One of the mantras of Democrats and their media voices in response to Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg’s indictment of Donald Trump has been that “no one is above the law.” That’s a fine sentiment, but there are three very big problems with Democrats making this argument:
… a hearty congratulations to our whacked-out democrat friends, gone berserk on their newfangled soviet style kangaroo court indictment, of President Trump. America’s best days well behind her, indeed –
What’s the old saying? “A good lawyer can get in indictment of a hamburger?!” The DemocRats hassled Trump with attempted phony bologna claims and Hillary Clinton phony documents and they still couldn’t get him impeached or indicted. It appears that this strategy is continuing with some silent encouragement from factions of the New Media (it sells more newspapers, etc.). Considering how the DemocRat backed up Bill Clinton with his PROVED unseemly (at best) sex activities during and prior to his Presidential term, you would think the DemocRats would back off on that line of demeaning approach.
These are evil people with unbridled financial thirst who act daily as if they were above the law.
Get them out of office, now!
They all subscribe to Saul Alinsky:
Lie, Deny, Attack.
Clinton did nothing wrong but Henry Hyde railroaded an unjust impeachment through the house. Henry Hyde was wrong about abortion too. It is a woman’s right to choose and that includes the partial birth abortion.
Both Clinton’s should be in prison.