
Elections , Newsline

Idle Wave: The Democratic Landslide That Wasn’t

Posted on Thursday, November 5, 2020
by Outside Contributor

McConnellDemocratic donors are feeling a lot lighter in the wallet this week, but how much do they have to show for it? While Fox News raced to call the House for Democrats, the real story behind the numbers is a crushing one for Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). She didn’t just watch her majority shrink — she witnessed a foreboding flip of seats in solidly blue districts. Will she have control over the House when it’s all over? Probably, but from a much weaker position — and without a Senate takeover to cushion the blow.

It might be one of the most underreported narratives of Tuesday night, but when the dust settles, the GOP will have significantly outperformed in the U.S. House. Both parties, Politico points out, thought the congressional races would be a bloodbath. Democrats were supposed to win “a dozen seats in the House,” they explain, “and knock off a whole host of Republican incumbents.” Guess what? Those projections, like all the rest, were completely wrong. Instead, it was Republicans beating Democrats — and, more importantly, Democratic incumbents.

“They beat Minnesota Rep. Collin Peterson after a few decades of trying,” reporters announced. They stunned in liberal strongholds like Miami, knocking off Debbie Mucarsel-Powell and Donna Shalala. In places like Staten Island, South Carolina, and New Mexico, the wins came tumbling in for Republicans. “And, to add insult to injury, the chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Rep. Cheri Bustos, is struggling to hang on to her Illinois district.” “So much for the election landslide,” the Wall Street Journal proclaimed.

“We defied the odds,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy told reporters triumphantly. After wasting a year on bogus impeachment charges and refusing to negotiate on any legislation of substance, the country’s message to Democrats seems to be: Start doing your jobs, or we’ll give them to someone else. For pro-lifers, who’ve been battling the most extreme abortion agenda in history, the GOP’s upsets are especially good news. The more they chip away at the Left’s majority, the better likelihood of success on things like the discharge petition of the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. Depending on where the final numbers end up, Republicans may finally be able to force a vote to stop legal infanticide. That, in itself, would be a major win for the unborn.

Of course, the biggest prize of the night was the U.S. Senate, where liberal activists had pumped tens of millions of dollars into defeating the GOP. But outspent, Americans quickly learned, does not mean outgunned. And within a few short hours, it was clear that voters weren’t ready to hand the keys to a party who threatened to blow up the filibuster, pack the Supreme Court, and unseat district judges. Pollsters, who insisted the Senate was a lock for the Left, had even more egg on their face when Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), the Democrats’ biggest target and shepherd of the Amy Coney Barrett nomination, won in a race that wasn’t even close.

Donors lost $90 million in their bid to unseat Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), a record-breaking $108 million to oust Graham, and another $24 million to dispose of Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas). When CNN’s Van Jones said that “a lot of Democrats are hurt and scared tonight,” he wasn’t just talking about the presidential race. The fact that the Left couldn’t live up to its lofty goals is proof that the party is in some disarray. Despite the advantages Pelosi and Senator Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) had — not just financially but with their liberal megaphones in the media and social media — Democrats still can’t overcome the realities of their unpopular agenda.

With Michigan’s John James (R) still in the hunt, Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) and David Perdue (R-Ga.) up by two points, Alaska’s Dan Sullivan (R) double-digits ahead, and Alabama’s Tommy Tuberville (R), Iowa’s Joni Ernst (R), Montana’s Steve Daines (R) now safely in the win column, Republicans’ worst fears are put to rest. Within the next 24 hours, Senate control should be safely in the GOP’s hands — which, depending on what happens to the White House, may prove monumentally important. Not to mention miraculous, considering the obstacles they faced.

At least for now, while we watch the presidency swing from one candidate to the other, we can take comfort that this Senate will either be a check on a radical Biden or a boost to a second-term Trump. Either way, it’s a victory worth celebrating.

Tony Perkins’s Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC Action senior writers.

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

& how for 4 years endearing the leftist media BS alone
& Ive read where DHS watermarked ballots for President to win.
Verify AMAC
Watermarked ballots
& how ballots for Joe “suddenly: appear & why observers banned for polling sites?

Fairfield 54
Fairfield 54
4 years ago

With the presidential race so close, holding onto the Senate and flipping 5 and possibly more seats in the House is soooo important especially when you look at history and historically speaking, the Senate and House would flip parties or move toward the party not in the White House. Interesting times we live in.

4 years ago

Biden is a puppet of the socialist Democrats. Those who voted for Trump knew a vote for Biden was a vote for socialism. We voters had it figured out before the media. If the media calling Biden a socialist would have explained WHY they were defining Biden as such we just might have educated a few people.

4 years ago

It’s time for activist judges to be replaced with constitutional jurists who interpret not legislate from the bench. Elections should be decided in this electronic age at a reasonable time frame. It shouldn’t take weeks and months as a “banana republic.” Should Biden pull off a win (which will done by scurrilous means,) the Senate can block his agenda for at least two years.

Rick Nau
Rick Nau
4 years ago

I feel it is more of a rejection of the medias attempt to manipulate the country and control the election process. However it is only a slight repudiation. Still too many voters are being manipulated due to the lefts destruction of the educational system in this country.

4 years ago

Democrat donors did not PUMP TENS OF MILLIONS into defeating Republican candidates…they PUMPED IN HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS! Big difference. Factual is important.

Tim Terry
Tim Terry
4 years ago

Funny that the Red wave hits Senate n HOR Races but mysteriously stops just short of Presidential Election ???? demoncrats… #anything4avote and SINISTER. Cmon 45… it ain’t over til God says so. ????

Ertis Crumpler
Ertis Crumpler
4 years ago

We made it through the obama/biden years, we can make it the biden/harris years if that is what our Lord has in store for us. The American people are the most resilient people on earth.

Art A
Art A
4 years ago


4 years ago

It’s great that we picked up seats in the House of representatives and held the Senate but lets all remember, that the Senate is by a thin margin and of the Republicans, three are liberals Collins, Murkowski and Rummy Romney, they at anytime could vote with the sick side (Democrats) we must keep their feet to the fire.
We cannot lose a Conservative on the Supreme Court, remember Chief Justice John Roberts is not Conservative.
To the billionaire class this was chump chance, people who hate America and the common people . people like Soros, Bloomberg, Stryer, Cuban have a lot and will still spend more to destroy us.

4 years ago

The demoncrats have done about all they can to steal the election. I’m glad that We, The people, got rid of some house dems but I was hoping for a majority of dems to be voted out.

4 years ago

I consider myself fairly intelligent in addition to good common sense but still can’t figure out why anyone would vote for Biden. He can barely speak, can’t answer questions from the media but people still voted for him. However, someone explained it to me. By voting for Biden they were voting against our President.
4 years ago, I voted for Trump because hillary would have been terrible for our country. Now in comparison to Biden, she is looking better. Still surprised that the democrats didn’t choose her. However, still would have voted Republican all the way.

4 years ago

The only thing clearly revealed by all of this is that the democrat’s had a much more effective ballot box stuffing program in place for President than they did for the down ticket races. The more honest the vote, the better conservatives did in this election.

I think Trump won in a landslide! However, if the huge amount of fraud is allowed to stand, I think he will lose. Integrity is now, officially, a thing of the past. The MSN will Poo-Poo it, of course. But the truth is, the democrats have been working on this fraudulent takeover of the system since the ‘Hanging Chad’ fiasco in 2020. It looks like it will pay off for them this time. Once they remove the Electoral College and stack the Supreme Court. They will no longer need anyone’s vote to implement their agenda.

Vilas Gamble
Vilas Gamble
4 years ago

First, the Democrat Party is philosophically a socialist/communist party. Go to the 1912 platform of the Socialist Party, Eugene V. Debs, and you will see what the Dems platform has evolved into. Not everything is bad but much of what the Dems espouse since the Great Society has come from the 1912 platform. They are long-suffering and never give up so we who believe in a free America must be constantly on our guard every election whether local, state or federal. Second, we who want to keep a free America must look carefully at polls and who is doing them. I discount polls that are being done by tv networks/some supposed reputable pollster, known leftist newspapers, colleges and universities, especially ivy league and other east coast, west coast institutions and similar organizations. That leaves only a few left and I take those with a grain of salt because I know they are not really trying to give a true picture of what is going on, but rather trying to influence the outcome. I guess what I am saying is polls might be entertaining, bring a chuckle, but that is all they are good for.

David B.
David B.
4 years ago

What we see here is the evil Dems stealing the Election, and the RINOs clutching their pearls, doing nothing, leaving the rest of us to just accept corruption as status quo. Enraged yet?

4 years ago

A man who I have the utmost respect for is Jay Selulow of the ACLJ. As an attorney, Jay is fighting election corruption. Jay has his hands full! I think legitimate voters are only seeing the tip of the iceberg! I think these mail-in ballots have opened the door to leftist cheating beyond your wildest dreams!

Vilas Gamble
Vilas Gamble
4 years ago

One other thing I would like to say is that Biden, with all his mental liabilities will not make it past two years. I suspect he was more or less forced to take Harris on as vice-president running mate with the plan for him to resign for health reasons thus making her president. They want to have the first woman president (minority)and this is how they can do it. She would then be eligible to serve for ten years if she could be elected each time. Scary isn’t it!

4 years ago

Taking time to be thankful may be what will remind us not to be anxious. We do need to not ramp up fears about what might happen. What a great time not to be a democrat. Imagine how it must feel to be stuck with such pathetic candidates for the highest offices. Imagine how it must feel to have spent inordinate amounts of money and still not over power the country????
Imagine how it must feel to have to cheat to try to win and the cheating may be fully exposed and further shame your party.
Freedom is priceless. I expect independent citizens to continue to have a voice. What the last four years has shown the world is that ia person does not have to be a politician to rise to the highest office and having done so, to accomplish so many things his predecessors who still think they are so much better have never come close to accomplishing. God who does not depend on anyone — no contingency — never up for election — remains. He is with us and will work through enough people to keep us all from following any pied piper off a cliff.

4 years ago

The corrupt , anti american democrats have been exposed! They and the liars in mainstream media are disgraceful.
REAL AMERICAN CITIZENS will never acknowledge these traitors as legitimate and will start working now to remove ALL of them from office.
You know what they say about payback ,only this scum deserves every bit!

Steven W. Anderson
Steven W. Anderson
4 years ago

Great news for the House and I believe we will pick up more seats in the coming days.

4 years ago

Mr. McDonnell, start with reversing rule 230 that protects big tech from lawsuits.
They are a propaganda machine of the anti american democrat left.

Steven Meisels
Steven Meisels
4 years ago

I know a lot of us seniors have volunteered our time and donated money for the re-election of President Trump. The dems are trying to steal the election. If anyone can, please donate what ever you can to the Election Defense Fund.

4 years ago

The keeping of the Senate is good news if the Democrats don’t steal the election from Perdue in Georgia and the runoff coming in Georgia also. Currently the Democrats seem to be coming up with more and more votes for both Biden in the presidential race and Ossoff in the Senate race! I live in Georgia and am perplexed that so many are voting Democrat. I now live in a suburb of Atlanta that has turned blue in the last two presidential elections but know NO ONE in my area that votes Democrat!

Nancy Schneider
Nancy Schneider
4 years ago

This is great news. I donated money to both Mitch McConnell and Lindsay Graham . It’s great to know they kept their seats. We still need President Trump to crush Biden.

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago

The msm needs to be held accountable for violating our constitutional rights, free press protection only works if they are fair and impartial, the first amendment protects our right to be well informed with truth and facts so “WE THE PEOPLE” can make good decisions and NOT to protect them when they LIE to us, we need a class action law suite against ALL news outlets, lets MAKE THEM PAY FOR THIER CRIMES!

4 years ago


Josephine pooley
Josephine pooley
4 years ago

Hallelujah! God is good!

Rick J.
Rick J.
4 years ago

As usual the press was wrong, but they were wrong trying to help the democrats with phony polls.
If Trump loses, we should be demanding our representatives, resist crooked Joe Biden.
The man by his own words is an admitted crook.

4 years ago

I’m so glad to hear of Republican wins in Congress. While a few races are still up for grabs, including the presidency, it’s upsetting to hear what’s going on. I hope the Trump administration will sue the states to allow recounts and to check every d^%@ vote!

I’ve heard that some districts will reluctantly let the ballot counts be watched, but from 20 or 30 feet away! Unless you have Superman eyesight, how would anyone be able to check for the required postmarks, signatures, and witnesses? Answer: they won’t. So, once again, dead people are voting, people who no longer live in the district where they’re registered are voting, batches of ballots magically show up, and there is ample opportunity for rampant fraud that will cost Donald Trump the presidency.


We need to get back to Election Day on-site voting (except for those who physically can’t do so). Any ballot received after that day should be tossed! No more of this vote-when-you-feel-like-it madness. Elections that permit theses practices to continue foster corruption.

There must be a better way: bring on photo ID or a national voting registration number. Each of us has a right to have our vote properly recorded. Without strong protections, this country will fall into corrupt hands, and, before you know it, it will no longer be the land of the free.

4 years ago

We need our elected conservatives to address the core of the problem…we got promises now lets see action! The core or source is the huge sums of money from outside sources able to participate in our state elections by wealthy individuals and the PACs with socialist leanings in our national elections. I, as an individual, can only donate $2800 to a candidate, its time we made it unlawful for these huge donations to continue. Just think instead of spending the candidates time and our money asking for donations, we could actually learn about the candidate! Another fix is to prevent former political office holders from being employed as lobbyists. AND WE NEED TERM LIMITS!!!! NO MORE TALK.. LET”S SEE  WHATEVER IT TAKES TO TAKE ACTION.!!

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
4 years ago

May the count come out as I wish them to be. Lord, please help us all.

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
4 years ago

I live in South Carolina and every time Lindsey would send me an e-mail about how much out-of-state money Harrison was receiving and spending–my response was–I hope he gets twice thsat amount to flush down the sewer. I would ask Graham which would he rather have–1000 donors donating $10 each or one out of state donation of $10,000–remember out of state money DOESN’T VOTE. Well, after Harrison flushed $100,000,000 down the sewer and LOST—-BIGGGG- Graham NOW understands. Six years from now, when Lindsey runs again–it will be the same–BUT, you can bet big out of state money won’t back a LYING LOBBIST like Harrison AGAIN. It does my heart GOOD to see the liberals throw away the sinful payouts they receive from ole split foot.

4 years ago

The Venezuelan and Cuban vote should have told those retards why President Trump got their vote. They have seen and lived the Democrat Socialism first hand and want no part of it. The MSM has planted roses in it but it’s still manure.
I think a lot of this hold out vote is being used for manufacturing mail in votes like Nevada, home of the Arch Nemesis.
I find it extremely odd that Hiding Biden seems to come up with just enough votes to edge ahead in the end. Hoping and praying Nevada gets flipped.

4 years ago

Little comfort if Biden, excuse me Harris, is elected, How could America vote for these people? If Biden wins, I lose respect for American voters. We are buried by the idiots in Socialism. Such a shame, GOD please protect us.

4 years ago

Biden says, if he is elected all non Americans here will be able to stay here. WHY is he ok with ABORTING AMERICAN BABIES???

Cindy Cunniffe
Cindy Cunniffe
4 years ago

I worked the local poll here in Cottonwood Ca. and there were many people that did not receive a ballot, some that received multiple ballots…..I am convinced our voting process has been ruined and there is no way to tell what the true vote is. Our state called the election one minute after the polls closed at 5, lots of votes not even taken into consideration. Conservatives have very little hope in this communist state for sure.

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
4 years ago

Look up crook in the dictionary and you’ll see a DIMM! Dingy harry Reid has his “machine” working overtime to give our president the shaft! Reid should be in jail for all his crooked deals–he’s as bad as Senile Joe.

Linda K
Linda K
4 years ago

If the government can have a national database that tracks and contains the medical information for everyone, why can’t we have a national data base of eligible voters with photo ids and signatures?

Allan Brem
Allan Brem
4 years ago

If the Dems had won most of the positions it would have been announced Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. We live an Nation peopled by far too many immorals.

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago

Out of state interference in elections should be illegal, dirtbags from new yuck and caliPORNia need to worry about thier own states and let us worry about our own, if they want socialism let them have it, IN THIER OWN CRAPHOLE STATES, grossly overpaid athletes and so called “journalists” and hollywierd elitists are the last people I would take advice from, all they care about is getting thier illegal drugs and illegal perversions, they are pathetic LOSERS that are not capable of inteligent thought.

4 years ago

i don’t watch fox news like i did – they have turned into the dopey liberal scum that cnn and others are! you don’t declare you self a winner when you lie and cheat your way to the top like biden the bum is trying to do. the truth will come out and trump will be the winner

4 years ago

I will not participate in any of Joe Bidens “come together” bs. Yea I will pay his tax increases because I have to but I will raise hell
when the Paris accord is resurrected, when companies move back to China, when more illegals work for $.50 an hour and my tax money
pays for their health care, when the 3rd world Obamacare program is resumed, when the oil industry is shut down, when I am expected to
pay $70 K for an electric car, and when we once again tell Israel to go to hell. Screw him and them. We had a chance to avoid this but
we were too dumb or lazy to do it.

4 years ago

Now we can get back to raises for our inept teachers and bailing out California. Trust me, all 50 states will pay the California bill.

4 years ago

I will not vote again.

4 years ago

i beleive strongly the dem’s plan to push joe biden out and bring harris in to control THE SHOW ,,,,, BUT thank god for gop senate to hold the line ” KEEP AMERICA GREAT STILL! JIMBO

Ed J
Ed J
4 years ago

It’s too bad more Demsheviks weren’t kicked out of office this time around. Let’s hope the Republican successes in the Senate and House races flows over into President Trump’s reelection race after all the voter fraud is dispensed with. We truly need more of this kind of sanity in our electorate. Time to start planning for the mid-term 2022 races with the hope of kicking even more Demsheviks out of office.

Charles Harrell
Charles Harrell
4 years ago

Control is not something Americans deal well with. Believe this is more compatible with Castro made to the Cuban people – Mainly, he would teach all Children to read. Parents ran to that without checking, in this case all that was read was the Communist manifesto – all that provided was many good communist and a broke country. As our school systems continue to deteriorate parents continue to run towards believing the government will fix any and all problems – All it has done is make public figures millionaires and the people survient and controlled.

4 years ago

Here’s why I want Bustos to lose – several years ago on our local news, Bustos was shown telling people in nursing homes that the Republicans would take away their Social Security. She had them convinced, had them in tears, had one lady saying, “What will I do, what will I do?” The camera showed her walking away with a full face screen of her big, smirking smile, delighted that her lie had terrified those dear people. She is a monster.

4 years ago

Who the heck is voting for the Dims? Increased Taxes, reinstate the death tax, late term abortions, increased illegal immigration, green deal, moving our jobs back to China, removing the tariffs on China after all China has bought the Biden’s and yea they have said they are coming for your guns, give D.C and PR 2 senators each Dims of course on and on and all for a 47 year corrupt racist political JB, yeah that’s right. Controlling the news along with high tech censorship is a legitimate step in Socialism-the Dims did this with no repercussions. So who the heck voted for this JB idiot? Shouldn’t there be a limit on how much money is spent during an election-it should be fair across the board? You know the only people that should be allowed to vote are U.S. Citizens with proper ID and a legitimate W2 form. People regardless if they are citizens or not should not be telling the rest of us who pay taxes as to where our tax money should go like late term abortions which I oppose et. al. And yes I worked in the Health career field for 25 years-most in the operating room. I don’t believe these election results for one second!

4 years ago

As an American this election concerns me greatly. 1) ballots being mailed out indiscriminately without the usual safeguards to insure votes are valid; 2) hundreds of millions of dollars donated by billionaires with their own agendas to buy the elections for Congress as well as president—we desperately need campaign finance reform to stop this from ever happening again; 3) the constant biased and edited “news” to prevent many Americans from even knowing facts about candidates and proven corruption; 4) the collusion of big tech and social platforms to prevent conservative views from being posted—since when is systematic censorship a responsibility of the media and social platforms where many poorly informed young voters get their news–Congress needs to either use Antitrust laws or remove these social platforms’ protection from lawsuit since they are being used for biased one-sided propaganda and at least one of them uses Communist Chinese nationals to decide if a post contains “hate speech” and is to be blocked from being posted and the huge browser monopolies need to be broken up; the “models” and polls are consistently wrong but impacts many voters and in effect are used for population manipulation and control. In all of my years as a voter I have never seen nor heard the degree of disrespect and venom directed toward a duly elected president–totally shameful behavior by both the mainstream “media” and leaders of the Democrat party in Congress. Regardless of the outcome of the presidential race of 2020 voters will be able to end the brazen attempts to turn America into a Marxist nightmare in the midterm elections of 2022 and by reelecting President Trump in 2024 if he is willing to put up with the constant attacks by the socialists. The propaganda terms “systemic racism”, “social justice” and “political correctness” have been consistently overused against us as a nation and I no longer give any credence whatsoever to anyone who uses them to excuse their own failures or to justify trying to destroy our country. The brainwashing that has been going on for decades in our schools K–12 as well as colleges and universities must be stopped. There is no mandate by the people to turn America into a socialist or communist country and attempts to do so will certainly backfire.

Grave yard tombstone with Rest in Peace ESG etched into it
Thomas Jefferson
JD Vance at MSC

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