
Education , Newsline

“It’s for the Children”

Posted on Wednesday, September 6, 2023
by Tammy Bruce
Children lined up during set showing their shadows

“It’s for the children” is one of the most familiar alibis used by leftist tyrants and bullies throughout history. To this very day, Americans are faced with the malevolent targeting of children in the name of protecting them from their own parents.

But there is good news on the home front when it comes to our pushback against the left using schools to turn children against their parents. Claiming to be champions of ‘transgender children’, they attempt to co-opt the language of compassion and civil rights to surreptitiously damage the relationship and influence mothers and fathers have over their own children.

But while the left continues to use agents of the state at schools to cleave children from their parent’s sphere of influence, at the end of August, patriot and warrior attorney Harmeet Dhillon and her team at the Center for American Liberty achieved an important legal victory for Jessica Konen said her 11-year-old daughter, Alicia.

Once Konen found out her little girl was being “transitioned” without her knowledge, she sued the school. Fox News reported, “In what’s been called a landmark victory for parental rights, a California school district has settled for $100,000 with a mother who said her daughter was ‘socially transitioned’ to a boy without parental knowledge or consent.”

Konan is an example of what Biden’s DOJ must especially fear—an inspirational mom on a mission. “They [teachers and schools] need to understand their place, and they need to stay in their place. And schools nowadays they’re awful. So, I’m going to fight this fight and keep fighting this fight,” Konen told Fox News Digital. Her lawyer noted, “At its core, this case is about upholding the sacred bond between parents and their children…Parents have an inherent right to be involved in pivotal decisions concerning their children’s lives.”

Political and social advocates are constantly using this strawman argument that schools have to keep secrets from parents because the child may face danger at home or, at the very least, won’t be accepted for who they are.

That is the core of their argument, and yet if a child faces actual danger in a home, there are already laws allowing intervention for a child’s safety. But even the left knows they can’t (yet) have children taken from their parents simply because the parents don’t pay allegiance to the leftist narrative du jour. Make no mistake—that is their ultimate goal. Keep an eye on how the left and their media enablers will continue to push the malicious lie that anything other than a ‘progressive’ home constitutes an environment that is “unsafe” and “violent” for a child.

In this country, one hallmark is that we don’t allow the government to punish us for our beliefs, take our children from us because of our faith, or arrest people because we don’t like their opinions. At its core, it is disgusting and pathetic, but even more seriously, it reveals a nationwide effort by the government and agents of the state (through teachers’ unions and leftist politicians) to gain pseudo-custody of your children by alleging that not conforming to the leftist worldview places children in danger.

For example, California is now suing a Southern California school district for daring to implement a policy requiring parents to be notified if their children want to change their gender or pronouns. California Attorney General Rob Bonta said informing parents was a threat to the safety of students: “For far too many transgender children and gender nonconforming youth, school serves as their only safe haven — a place away from home where they can find validation, safety, privacy. We have to protect that.”

This obsession by the Democrats has nothing to do with being concerned about children and everything to do with using an issue to smear parents, turn children against their parents, and then substitute leftist agents of the state as the moral arbiters for all children in public school.

Fortunately, more schools are implementing parental rights policies, which is a direct result of parents running for and winning school board seats throughout the country, but they will also likely face lawsuits from states run by regressive Democrats. We must remain vigilant and involved at our local and state levels.

Efforts to cleave the relationship between parents and children are taking more than one form. Another attempt by a school to frighten and crush a child’s freedom and usurp the family’s values was in full view when a Colorado Springs middle school banned a boy from having a Gadsden flag sticker on his backpack. The problem? They explained it was due to the flag’s “origins with slavery,” a completely false and wildly ignorant claim.

A videotape of the meeting between an administrator from the school, the boy, and his mom went viral on social media and the news, and only then, in the midst of the massive backlash, did the school reverse itself, allowing the boy to wear the Gadsden flag patch. Connor Boyack, an education expert and president of the Libertas Institute in Utah, broke the story and noted this about the outcome on X (formerly Twitter): “We won! Let this be a lesson — document your encounters w/ government employees. Had Jaiden’s mom not recorded the video, this wouldn’t have got nearly the attention that it did.”

Believing parents have a right to know what’s happening to their children in school is being framed by the Democrats as scandalous, controversial, and strange. But no one believes that. Americans are united against the increasingly extreme Democrat social agenda, especially that which impacts children, with a new poll indicating Americans don’t want children’s lives manipulated and used as proxies in adult political and cultural fights.

This is not surprising at all. Agents of the state, strangers who have no long-term personal responsibility or interest in the children but want to control and influence them, have no business perpetuating the malevolent argument that parents are the dangerous ones. It is strangers who are obsessed with controlling your children who are the monsters on the hill.

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David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

H. Clinton started that, ‘It’s for the children’ lie so they could Pass their Communist agenda.
Then SWAMP QUEEN pelosi used it to Pass more of their illegal and unconstitutional laws.
You always hear the lie..It’s for the children from democrats when it’s for them instead to CONTROL and STRIP MORE of YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS FROM YOU.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Where did this epidemic come from ? There is only one way to cure it Stop screwing with kids brains and insist schools concentrate on learning and not indoctrinating It is insane to allow a handful of mentally disturbed to push their agenda Where are all the psychologists and psychiatrists and who advocates for children? This madness sprung overnight same as covid

1 year ago

The Marxists never give up! They have slowly, for 50 years or more, been infiltrating and influencing our culture. They use our institutions, educational, cultural and other, to gradually change our behavior (or try to). Like the frog in the pot of water, it’s getting close to boiling. Many of us are aware, but is it too late? I will never comply, but keep resisting.

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
1 year ago

there is absolutely nothing the left does “for the children”.
Ask one of the aborted babies. oh yeah you can’t they are dead children.
The left loves the teachers, teachers unions, and school boards efforts to groom children to be trans. there is plenty of evidence this hurts the children for the rest of their lives. Ask one of the 75% of trans people who commit suicide. oh yeah you can’t they are dead children.
Ask one of the children captures and put into prostitution via the human trafficking at the border. Oh yeah you can’t they are being hiding is so dump and used as sex slaves.

Ask the little girls who were goign to school when bidens’ botches Afghanistan withdrawal took place. Oh yeah you can’t they are sex slaves for the Taliban now.
Ask one of the millions of gang members who jointed gangs as a result of single parent homes encouraged by the left. Oh you can’t most of then die by the time they are 25.
Ask one of the young people who committed suicide due to the democrats/teachers unions / school boards school shut downs and masking rules. oh yeah you can’t they are dead children.
What does the left do for the children. as far as I can tell nothing.

1 year ago

It is insane taking away parental rights from the parents. The parents have the right to make decisions for underage children in everything that involves their child.

1 year ago

At our AMAC meeting this week, the Executive Director from the Colorado Parent Advocacy Network presented jaw-dropping facts about what’s happening in our schools, getting overwhelming response from attendees to join and push back, attend School Board meetings, write our legislators, write editorials, do something! We also heard from the founder of Grandparents 4 Kids, a new organization encouraging grandparents to get involved and attend School Board meetings, rallies, etc. Show up for our kids! Response to both was overwhelming. We ALL agree that we need to join the fight for our kids, get off the couch (or whatever else is holding us back), and become active in getting out into our community to attend School Board meetings, etc.!

Sally Duncan
Sally Duncan
1 year ago

This is NOT socialist behavior, but communist behavior. The most important thing the communist left can do is separate children from parents to get control of oyr country. I, for one, will NOT let that happen! I will die on this hill!

1 year ago

Lefty lame lib-lobes despise children as much as they do others such as themselves, others, families, elders, and even their own pets. They fool no one which is evident in their abusive treatment of these groups.

heil biden
heil biden
1 year ago

there is a terrible sickness in this land that needs to be iradicated the sickness is called the democrat party

1 year ago

The teachers are the dangerous strangers we warned the kids about.
COVID happened. Ole Joe was installed as president and all of a sudden we have a pandemic of children that are trans?
What is in that COVID vaccine that made these children all of a sudden trans. Or are they brainwashed while on lock down via the computer learning.
I think the latter. Financial interested people are involved in this. Teachers because they get pay raises and tenure so they cannot be fired and supported by ole Joe because the unions support him. Tit for tat. Healthcare, hospitals and drs make millions off of this, big Pharma with the medication these kids need to take for the rest of their lives, and don’t forget when they get older the problems that will be happening. These poor kids are mutilated. And how many of these kids get counseling before they undergo procedures. None. For if they had the parents would have to be notified. If they are so worried about the parents not protecting their own kids, why are they doing all this in secret, their reasoning makes no sense. Wouldn’t they want to help the kids with their parents, to educate the parents. Could it be they know they are wrong but have to go along with the orders from the White House? They make it a conspiracy if they are sooo protective of the children that even parents can’t be informed, looks to me that this is Dr Mengele at work. Sterilize the children for life. A form of genocide and we let it happen all in the name of equity, diversity and inclusion.

Traditionalist Patriot
Traditionalist Patriot
1 year ago

Listening to and watching the left foment division among people is nauseating. Their evil has to stop. They’re destroying their own country.

Andre Bixby
Andre Bixby
1 year ago

$100,000 isn’t near enough. There should be legal repercussions to school administrators and all involved teachers. Only when monetary damages from those individuals involved, along with jail and prison sentences, as well as loss of teaching credentials, will these people “get the message”.

1 year ago

That’s the problem with Republicans, they won’t play by the policies of the Democrats, the Democrats will cheat, steal or lie to get what they want. If Republicans play by the rules, the Democrats don’t! “It’s for the children” when they really mean that it’s just a means to an end. And the end ALWAYS BENEFITS THEM. They’re correct, it’s always for the children, but what they really mean, THEIR CHILDREN!

1 year ago

Tammy Bruce is right on target. Administrators should spend their limited time on ensuring the highest educational achievements of the students and managing the budget.

Richard Helzer
Richard Helzer
1 year ago

Thank you Ms. Bruce for an incredibly insightful and “speaking truth to power” article. The bitter irony of this era is that far leftists (Marxists) would find stable traditional families an actual threat to their morally reprehensible agenda. They take special exception to parents who have traditional and religiously inspired world views. They detest the law and the morality that doesn’t come from them, but comes from God. We have to keep up the good fight!
Talk about intolerance, hate and a dark destructive way of living…, it’s the detestable atheistic Marxist world view.

1 year ago

This is exactly what the schools used to teach about communism and what goes on in the Soviet Union! But us baby boomers were either too busy making love not war or focusing on living the good life to pay attention to the sinister movement going on in this country. Now we’re seeing the results of failing to teach our children, grand children, etc.. the values of a true republic. We just let government bureaucracy take over and now it looks like we’re all screwed!

1 year ago

How about NAMING NAMES? WHO are these wicked people with destructive far left wing schemes?

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

No Vax is for the kids save Measles, Mumps shots

The forgotten man
The forgotten man
1 year ago

On Feb. 28, 1993, federal law enforcement agents came face-to-face with the Branch Davidians and in the name of “saving the Children” used poison gas to kill them, Bill Clinton and his attorney general Janet Reno signed off on this murder.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

The same pedophiles saying “it’s for the children” are the same ones who think the book “Call Me Max” should be required reading in elementary school. So a child can determine its “sexuality” but you have to wait until you’re 21, and “more mature”, to buy a handgun? The left are ridiculous.

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
1 year ago

When it comes to political promises, it has never been for the children. The way today’s Progressive Democrats are doing things that are so unbelievably harmful to children, they can never again be believed when they say anything is for the children.

1 year ago

Stand up for your children!

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
1 year ago

it’s becoming increasingly apparent that it’s the democrats whom the children need to be protected from.

1 year ago

Parents have the right to know what is happening to their children & that should not even be questioned. Why break up families over this & I remind you that was one of the goals of Communism in 1950s was to get rid of happy family lives.

Word of Truth
Word of Truth
1 year ago

The government is made up of “other people”. These “other people” somehow feel they are more qualified to parent children who are NOT theirs than the children’s parents are. How arrogant! Yet, these same “other people” would not in any way want you parenting their children. Hypocrisy!!!

Steven Alton
Steven Alton
1 year ago

The Bible Says And God created Man & Woman and there is nothing else!!!

1 year ago

Those who hold this indoctrination mindset don’t need to be kept in check they need to be terminated.
And I don’t mean fired from their jobs. Think Arnold schwarzenegger.

1 year ago

My theory: The teachers and government need/want more kids to control without parents. I believe that’s why they are inventing test tube, man-made ovaries. I always felt teachers were “babysitters” that i pay with my taxes to teach my children various lifetime studies while i go to work. That doesn’t mean they “own” my children. It’s a temporary, daily arrangement for educational purposes which then enables those children the mature knowledge to eventually help support their families and pay American taxes later in life.

1 year ago

So locking kids up at home, making them hysterical idiots was for the children. Well that helped.

1 year ago

Dismantling our expensive rip off government public schools is a start to saving generations of young American citizens! I do not have children by choice but still pay for government schools so I have an equal voice. Government schools are and have been always a failure with very few exceptions because they indoctrinate children with what the current leftist policies are in i”every decade since government created the public school system as free education for all… what is the result of decades… I’m waiting to hear the lies…

1 year ago

“It’s for the children” —– Nancy Pelosi introduces every speech by reciting it. Pathetic.

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
1 year ago

Face danger at home! What a crock of crap–this is nothing but evil horseshirt (remove the r in shirt). Children face real danger now in schools, libraries, public restrooms and ANYWHERE these evil people go! People protect your children–as a parent of a school teacher that monitors her children’s homework, finds out what the teachers tell them in class, constantly checking the library for the evil books that find their way into the library, I am most proud of my daughter and my grandchildren.

David Campbell
David Campbell
1 year ago

The left has always used the exception to destroy the rule.

1 year ago

Seeing our kids come out of government school’s brainwashed into following the left woke agenda is very disturbing. Parents have been standing up to the school boards somewhat but there are still too many swallowing’s their communist belief’s.

1 year ago

Didn’t anyone watch the killing fields? I know it’s harsh reality of how communism works but you should buy and watch it to understand their method of conversion. It starts with the children

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