
National Security , Newsline

Biden Won’t Hold China Accountable But Has Plenty Of Time To Attack Americans

Posted on Wednesday, September 15, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive


Even as President Biden threatens to leverage the full power of the federal government against Americans who dare to oppose his administration’s policies, he has yet to issue the same full throated condemnation of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) – even as evidence mounts that the Chinese government engaged in a massive cover up about the origins of COVID-19 for which the world continues to pay a very heavy price.

Back in April 2020, President Donald Trump first raised what came to be known as the “lab leak theory.” The former President was severely criticized for this “conspiracy theory.” Some, including Biden, even accused Trump of “racism and xenophobia.”

But then, evidence began trickling out that validated President Trump’s initial suspicion that the virus leaked from the Wuhan lab. One totally unexpected and credible source of support for the lab leak theory turns out to be the U.S. government itself, which was revealed in some recently released documentation to have partially funded controversial research at the Wuhan lab on the very types of coronaviruses at the heart of the global pandemic. The type of research the Chinese were working on is called “gain-of-function”, which seeks to genetically modify viruses in the lab so they become more transmissible and deadly. The charitable explanation for conducting such research is that if you can develop treatments for more dangerous viruses in the lab, then treating less dangerous versions in the outside world becomes easier.

The problem, however, is that by making viruses more transmissible, they become exponentially more deadly if they escape from that lab. Only a few labs worldwide are certified to perform gain of function research. Most are located in the United States or Europe, and outbreaks of other diseases like SARS linked to China have led some in the scientific community to question if it was safe to allow Chinese labs to conduct such dangerous research.

Senator Rand Paul famously criticized Dr. Anthony Fauci for his repeated denials that the National Institutes of Health (NIH)—the government agency Fauci works for—ever provided funding for gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab. But recent revelations from The Intercept—more than 900 pages of emails and various other materials—reveal that the NIH did in fact fund gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China, beginning in 2014.

Alina Chan, a molecular biologist at the Broad Institute, was quoted in The Intercept saying these government documents provide authoritative support to justify taking seriously the theory that the pandemic had its origin in a leak from the Wuhan lab where controversial gain of function research was being carried out by the Chinese. “In this proposal [for NIH grant money],” she said, “they [EcoHealth Alliance, those carrying out the research] actually point out that they know how risky this work is. They keep talking about people potentially getting bitten—and they kept records of everyone who got bitten.”

So the lab-leak theory was plausible from the beginning, just as President Trump said. Basic common sense suggested it, while the researchers who received money from NIH admitted it was possible themselves. That’s why the Wall Street Journal recently noted, “As China’s propaganda machine pushes to draw attention away from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Americans who dismissed the lab-leak theory have a conflict of interest.” That would include Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Even the World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes that China has lied repeatedly on this issue. As Jamie Metzl, a member of the WHO’s advisory board said, “The problem is the Chinese have engaged in a massive cover-up that is going on until today involving destroying samples, hiding records, placing a universal gag order on Chinese scientists and imprisoning Chinese citizen journalists asking the most basic questions.”

But does President Biden excoriate China for this? No. Instead, he excoriates and demonizes his fellow Americans.

Biden’s failure to stand up to China and hold the Chinese responsible for the trillions of dollars in damages from the pandemic is in stark contrast to what we’ve seen from former President Trump. Even out of office, Trump has insisted that China must be held accountable for the coronavirus pandemic. In early June, the former President declared, “The time has come for America and the world to demand reparations and accountability from the Communist Party of China. We should all declare [with] one unified voice that China must pay.” The former President even suggested that the “down payment” for these reparations could be paid by China if countries that owe them money cancelled their debts.

Former Vice President Mike Pence also called for similar actions against China in a speech at the Heritage Foundation. Among other things, Pence suggested moving the 2022 Winter Olympics from Beijing to another city if China did not stop its persecution of the Uyghurs and if China did not cooperate with American intelligence organizations and scientific investigators about the origins of COVID. If the Beijing Olympics were moved elsewhere, it would be a major blow to China’s international propaganda campaign.

Instead of addressing the China’s outrageous actions, President Biden is angrily lecturing anyone who disagrees with him that his patience is “wearing thin” and even suggesting that his political opponents are an equal threat to the terrorists who perpetrated 9/11, surely one of the most grotesque political attacks of all time. Meanwhile, the nations of the world are left waiting for President Biden’s patience to “wear thin” with the CCP so that the international community can hold China accountable and prevent such a tragedy from occurring in the future.

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3 years ago

Well we all know that Joebama O’Biden can’t stand up to China and the CCP, the country that owns him and his entire family along with all of the democrats and most of the republicans!

3 years ago

As this dictatoral attitude continues to grow from Washington, we begin to see the continued affects in the elections. More cheating, no longer covert. Look at California, the cheating is apparent, yet accepted. As for china ,there is no denying there is plenty wrong there. Unless we as a nation come together, not Biden’s way, but as Americans, we may as well join Biden in bowing.

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

” The problem, however, is that by making viruses more transmissible, they become exponentially more deadly if they escape from that lab. ” And they did…The Director of NIH, one Dr. Fauci, the lead scientist at Eco Health Alliance, one Dr. Peter Daszak with monies he received from the NIH & sent directly to the Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China through Dr. Daszak for ” Gain of Function ” research in the making of a ” super virus ” from a specific bat found in caves south of of Wuhan. A virus specifically designed to enter human blood cells…Dr. Fauci has repeatedly lied before Congress & the redacted emails going back as far as 2014 PROVES his DIRECT involvement in ” Gain of Function ” research… Fauci is a monster & he should at a minimum be REMOVED immediately & placed under arrest, more of the same for Mr. Daszak.. I have a solution for both the labs in Wuhan, it’s called MOAB, done…
Bill on the Hill… :~)

Paul W
Paul W
3 years ago

Not only WON’T that change, it’s going to get worse…MUCH WORSE. It’s all about the narrative…and the narrative has absolutely nothing to do with the truth…at all.

3 years ago

Biden won’t condemn China. China owns the Bidens. Well, China and Ukraine.


MAGA2024! TRUMP2024!

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
3 years ago

Just more evidence (to add to all that we already have) that Biden is, and has long been, on the Chinese payroll.

R.J. from Arizona
R.J. from Arizona
3 years ago

Biden will do nothing. He can’t. Remember son Hunter and lap top? The money China paid him? What happened to the laptop? What happened to the so called investigation? China owns Biden and Joey knows it. If Joey doesn’t go along, I am sure China will unload crippling info on Biden family.
China need not worry, the bidens will obey any time the leash is pulled.

Lou Magyar
Lou Magyar
3 years ago

My theory all along has been that China released this on the world in order to take over the global manufacturing market. it is nearly impossible to get good for manufacturing that aren’t made in China. American companies are going under, shutting down, and losing market shares. GM, Ford, and Chrysler have all shut down production lines due to lack of materials.

China steps in and provides everything we need… Americans become gov’t payroll (welfare) sloths and the CCP dominates the world’s markets in every sector – all because of the Wuhan virus!

3 years ago

I’m waiting for Senator Paul to have Fauci arrested for having used U.S. dollars to fund the Chinese lab along with lying to the Senate during their hearings.

3 years ago

Patriots, You can kiss America good bye.
Sad to say the people are cowardly SHEEPLE.

3 years ago

Why should Joey hold China accountable? BBB=Biden’s election slogan Build Back Better. My version of his BBB is Build Biden’s Bank Account Back Better. He needs China to build his bank account back up, probably along with Hunter’s. How do you think he was able to build his new home in Delaware?, Who do you think the “Big Guy” was? For all we know, there may have been TWO big guys reaping the benefits of China during Obama’s admin.

3 years ago

He’s a communist. The whole mess is one big coup and he wants to be the dictator just like obama. I don’t see anything good in what he has done. EVIL is the word for all of them.

Larry E Mace
Larry E Mace
3 years ago

Whatever the absolute truth of the source, there can be no doubt that the Communist dictators of China DELIBERATELY and intentionally spread the virus around the world. They isolated Wuhan Province from the remainder of China, prohibiting travel to or from that province to the rest of the country, while allowing (encouraging?) travel throughout the outside world.

3 years ago

O’biden has always hated the heart and soul of America. There was no $$$ to be made by supporting America.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Blackmail. Pay 2 play for China .

3 years ago

Hunter Biden + Joe Biden = China $’s

3 years ago

joe like the rest of the “elite” are communists so why wouldn’t they berate the people they dislike(most of them are useful idiots anyway) in favor of those they support(chinese communists). Under china’s communism they don’t have to deal with elections, pesky voters, and what the citizenry wants; they will give us what they think we should have(parents call this an allowance).
Many of the useful idiots are going to find out the hardware when their parents die and there is little left to inherit because they supported the democrat(communist) party who ended up confiscating most of it. idiots!!!!!

3 years ago

The Biden administration along with many members of Congress are anti-American. Their top priority is themselves and their Socialist elitist friends.

3 years ago

Biden can get more money for himself and his corrupt family from China, so he will protect Chine his bread and butter. Biden what a disservice to the American tax payer.

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

Doing what Demonrats do best running down and trashing the American way of life and our freedoms and propping our enemy’s ( Mostly communist Countries ) the Demonrats like Dictators the most, they hold Dictators up as ideals, because the long to be Dictators themselves, the lefts leaning scum Demonrats never meet a Dictator they didn’t like. Show me a Democrat and I will show you a LIAR, and a PREDATOR, looking to pick your pocket. I would not trust anyone over the age of 6 to be alone whit one of them.

3 years ago

Hunter needs the chink money for the big guy! Eff the rest of us! Maybe we’ll get lick and he will fall down the plane steps and smash his pumpkin head!

3 years ago

One World Order…that is their goal and will they succeed, not if the narrow minded average liberal Dems finally wake up from their coma!

3 years ago

It’s so obvious why he doesn’t condemn China. They own him and his bag man (Hunter) completely. Hunter is on deck for the JAG tribunal for high treason. Biden Senior will not escape either.

Peter K
Peter K
3 years ago

Come on man! How can Joe Biden hole China accountable for ANYTHING they say or do? They own him outright. His years of influence peddling now come back in the form of threats that can destroy him and shake the foundation of our government to its core. I doubt he is alone. There is a plethra of members of Congress that remain silent because a large percentage of them are also owned by some entity or foreign state. Things are not well in the homeland.

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
3 years ago

Blaming American citizens and the U.S. for all of the woes of the world, while sucking up to nations that outwardly hate the U.S. and American freedoms was a key focus of the Obama administration that was interrupted during the Trump administration and is now back with a vengeance with the pseudo-Biden administration. Had Hillary Clinton became president instead of President Trump, we may already be having to learn basic Chinese commands such as “show us your papers” and being able to say “shì de, tóng zhì (yes, comrade) in response to “are you a loyal Commie drone?”
As it was, the Trump administration brought to light how corrupt members of both major political parties are and how Socialist (Progressive) the Democrat Party has become. The Trump administration gave us a glimpse of what the U.S. could once again get back to if only we want it bad enough to fight for it.
Let’s face it, no rational person who actually investigates American politics from all points of view believes that Obama was running the presidency when he was in office. Granted, Obama was a lot more effective in making look like he was not just a puppet for hateful billionaire Progressives and Communist China, but for the most part, he was just that. Biden, having been installed in the White House by those same billionaires and Communists, is just so obviously not in control of anything that even many dyed in the wool Democrats are realizing it.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
3 years ago

There is a word that has two LL near the middle.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
3 years ago

Sure would like to whup Bidens Ass.

Allan Brem
Allan Brem
3 years ago

We saw this fool’s fool coming! Such a shame Americans still vote by the (L). The election would not have been stolen but for the partisan voters and the non-voters.

3 years ago

Let’s put Pres. Biden’s blame calling aside for the moment. Those personnel that work in the Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC), knew that the COVID virus research started in the States and was moved to a foreign nation under the 44th Pres (O) when the new Pres (T) was elected. The foreign nation then either haphazardly or intentionally released the virus unto the planet. NBC experts did bring this to the attention of higher authority but like 9/11, it was swept under the rug.

3 years ago

I pray lightning strikes that POS too….

Charles Nolan
Charles Nolan
3 years ago

Socialists and communists see themselves as superior people with the strength to rule over inferior morons. As in the case of Hitler and Stalin, they created a well paid bureaucracy to carry out thier horrors. Obama subverted the bureaucracy at the highest levels, as he learn for the socialist FDR, know for weaponizing the FBI and IRS against political opponents. General Milley is the most glaring example of this, where he seized the power of the President to control nuclear weapons, and collaborated with China as well. A military dictator. ” I have the guns”, we are told he commented to Trump. Biden later threatened conservatives, with “I have the nuclear weapons.

3 years ago

Biden is owned by the Chinese….he is selling out America to pad his own pockets.

3 years ago

Joe Biden and his son are blatantly corrupt. The MSM and Democrats are partners in this crime. And they are rubbing the corruption in our faces. They all feel they are above the law and there is nothing we can do about it. They are trying to provoke Conservatives into some kind of armed conflict so they can remove the right to bear arms from the Constitution. And if the Conservatives are smart enough not to fall into their trap, they will come up with some kind of fake news about a conspiracy to overthrow the government in order to abolish the Second Amendment. They have pretty much abolished the First amendment. The fox has taken over the henhouse.

3 years ago

It’s simple, he can’t.
joebama and the traitorous democrats are owned by china!!
Just watch how they refuse to call China out on ANY ilicit,illicit, self serving actions that harm America and the world.
They continually steal American business property( must be 51% owners of anyone operating in china) , pirate our high technology, manufacturing and buying the politicians.
This anti American weakling joebama and his corrupt cronies do NOTHING!
The writing was on the wall, dirty,cirrupt,immoral,communist democrat party and the clown show administration had to cheat and steal an election because even the uninformed democrat voters knew he was scum.
Funny you democrats are not so proud or standing up to be counted with this epic FAILURE.
Easily the worst and most destructive clown to ever cheat into office, and this number hasn’t been in 2 years yet.
ALL these losers need to go, NOW

3 years ago

So is anyone a fan of these career politicians now??
They are out of touch,bought off, only concerned with power and money.
Our Republic was meant to have fresh ideas,patriotic service and America loving representatives looking out for Our Citizens.
Make America Great, Keep America Great, Save America………it’s about America not useless greedy politicians!
They must go.

3 years ago

Just have one question, why is the CDC located in Atlanta instead of the middle of the desert?

3 years ago

I don’t understand all the confusion. Comrade Joe works for the Chinese Communist, who else would you expect him to attack…Russia?

Rick Mac
Rick Mac
3 years ago

And, the lame-stream media still extols the “virtues” of the Biden administration. Sick, to say the least!

3 years ago

When are the patriots of this nation, the freedom lovers, the backers on independence, going to figure out that, ultimately there is only one way to eliminate vermin!

3 years ago

Why in the Hell are we funding dangerous researching in China anyway, a country who hates our guts and has threatened us in the past?

Steven H
Steven H
3 years ago

Why would Biden do anything to provoke his friends? They’re more important to please than fulfilling your oath to the people you swore to serve.

Charles Sever
Charles Sever
3 years ago

The reason he is that stupid, is because he is a dictator and a damn FRAUD and also a court jester for laughs. He doesn’t have a damn brain, his skull is empty.

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