
National Security , Newsline

Biden’s Classified Documents Discovery Is a Catch 22

Posted on Friday, January 13, 2023
by Tammy Bruce

The week has been filled with big stories about classified documents, being in places where they shouldn’t be. The Biden administration and the Democrats have found themselves behind the eight-ball, because it finally came to light that classified documents, including some designated top-secret, were found in various places associated with private citizen Joe Biden. Much of the conversation is about the obvious hypocrisy considering the persecution of President Trump including the assignment of a special counsel to look at documents that he had at Mar-a-Lago. It is safe to say, if they had not gone so absurdly far in their effort to destroy Trump, the finding of these documents would likely not have led to a special counsel. Known as the law of unintended consequences, they “Trump-hated” themselves into a corner. And no, these situations are not the same. Donald Trump, as a president, had unique powers regarding classifications. The vice president has no such powers. No doubt the Biden aides are scrambling right now after finding out that they have once again been revealed as the gang that couldn’t shoot straight.

At the start of this new Biden debacle, I told both radio and television audiences that whatever the first story was from the White House should be taken with a grain of salt. It seems with the Biden gang whatever their first explanation is usually ends up being a rather twisted version of the truth, if related at all.

It’s always the details that give away the con. Consider the initial revelation that classified documents were found in a closet at the Penn Biden Center, a “think tank” where Biden was parked in between his vice presidency and campaign for the highest office in the land.

It was just this week when we learned about those documents being found on, we are told, November 4th just two days before the midterm election.

When asked about those documents, Biden turned into Sergeant Schultz from Hogan’s Heroes, a man who knew nothing. He even claimed his attorneys told him not to even ask about what was found leaving him unable to comment. He was perplexed and surprised. And yet, we now know that on December 20th his attorneys also found a second batch of classified documents at his Delaware home.

What all of this means is that Biden, while expressing his dismay and shock about the news of the Penn Center discovery, knew for weeks that additional documents had also been found at his own residence.

It’s also very odd that this information, which clearly had been known for weeks prior to it being released to the American public, has been done in a piecemeal way. Moreover, it’s now come to light that a third document source was located also within Biden’s Delaware home. Maybe it’s time they also search his beach house.

Keep in mind the White House had been super focused on describing what happened after the documents were found. Their messaging started with how right after the lawyers found the secret material in the Penn Center closet, they called the White House and then the White House called the National Archives, and then the National Archives called the Attorney General. Really? Describing themselves as a competent and trustworthy, well-oiled machine as they lie to the American people reveals just how degraded Biden and his cronies have become. Focusing on what they allegedly did once the documents were discovered means that no one is to ask how they got there in the first place. And that is exactly what matters.

In an opinion piece for Fox News, legal scholar Jonathan Turley made a very good point about the White House’s assertion that these classified and Top Secret documents were “inadvertently misplaced.” He reminds us that Biden’s tenure as vice president ended in 2017 but he wasn’t able to move into the Biden-Penn Center until later in 2018, meaning the documents had to be moved again to that office. We also know documents, at this point, have been found in at least three different locations.

The “misplaced” narrative is as much of a fraud as was Biden’s initial “aw-shucks-I’m-surprised-and-clueless response.”

Democrat desperation delivered up an even more absurd allegation. A new narrative trial-balloon popped up, first from Georgia representative Hank Johnson, most famous for claiming that if we put more Marines on the island of Guam it would tip over. After the garage batch was found Johnson told Fox News, “Things can be planted in places and then discovered conveniently. That may be what has occurred here…” Then right on cue the ladies at The View discussed the same conspiracy theory as a serious thing to consider.

The Democrats and their media enablers should really get their stories straight.

No sooner did the Democrat accusation that Republicans were trying to frame Biden, did the man himself admit to knowing that the documents had been stored in his garage next to his Corvette. Facing questioning by Fox NewsPeter Doocy that he knew they were in the garage and then seemed proud and amused with himself that they were locked in with his Corvette.

Biden’s attitude has moved from clueless alarm to belligerent righteousness. While the final truth of the matter has yet to be determined, what we do know is that whatever the Biden administration tells us is not a part of that truth. We have to presume that the Biden gang was open and transparent with Attorney General Merrick Garland’s office, making their initial misleading of the American public an even more crass and deliberate decision. The Democrats might find this is the easiest way to get rid of Joe Biden. Our problem is the fact that Biden is a product of the establishment and they remain in power..


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Dan W.
Dan W.
1 year ago

Maybe Clueless Joe will finally figure out that he has no business running for re-election.

1 year ago

Finding these documents is the heads up to a much bigger problem, Security of documents. Whereas all documents found were clearly marked they were not handled properly. We are paying an entire building full of GS – 09 thru 15, to handle and secure documents. You don’t just walk out the door with secret/top secret documents; they’re signed out to someone who is authorized to have these documents in their possession. This “misplacing” of secret documents doesn’t happen, there’s a trail, someone signed for it. The person who signed for the “lost” documents needs to be held responsible. Our system isn’t working – our documents aren’t safe. Evidently, they never were. So again, the media goes after the soft target, the one that gets the headlines. The problem still exist, our secret/top secret documents are not secure and nobody cares. We just want to point fingers, we don’t want to fix the problem.

1 year ago

Thanks, Tammy. I was asking the same thing–what the circumstances were that landed those papers in at least 3 different locations in the first place. Someone put them there, someone moved them around! What precipitated the lawyers’ initial search for those papers? Did someone discover that documents which should have been secured in the Archives were missing?

When President Trump’s home was raided by a swarm of agents, why wouldn’t someone have stepped forward and said, “Oh, yeah, remember those files we stuffed into Joe’s garage years ago, next to the Corvette?” It’s not like they wouldn’t be “top of mind” (KJP’s response to some other lie), since they were right next to Joe’s beloved Corvette. It’s very likely that they, biden included, were aware of this long ago.

Most importantly, can’t we assume that Hunter might have taken the car for a spin now and then? Might he have seen the documents and thought, “Oh, wow…gold mine!” and proceeded to negotiate with his friends in Beijing for turning over copies? Money is everything to that criminal family, and they’re already deep in the…stew, so why not? Impeachable??

1 year ago

Liberal and progressive Corvette owners are now trying to distance themselves from Joe Biden.

1 year ago

Just more Damage control that the Demos have to do. More egg on their faces but MSM will somehow deviate from the issue and continue to mislead the populace with their silly excuses.

David Milikan
David Milikan
1 year ago

Excellent points Tammy Bruce.

John Stanley
John Stanley
1 year ago

The really sad thing at this juncture is, the American populace in general has been so programmed and lied to that they can’t distinguish the truth anymore, nor do many of them care as long as the socialist propaganda continues.

Tom R
Tom R
1 year ago

Once again nothing will be done to traitor Joe. Especially when he has DOJ, FBI, and Democrat cronnies in his pocket! Traitor Joe became America’s #1 traitor when he left billions of American assets for our enemies, and left American’s and assers to die and look what happen: NOTHING, NOT A DAMN THING!

1 year ago

Again and again, the beurocrats, elites, donor class, and the elected are and will NEVER BE held accountable, for anything. And the real reason is that the MEDIA, BIG TECH, totally corrupt FBI/CIA no longer enforce the law AS WRITTEN. Our system is totally a TWO TIER system, UNFAIR and RIGGED.

1 year ago


1 year ago

And now once again the boarder is out of the news!

William McBreen
William McBreen
1 year ago


1 year ago

His attorneys handled found the documents? SURE they did. So what does that really mean? Just how many low level associates, law clerks, and office perosnnel took the chance of a lifetime to view presidential classified documents?

John V.
John V.
1 year ago

I guess I’m curious about why the Biden lawyers didn’t quietly, once the documents had been “discovered” back in November, arrange through their network of cronies (that we are presume are ubiquitous in the bureaurocratic mess) to return said documents to their appropriate place and never look back. Was there a boy scout or girl scout among them that, managing to stay alive, forced the revelation? Is there a bit more integrity in the “gang” than the Republican side (my side) is going to allow for? Is this actually a plant by hs own party shadow bosses to take Joe out of the running for next term? None of these options seem to be particularly plausible . . . or intelligent. But I question why this administration’s lawyers (if they ARE chosen to protect their client AND are at the same time loyalists to the progressive cause) would not have “handled” the situation by burying it out of discoverability. I have no doubt t has happened numerous times before,

1 year ago

There will be scowling, finger wagging, angry words… and nothing. The best we can hope for is that this will take some of the heat off another person who actually had legitimate access to classified documents.

John Dudley Burke
John Dudley Burke
1 year ago

The Biden Attorneys that discovered the classified documents, what security clearance did they have?

Why has this not been reported on.

1 year ago

My question is, why wouldn’t they just shred the documents? Knowing how crooked the Biden crime family is, destroying classified documents would be simple. And “finding” these documents isn’t like prospecting for gold. No “EUREKA” moment at all. I’m certain several, if not many, people knew about them. Like other mafia families, there are captains and lieutenants that handle everyday things the “Big Guy” would not be involved with.

Bob W
Bob W
1 year ago

So they turned over the “found” documents and now we’re all supposed to be happy. Is anyone else wondering if some “found” documents to were hidden somewhere in else or destroyed? I suppose the FBI is still too busy with attempting to pin something on Trump to look into Biden.

1 year ago

My questions would be: how were these documents “discovered”‘, who discovered them, and why now? They could have sat there for years longer.

1 year ago

Why have most everyone forgotten/ignored Hillary, Hillary’s Iranian assistant, and Anthony Weiner?
They all had classified docs on their computers, Hillary leading the pack with multi-thousands.

1 year ago

President Biden did not commit a crime at all. When the small number of classified documents were discovered, they were immediately handed over to the national archives.

Trump intentionally took large amounts of classified documents and refused to hand them over. Trump deserves to go to jail for a very long time.

1 year ago

I question why lawyers discovered these documents in the first place. What motivated the search? Were Biden and his team fearful that these classified documents would implicate Hunter and Joe should the Republicans follow through with their investigations? Worth considering.

1 year ago

Biden has 47 years of being caught in lies & hypocrisy; never held a real job or created one…get ride of him now.

Mary Rawlings
Mary Rawlings
1 year ago

His Senatorial records have been stored at the University of Delaware, which Judicial Watch has been trying to look into for years.

Linda Trott Dickman
Linda Trott Dickman
1 year ago

I pray for the light to shine on all injustice and truth, wherever it is and to bring those folks into the light.

George Rivera, Jr.
George Rivera, Jr.
1 year ago

I find it curious that the documents deal with Ukraine, Iraq, and China. All areas where the Biden Crime Family were the most active. Hmmmm . . .

Stephen Combs
Stephen Combs
1 year ago

When can Biden expect a visit from the FBI’s jackboot goons?

1 year ago

This actually could be a good thing as IF they try to prosecute Trump, then they would HAVE to prosecute Biden also and I think they will steer away from that.

1 year ago

I’ve been saying for quite some time that If Republicans won the house in the midterms that Biden would not last to the end of his term. I said that he would be forced out by Democrats using “health issues” as an excuse. Since every informed person knows that Joe is not mentally capable of being president, Democrats cannot admit that everybody has been correct all along so they plant documents in his offices and homes to use that as the excuse. Democrats have to get Biden out of office because they know he does not have any chance to win reelection. It’s actually the DNC that controls who runs or gets nominated for every position in the Democratic party.

Sue Rice
Sue Rice
1 year ago

The fact the Dems knew about these documents before the election and knew the info about Hunter Biden was true certainly add fuel to claims about unfair elections. Now that Pres Biden says he wants to announce he will run in 2024, I think the Dems don’t want him, and are starting to block his path forward.

1 year ago

“The Democrats might find this is the easiest way to get rid of Joe Biden”. I believe that says it all. They got him elected , now they don’t want him to run again. He made that announcement prior to the documents being found. Isn’t it odd that this is all over the main stream media? Why are they throwing Joe under the bus? Since day one, they (M.S.M.) have covered for this guy, and all the blunders he’s committed! An AMAC individual George Rivera wrote “ I find it curious that the documents deal with Ukraine, Iraq, and China. All areas where the Biden crime family were the most active”. Trump’s documents were letters from dignitaries. Something is definitely wrong here .

1 year ago

Just goes to show that much of the stuff the democrats accuse Trump of, have already been done by the democrats

1 year ago

Rolling on floor LMAO, when I first heard about this! What goes around, comes around. These elite dictatorial hypocrites are NOT Representatives, they are CONNIVING criminal freaks!

1 year ago

I don’t believe Biden would stand a chance in an HONEST election, but when have democrats been involved with HONEST elections. Their only goal has been to win the election anyway, anyhow

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
1 year ago

America is much safer thanks to Biden having the documents in a locked GARAGE by his Vett. Just think if the docs had been in an unlocked garage by his BICYCLE. I perish the thought!!

Robert Ivy
Robert Ivy
1 year ago

None of what we are hearing right now is the truth. We live in a day of deception. The dems have set the bar for jurisprudence as low as it has ever been but even by their standards Biden has become too much. Watch for the power brokers to ease him out of the picture.

Alan Elwell
Alan Elwell
1 year ago

The document scandal is just the tip of the iceberg. Why is no one asking why in 2017 or before these particular document were selected by Biden to be secreted away as he was leaving federal service?It is interesting that Iran, China and Ukraine were major points of interest during the 4 years following the theft of these documents.

1 year ago

Joe (fake president) makes the great and classic Corvette look cheap

1 year ago

Nothing seems to surprise me anymore. It is one crime scene after another with these corrupt politicians. “Polly Ticks”. Yes blood suckers. But this is only the first layer of this infection. I am
so tired of the lies and cover up. But I imagine that just as usual nothing will be done. It is obvious that Biden and others along with our Military Industrial Complex are working with our enemies to boost them up.
You know Eisenhower and JFK both tried to warn us that there were people being planted to subplant the American people. We have been lied to so much. This problem is so deep rooted now. It is going to take more than a few good men to root this out. If they get rid of Biden then look at who will replace him. Our options aren’t looking good. This fiasco should never have happened in the first place. But Republicans let it happen. Sad to say!

1 year ago

Have we all conveniently forgot about Sandy Berger and the documents secreted in his socks?

Carl Glanzman
Carl Glanzman
1 year ago

Biden’s son got rides on the VP jet and then on Air Force 1 many times on foreign junkets with his Dad. As VP, he enabled Hunter and the friendly uncle to buy rights to sell the company making the advanced navigation equipment essential to the submarine forces and then sold them to China. We now cannot get the essential navigation equipment, except by buying from China.

There is no doubt, in anyone’s mind that Hunter got onto Barisma board because of Papa Joe’s insertion into Ukrainian politics during the Obama years. He even bragged about getting his son on the board in a big meeting of US Oligarchs and their Democrat politician buddies. It is on tape. Irrefutable collusion, undeniable incompetence and unmistakable evidence of meddling in the VP office.

Now, the 80+ bumbling, mumbling, misspeaking instigator of treasonable offenses wants you to believe there is no “there there”.

Harold Scott
Harold Scott
1 year ago

I have posted on other sites for several days that this event is SCRIPTED!! Obama? Soros? Too much, too soon! I posted starting several days ago, that I believe this is the DIMs GETTING RID of their biggest problem, Mr Potato Head [AKA The Sock Puppet] POTUS!!! He had served his purpose, against the Orange Meanie, and now he is an embarrassment to them! Plus, the new golden boy, Craven Noisesome, needs a clear field to run, 2024!!!

David Politis
David Politis
1 year ago

No, the real problem is that IF Biden were to be impeached about this Classified Documents mess, we would likely end up with President Harris. And to me, in many ways, this is a much more troubling scenario!!!

1 year ago

Watch out for John.

1 year ago

When are we going to rescue the US from such obvious Chinese espionage.
China Joe and hid govt have clearly demonstrated his loyalty to China over the last several years.
The Penn-Biden Center and apparently the U of Penn are obviously Chinese spy dens.
As it stands now, we have NO legal entity that we can depend on to defend us or take corrective action.
It is ultimately Congress’s responsibility.

1 year ago

It would almost seem, from the wording used in his/her comments and replies, that “John” is very closely tied to Joe Biden; maybe even Biden himself, maybe Jill, maybe a very loyal white house staffer. His/her remarks mimic language Biden has used in his speeches. And, his very first reply to Tammy Bruce, “f u,” implies a very personally-taken insult by Bruce’s characterization of Biden’s career. After that, his/her comments reflect somewhat deeper thought, perhaps remembrances of language used in past speeches, or answers to reporters’ questions, maybe? At the very least we, and this site, are being trolled in order to identify, and respond to, negative comments about Biden. The comments and responses are very uncharacteristic of the typical attitudes of AMAC members, who joined AMAC in the first place, because it WAS, and continues to be, the “conservative” alternative to AARP. So I wonder if these people are being “directed” by someone to take these actions, or are they doing it of their own free will? Can it be they crave recognition so badly, they’ll take it any way they can get it, even if it comes in the form of rebuke? It never ceases to amaze me when hardline Democrats infiltrate bastions of traditional conservatism, spouting nothing but party-line past rhetoric, as if those rehashed words are any more relevant now, than they were when first uttered. Do people who do this really believe that by chiming-in with such drivel, they are going to magically sway anyone to their side of the aisle? Quite a fantasy, I think.

1 year ago

If the safest place for the country’s top-secret documents is next to the corvette, does he keep his money in the trunk? Just wondering? Maybe msm can do a report on the benefits of the corvette security options for documents and valuables.

Helen Volk
Helen Volk
1 year ago

I sincerely hope AMAC will be involved in getting the truth out. The media, including Fox News, don’t give the details showing the two cases are very different. Trump, as President, had the authority to have the documents, Vice President Biden did not. Trump reportedly went through the proper process to secure the documents, which he had declassified. Biden did not!! Trump had the declassified documents stored in a locked closet, at Mar A Lago, as approved by the FBI. So it stands to reason that when the FBI raided Trumps Florida residence, they purposely took the documents out of the locked closet and placed them on the floor of the office, in his residence, and then took pictures of the documents on the floor. All of this was done in order to prosecute Trump so he couldn’t run for President in 2024. I wonder if Joe Biden realizes the Democrat establishment is doing the same thing to him??

1 year ago

It was just reported in the fake news MSM, of a ring video of someone in a dark blue suit and a red tie sneaking in resident Brandon’s Wilmington ,Delaware home’s garage with a file box, leaving it next to a Chevrolet Corvette. For those in Real Linda, I’m just kidding, or am I? We will have to wait and see!

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
1 year ago

Remember that Joe and Hunter had CHINESE business partners who were in these SAME locations! ANY Chinese “businessmen” answer to the Communist Party or they are not allowed out of the country! Swalwell and Feinstein are also in bed (Swalwell literally) with the ChiComs.

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