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Flashback to When Joe Biden Said ‘Come on Man, China’s Not a Threat’

Posted on Friday, February 12, 2021
by Outside Contributor

chinaJoe Biden is striking out with a major reversal when it comes to the China threat. Now that he’s in office, Biden suddenly realizes he has to pay close attention to China.

Flashback to 2019, when a guy with presidential aspirations seemed dismissive towards the massive and ancient nation. At that time Biden rhetorically asked, “China is going to eat our lunch? They can’t even figure out how to deal with the fact that they have this great division between the China Sea and the mountains in the east, I mean in the West. They can’t figure out how they’re going to deal with the corruption that exists within the system. I mean, I you know they’re not bad, folks. But guess what. They’re not a competition for us.”

Fast forward to today and a Chinese virus has killed hundreds of thousands of Americans,  forced us to take the unthinkable step of shutting down our economy, and crippled international competitors.

Here’s how Biden talked about China in one of the presidential debates with President Trump last fall. “He talks about the art of the deal China’s made perfected the art of the steel, we have a higher deficit with China now than we did before, we have the highest deficit trade deficit with Mexico.”

Trump then interrupted Biden to say, “China ate your lunch, Joe. China ate your lunch.”

Now Biden has taken office and in a recent meeting with members of the U.S. Senate Committee on infrastructure, he begins warning China is a threat to the United States. According to reports, he is quoted as saying, “If we don’t get moving, they’re gonna’ eat our lunch.” So not only has he suddenly changed his mind but he’s resorting to borrowing a direct quote from his nemesis Donald Trump.

To borrow a direct quote from Biden, we gotta’ say, “Come on man.”

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3 years ago

While his language may have changed, Biden and his administration, as well as the entire Democrat party, will continue to be soft on China. Watch the administration’s actions, not their so-called tough talk. Actions are what matters and so far virtually everything related to China since Biden strolled into the White House in January has been a return to the “business as usual” stance prior to President Trump.

3 years ago

Puzzling, how have demented joe’s handlers enabled him to speak on his own?? Made him memorize several statements with numbers attached, then instruct via signaling which numbered statement to say? Or give oral instructions via hidden mic?

3 years ago

Joe Biden is anti American I am dead serious. I’m kicking my own ass for vaxing early on. The early vaccine roll out was courtesy China. Their 400 million unapproved untested efficacy, actually maybe they really did poison us. It shld take months and months to make hundreds of millions of vaccines, yet we literally got them all overnight. Just like how said wouldn’t be possible. He’sa dayyyum liar. They media would’ve been all over it, yet there was no coverage at all. Of course they’ll make up some NOW saying it was THEN, but that’s a lie. Ppl please open your eyes and think about this. Try to remember last year- no one was making mass numbers of vacs. The company the US had a contract with for a billion syringes was cancelled. China got ‘em all. China sent “the world “ millions of vaccines before they got their first approved vaccine in January 2021. Do you really think they’ were just making sure Americans were taken care of first? Haha but that’s really what they think we’ll believe. And Joe Biden already sold out America. He didn’t think the the nonvaxers would be so staunchly opposed. Hold the line nonvaxers. Joe said himself last year, If he got a vaccine he’d have to see it being made, from start to finish, ykr bc He trusts science but does not trust Donald trump total transparency. That’s classic and blatant projection, maybe he actually had it all planned out, never know.
You know what the final end game is, right? It’s literally for land. For space to live. China is about the same size as the US, with more than 4x as many people they want space, property, land to live on. China is overpopulated. They think they’re superior beings and they wanna be the ones that populate the whole world.

Jim Thomas
Jim Thomas
2 years ago

The reason I know that the virus was a well thought out and purposeful act is that no one is mad about it,,, 911 was responsible for thousands of US lives and we launched a war over it and rightly so,, this virus that was lab created in China and probably at least partially funded by the US has supposedly killed how many US citizens as well as countless lives around the globe and no one is trying to hold China accountable,,,, COME ON MAN !!!

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