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The Gaslighting Continues – Biden’s “Successful” Withdrawal from Afghanistan

Posted on Friday, April 7, 2023
by Tammy Bruce
President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris meet with security advisers about intelligence, security, and diplomatic updates on the evolving situation in Afghanistan, Friday, August 20, 2021.

There is now no doubt about exactly how much contempt with which the Biden administration and the Democrats hold this nation and the American people. During this holiday weekend, the White House released a gaslighting 12-page national security assessment about their catastrophic Afghanistan withdrawal. This was done on the heels of the Pentagon and State Department sending their own reports on the disaster to Congress.

The definition of gaslighting is when someone attempts to psychologically manipulate reality to a point where the target begins to doubt their own perceptions. The Biden administration seems to be relying on that old tactic far too often. Within this report and during the White House national security spokesman John Kirby’s press conference, the Biden administration takes virtually no responsibility for what happened and instead blames…wait for it…Donald Trump.

The Wall Street Journal, usually no defender of Trump, issued an editorial slamming the Biden team for “fake history”. The editorial goes on to say, “More alarming than its fake history is the White House’s inability to connect the dots between the U.S. surrender in Afghanistan and increasing world disorder. The U.S. is not more respected after surrendering to the Taliban, despite the heavy firepower the Administration deploys to make that case: ‘multiple opinion surveys. You can draw a straight line between the debacle in Afghanistan and the failure to deter Vladimir Putin from invading Ukraine,” they wrote, “Yet the only lessons the Biden Administration learned are the wrong ones. ‘In Ukraine,’ the report notes, ‘we decided to evacuate personnel nearly two weeks before Russia’s invasion,’ apparently unaware that this was one more signal to Mr. Putin that he could roll in without fear of a U.S. response.”

When Kirby chirped that the Biden administration was “proud” of the withdrawal, Fox News’ Peter Doocy, as perplexed as everyone else in the press room, asked: “There were children being killed…there were people hanging off of Air Force jets that were leaving. And you’re saying you guys are ‘proud’ of the way that this mission was conducted?” Kirby’s response, “You bet!” Further, Kirby inexplicably asserted “I just don’t buy the whole argument of chaos” besetting the withdrawal at the Kabul airport.

We remember the shocking chaos of the withdrawal—our 13 troops and over 100 Afghans who were murdered at the Kabul airport by a terrorist’s bomb. The abandonment of the American embassy and Bagram airbase. Leaving the Taliban in possession of billions of dollars of abandoned military equipment, supplies and munitions. The children murdered, and babies being tossed to Marines by desperate families outside the airport. And as the New York Post reported, “A US airstrike in Kabul against a supposed Islamic State bomber actually killed an innocent man who worked for a US aid group and his family, according to newly published testimony and footage — raising the specter that the Pentagon lied to the public about the strike.” Among those killed in that U.S. drone strike were seven children, carried out two days after the airport bombing as the world was told it was a strike on an ISIS terrorist and prevented another bombing. None of that was true.

Senator Marsha Blackburn responded to the report by tweeting, “@WhiteHouse just blamed President Trump for their botched Afghanistan withdrawal. Let’s set the facts straight: – 9K Americans were left behind under Biden – $7B in military equipment was left to terrorists under Biden – And 13 brave servicemembers died in Kabul under Biden.” Moreover, reports indicate there are at least 175 Americans still stuck in Afghanistan, with a number of those being held hostage, and thousands of our Afghan allies still stranded and in danger due to their association with the United States.

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) called Kirby’s comments “disgraceful and insulting.” Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX) called his remarks “sickening.” Rep. Mark Green (R-TN) said they were “utterly detached from reality.”

Even some in legacy media pointed at the Biden administration for the catastrophe and its aftermath. Margaret Brennan at CBS News put it this way, “Biden’s decision to pull the U.S. out of Afghanistan led to the collapse of its government, its military, the death of 13 Americans, & it left tens of thousands of Afghans hoping to escape. Girls over 12 can no longer be educated. This is one of the darkest moments of the Biden presidency to date.”

On its face, it is insulting and deeply troubling to be lied to so directly and obviously by our own government about events we witnessed with our own eyes as we watched the disaster unfold in real time. This issue of national security is an existential one and we have to ask, if the Biden administration is so willing to lie and gaslight the American public about things that we have directly seen, what else are they lying about?

We saw them mislead us about the economy and inflation. They made COVID policy decisions that resulted in debilitating our economy and the physical and mental health of Americans. Our federal law enforcement has been spending an inordinate amount of time spying on the American people, trying to censor and silence our voices, targeting parents at school board meetings, as they continue to develop a federal infrastructure aimed at censorship and the targeting of political opponents.

This renewed effort to lie to the American people about serious life-altering events should be a serious and urgent reminder for everyone about the danger we are in due to the malevolence and incompetence of the Biden administration and the Democrat Party.

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Maurice D
Maurice D
1 year ago

Thanks Tammy Bruce. Lili, Richard, you are on point. Weren’t the die-hard Biden failures in Afghanistan predictable? What is more dreadful in a human than disloyalty? Disloyal, insolent and cold-hearted Obama anti-West, anti-USA; WEF; ESG; DIE dogma permeates the CCP – Ukraine – Putin compromised Biden regime; Obama’s third term. And, they’re poised for a fourth term via Biden, Michelle, or other dogmatic minion. Illiberal secular, reactionary strategy is to subvert vital societal institutions: marriage and family; scholarship; electoral suffrage; emotional, physical and spiritual well-being; legal – judicial integrity (DOJ, FBI); sovereignty – citizenship; and national security (Intel; Department of Defense). Insidious schemes that target these institutions for disdain are reflected in the dishonorable and tragic withdrawal from Afghanistan. Wasn’t it strictly predictable? That said, great evil – contempt for societal institutions – portends the arrival of great good, decency and ethical responsibility.

1 year ago

Was there any doubt that the administrative state, which is completely controlled and largely staffed by by Democrats at this point, would whitewash the whole Afghanistan debacle? Of course the “official report” would absolve Biden, Austin and Milley of any responsibility for the American and friendly Afghan lives lost and the billions of dollars in military equipment we left for the Taliban and ultimately the Chinese, Russians and Iranians. Just another late afternoon before a holiday document dump to sweep everything under the rug.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

It’s hilarious that Coward Beijing biden blames President Trump over Coward Beijing biden’s Failure of Afghanistan SURRENDER to TERRORIST giving them $86 Billion in Military Weapons, ASSAULT RIFLES, Ammunition, Explosives, Jets, Helicopters, and Airbases when Coward Beijing biden ORDERED IT and President Trump nowhere near.
Another act of Treason committed by Coward Beijing biden giving aid and comfort to TERRORIST.
A Criminal (biden) supporting TERRORIST for political purposes.

1 year ago

ROFLMAO…a “successful withdrawal?” Biden hasn’t been successfu at anything his whole career….except in his criminal activities at getting wealthy.

1 year ago

“Gaslighting” —- REALLY ???
Call it what it is….. they are blatantly LYING to your face about it…

1 year ago

Why do they issue such obviously lying reports? Because dem robots believe every word. They’re designed to act like nips from herding dogs to keep the sheep in line. This works because millions of our fellow citizens rely on legacy media despite there being alternatives available. First legacy media implants phobias then hate results when the phobic robots are told lies about who did what. Phobic robots think they’re sophisticated because they read the nyt or listen to the view but in fact they’re willing participants in a widespread, loosely organized cult. That’s america today.

1 year ago

The logistics alone of removing 180,000 people from a hostile environment is imposing and to do it in two days with minimal loss of life and injury is historically significant no matter what other complaints there are. (Most of the military equipment left behind had not been serviced or used in months or years and much was obsolete so I doubt its efficacy) I am not saying the withdrawal was perfect but it was far superior to the two months we took to get out of Vietnam.

Gail Tubbs
Gail Tubbs
1 year ago

Soros is a fat, old , ugly walrus and he is afraid of Trump. Soros wants this world to be under him and socialist. He knew he had to start with the leader of the free world… AMERICA. He also knew that he needed a corrupt person to put in the White House, he found that person in Biden. The problem Soros could NOT see was the American people-ALL of us-even the ones who voted for Biden, would come to see what is going on!! It has started. It is not going to end until the Bidens (and their keepers) are gone.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

One word accurately describes the Biden junta: “pathetic”. Bet joe blames Trump when he fails in the bedroom as well…

1 year ago

Afghanistan was abandoned so quickly for one reason, his CCP overlords told idiot Joe to get the &%$# out… now! That’s all there is to this “controversy”. P.S. that’s why the southern border is open, China needs a market for it’s Fentanyl, the cartels are their delivery system.

1 year ago

Leftist believe a lie told over and over eventually is believed as the truth. Sadly, the legacy Lamestream fake news media refuse to hold DemonRats accountable for their many failures, so they virtue signal to the applause of half the population.

Mr. H
Mr. H
1 year ago

Listening to John Kirby say that he was proud of the way the withdrawal from Afghanistan went down makes my blood boil. He was a REMF naval officer. The only vessel he commanded was a desk. and he received participation medals for his service. Nothing but a sycophant for this willfully incompetent administration.

1 year ago

… the number one problem here in America, as of this writing: the mainstream media –

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
1 year ago

President Trump did plan withdrawal and a target date was set (conditionally as I understand it).
He did his best to be in position to make the move, but when Biden became president, it was up to him to decide how and when. He was late and then withdrew all US troops without notifying the other nations in this with us before doing any prep. Some Americans can’t see whose fault this horrible mess was, and they will accept that if Trump had just left steps and procedures, Biden could have does this. There is such a difference between setting a goal and carrying it out.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
1 year ago

Biden is at fault for all that happened there first before leaving all the personal and civilians then all the military choppers and weapons. What Biden did he screwed over the people there also the service dogs in cages at the airport and all the military weapons that one day they will use against us, the Dems blame President Trump they knew that the Dems have no backbone as well as this president and his VP very sad day for our country.

1 year ago

It was the withdraw that China wanted and they had the guy they owned as president. His lackeys and China Joe did it and now want to shift blame. Every decision by the Biden white house is a decision that strengthens China and hurts America.

1 year ago

Owning the big cities that swing the right states just negates the Electoral College.

Charlie Wood
Charlie Wood
1 year ago

Biden is an Incompetent, Doddering , Old Foll. Dangerously so.

Put something in his ice cream and let’s be Done with him and his Crime Family.

String up the Entire family.

1 year ago

You simply can not believe anything the Government or the Media tells you !!

1 year ago

actually by comparison to everything else he endeavors that may be honest and accurate. after 21/2 years of stuuuutering, sttttamering and air-shaking hands were lucky he hasn’t crapped all over the stage; or, has he?

Greg Gille
Greg Gille
1 year ago

And, what pray tell, will be done to stop this?
Refute the 12 pages and any posturing like it.
Recall/Impeach Biden and the shills that published the report!

1 year ago

Every thing the Biden Administration is their goody two shoes version irregardless of what factual analysis would produce.

Dennis Hamil
Dennis Hamil
1 year ago

The majority of American people have come to one conclusion . Someone else will do something instead of doing our civic duty! Apathy is the norm today. We the People have a responsibility to participate in our government, hold our elected officials accountable. Yes. that takes effort & resolve.John F. Kennedy said it best, Ask not what your country can do but, what you can do for your country ! America, get off your butts & take back our America . Pray to GOD it’s not to late .
In Jesus Name, I pray.

1 year ago

Excellent article. Thank you.

1 year ago

If you take everything Bidumb blames President Trump for and multiply it by 10 that’s maybe half of what this administration has done!Every word out of his mouth is a lie.I don’t know who the next president will be but I hope they go after Bidumb the way he has gone after President Trump!If that happens Mr.Mumbles and his son will never again see the light of day for their crimes against the American people!????????????????

1 year ago

Well I hate to say it , they have been lieing since Clinton being in office every time you put a democrackhead in office you get the same results incompetent, no commen since ,and everything is done backwards is stead of taking America forward we go backwards . This wanna be president takes the cake on them all he is a traitor of America and the American people , he blames everyone eles , and lies about everything even winning the election Why is Biden and his administration is still in office totally baffles the mind he should have been impeached , and taken out of office after the Afghanistan blunder . Now America is paying for his incompetent crap.

Doug Craig
Doug Craig
1 year ago

The thing to not lose sight of is when Biden and administration lips are moving, they are gaslighting, sometimes confused with lies.

Wilful consevative
Wilful consevative
1 year ago

The entire administrative staff of Biden

David Gilmore
David Gilmore
1 year ago

This is a disgrace to the USA and this is the most disgusting disgusting administration in history. Every time something goes awry it’s Trim’s fault or the governors fault. thanks democrats

Ed Baldwin
Ed Baldwin
1 year ago

Nothing! Absolutely nothing that this asahole administration tells us has a bit of truth!

1 year ago

Reprehensible behavior, but as usual, nothing will happen to the people who did this to the American citizens. It is mostly forgotten now. How do you hold Biden and his minions to account?

1 year ago

We let democrats steal the election. We’re paying the price. A litany of failed leadership and America last agenda and a country on the brink of war with our enemies. The worst and weakest president our country has ever seen. The sooner we get Trump back the better this country will be.

1 year ago

They are trying to make the case for re-election, but this is just another lie from the Democrats, who use the media to their advantage whenever possible. The problem is, we are still alive and well and we all remember the mess Biden made during the Afghan withdrawal. It was horrible and it was definitely Joe Biden’s fault. I can’t believe they want to blame Trump for this – if Trump were still in office, it never would have been messed up like it was under Biden. I’m pretty sure this is Biden’s mess, whether he likes it or not.

Ken Westenkirchner
Ken Westenkirchner
1 year ago

The Biden administration is scary. It’s time folks

1 year ago

Portraying a failure as a success is reprehensible. I can’t support a dishonest administration.

Barbara Turner
Barbara Turner
1 year ago

Definitely NOT what Trump wdve done, NEVER SURRENDER TO THE TALIBAN, aka ISIS.

1 year ago

What we need to stop this bull—— is a military takeover and hold tribunals shut down everything and get our country back , persecute these traitors and have public executions , remove everyone from government and have an election without fraud ✌????

1 year ago

Why are these commie dems still in the White House?

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