President Biden has been adding to his Christmas wish list since taking office. After passing a $1.9 Trillion COVID relief spending package, and a $1.2 Trillion infrastructure spending bill, the President turned around and asked Congress for $3.75 Trillion more for his “Build Back Better” plan that House Democrats passed at an albeit shorter but no less dangerous $2.2 Trillion price tag. The President is hoping that the Senate keeps most, if not all, of it but is now running into big roadblocks. Congress is scheduled to be in session for only two weeks as Members of Congress hope to leave town for the Christmas break. The President and Congressional Democrats are trying unsuccessfully so far to ram through a slew of socialist policy changes in the more accurately named “Broke, Bankrupt, Begging” spending bill.
The BBB has caused an uproar in Washington and within the Democrat Party itself. That’s because it contains a massive expansion of the federal government, a series of tax increases on all Americans, and some sweet giveaways for Democrat campaign donors. According to the Americans for Tax Reform analysis, the BBB would result in the “highest personal income tax rate in the developed world: 57.4%” and the “highest capital gains tax rate since the 1970s. ‘The average top marginal combined tax rate on capital gains would be nearly 37 percent,’” along with an $8 billion home heating tax, putting it in violation of “Biden’s middle-class tax pledge to oppose any and all tax hikes on Americans making less than $400k.” It will also add “87,000 new IRS auditors and agents,” resulting in a “50% increase in small business audits,” among other things. The Democrats also want to give their donors a gift this holiday season, as the BBB gives a “$2.5 billion special tax handout for trial lawyers” and a “$1.6 billion special tax handout for media companies of any size.”
Headed into the holiday’s the President is all Jingle Bells in a grinch economy. “We’ve made progress over the last ten months: unemployment is down to 4.6%, wages are rising, disposable income is up, and millions of Americans will be reuniting with their loved ones for Thanksgiving,” the President tweeted the day before Thanksgiving. The sad reality is that, while the labor market has made some progress, it’s still high as the country faces a workers shortage, and wages are rising, but not as fast as inflation, leaving no income to be disposable.
The Labor Department reported that last month wages rose .04%, upon which the President based his tenor. The same report also stated that inflation for the month increased .9%, higher than expected. Which means that, “all told, real average hourly earnings when accounting for inflation, actually decreased 0.5% for the month. So an apparent solid paycheck increase actually turned into a decrease, and another setback for workers still struggling to shake off the effects of the Covid pandemic,” CNBC reported.
Santa knows false advertising when he sees it.
Of course, the real prize on the President’s Christmas list is Democrats keeping the House and Senate in 2022 and for him to win re-election in 2024. That sort of political calculation is what’s really behind President Biden’s move to release 50 million barrels of oil from our “Strategic Petroleum Reserve.” The SPR is meant for emergency situations only, as it has only been done 3 other times before in our history and takes about 13 days to actually hit markets.
Former U.S. Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette said that Biden’s decision to tap the SPR is a “mistake.” “It’s not a supply emergency, and the only emergency I can … see in this case is a political emergency,” he said. In June, the Biden Administration killed the Trump-approved Keystone XL pipeline project, a major U.S.-Canada oil pipeline that was expected to carry about 830,000 barrels per day in the U.S. Gas prices today are $3.29 a gallon, compared to $2.15 one year ago.
The President thinks he’ll be showering more gifts on his liberal base this Christmas season. But if you ask your friends and neighbors whether or not they think the President is on Santa’s ‘Good List,’ you’ll probably hear a much different tune. Let’s hope Congress doesn’t give it to him and leave Americans holding the bill.
Bob Carlstrom is President of AMAC Action
Don’t forget the $87 BILLION in U.S. Military EQUIPMENT DICTATOR Beijing biden GAVE TERRORIST and got 13 U.S. MARINES KILLED including to be the First and ONLY president to SURRENDER in a WAR.
And now the TERRORIST have OUR Equipment to KILL AMERICANS.
No matter how you cut it. IT’S TREASON and CHARGES MUST BE FIlED.
It’s an insult to the 70 million people who voted legitimately for Donald Trump that everyone continually refers to the Occupier and Thief as President. He was NOT duly elected; the election was stolen. This inept, Marxist fool will NEVER be my President.
Why should The Great Bafoon worry? He’s never had a real job, been on government teat for 50 years. He’s crooked, a liar and a politician. He’d do anything for a vote, even allow illegals to vote. I’m not that impressed with Repubs either.
Nero fiddled while Rome burned?
To ruin America & set up Depression 2 BUT wait package wont get through until next year unless Dems do 24/7 for bill
Did you mean wages rose 0.4%? One less zero?
Pray that GOD will touch the hearts of a few Dem senators to love country more than Party and stop Biden’s power grab !!!
Biden is a goddamned lying POS!!!
When the rest of America wakes up and see’s what a worthless son of a bitch Biden is maybe they will do all of us a favor–take him and all of his Democrat scum bags out and line them up against a wall and put an end to their horse shit COMMUNIST AGENDA!!!
TRAITORS are very good for target practice!!!
Socialism only works for those who are in control over everyone else. And then, Socialism can’t last very long, usually ending in disaster for even those who benefitted from Socialism. The “everyone” should be equal mantra looks appealing to those who are very bad at math, and it appears that everyone can make large paychecks and get free government services. Once Socialism is allowed to dominate, we soon find out that while everyone is equal, to quote Animal Farm, “some are more equal than others”, most are equally as poor while the “others” live in luxury off of the money produced by the equally as poor who actually produce.
I REPEAT!!!!!! If we ever get thru all this garbage that’s going on, we should take the Democrat Party (except for the good guys), put them on trial for TREASON. We know who they are.
Throughout history, when bad people get in power the results are catastrophic. The populace at large can be exonerated when subversives seize control by force. But, what do you say when the morons actually vote them in? SMH
If ALL Republicans don’t reject this non-sense, they should be voted out of office ASAP. All Republicans should immediately let the American people know how this laundry list will help destroy America. Also show where the pork in the bill is (unless they have added pork for their own benefit, wink wink). If the Republicans don’t get a backbone, why should we support them?
Biden is leading this Nation into a horror of inflation … and it will hurt everybody …especially the lower income faction the population. The Democraps are setting it up so that we will enter an era comparable to the 1930’s depression. Thus making the country function more as a Commuistic governed Nation (by, of course the Democraps). Minimizing the actions already being taken under the leadership of Biden & the Democraps can only be initiated by kicking the Democraps out of governance positions at all levels beginning with the next upcoming elections. The Democraps know that the only way they can continue to RULE the Nation is thru a hybrid form of Communism. Look out China … the USA is morphing in to the CSA (Communist State of America).
Don’t be fooled by Manchin. He seems to be opposing Biden on many issues, but he is a Democrap, When he refuses to go along with the Democrat fall to Communism and switch OUT of the Democrap Party, he may earn some political pluses. But now he is a Democrap and his actions that don’t seem to be in line with the Biden agenda are pragmatic public actions to win his election which is in serious jeopardy from a growing swarm of voters who are fed up with Biden and the Democraps.