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Why Did 18 House Republicans Just Vote for a Woke Military?

Posted on Wednesday, October 4, 2023
by Aaron Flanigan

AMAC Exclusive – By Aaron Flanigan

Rainbow flag LGBT movement on military uniform

While the ouster of Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is now dominating headlines, another storyline worth following in the aftermath of the government funding battle is the 18 Republican lawmakers who inexplicably sided with Democrats to continue allowing taxpayer-funded LGBTQ+ observances in the military like the drag shows and “drag queen story hour” events for kids.

During the debate over the Continuing Resolution that played a significant role in costing McCarthy his job, Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) introduced an amendment to “prohibit funds from being used to carry out the observance of Pride Month authorized by the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness for the Cultural Observances and Awareness Events List.”

Although it is likely obvious to most Americans that taxpayer dollars should not be allocated towards “Pride Month” celebrations, as The Federalist reported last week, “18 Republicans, including House Freedom Caucus member Rep. Ken Buck, R-Colo., sided with Democrats in voting against the amendment”—ultimately killing the measure in a 231-202 vote.

The 18 Republicans who provided the necessary votes to reject the amendment are Representatives Buck (R-CO), Calvert (R-CA), Chavez-DeRemer (R-OR), Curtis (R-UT), D’Esposito (R-NY), Duarte (R-CA), Fitzpatrick (R-PA), Garbarino (R-NY), Gonzalez (R-TX), Joyce (R-OH), Kean (R-NJ), Kiley (R-CA), LaLota (R-NY), Lawler (R-NY), Mace (R-SC), Molinaro (R-NY), Obernolte (R-CA), and Steel (R-CA).

Also worth noting is the fact that McCarthy made no discernible effort to push for the amendment’s inclusion in the final bill.

In the not-so-distant past, the mere thought of federal funds being used to actively promote LGBTQ+-themed events within the military—including drag shows for children—would have been not only laughable, but also immediately struck down by a bipartisan congressional majority. The present reality that nearly 10 percent of the House Republican delegation is intentionally enabling taxpayer-funded drag shows as part of U.S. military operations should thus be of grave concern to American voters who elected a Republican House majority to clamp down on precisely these kinds of left-wing legislative overreaches.

As The Federalist notes, the military’s support of the so-called “pride” agenda dates back to Barack Obama’s first term, during which the Pentagon held its first official “pride” event. Under Biden, however, this trend has accelerated substantially, with a series of executive orders mandating that federal agencies adhere to the left’s nefarious Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) agenda.

Just this year, for instance, the U.S. Air Force authorized travel costs for servicemembers to attend “pride” events. According to a June 1 Air Force memo, Air and Space Force commanders were permitted to use “unit funds” to pay for members to “travel to, and participate in, this year’s [Department of the Air Force] Pride events if approved by their individual supervisory authority.”

Furthermore, earlier this year, the Air Force issued a memo that “empowers” Air Force officials to “plan and conduct” activities” related to “rainbow month”—including drag shows. That memo came shortly after the U.S. Navy brought on a “drag queen” as a “Navy Digital Ambassador.”

As Rep. Roy said in a House floor speech last week in support of his amendment, “I’m sure the Chinese military is quaking in its boots with the rainbow-tipped bullets being tweeted around the world.” He continued: “I have very few constituents who disagree with this sentiment: that we should be focused on having a military that is designed to, when called upon, to blow stuff up and kill people in defense of this country as needed, and to be the best fighting force to accomplish that objective in the world.”

As Roy and other conservative representatives have warned, the House’s decision to subsidize drag shows and bankroll the “rainbow agenda” poses a severe threat to American military readiness, especially at a time when several parts of the globe are descending into war and instability.

The vote on the amendment also may pose a serious threat to the re-election prospects of the 18 Republican members who chose to continue allowing American tax dollars to fund the left’s LGBTQ+ agenda in the military. Although some Republicans who voted against the bill claimed that it was “too broad,” that explanation is unlikely to sit well with conservative voters who elected these members to pass exactly this sort of legislation.

As aggression from foreign adversaries like China and Russia continues to escalate, a strong American military could very well be the last thing standing between international stability and global chaos. For the good of the United States—and of the safety of the world itself—every American citizen should hope that House Republicans can once again focus on winning wars and defending our national sovereignty rather than financing drag shows for children.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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D. E. Day
D. E. Day
1 year ago

As long as there are so-called Republicans like these, I will not donate money to the RNC or any representative from a district other than my own. It is my understanding that if they identify as a Republican (even a RINO) they will get monetary support from the RNC, therefore I don’t donate to the RNC.

1 year ago

These so called Republicans are no more than a planted Socialist Democrat!

1 year ago

Nancy Mace voted against McCarthy for not being Conservative enough but votes for military drag queens? Make it make sense!

John Bass
John Bass
1 year ago

It’s sad to hear, not to mention see it happening in my lifetime…something I thought would never happen.
We’re the only country with the military might, economy and industrial base to keep evil at bay, but the powers that be are throwing it all away…for what? No wonder the Untied States is not directly mentioned in the Bible during the end times. We won’t exist.
I’ll say it again, I’m glad I’m an old man but I fear for my children and grandchildren.

1 year ago

As the World laughs at us, our Congress is splitting hairs over who has the dodge-ball this round! I know many of us are sickened by this administration and Congress not listening to the American Taxpayer. Global enemies are laughing the entire time and realize we do not have a credible Military to fight back IF these countries decide to shun the United States completely and form their own alliances to dominate.
My Nephew recently chose to leave the Marines due to the Covid vaccination push and then this LGBTQ scandal within the Military… he has wanted to be a Marine his entire life! Now, he feels lost as his career choice is non existent. Many people that have wanted to serve their country feel the same! It is not worthy of their lives. Why commit to defending your Nation when the powers that be, do not Value your life? Scandalous and insulting

Jimmy P
Jimmy P
1 year ago

Bongino is right: “No Democrats in D.C. are really Republicans, but a lot of Republicans are really Democrats.”

USN Retired
USN Retired
1 year ago

It’s not my military anymore I guess. The Communist are winning.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 year ago

With a huge deficit and debt and strained resources, WHY would anyone (!) especially Republicans vote for this perverted nonense?

1 year ago

Because they’re RINO’s, not republicans.

1 year ago

Probably because those 18 are PROBABLY GAY themselves!

1 year ago

Term limits for ALL elected officials…tired of seeing my money being used for such dribble. They don’t get it…inclusion will never work because someone or another will always be excluded. The only inclusion that is 100% prefect inclusion is God’s inclusion. He includes everyone, it is by their own choice that they are not included. I don’t understand how drag shows for children have anything to do with winning wars and the military. Sounds like another pork belly that is costing taxpayers. Get the military to focus on the protection of our country. Stop with all this distraction. I’m tired of this silliness.

1 year ago

seems we cannot win with the present politicians and political landscape.

1 year ago

I would say that 18 Republicans need to be removed from office.

1 year ago

Those “republicans” are the RINO uniparty swine in case you didn’t know.

1 year ago

Oh well, welcome to the new PANSY military with support from a PANSY Congress. Our enemies keep marching in.

Pat R
Pat R
1 year ago

Buck needs to be removed from the House Freedom Caucus group. So many of the GOP members who voted against the amendment to keep gov’t-funding from celebration of Pride Month and drag queen shows for children on military bases were from CA & NY. That should be a real warning to Conservative states where residents from CA & NY have and are moving, i.e., Florida, Texas. Look what happened to Colorado some years back due to influx of California residents; and now Arizona.

1 year ago

As a widow of a Vietnam vet, I am sure my husband is rolling over in his grave at the thought of LGBT people in the military. I can only imagine what our founding fathers would think.

1 year ago

WTH! How do we know who to trust, except by their actions. And even those aren’t always clear. I try to be optimistic, but it ain’t easy.

A Voter
A Voter
1 year ago

Because they are RINOs.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

McCarthy kept Woke alive NOT the 8

Steven Alton
Steven Alton
1 year ago

I’m a Vietnam Veteran and the military leaders didn’t recognize when their own troops or personal had assaulted by gay people near military bases which happened to me, and I couldn’t report it because I would have been Courtmartialed and it still affects me today along with the mild PTSD that I have from being in the Fire Department in the Air Force and the things that I saw and help firefight..So I will not be donating any politician who supports LGBTQ Or Transgender Agenda…

Jose Flores
Jose Flores
1 year ago

Goes to show, neither party can be trusted. Too many RINOs in the Republican party.

1 year ago

I certainly hope that those 18 Republicans are ousted during the next election. Shame on them!!! That’s despicable!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Just try establishing a high school skeet team somewhere and watch them howl. Guess the “Wog Queen” is back on the program during Shellback ceremonies then?

1 year ago

Sadly a once great Country is crumbling before our eyes. And it seems a very few care. The end is near.

1 year ago

It’s a shame and I hate to say it but just by looking around at how our so called representives are acting it’s mostly over for our once great Country. About all that’s left is the crying. Seems few care about America anymore. So sad!

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

This is a perversion a complete insanity stood on it’s head Who is in charge of this madness Is no one accountable and if to whom? This is a road to self destruction

1 year ago

Most likely explanatiin for this is that those Representatives who voted in favor of taxpayer funded abortions come from purple districts. The ultimate goal of every career politician is to get reelected.

1 year ago

We can clearly see who is what, and who is who! The in fighting is really rhinos vs patriots…and rhinos are really D’S..that is a nice name for them. It’s communism, fascism. Just as I suspected Fitzpatrick name made the list again. Once a Democrat came out and openly admitted they will relocate and run for a R seat if they must. That should tell you everything.

1 year ago

I don’t think Gaetz did himself any favors with this ridiculous move! I now don’t trust Gaetz nor any of the other Republican who voted with him!! You Republicans who voted with all of the Democrats to oust McCarthy are traitors to your party and not to be trusted!!!!!! You couldn’t have worked with him or is working for a common good a thing of the past??
Con. Gaetz, if not keeping a promise is a valid reason to get rid of any politician, you would all be gone!! None of you keep promises, ever!! You make promises to get votes and you, all of you, never intend to keep – is it any wonder that no one trust politicians??

1 year ago

It is easy to explain. Immorality has no single party affiliation!

1 year ago

We are an idiot nation, with idiot politicians, doing idiot things at great costs of our tax funded $’s…at last the Truth of “In GOD We Trust has risen from the abyss to become like minded devils doing to devils work because of greed, nepotism and hate of God Almighty and anyone who disagrees. ???? We are tanking moment by moment…. God forgive us and Glory to Your Name from those who love and honor You – You will NOT affirm evil and bless the hatred of those you made. We are definitively in the END TIMES. JESUS is returning to make ALL THINGs Right by Your Righteous Right Hand!!! HALLELUJAH in Jesus Name!

John Shipway
John Shipway
1 year ago

I guess it’s true. Our government has no care whether we win or lose against a genuine opponent that may attack our nation, it really is all about the money. Who is greasing the skids of these politicians voting for funding mass attendance of service personnel to “woke” events? Who are these lobbyists for the perverse?
One thing is certain, in our mad desire to go to war against Russia and China rather than even attempt to compete with them, we can sure toss out any notion of defeating either. I can just see pink haired trans soldiers wallowing in mud trying not to go into a full blown homosexual panic from the “mean opponents” noise polluting firearm usage.
The country is lost. Clean up and flush.

1 year ago

The military is no place for social experiments, whenever these guys and gals go to work, someone will die. There is no time wokness. Slowly this wave that is passing over our country is making others, who would like to see us gone, happy.

1 year ago

We are losing our Country more and more every day these Marxists in both Parties u til we vote them out or by other means before it’s too late. I’ve said it a thousand times, liberalism is a mental disorder.

1 year ago

Disgraceful and Abusive , That stuff, does not belong in any Military, Whatsoever. ????????????????

1 year ago

I am having a full day of quandary! My mind is reeling, my stomach is churning, my faith in America is tumbling quickly! Am I still even in America? We are in a time that if history is being made it should not be by one man’s disillusionment of another. Matt Gaetz is worse than any RINO and is as traitorous as any democrat. All I see in the last few days is utter failure and betrayal and damage to America. It sickens me to no end. Gaetz is PO’d because McCarthy was able to swing some Dems to vote with him in the shut down fiasco, did Gaetz not do the very same thing to get McCarthy ousted? My thoughts may be shattered but I am positive of one thing, Gaetz is 100% a RINO, never to be trusted again and it is a very good thing he has thoughts of ending his time in Congress!!! The other RINOS who joined Gaetz have shown us all what they really are. Just because an incumbent is on the ballot does not mean he/she should receive our vote. TERM LIMITS IMMEDIATELY!!!

1 year ago

The end of our military. Why would anyone want to join the services? The two clowns that are in charge should be relieved. I have no respect for there opinions.

Karl Sanders
Karl Sanders
1 year ago

Put the drag queens on the frontlines!

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
1 year ago

D.C. Swamp dwelling Republican career politicians are no better than Progressive Democrats. They all do what they can for themselves and for their respective parties rather than what is best for the U.S. and American citizens overall. All of these career politicians need to be ousted from government office.

1 year ago

Isn’t it obvious: they are promoters of immorality! And RINO’S

1 year ago

When you move away from a bad or unreasonable state because of their political overreach you should think about leaving your political policies and voting agenda in the state you left behind also.

1 year ago

If we don’t quickly return to a military laser-focused on defending America, we may soon find ourselves fighting an insurgency within America’s borders.

1 year ago

Because they hate America and the American people is my guess.

1 year ago

I believe they are bribed, most likely money or other favors. Could be wrong but I doubt it…

1 year ago

Of course most of the 18 are from socialist, democrat liberal states.

leland patterson
leland patterson
1 year ago

these republican to be relieved of their office duties immediately!

Allen Hatfield
Allen Hatfield
1 year ago

Because They are RINO’s. Republicans In Name Only!!! They lied to their constituents (employers), and ran on the Republicans Platform, all the while knowing they were secretly democrats all along!

1 year ago

This is a big part of the problem. Those supposed to be conservatives are not and vote with the slime of the world.

1 year ago

Vote OUT these 18 traitors!

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