
Elections , Newsline

Warning Americans! H.R. 1 and S.1, the “For the People Act of 2021” Is Really “For More Federal Government Control Act”

Posted on Friday, February 5, 2021
by The Association of Mature American Citizens

HR1“This bill is a wolf in sheep’s clothing”

This legislation –791 pages – is a monstrous federal takeover of elections and an assault on the First Amendment. AMAC is working to block this bill from ever becoming law.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) will push it hard in the House of Representatives, as was done in the last Congress. It is sponsored by the Speaker and Representatives Sarbanes (D-MD) and Lofgren (D-CA).  Its companion bill in the Senate is S.1, which was sponsored in the last Congress by New Mexico Senator Udall and 46 of his Democrat colleagues.

Leading conservative and Americans For Tax Reform Founder and President Grover Norquist characterizes the threat this legislation poses your freedom and liberty in this way:

Congressional Democrats have a plan to forever keep Republicans from winning elections and influencing policy decisions with H.R. 1 in the House, and the similar S. 1 in the Senate.  They want to empower the government to police more speech, force states to allow vote-by-mail and taxpayer funding of candidates, and silence Americans through fear by exposing their support for issue groups.”

The legislation is carefully written to appear sensible but is in fact deceptive in its effort to assert federal control over voting in our respective states and to build a government record of individual American’s exercise of our God-given and Constitutional right of free political speech.

There are numerous “egregious components” in this legislation.

First, this legislation would be in effect a federal takeover of how states conduct elections for Senators and Representatives, thereby inherently forcing voting election procedures for state and local office to conform to bill’s prescription for the election of Members of Congress.

Here is how the bill deceptively uses the Constitution and the limited prerogative it provides the Congress with respect to the election of Members of the House and Senate.  Turning to the Constitution, Article, Section 4:

The Times, Places, and Manner of holding elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such regulations, except as to the Places of choosing Senators.”

The bill grabs the phrase that “…the Congress may at any time by law make or alter such Regulations or alter such Regulations…”  and effectively preempts in excruciating detail how the States should conduct the election of Members of Congress.  The result is to put the States in the position of administratively having to conform to the provisions of H.R. 1, rather than face the added costs and confusion of having to maintain their pre-existing law and procedures.  In effect, H.R. 1 unconstitutionally constricts and overrides the sovereignty of the States for the conduct of elections.

Here are some examples of the bill’s proposed takeover of all elections when state and local elections coincide with the federal election:

  • Undermines states election oversight, like efforts to clean up old voter rolls.
  • Prohibits requiring a state voter ID to obtain a mail in ballot and permits individuals to sign a sworn statement as to their identify in lieu of an official ID.
  • Virtually eliminates any restrictions on vote-by-mail.
  • Requires states to offer online registration.
  • Requires states to allow same day registration and voting.
  • Requires “automatic’ voter registration by the state of those who would otherwise be eligible to register to vote.
  • Effectively permits “voter harvesting” – picking up and delivering bundles of votes — by making it criminal to interfere with those “assisting others to vote.”
  • Enables partisan control of the Federal Elections Commission by reducing the Commission from 6 to 5 members, thereby effectively facilitating one party oversight of federal elections and campaign finance laws.

H.R. 1 also assaults your First Amendment right to freedom of political speech.  In its effort to go after donors to conservative organizations, it would subject citizens who contribute to nonprofit organizations to political harassment and intimidation by making their personal information available in a searchable government database. In this connection, it would also force groups to publicly identify their supporters on the face of the ads themselves. (Ironically, this sounds like the FDA requirement that prescription drug advertisements must identify the hazards to your health of each drug.)

In its effort to further curtail political free speech by Americans about legislative issues, it would expand the definition of “electioneering communications” – historically limited to large-scale TV and radio campaigns targeted to the electorate in a campaign for office – to include online advertising that bears no relation to an election.  In other words, letters, websites, emails, cell texts, social media messaging, and other online commentary on legislative issues by concerned American citizens and organizations would be redefined as “electioneering communications” – subject to some type of federal oversight.

This legislation must never be enacted, because it is intended both(i) to subvert the Constitution and the essential federalism of our republic to bring one-party control of our nation, and (ii) to limit your freedoms as guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.

AMAC Action will be initiating a membership-wide call-to-action in the near future to prevent passage of this bill. We need your help to amplify the voice of opposition to H.R. 1. Please look for details regarding this call-to-action on all AMAC media very soon.


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4 years ago

Why can’t these demonrats be stopped? Are citizens so afraid or dumb that they don’t see this Communism?

4 years ago

Animal Farm and this time it is not fantasy!

Lois Keel
Lois Keel
4 years ago

I received a phone call about this. Began to note some of my objections to it, Caller still thought I should send to my representatives a support for it even with those caveats. My local house rep. & 2 senators are all Democrats, so I declined.

Myrna S Wade
Myrna S Wade
4 years ago

Because of the narrow democrat majorities, can anything stop this?

4 years ago

Yeah, well, good luck stopping this. We had our chance but the wimpy GOP wouldn’t stand up. The only chance we’ll ever have now is third party – won’t be an immediate change but it will cause the balance of power to shift markedly! I’ll no longer trust the GOP!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Also beware HR66666 bill, FYI
= as bad as these

4 years ago

I think these bills are REDICULOUS!!!! As usual the Dems are wanting to CONTROL THE PEOPLE!!! This has got to be illegal!!!!!!!

4 years ago

The GOP needs to grow a “backbone.” We can see more clearly now what President Trump had to deal with. We’ve always known he was a fighter and did everything for the best interest of the American people. There is such a small number of true Republicans in the House and the Senate. We seriously need to vote out all the RINOS

Doug Drennan
Doug Drennan
4 years ago

The democrats using their stolen power to insure that they will never lose another election as they work to “fundamentally change America” into a third world communist country. Until a majority of Americans finally realize there is no peaceful resolution to their attempted takeover this mess is only going to get worse. Quiet acceptance is only going to guarantee your place as a victim.

alyce j. cornell
alyce j. cornell
4 years ago

Am awaiting your ” wide call to action “. This terrible piece of legislation MUST BE DEFEATED. Let’s all get together and help defeat this bill.

4 years ago

All the more reason to support the Convention of States.

David Spade
David Spade
4 years ago

All of this loose control is a bunch of Bull Roar! This is the attempt by the leftist, Marxist Democrats to control how you vote, how you think, how you contribute to voter organizations. There is nothing here to promote fair and consistent voting across the country. I live in Indiana, and you can vote in person, by requesting in writing an absentee ballot, or voting in person before the election with confirmed identity. The election officials and voter registration staff check identification. No one is denied the opportunity to vote if they are truly registered, if they can identify themselves, and if they follow pretty simple rules. To do things like mail in ballots, to harvest votes, to not identify voters properly, and to allow extended voting dates is just plain wrong. It sets up situations for fraud. It does take a genius to figure out that very liberal voting ideas are fertile ground for unfair and tainted elections.

David B.
David B.
4 years ago

Our options for stopping this outrageous evil takeover are rapidly narrowing. Be prepared.

4 years ago

These democrates took an oath when they were sworn in to uphold the Constitution. Wouldn’t they be called traitors to the country? How can Conservative Republican in office allow this treason to go on? They are overstepping and doing things that government was never created to do. These are the ones who should be impeached. These are the real law breakers.

john Mark
john Mark
4 years ago

This is how the Nazi Party came to power and stayed in power. Required a world war to get them out of power. America was a prosperous nation so does not have the excuse the people were suffering economically or socially thus how did this happen? Massive effort on the part of the progressives to install communist ideology in our education system over the past 30 years and now brainwashing of the simple minded via false information. We must stop this movement through economic pressure. Stop supporting any company that goes along with the take over of America, i.e. Kohl’s, NYTs, all major network sponsors, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Microsoft, etc. Time we curtained the power of big tech and this can only be done via economic pressure. Do not pay taxes until forced to do so for this government must have your money to survive and emplement its evil plans.

Jay A.
Jay A.
4 years ago

More liberal insanity, the communist left is moving at warp speed to carry out what should have been done four years ago under a Clinton administration.

4 years ago

The swamp just keeps getting more slimy by the day. My President lives in Flordia.

Joyce Gibson
Joyce Gibson
4 years ago

Somehow this legislation must not pass. We are in enough trouble right now. If only there was a way to impeach Biden, Harris, Pelosi and Schumer, we might be able to take our country back!

4 years ago

The Gop will quaver wobble and ultimately fail to say doodley squat about it much less do ANYTHING about it. Worthless,useless spineless, feckless republicans have become a JOKE!
Not one testicle among them. Sure the republican conservative caucus will actually try to do something but there are way to few of them. We are all screwed.

Tedd K
Tedd K
4 years ago

These are unconstitutional bills. That doesn’t mean a fraudulent rogue govt that we have now won’t pass illegal laws.

4 years ago

By usurping the vote tabulation, the Democrats have unlocked the last vanguard of our free and fair elections, and sealed our political fate with a single party rule.

I remember something about the “rights of the minority party”, but that looks like an antiquated protection of a flawed political system.

Just think……no more political ads, or endless campaigns, and no debates.

Just an endless stream of Leftist’s being appointed by “Central Planning”, with obligatory voting results as a nod to the once “Great, but Systemically Racist American Constitution”.

4 years ago

God help us all.

Rick Marlowe
Rick Marlowe
4 years ago

So far we have let the unconstitutional changes to election law stand. Democrats now what to make it law. The Supreme Court has to get this.

Jane C Dewberry
Jane C Dewberry
4 years ago

The American people are finally waking up to the fact that the progressive socialist Democrats are trying to take complete and permanent control over the government and the population. However, it is going to take more than our acknowledging that fact to insure it doesn’t happen. It will take more than just words. It will take a massive active movement, a great deal of peaceful resistance, and the knowledge that we may have to risk losing everything, and that includes our security, to see that the soul of this country is safe and secure against the horrors of totalitarianism. To quote the words of one of our Founding Fathers, Benjamin Franklin: “Those who would give up essential Liberty to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” If you submit yourself to the handouts of a totalitarian government, depending on those handouts to sustain you, then you have relinquished control over your own life and handed that control over to them. Before you consider doing that because it’s easier and requires very little effort on your part, just remember–what the government gives, it can always take away and you’ll be living in constant fear that they’ll do just that. Be valiant, stay strong and never, never give in. Sic semper tyrannis!

Allan Brem
Allan Brem
4 years ago

The attack on America and our traditional values was fast and hard out of the starting gate. I no longer doubt there will be increased violence across our nation.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
4 years ago

The Democrats are trying to rule with an iron fist!! They are trying to take away our rights that have been fought for! The Democrats need to be held responsible and tried for treason!! Wake up Americans! Wake up!! Time for a recall election to take place!!

Danver Richards
Danver Richards
4 years ago

the prelude to communism complete with reeducation camps forced labor and executions of undesirables

4 years ago

AMAC could do a great service to alot of American Citizens by listing contact information immediately linked to Congress. People need to voice their opposition to these anti american,failed politicians who have forgotten who they work for.
Wake up America it’s time to remove EVERYONE who supports these two attempts at socialism and single party rule!!
The democrats are attempting to take your freedom and Your Country.

Patricia Barr
Patricia Barr
4 years ago

I’m sharing this. It’s SO IMPORTANT. I’ve GOT to get people to read this! Then, after sharing I’m going to find out who to write. I need to find a way that I as an individual can help prevent this terrible bill! God save us!

4 years ago

Another assault on our Constitution and our America. PLEASE conservatives –vote in the next election to throw out these leftist liberals in Congress and Senate. What else can we do, would contacting our Reps and Senators even help right now–to fight the leftist majority??

alyce j. cornell
alyce j. cornell
4 years ago

yes–loved your comment Garye–and I would love to start contacting if such a list were available from AMAC.

Linda Nelson
Linda Nelson
4 years ago

This proposed bill is truly a threat to our freedom and, as indicated, a prelude to stifling dissent; hence, no Republicans would ever be able to overcome the willful silencing it would impose. We must inform our representatives of our expectation that they vote against it.

4 years ago

What’s it going to take to have our voices heard?

Paul W
Paul W
4 years ago

Everything that the left gives a name or a tittle means the exact opposite of what one would be led to believe. This is just another example of their treachery. The left hates this country and they deeply loathe the hard working, tax paying middle-class. I can’t think of a single dim, in office, that isn’t an oath breaker. Sadly, so are a lot of supposed “R”s. DC is a steaming dung heap as are most blue states.

4 years ago

I have already e-Mailed and called my representatives about this and I hope all of you will also. 1 voice may not mean anything however 1000 or 10000 will. I have not been politically active except except to vote for 50 years. I was not active on social media. However once I saw our freedom of speech and religion stomped on I decided we must act or our Country as we know it will be gone.

pete kennedy
pete kennedy
4 years ago

The Frankfurt School fled Germany (with all of its philosophers) in the 1930’s and received a welcome from Columbia University. Its goal was to defeat America from within by changing its culture and destroying its past. How ? By infiltrating the education system, government, movie industry, preach division by using race, and all area’s of American life. The doctrine was to preach love not war.

Dr. Joseph Voglund
Dr. Joseph Voglund
4 years ago

Give me liberty or give me death!!!!

Larry Swank
Larry Swank
4 years ago

This Bill
must not pass!

4 years ago

Do you provide a list of all Senators and Congress people? I would like to be able to email or wwrite each of them and ask “why do you let a HATE FILLED OLD WOMAN” to incite you and cause you to turn away from the people that elected you in the Republican Party? Is it possible to get the email addresses of the senators and congress?.

4 years ago

Welcome to the Soviet States of Amerika comrades! This is the biggest attack on RIGHTS ever in this country! And anyone who disagrees with these leftist fascists will be labeled white supremist and rounded up for re-education camps like they do in other communist countries! Where are the sheep that voted for these tyrants?

J. Farley
J. Farley
4 years ago

Control, control, control, control, control control, that’s all the lying scum-sucken hypocrite Demonrats can think of is how do we control , control, control the masses, this is why I left the stupid bunch 50 years ago, and they have gotten worse, I would like them to answer one question, Hey morons what do you hate most about our freedoms.

4 years ago

With so many people moving out of state to other locations, the voter rolls need to be cleaned up. A lady from Pennsylvania who moved here to South Carolina a few years ago checked her old voter registration in PA and she was still on the rolls there! She is not the only one who has told me this; I have run into others who have told me the same thing about the states they moved from.

4 years ago

Unfortunately my republican senate holders are RHINOs that continually vote with the Leftist Dems.

4 years ago

Instead of just calling our GOP senators and representatives; we need to convert our Democratic senators and representatives and their supporters. Emphasize to them and their backers the fear and anger that many they represent are feeling against the radical left proposals.
Just because your congressman is a Democrat don’t stop trying to change his or her mind about a position. I don’t believe all Democrats are “far left”. They are just scared to stand up. Encourage them to stand up. The Rhinos are scared for the same reason. They feel no support to stand up.

4 years ago

I have a quote from one of my Christian outlets that really puts all of this in to perspective: “If life gets too hard to stand, KNEEL”. Folks God is still in control of this mess, and He gave us instructions on how to turn the tide in scripture “ If my people, who are called by my name (Christians), will humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.” We need to follow those instructions and God will heal this land, and bring us back to “one nation, under GOD.” Get on your knees folks, it’s our only hope!!????

4 years ago

Looks like I’m going to head back home to Ireland. I fought for this country I spilled blood for this country I gave this country 23 yrs of my life in the Army and for what so I can get kicked in the face my these so called American who want no freedom, I’ll be laughing my ass of when they realize what is happening but it’s going to be to late. Vote by mail is the Democrats way of stuffing the ballot box just like they did this year and like Oregon has been doing for the last 30 some years.

4 years ago

We need to let our state Senators and Assembly Delegates made aware of what is happening to the stripping of the power that they now have, by the Federal Government . Under the US Constitution and State Constitutions , the STATES and the PEOPLE have the say as to what laws are enacted. Our state representatives need to strongly encourage, and require their State Attorney Generals to SUE the United States Congress and our Goofball President to have these EO,s and HR1 and S1 bills and any other abuses of power challenged. Texas, West Virginia, Arkansas, Indiana, Mississippi and Montana have already started, there are more state governments with conservative representatives than liberal democrats. This is why our founders established the three branches of government. Let your voices be heard..

Art A
Art A
4 years ago

Whenever our defacto elite leaders say something is good, spit it out and cover your bung hole. They always know what is good for us the unclean groveling masses. I am too much of a seasoned citizen to see,hear,or read so much of this crap. Bye,Bye, American Pie!!!! We may be on the way to major losers.

Kathryn DiPiazza
Kathryn DiPiazza
4 years ago

As long as Pelosi and her comrades are in power, there really is nothing we can do that would block this bill. We can call our representatives, speak out and get involved locally. However, with stealing of votes, silencing speech and cancel culture, they have the upper hand. The infiltration of socialism is dark and deep. After 50 years of this it is an uphill battle to control it let alone turn it around. There is no God in our laws, our leaders or in our schools. Without Him, nothing will happen. I for one am praying that more will realize that putting back God in our country is the answer. Please realize that as I comment on this, I wonder who is watching what I say. A scary world we live in today.

Randy Shaner
Randy Shaner
4 years ago

Probably nothing we can do to stop them. But once done, we should take to the courts to get them to say that these bills are unconstitutional.

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