin will always vote Democrat, especially if it’s a Democratic Administration that amnesties them and gives them all citizenship. 

But the dismantling of order and stability wasn’t just a domestic goal for Biden and his team of Obama holdovers. America’s role in the world had to be radically transformed as well and for similar ideological reasons. 

Most of the national security apparatchiks employed in the Biden White House had been Obama officials, a President, who remember, had pledged to “fundamentally transform” the United States. Why? Because we are a wicked, neocolonialist nation beholden to the white (-supremacist) patriarchy. 

Who can forget the oh-so-telling comment from the then-president’s wife, Michelle Obama, that on the day her black husband was sworn in as the chief executive, it was the first time in her life that she felt proud to be an American? Let that sink in. 

So when his former deputy took over from President Trump, it was time to return to “America Last.” From politicizing our military with transgender and racial politics all the way from the pro-Critical Race Theory Chairman of the Joint Chiefs to the Naval Yeoman drag queen recruiter and the Army commercial encouraging the children of lesbian couples to fight for gay rights in a uniform, as opposed to fighting our actual enemies. 

The results? 

When you don’t need to win wars but prefer to virtue signal, you can surrender Afghanistan for an anniversary 9/11 photo-op, which needlessly costs the lives of 13 of our warfighters. 

That debacle led to a former KGB colonel realizing he could break the sacred post-WWII taboo with impunity and invade his neighboring nation so as to rebuild the empire he has such nostalgia for, the USSR. 

War in Europe was back. And rages today. 

Since then, China has read the tea leaves, remilitarizing its neighborhood and intimidating not only our naval vessels in International waters but also buzzing our military aircraft in a reckless fashion we haven’t seen since the heights of the Cold War. 

And now the Middle East is on fire once more. 

Under President Trump, not only was America secure, but the World was safer. North Korea understood not to challenge the President. Moscow knew. Iran knew. Beijing knew. And the Middle East saw the most remarkable change of all. 

Not only did President Trump declare that the Jihadi Caliphate of ISIS be destroyed, but it was his team, led by his son-in-law, that brought an unprecedented peace deal to the region. 

We in the White House were told peace could never come to the region without genuflecting to the demands of pro-terror Palestinian leaders in Hamas and the Palestinian Authority. We slaughtered that sacred cow of the DC “intelligentsia,” ignoring those who cannot call evil, evil. With the help of President Trump’s man in Israel, the amazing Ambassador David Friedman, the Abraham Accords were born, normalizing relations between Israel and four Arab nations, a truly unprecedented diplomatic achievement. 

All that has been rent asunder. 

Saturday before last saw the greatest Jewish loss of life since 1945 and the Holocaust—hundreds of concert-goers slain in the desert. Grandmothers were slaughtered on camera with their deaths posted to Facebook for their families to see. And not only children but infants were murdered for one reason: they were Jews. 

President Trump was the most Philo-Semitic President since the rebirth of Israel in 1948. The only one to recognize Jerusalem and move our Embassy there, after 23 years of Democrat and Republican Presidents breaking their promise to do exactly that. 

How much more can the world be destabilized? How many Hamas Jihadists are among the millions of illegals Biden has let into America? 

Only time will tell. 

In the meantime, please support the people of Israel. 

One place I can suggest is the Bnai Zion Medical Center in Haifa, which serves the wounded. 

You can give at: Healthcare For Israel 

And please keep those fighting to protect the innocent in your prayers. 

Thank you. 

Sebastian Gorka Ph.D. is host of SALEM Radio’s AMERICA First and The Gorka Reality Check on NEWSMAX TV. A former Strategist to President Donald Trump, he is a member of the National Security Education Board of the Pentagon. His latest book is The War for America’s Soul. Follow him on his SubStack page and website.  

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1 year ago

Another excellent article by Sebastin Gorka. It’s unfortunate that half the country is too dumb to learn the lesson that you don’t entrust American national security, economic prosperity and long-term future to an imbecile, just because you don’t like some of the other guy’s tweets. Some lessons apparently just need to be learned the hard way through the application of pain and suffering by the imbecile currently occupying the White House.

1 year ago

Somebody please tell me just one thing that this idiot Biden has done right, he is the first president in my lifetime to not accomplice on thing during his presidency, not one thing, he was supposed bring us all together in RAH! RAH! unity but instead showed the World that he is nothing but a Fake, Lair, and a Fraud, and America is the laughingstock of the world, and our very lives are in danger.
May Gods goodness shine on America!

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

David and Goliath comes to the mind Also remember the first war that Arabs started Spirit of Moishe Dayan is alive and well I wish Israel all the success in slaying this monster and shame on the rest of the world for it’s cowardice and not standing up to evil

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Excellent article telling the TRUTH.
Unfortunately, the next WAR, WWIII will be the U.S. being ATTACKED with the help of Dictator Beijing biden. And we are less than a blink of an eye away. Don’t forget that he said he would NOT retaliate if we were ATTACKED on the news. Just like obama said he wouldn’t retaliate if we were ATTACKED. And obama was proud saying that.
That’s democrats protecting YOU.
Better WAKE UP AMERICA! Or there will be no America. Just a wasteland and what’s left will be under Communist China CONTROL.
That is REALITY.
Not the FANTASY WORLD everybody lives in currently.
Remember, in the FANTASY WORLD of Dictator Beijing biden and Fake News everything is just peachy.
The TRUTH says otherwise.

1 year ago

Biden will have us in WW3 shortly. Sad as his young voters have no idea.
I suggest they take us Vietnam guys put us on the front line.
We have NO penitence were aware of. Little to loose in years and we’ll stop the issue in one week since our B s. Meter is fully active.
To my fellow V vets, , we gave it our all. Hurrrraaa

1 year ago

yep! Trump was a great leader yet he is crucified – biden is a failure, a disaster and he is revered! i don’t understand it! why are people so stupid!!! he is a hypocrite, a loser, a dumo, stupid you name it he is

1 year ago

Sad, will America survive if election fraud occurs again in 2024 and keeps these socialist democrats in charge? Just look what they have done to destroy America in 3 years. PRAY!

1 year ago

Obama’s the Marxist Useful IDIOT is working Hard to ruin America all the 2 legged demRats didn’t like TRUMP!! It’s seems to me, Rats love Chaos,afterTrump had the world at relative PEACE!!

1 year ago

Dr. Gorka summed up our current situation perfectly. There has never been a clearer view of the policies and philosophies of the two political parties in this country. Donald Trump was and is a problem solver. He is also a very good negotiator and is not to be trifled with. Joe Biden is a lifetime political hack who used his office to enrich himself and his family at the expense of the American taxpayer. Despite the vile use of the legal system to crucify Trump, it is Biden and his enablers within government and the deep state turncoats in the FBI and other agencies that have violated their oaths of office and should be tried for treason and sedition. I don’t know what’s worse with the demented Democrats, their hatred for this country or their corrupt policies aimed at destroying this once great country.

1 year ago

Will the woke see it this way? Of course not. They are pro Hamas pro Iran. You ask why is that? because Trump is pro Israel. The Abrams Accords are never and were never mentioned here in America if at all it was sneered at by the dems. Enough said. Ole Joe cannot and does not care for America or Israel. Only the Ukraine because Trump got along with Putin and that is why ole Joe supports the Ukraine and bringing America into bankruptcy. We are so weakened militarily we couldn’t stop an army if they came ashore in a rowboat. Only the adamant dems like house members still vote for the power and not for what is good for the country. There is too much money being made by being in power.

Michael Rushing
Michael Rushing
1 year ago

Where will War break out next? Wrong question, it should be where should War break out next? And the answer is Washington DC between the law breaking Democratic Party and the Common Sense People of the United States who have been pushed too far and have had enough. If Democrats have a question about why the People of the United States keep buying AR style weapons or build “Ghost Firearms” and stockpiling ammunition the answer is simple, tell them to look in a mirror.

Dennis Math
Dennis Math
1 year ago

Remember when ya went downtown and laughed at the weirdos holding the “END IS NIGH” placards?
Everyone ain’t laughin at those “weirdos” any longer. We live in a dangerous and evil clown world ruled in large part by a brain dead puppet of the mega corporations. We are no longer citizens but rather we have allowed ourselves to be subjects of what is a textbook fascistic regime.

1 year ago

Truth telling Sebastian Gorka!! Excellent article! Biden was to be the one who got us out of all wars. Then he made a huge debacle of the withdrawal from Afghanistan. We left all kinds of weapons, equipment and people behind!!! Shame on him for that one! But then, Ukraine is invaded by Russia and for some reason, having absolutely nothing to do with Biden and his son, Hunter’s past dealings with Ukraine, we are funding Ukraine in that war! Now, Hamas has ruthlessly attacked Israel, Israel has declared war on Hamas and what is Biden going to do about that!! Is he going to get us involved – I’m sure he will in some fashion!! But this one is more difficult for Biden because Obama had (and probably still does) some ties with Hamas, Iran, Iraq, etc. and Biden is caught in the middle. Democrats claim to support Israel even though they don’t always show that support! What’s Biden to do??

Bob Olden
Bob Olden
1 year ago

Please let’s tell everyone that we need a president who will protect the American people!
—Protect our borders
—Protect law and order
—Protect our Constitution and our rights to freedom of speech, freedom to bear arms, and freedom of opportunity, not equity for all
—Protect our families
—Protect our economy
—Protect our Institutions
Clearly the government we have now is doing none of these things! Get rid of them! They are absolutely WORTHLESS!
We should be able to unite in the fight to protect the American people.

1 year ago

Taking a bold stand for doing what is right is the only way to go.

11 months ago

We have two traitors of America in our country , Obama and Biden who are currently running this country to the ground ,and has reckesly caused two wars abandon Afghanistan and left billions of dollars and military equipment in the country as well as killing 13 Americans and leaving hundreds of Americans be hind in Afghanistan. We also have thousands of Americans dying in our country along with human trafficking most of them being children their is much more that I haven’t covered Biden and Obama has been bought and paid for by other country’s and are compromised . We have plenty of proof that they are traitors starting with the boarders they have went against their oath to the constitution and the American people yet Biden and his administration still sit in the white house to this day. WHATS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE

Ron St .Martin
Ron St .Martin
11 months ago

Population control; Bill Gates sterilization of the third world, sex changes, abortions, man made diseases, war, etc. No one cares about the little guy, some people think that our leaders care about us. Most people are so wrongfully informed, by the media and government, they don’t believe that people could be this way. When I was in Somalia, a gang of thugs, raped and macheted young school girls, never will that image of hacked up little girls leave me. People are corrupt and sick, WAKE THE —— up AMERICA!

11 months ago

This is exactly what the marxist democrat party wants, conflicts to take the focus off the TOTAL EPIC FAILURE and DESTRUCTION they have perpetrated on OUR Country!
They have escalated their corrupt activities, utilized the fbi,doj and homeland security to attack political opponents, cheat,lie and ruin everything great America stands for.
They made America weak in the world ,kill innocent babies ,change children’s genders, ruined the education of youth, allowed millions if un-vetted illegals to invade, murdered thousands with rampant drugs coming in, ALL compliments of the hateful,immoral,corrupt,anti American marxist democrat party!
WHO with the ability to think even a little, would support this group of LOSERS???

James Carlyle
James Carlyle
1 year ago

Mr. Biden Is Incompetent for many reasons. Our International and domestic enemies recognize this and seek to gain advantage, like invading Ukraine and terrorizing Israel. Iran seems to be blameless even though they are the root cause of violence and destruction in the Middle East and beyond.
Mr Biden is actually the root cause of our issues with current wars, economic default, domestic violence, etc.
As long as he is POTUS, we will suffer, in my opinion..

Pat R
Pat R
1 year ago

The Biden-Obama admin in plain view. “Fundamental change” has indeed occurred. Problem is Biden still has 15 more months; and I don’t doubt for a minute that China isn’t feverishly working out plans to take advantage.

Flying Grandpa
Flying Grandpa
1 year ago

Ok, so let’s threaten the world, after publicly admitting we are out of ammo because we gave it all away. Sheesh. It reminds me of the events in Somalia, when Billy Boy Clinton sent 80,000 U.S. Marines to be “meals on wheels” and then withdrew them, leaving behind a tiny number of Army soldiers. And then declared his own war on the war lords, leading to the Black Hawk Down event, with our crew getting dragged through the streets.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Mideast Nuclear War ahead

11 months ago

Isn’t it interesting how a war can hide so many of the facts surrounding Biden and the far left that were becoming evident. So now the corrupt “news” media can only see the “war”. Evil is rampant, we will be very fortunate if we are not at some point attacked in America but that may very well be what brings this country together. Only God can turn this mess around. Pray hard people, our very future is at stake.

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
1 year ago

there is absolutely nothign the leftism religion believes in that has any basis in fact or reality. the leftism religion is worse then any other religion because other shave a set of ideas they live to while the leftism religion is only the idea of a rebellious brat being against whatever others are for.

Biden has proven that there are not ideas the leftist have that make sense. every single one of them is based on nothing. as a result the rest of the world sees the weakness and jumps on it to get what they want.

Sally Duncan
Sally Duncan
11 months ago

Really well-done and so very sad are we as a nation. Prayerfully we will be able to hold out until 2024 and have our REAL President back in office! Thank you Dr. Gorka!

Rick Olson
Rick Olson
11 months ago

Did Hillary invite the homeless-poor and disenfranchised to live on her property/in her house? That’s what I read that she said to a group of Bankers in this article! Way to go Hillary! Expect busses, soon!

Marquitta Meade
Marquitta Meade
11 months ago

Thank you! Spot on! Obama orchestrated all of this, including James’ procedural attack on our real leader. Justice is being high-jacked!

1 year ago

Excellent partial list of the great good Trump did and the great evil Biden and his fellow traitorous Rats have done.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
1 year ago

All that the democRATS had to do was to keep President Trump’s policies,but no,you get the obamba,soros bunch involved and AMERICA suffers.I can’t blame biden,he is just a mouthpiece for the democRATS.The world would NOT be in such a turmoil if we had strong leaders and not the liberal socialist wimps.

11 months ago

When morons are at the helm a ship usually ends up on shoals. Right now at this very moment our wonderful country is heading right for the shoals. Thanks for nothing to Biden, his demented, self-absorbed flunkies and far left despicables, and to an untold number of vacuous, worthless college professors. Yes indeed, morons are at the helm.

11 months ago

Stand by and stay tuned, NKorea will make a move on the South and Red China will invade Tiwain. Remember that old Barry McGuire tune : “Eve of Destruction” its coming to be.

11 months ago

Let me guess… You also believe the Hamas terrorist news network.

11 months ago

I have put the GOP in notice. No more money from me!! Biden totally fkd up the country and what do GOP do nothing about Biden , and vote vote vote vote vote! Fk them .

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Hey look at the bright side and tell yourself this every day: IT’LL JUST GET WORSE TOMORROW! See? Today isn’t so bad!

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
11 months ago

The 2020 election was a coup in which Progressive Democrats were effective in taking over control of the U.S. government with the aid of Socialist billionaires and Communist Chinese. These enemies of the U.S. put a well-documented for sale career politician in the White House to be their puppet for creating wars worldwide while diminishing the safety of American citizens within their own nation. This coup must be turned out of the U.S. government. We must vote out any and all supporters of Progressive actions by removing all Progressives from every aspect of government whether they be elected, appointed or hired. There is no rationality for American taxpayers to be paying anyone not committed to supporting the U.S. as a Constitutional Republic.

Gary Schelvan
Gary Schelvan
11 months ago

When this brilliant & insightful man was serving our nation in President Trump’s administration, we as a nation were so much better off in every way imaginable. It’s like night & day, Biden vs Trump. But, everyone must come to grips with the fact that old slow Joe Biden isn’t running a darn thing. This entire abomination has Obama’s fingerprints and DNA all over it. We’re witnessing daily his sick “Fundamental Transformation” of America.

11 months ago

You a Fun-Gi. Freedom is a beyotch ain’t it?

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
11 months ago

In 2019, I was confident enough to buy a new Harley; in 2023, I can’t afford the gasoline for it! Thanks Democrats!

11 months ago

Go spill your bilge in the toilet.

Jerry M
Jerry M
11 months ago

And Biden is such a wonderful president! (Sarcasm intended)By any objective measure his regime is not only a failure, but a miserable failure.

Burl Condit
Burl Condit
11 months ago

I cannot understand how so many so-called ordinary Americans be so blind! But understanding how the media works it all makes sense!!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Yawn. Really want to trade “who’s the biggest racist?” then you can post YouTube videos of Gorka… I mean with all your “sources” there MUST be at least ONE… and I’ll post the numerous Joe Biden “gaff” videos from “school jungles” to “Indians in 7-11s” to “you ain’t blacks”. Puh-leeze. Not too desperate are you?

leland patterson
leland patterson
11 months ago

war is coming to our own turf. I hope I’m not here to see it. I hope my grandkids will live through the America victory!

11 months ago

Zionism will bring down the world, which will make Christian Zionists happy. They have an uncontrollable lust for the destruction of Israel and the rest of the world in a nuclear holocaust where nearly all Jews and Christians are killed.

11 months ago

Various video tapes surface showing Hunter Biden (son of and business partner of the President of the US Joe Biden) of him processing a firearm. Hunter Biden has been indicted for procession of an unregistered firearm. For what purpose not disclosed. When you play with the mafia and foreigners, guess you need protection, huh?

Allan E Brem
Allan E Brem
11 months ago

“We never change Presidants during wartime.”

Ercell Grooms
Ercell Grooms
11 months ago

I would give but groceries

1 year ago

Who do you prefer not Jordan??

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