Sponsored By: MyComputerWorks When you lose access to your social media accounts, it can feel frustrating and daunting, even more so...
Socialism is popular! A Pew study reports that more than a third of American adults view it positively. How...
The 11th-hour Congressional approval of The Social Security Fairness Act—House Bill HR 82—has generated a burst of attention across the...
Social Security, combined with your 401(k) and IRA savings, can help you retire comfortably. Social Security was never meant to...
The 2024 U.S. national election campaign is now entering its home stretch. As the establishment media labors full bore to...
The headlong rush into artificial intelligence (AI) these days produces a steady stream of new players. As a concept though,...
AMAC EXCLUSIVE Although Joe Biden is facing dismal poll numbers with virtually every demographic, the one surprising bright spot for...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICnb7hcRXys One of the most nagging criticisms of the U.S. Social Security program is found in the persistent outcries of...
AMAC EXCLUSIVE On March 18, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Murthy v. Missouri, a case that could result...
WASHINGTON DC, Feb 16 – Once again Rebecca Weber, CEO of the Association of Mature American Citizens, says she and...
AMAC Exclusive – By Walter Samuel In politics, like many fields, perceptions govern reality. With more data coming in on...
AMAC Exclusive – By David Lewis Schaefer No phrase better encapsulates the dominant political ideology on American college campuses nowadays,...
A nation without strong and capable men is a nation in serious trouble. Unfortunately, there’s reason to worry about boys...
Did you grow up playing checkers with your friends? Historians say the first game of checkers was played around 3,000...
Large money-center banks appear to be in the vanguard of a movement to build a system of personal social credit...
AMAC Exclusive – By Ben Solis As the Biden administration wages war on traditional American values, there has been a...
AMAC Exclusive – By B.C. Brutus A recently released report from the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the...
AMAC Magazine Exclusive – By Palmer Schoening In recent years, there has been a significant push towards investing with an...
Gender ideologies work by confusing people about reality while pushing confused kids into becoming customers of the transitioning industry, according...
ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, IL (April 28, 2023) — A new report by The Heartland Institute offers a thorough examination of the growing...
Recently, National Teenager Day was recognized and while we did have news stories about educational successes, the bright future of...
Understanding the Escalation of Social Security Scams Social Security scams are nothing new. However, recently they have escalated. In these...
Dear Rusty: I am 56 and hope to hold out to get maximum Social Security at age 70. However, with...
On Thursday, one month after announcing his 2024 bid to retake the White House, former President Donald Trump rolled out...
Dear Rusty: When I started getting Social Security at 62, I was told by the SS office I would get...
Operating a small business comes with many challenges. And, as you well know, attracting customers is undoubtedly one of them...
WASHINGTON, DC, Sep 28 -- Free-market capitalism arrived in America aboard the Mayflower and all the other square-riggers carrying colonists...
AMAC Exclusive - By Barry Casselman The Bayfront of Erie, Pennsylvania In recent years, economic and cultural changes in the...
As if the last few years haven't been tumultuous enough for small business owners, you must also adapt to new...
Dear Rusty: I plan on retiring at 62, one year from now. I have been coached to (if financially possible)...
WASHINGTON, DC, Feb 16 – The proliferation of click-and-send computer-based communications – email, text messaging, social media, etc. -- has...
Sometimes explaining a complex idea – takes more than a sound bite. Today, a remarkable confusion – among Republicans and...
Americans are not radicals. It is time we rethought this idea that we can indulge “secular radicalization,” or any sort...
AMAC Exclusive - By Andrew Abbott Friday, a group of Missouri lawmakers announced a renewed push to put statewide marijuana legalization on...
Social and emotional learning is the latest trend at your child's school. SEL sounds beneficial, but that's a disguise. In...
By Tom McHale If you put your iPhone to the ground, you’ll hear distant war drums beating. On a quiet...
Is Communist China overextended? China's "command and control" economy – much like the former Soviet Union's – suffers structural flaws....
WASHINGTON, DC, Sep 24 -- By now, you've probably heard that there has been an increase in computer usage by...
WASHINGTON, DC, Aug 5 -- The coronavirus pandemic has not only made seniors susceptible to a new deadly illness, it...
Dear Rusty: I took early retirement at 20 years from the Louisiana public school system in 1996. Since then, I...
Dear Rusty: I’m 74 and receiving my Social Security benefits. My wife is 68 and we are delaying her benefits...
Dear Rusty: My husband turns 65 later this month. He has started having health issues - so much so that...
Dear Rusty: Is it still possible to suspend Social Security benefits for a time? And, if so, how often? Signed:...
Dear Rusty: My husband is 76, retired for 4 years, and receiving Social Security. I am only 59 and still...
Dear Rusty: I will turn 66 this year and am considering claiming my Social Security. I have already applied for...
Dear Rusty: I am 73 and receive a pension from my state’s Police and Fire Pension Fund. I took a...
The term “social determinants of health” is trending in health policy circles. The general theory is that addressing external factors...
WASHINGTON, DC, Jan 8 – Tens of thousands of immigrants enter the U.S. legally from Mexico and other Central American...
“Big Brother is watching you,” comes the warning from George Orwell’s dystopian novel, 1984. In other words, you have no...
A complex story is unfolding – based on discovery of a hard-drive belonging to the son of former Vice President...
The good news is Social Security recipients will get an increase in benefits starting in January 2021. The bad news...
Physical distancing has played a critical role in reducing the spread of COVID-19 and, particularly in hotspots and for people...
President Trump recently announced, via Presidential Memorandum, a temporary suspension of the payroll tax for those making $104,000 or less...
Suppose it’s 2024, and Vice President Kamala Harris is running to succeed President Joe Biden. What would tech and US...
In his August 12 late afternoon press conference, President Trump reaffirmed his commitment to the continuation and protection of Social...
Written By: J. Ronald Winter What do the liberals, progressives, and demonstrators/rioters mean when they say they want SOCIAL JUSTICE?...
The Trump Administration is taking action to promote free speech on the internet and hold social media companies accountable for...
The United States is finally getting serious about the Chinese Communist Party’s propaganda outlets operating on U.S. soil. Even so,...
Dear Rusty: Can or does the Social Security Administration occasionally make mistakes in determining the benefits due? I’m now 72...
Dear Rusty: If I have reached full retirement age (FRA) and wish to sell a $500,000 asset, will it affect...
Dear Rusty: I have a problem with Social Security. They told me if I went over the annual earned income...