Joe Biden’s World - Where Will War Break Out Next?

Posted on Monday, October 16, 2023
by Dr. Sebastian Gorka
President Joe Biden, joined by Secretary of State Antony Blinken, is briefed on the terrorist assault on Israel, Saturday October 7, 2023, in the Oval Office of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Cameron Smith)

It’s remarkable. 

Four years of record-breaking domestic prosperity. And Four years of global stability. 

Historic highs for the stock market and record lows for unemployment. And no new wars. 

Then 80 million mail-out ballots and the non-politician is replaced with a decrepit former Vice-President who’d been in politics for 47 years.

And then it all started to fall apart. 

The border regime the Trump Administration had put in place, which ranged from building physical barriers to using emergency COVID-related public health protocols such as Title 42, revivified a sense of national sovereignty. More importantly, drastically decreased illegal migration across the Southern border and decimated the billionaire-dollar business in human, drug, and weapons trafficking for the cartels. But that was just the beginning. 

The decision to dismantle the border was, of course, an ideological decision. Borders are bad. As Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told a private audience of bankers, there should be no borders anywhere in our hemisphere. The poor and disenfranchised must be allowed to live where they wish to. 

And it was, naturally, a very cynical political decision as well. 

The liberal “elite” openly celebrated the “browning of America,” as in their cynical and bigoted belief those with brown or black skin will always vote Democrat, especially if it’s a Democratic Administration that amnesties them and gives them all citizenship. 

But the dismantling of order and stability wasn’t just a domestic goal for Biden and his team of Obama holdovers. America’s role in the world had to be radically transformed as well and for similar ideological reasons. 

Most of the national security apparatchiks employed in the Biden White House had been Obama officials, a President, who remember, had pledged to “fundamentally transform” the United States. Why? Because we are a wicked, neocolonialist nation beholden to the white (-supremacist) patriarchy. 

Who can forget the oh-so-telling comment from the then-president’s wife, Michelle Obama, that on the day her black husband was sworn in as the chief executive, it was the first time in her life that she felt proud to be an American? Let that sink in. 

So when his former deputy took over from President Trump, it was time to return to “America Last.” From politicizing our military with transgender and racial politics all the way from the pro-Critical Race Theory Chairman of the Joint Chiefs to the Naval Yeoman drag queen recruiter and the Army commercial encouraging the children of lesbian couples to fight for gay rights in a uniform, as opposed to fighting our actual enemies. 

The results? 

When you don’t need to win wars but prefer to virtue signal, you can surrender Afghanistan for an anniversary 9/11 photo-op, which needlessly costs the lives of 13 of our warfighters. 

That debacle led to a former KGB colonel realizing he could break the sacred post-WWII taboo with impunity and invade his neighboring nation so as to rebuild the empire he has such nostalgia for, the USSR. 

War in Europe was back. And rages today. 

Since then, China has read the tea leaves, remilitarizing its neighborhood and intimidating not only our naval vessels in International waters but also buzzing our military aircraft in a reckless fashion we haven’t seen since the heights of the Cold War. 

And now the Middle East is on fire once more. 

Under President Trump, not only was America secure, but the World was safer. North Korea understood not to challenge the President. Moscow knew. Iran knew. Beijing knew. And the Middle East saw the most remarkable change of all. 

Not only did President Trump declare that the Jihadi Caliphate of ISIS be destroyed, but it was his team, led by his son-in-law, that brought an unprecedented peace deal to the region. 

We in the White House were told peace could never come to the region without genuflecting to the demands of pro-terror Palestinian leaders in Hamas and the Palestinian Authority. We slaughtered that sacred cow of the DC “intelligentsia,” ignoring those who cannot call evil, evil. With the help of President Trump’s man in Israel, the amazing Ambassador David Friedman, the Abraham Accords were born, normalizing relations between Israel and four Arab nations, a truly unprecedented diplomatic achievement. 

All that has been rent asunder. 

Saturday before last saw the greatest Jewish loss of life since 1945 and the Holocaust—hundreds of concert-goers slain in the desert. Grandmothers were slaughtered on camera with their deaths posted to Facebook for their families to see. And not only children but infants were murdered for one reason: they were Jews. 

President Trump was the most Philo-Semitic President since the rebirth of Israel in 1948. The only one to recognize Jerusalem and move our Embassy there, after 23 years of Democrat and Republican Presidents breaking their promise to do exactly that. 

How much more can the world be destabilized? How many Hamas Jihadists are among the millions of illegals Biden has let into America? 

Only time will tell. 

In the meantime, please support the people of Israel. 

One place I can suggest is the Bnai Zion Medical Center in Haifa, which serves the wounded. 

You can give at: Healthcare For Israel 

And please keep those fighting to protect the innocent in your prayers. 

Thank you. 

Sebastian Gorka Ph.D. is host of SALEM Radio’s AMERICA First and The Gorka Reality Check on NEWSMAX TV. A former Strategist to President Donald Trump, he is a member of the National Security Education Board of the Pentagon. His latest book is The War for America’s Soul. Follow him on his SubStack page and website.