
Education , Newsline

The Little-Known Organization Waging War on American History and Civics Education

Posted on Thursday, June 3, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive

civicsAmerica’s schools are on the front lines of an ongoing movement that threatens the very foundations of our society. With the help of four new education funding bills working their way through Congress, a pro-racism regulation being pushed by Biden’s Department of Education, and politically activist teachers and education bureaucrats in nearly every state and the school district in the country, Democrats and their radical foot soldiers are poised to carry out a total and far-reaching program to indoctrinate America’s youth in leftwing ideology under the banner of reforming American history and civics education— an effort AMAC Newsline has previously covered.

This extraordinary undertaking is not happening by accident. A little-known nonprofit called iCivics is increasingly emerging as the driving force behind Democrats’ crusade to impose “woke” civics education in classrooms throughout the country – a crusade hostile to the core principles upon which this country was founded.

In February of this year, writer Stanley Kurtz, who has extensively reported on these efforts, detailed how in 2018, a coalition of iCivics and several other liberal activist groups “managed to gut the highly regarded Massachusetts K-12 standards on the history of America, the West, and the world while putting oppression-obsessed curriculum standards in their place.” Now, the same group is trying to do the same across the country. As Kurtz also recently outlined, the legislation currently before Congress would provide billions of dollars in funding for a federal takeover of civics education to remake it in the image of the anti-American left. Much–maybe most–of that federal money would go to iCivics and its coalition partners.

Most Americans outside of middle school and high school teachers have probably never heard of iCivics or CivXNow, the activist coalition run by iCivics. On the surface, iCivics claims that it is a moderate organization, billing itself as a tool that teachers, boards of education, and state legislators can use to encourage responsible student engagement in the democratic process. But it’s a façade. As with so many liberal educational institutions in recent years, iCivics has been hijacked by political extremists.

The leadership at iCivics has a long history of advocating for far-left political causes and directly attempting to indoctrinate students with the ideology of the Democrat Party. In one case, Chief Education Officer of iCivics Emma Humphries suggested that educators should have their students come up with Democrat talking points for the impeachment of President Trump to counter Republican talking points. In 2016, Humphries heavily criticized President Trump in a post on “Teaching the Election,” writing in her own “sample response” that Trump “plans to install a Putin-like dictatorship in America.”

To understand how overtly partisan iCivics truly is, one need only follow the money. According to federal records, iCivics staffers have donated exclusively to Democrat politicians or Democrat political action committees over the past eight major election cycles since iCivics was founded. During that time, iCivics staff has bankrolled the campaigns of Bernie Sanders, Stacey Abrams, Joe Biden for President, Obama for President, and ActBlue, a Democrat campaign fund.

But it wasn’t just iCivics staff donating to the left. Extraordinarily, the Executive Director and leader of iCivics, Louise Dube, donated $100 to ActBlue on June 2, 2020, specifically earmarking her money with the direction to “Stop Republicans.”    Describing why she got into teaching civics, Dube once asserted that “we have been teaching civics primarily from one perspective, that of the white male.” Dube hopes that civics is taught so that “we no longer gloss over systemic racism.” On another occasion, Dube stated that “iCivics made a commitment to pointing out institutional systemic racism in teaching about our institutions. This will alienate some, but it is the moral imperative of today.”

The staff at iCivics and CivXNow have not only exhibited overwhelming partisan bias in favor of Democrats, but iCivics staff also embrace educational concepts that closely align with the goals of progressive Democratic politics. For example, one of the dedicated purposes of CivXNow is to push “action civics” as an alternative to traditional civics education, urging teachers to downplay traditional content-based education and instead encourage student protests on behalf of political causes, which somehow virtually always turn out to be liberal.

Leaders of iCivics also back Critical Race Theory as a framework for studying civic engagement, attacking American institutions by claiming that they are “systemically racist” and “have not only failed to protect Black and Brown people but have too often made them targets by some of the very people whom we have entrusted to protect our lives.” Some leaders of iCivics tout the New York Times’ widely discredited 1619 Project as a true account of American history and, perhaps most egregiously, openly promote the Marxist concept of “equity” – as opposed to equality – as a central tenet of the organization.

More recently, iCivics has been working to instill a Common Core-like approach to American history teaching through its recently released “Educating for American Democracy (EAD) Roadmap & Report.” The problem with American history teaching, according to iCivics, is that “[f]or much of American history, most schools presented U.S. history and civics largely from the perspective of white, Protestant, propertied men…Students can make it into their teens without knowing, for instance, that George Washington not only was a foundational leader but also enslaved people.”

The Democrat party and leftist coalition led by iCivics is desperate to impose its vision of American history on the nation.  Its national history curriculum content roadmap and report tells history teachers across the country what questions to ask their students, what themes to teach their students concerning American history, and even provides new definitions for key historical terms. The term “America,” according to the iCivics led the report, is “[f]or many people,” “a term of attachment.” But “[f]or others, it has been a term of marginalization.” Throughout its roadmap and report, iCivics uses “the phrase ‘citizen and civic participant’” because, they say, “[a]n individual who is not born or naturalized in the United States may yet serve as a paragon of citizenship.” The iCivics national content roadmap for history curriculum is designed to change state standards, increase federal control in history education, and create a framework for de facto national curriculum content standards on history and civics. In many ways, the iCivics roadmap appears to be a more significant violation of federalism than the original Common Core. The iCivics coalition wants to align the National Assessment of Educational Progress (the test often called “the nation’s report card”) with the EAD “Roadmap.” This would be the quickest and easiest way to impose a de facto national curriculum on the nation’s schools. States will be forced to teach from the same EAD curricular hymnal if they want to get federal grants.

Despite the efforts of Stanley Kurtz and a few others to highlight the pervasive influence of iCivics in education circles, you likely won’t hear much from traditional media outlets about the group or the policies they’ve helped pass. Most Democrats and pundits understand that the ideas promoted by organizations like iCivics are hopelessly out of touch with what most Americans believe. If conservatives don’t rise to confront the dangers of woke education soon, however, the long-term damage done to generations of young Americans may prove to be irreparable.

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y'all insane
y'all insane
9 months ago

what a joke. organization founded by that radical communist Sandra Day O’Connor. lolol
you all are insane.

1 year ago

Is AMAC a platform for right-wing extremists?

Bobby D
Bobby D
3 years ago

If parent’s don’t take a stand against this, children will be programmed,to hate this Country !

3 years ago

Most parents don’t have a clue about what is being taught to their children in public schools. They think if their child is passing the courses all is well, and they are learning what we learned when we were in school. Not even close, and the liberal teachers Union is pushing for a very liberal agenda in schools. So sad indeed.

3 years ago

Fight against socialist democrats with all that you have. We cannot allow the USA to fall.

Bob G
Bob G
3 years ago

I agree with the article. However, unfortunately the horses have already left the barn. The past 30 years of miseducation have left us in the morass in which we find ourselves. It’s time for good people to stand up and push back against this indoctrination of our young. Ideologues from Stalin to Hitler have always known that if you can capture the youth you can win the future. And with that, the nation. The time to take back our education system is now. I pray we are not too late.

3 years ago

This is very disturbing for our Republic. Our very History and Life Values and the friendships of our diversePopulation will suffer greatly…if we let this happen. I think back to early days of my youth..and feel sad that all of our work toward making this country super great with opportunities for all in education and may not be perfect..but we had and hopefully will continue to enjoy Freedom…Im now 84 and pray to God that we can wake up and push back strong against those who are trying to destroy us.

3 years ago

ANYBODY pushing anti-America activity should be forever kicked OUT of the country – they don’t deserve to EVER be in our country ! The rest of us will be fine – without THEM & their seditious & treasonous subversions !

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
3 years ago

The existence of the federal Department of Education notwithstanding, I am still trying to find where in the United States Constitution the federal government is given any authority to get involved in education, at any level. Can someone help me on this?

3 years ago

Why is the federal government funding any educational program? Per the 10th Amendment education is the purview only of the states or the people. According to that amendment the whole Education Department should be abolished.

3 years ago

This guy is talkin out of his ass doesn’t he know trump can’t take over america under communism. They hate Christians trump doesnt. How ever u do hate Christians which proves u are the communist not trump. Now u could call him a nazi they hated JEWS trump doesn’t. How can u be a good commie whenu know nothing about it. U sound like hilter & gang arrested put in jail till he changed tactics

Lesley Swope
Lesley Swope
3 years ago

It never surprises me how the sneaky, underhanded, devious, decdiptful the socialist democrats are!

Old Silk
Old Silk
3 years ago

So, from CI in the Bolshevik Revolution to iC in the woke generation. Dangerous stuff, but we have to be on the lookout for it. Just because they don’t send the papers home does not mean the information doesn’t make its way home in our little messengers.

3 years ago

Marxism is what this is! It’s been creeping into society for over 50 years and grew into hyper drive in the 60’s! This is anti-GOD, anti-American and anti-Freedom! It’s all about gaining power and control over everyone cuz that’s what leftist always are, addicted to power and control! This addiction has killed millions throughout history and if America thinks this can’t happen here, just keep watching!

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

Parents and Conservative’s need to ban to gather and fight with all the energy they can muster, your children need to get involved and fight the school boards and even run for school boards ———— GET THE LEFT OUT OF YOUR SCHOOLS BEFORE ITS TO LATE————-Fight like you are the 3 monkey on the ramp to the ark and bothers and sisters it’s starting to rain .

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
3 years ago

There has been a lot of preparation and money spent for this Communist/Marxist Propaganda. Lots of time, preparation, and money. Now, one of the many questions that remains is: who initiated this line of philosophy? What is the ‘end’ objective? Is it possible, that this is a way to divide Americans further? Why is there so much emphasis put on the differences in Americans; and not in what unites us? One can see, that this ‘philosophy’ is dividing America; God is seldom mentioned, the ‘American Family’ is almost dissolved, respect for law enforcement destroyed, and disrespect for ‘Our Founding Fathers’ encouraged. Something is afoot; and it smells rank!

America in Decline
America in Decline
3 years ago

Joe McCarthy was right! For those who don’t know who he was, McCarthy pointed out that there were communists in the State Department and in the Hollywood entertainment industry. He knew then (in 1950) what is common knowledge today. Most of those in the Congress, especially the House of Representatives are Marxists, and so are those in Hollywood and the mainstream news media who are their propaganda mouthpiece. The entire Democrat Party is a communist organization, although no one calls them that due to political correctness, but that is what they are.

3 years ago

The Federal Department of Education is a relatively new Department. It needs to be eliminated once and for all. This is what happens when you give the Federal Government control over your schools. We have, in 1 generation gone from (1) one room schoolhouses (my father attended a one room schoolhouse), run by local communities (towns) to (2) the take over of education by the state, to (3) the take over of education by the Federal Government. No surprise here, in regard to the nonsense we see in our schools, today. We must eliminate the Department of Education at the Federal Level and give that right back to the states. There is nothing in the constitution that gives the Federal Government the right to have their hand in the education of our children. End of story!

3 years ago

The Democrat Party is actually a Communist party that is attempting to take the US down.
If anyone is unaware of this, the need to learn the techniques the Communists have used since Lenin by reading the book “You Can Trust the Communists (to be Communists).pdf The book can be found for free online by searching the title. The first 20 pages or so are slow reading but after that, I couldn’t put the book down.

This book reminded me about Bill Clinton’s desire to visit Russia and Russia allowed him in.
This book states the USSR only allowed those to visit that they believed they could use and then remember, they gave permission for Bill Clinton to visit when he was a Rhodes scholar.

Bernie Sanders was able to visit. People should ask, why were these two men were so infatuated with Russia.

Remember Russia allowed Lee Harvey Oswald into their country and look what he did when he returned to the US.

Obama also has Communism in his upbringing. Remember Obama and Michelle hung Mao Christmas ornaments on the White House tree and no one made a big deal out it.
Open borders policy is part of it also as the US wouldn’t know how many schools, hospitals etc we would need with open borders, it would create chaos, bring down the country and
the open borders crowd would rebuild as the desired totalitarian country they want. The Covid-19 pandemic should put the Democrats open borders policy to rest forever. We need borders and we need them secured.

These Dems are working to destroy our country by creating chaos (Antifa) as well as attempting to remove history & they have already taken over education. The outline for what is happening now is in the book I noted above.

3 years ago

I just love it when man shows God’s Word to be true and reliable. In II Timothy 3 you see a list of traits that man will have. The one that always bothered me was “traitor”. I could never fathom anyone in this Country selling it out. And what have we had? Presidents lining up to oblige their masters. Sad. Good news though, “keep looking up for your redemption is drawing neigh”.

3 years ago

The appalling truth is that this has been the thrust of such groups for a good 40 years. I still have some of the civics/history books I used in jr. high and high school. My daughter is a teacher and I shared these “old” books with her as comparison…..she was shocked at the total shift from simple civics to the outlandish stuff now being given to students. While she teaches in a faith based school that still holds to the “old” books….the new stuff is beginning to even creep into non-public schools. It happens under the threat of “academic accredditations.” That is to say, higher education. Public schools have always been an avenue for political change. History tells us this from the days of Rome, through the course of western civilization, religious fervor, and the like. Soviet Russia did it, Japan did it, Nazi Germany did it, China is doing it, as are the Islamic nations whose religion is the core of their educational premise. Even the U.S. tried some of this with Eugenics, and Darwinism (evolution), some of which is still infused into the educational system. While I lament all of this….the burning question remains……What can, should, must we do? I for one encourage parents to put their children in Christian schools….but only after you have checked their teachings, curriculum, and stance in light of race, abortion, and the like. (And, yes, faith based education can also be subject to propaganda and social/political whim) None of which is easy…..but nothing worth while is ever “easy.” Meanwhile, millions of young people are being subjected to all things twisted and redacted. At times I feel like the little Dutch boy with his finger in the dike……as the 600 ft. tidal wave is bearing down on him. So I pray. I counter locally with my voice at school board meetings (who turn the deaf ear), I speak to political leaders who are in many cases, part of the problem…….and the water rises. We can’t just float……we have to row…..against the stream. By word, by action, by legal pressure, by means, that if needed, could amount to physical confrontation (which is not my recommendation or desire).
But, it is a matter of numbers…..the more people who rise up against this attack, the greater the level of success…..the more people who sit on their duffs….the greater the success for those who are at odds with truth, history, common sense, and the this great republic.

3 years ago

We should be learning from our history not trying to repeat or rewrite it obiden is deliberately turning dark skinned people against white skinned people it’s racism anyway you look at it sadly he refuses to take any responsibility for his own racist party going back decades he needs to own it same with his loyalty to kkk leader Democrat senator Robert byrd who was a klansman recruiter who filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act obiden spoke so highly of him at his funeral back in 2010 calling Byrd a mentor a friend a guide really joe a kkk member?

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

You cannot eliminate history! Without knowing what happened in the past, it proves difficult to being able to do and plan/provide for the future!! We learn from history and making it conducive to someone opinion is a high mistake!!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Can we Chap 7 ICivics??

Nina Rae
Nina Rae
3 years ago

This needs to be published and broadcast repeatedly until everyone is aware of it! It amazes me when things like this come to light and no one dies anything major to block it! Actually it’s nothing New, just expanded because they feel they have the power to do so!! I’ve been trying to convince parents, friends & whoever would listen that this was happening since I became aware of it in the early 60’s!! I now realize it started long before that! Parents need to be Very Aware of what their children are being taught! Even some of the Christian & Private schools have succumbed to the enticement of big grants if they push this heinous garbage. I know this because my daughter Tran into this headfirst in the Christian schools he had chosen because ‘we teach correct principles’!
BE AWARE! I keep praying this will be stopped and doing all I can to raise awareness!

Thomas Cooper
Thomas Cooper
3 years ago

treason by any other name is still treason

3 years ago

Went online to peruse iCivics (the little-known organization) materials and found the Student Workbook information as factual, easily understood, and non-biased, as was the text in the Teacher’s guides, lessons, and worksheet answers. However, further research indicates CivXnow, an activist organization connected to iCivics, promotes a revisionist (1619 Project, Critical Race Theory) approach for obliterating American democracy, as well as backing far-left political causes and candidates. Therefore, I wouldn’t buy iCivics products knowing a percentage of my money would support ideology I vehemently oppose.

Cindy Stark
Cindy Stark
3 years ago

I graduated from high school in 1964. As a senior, you were required to take Civics which taught American government. Our teacher also taught socialism comparing the two governments. The Russian leader at the time said “we will bury you not thru war but thru your children”. I thought that was impossible but now I see it happening now.

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
3 years ago

I would argue our educational system has been doing this for decades and has simply become more overt, more vocal, and increasingly radical in recent years. Why they are leftists I have never understood because it sure isn’t to benefit the public! Free Enterprise works because it’s based on human nature and personal freedom. Socialism fails because it’s contrary to human nature and requires our freedom to be sacrificed to a tyrannical federal government. It’s really very simple. I have advocated that every single high school student be required to read “The 5000 Year Leap” and pass a comprehensive test on it before getting their diploma.

Bill Bates
Bill Bates
3 years ago

This garbage started in our colleges in the 60s with the antiwar (I’m a coward who doesn’t want to be drafted) activists. They moved from undergraduate to masters programs to PH.D programs. To keep from serving.. Many taught by revisionist historians, & they were totally radicalized by final graduation.

Then, THEY got the college & university teaching jobs, beginning in the late 70s & 80s & started teaching people this garbage to undergrads. Especially in the Education Departments, to prospective teachers.

Who then took it – B.E. in hand – into our K-12 schools. And, have now risen to become Principles & Director of Schools. Which brings to today…

All the while parents were unaware, uninformed & lied to. Only the home schooling required by the China Virus let then SEE what was being taught. And here we are…

Ruth Sidow
Ruth Sidow
3 years ago

Just another way the Democratic Party lies. They are the 2nd biggest liars next to Lucifer!! They named their group iCivics when it is anything but that.

3 years ago

Satan is the democrat party. he has a lot of destruction to spread around and little time to do it so he uses the democrat party to help him out.

3 years ago

You wonder why all the kids are hating America and tearing down and destroying our history? Shame on all of us for letting this happen.

Sandra "Sam" Haddock
Sandra "Sam" Haddock
3 years ago

One of my most favorite memories of growing up is my American History teacher (Mrs. Haley). Her truthful, open, and complete lessons for 4 years, taught me well…but it did NOT make me a racist. I’m talking early s’60 here. There could have been an opportunity to influence the way I think, but she never swayed to one side or the other. IT WAS AMERICAN HISTORY! I was well aware of the slavery of the South, the degrading conditions they lived in, and the selling of slaves on auction blocks. As a Bible scholar I know full-well that slavery has always been a part of human existence, and the way people (white, black, or yellow) were laborers, concubines, and now human trafficking and suffered greatly. We can’t and shouldn’t erase our history. Besides teaching me American History, she was also a very caring and loving person who welcomed one-on-one with her students. she was married to a Jew whose entire family was killed in Germany, but she didn’t hide that, she didn’t defend it, she didn’t really protest it saying that “there are times in life we can’t explain”. Such is how she taught American History. I’m very grateful.

3 years ago

If we don’t have an honest depiction of our history we loose our country to the communists. We are not prefect but the founders installed ways to correct the imperfections in our country and government. Lying to change history helps no one.

3 years ago

Sounds like they’ve been destroying our young children’s lives for too long already. When is this going to stop? Why are we just now hearing about these evil undertakings by these evil people. No wonder we’ve been dealing with confused kids for the past 20+ years

3 years ago

I’m sickened by this. Why has this not come up before? They are so brazen about changing our history. Where does this go since everything we stand for has been blocked by the Democrats. We are slipping farther everyday. Satan and his minions are on duty everyday!!

Steven Huskey
Steven Huskey
3 years ago

I refuse to let my children attend public school (indoctrination institutions). We need to get rid of the Department of Education at the federal and state levels and let each community chose how to run their schools. The Dems are working overtime to divide our country with lies and perpetuate racism.

They were worried about Trump setting up a dictatorship and replaced him with a dictator. If America is that bad and they want a socialist country then please, move to a country that is already run by socialists or Communists? They are riddled with racism (ethnic cleansing) and oppression of those who disagree.

3 years ago

Where did all of these hate groups come from and when? Things are getting weird and scary.
How did educated people become so hateful toward America; one of the greatest places to live. And why do they continue to live here? LEAVE NOW……………

Monte Seehorn
Monte Seehorn
3 years ago

So called “educators” are selling Socialism and Communism to our students. Leaders of both Russia an China have stated that they will not have to subjugate this country with war. They will do it from within by turning social groups against each other. Socialism and Communism is an easy sell to ignorant students who think that government is wonderful when they get someone else’s money without working for it!

Walter Keith
Walter Keith
3 years ago

The people in the icivics organization must be so driven by rage that they want to change history that actually happened…Have the American people become so weak that they actually put up with this…Unbelieveable…

3 years ago

We should not legislate racism. It comes down to respect vs entitlement.

Joyce Gibson
Joyce Gibson
3 years ago

This thinking is an ideology and is not correct. Yes, our country was founded by white men because at that time there were no educated black people as they were all shipped here from Africa. This does not mean that our country is racist. I am so sick and tired of hearing how racist we are and it is a sin and shame to teach these liberal civics courses to our young people. THIS NEEDS TO BE STOPPED NOW AND CHILDREN SHOULD LEARN WHAT THEY HAVE ALWAYS LEARNED IN SCHOOL.

Tommy Kirwan
Tommy Kirwan
3 years ago

This is dis

Paula Rodery
Paula Rodery
3 years ago

It all sounds true to me! I know some teachers, who a true teachers and not the filth that has infiltrated our schools. They fight a constant battle to stay true to their profession.

Tommy Kirwan
Tommy Kirwan
3 years ago

This is disgusting, but I’m not surprised – given the present administration of HARRIS/biden. At this point in time, I can only paraphrase the brilliant author and speaker Thomas Sowell: “I’m happy that at my age, I likely won’t be here to see how it ends for America.” (Personally, I see Anarchy & Chaos, leading to Martial Law, resulting in a Police State, giving the left what they’ve always wanted – “Democratic” Socialism – a contradictory system, destined for Failure.)

charles currens
charles currens
3 years ago

When we read the Bible, we see how the Israelites were admonished to remember their history. This lesson applies to us as well. Changing lies for truth only moves us further away from our REDEEMER and the role GOD played in the founding of our Republic.

Dale Kimball
Dale Kimball
3 years ago

Hitler used the same tactics to control the young Germans and later the whole country. The liberals already have the big media under control. Thank God we still have alternate sources for news. We are seeing a groundswell of Americans that are fed up with that pap and are rebelling. I just read that Georgia is considering a law that will prevent ” Critical race theory” teaching there. Amen!

3 years ago

More and more subjects should be covered and brought OUT into the light, like most people I never heard of this group and there’s no telling how many other groups with this same mentality are out there trying to corrupt the Representative system and replace it with a Democratic/Socialist system,

3 years ago

Typical radical liberals, they always claim the moral high ground over everyone else. When in fact they are guilty sinners like the rest of us. But they think they know better and need to control others. The Apostal Paul says, “There is NONE good, all have sinned and have come short of the glory of GOD!

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