
National Security , Newsline

Need for Legislation to Reinforce Fact that Illegal Aliens are not Eligible for Social Security and that Using Fake Cards and Numbers are Criminal Offenses

Posted on Friday, January 8, 2021
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

social securityWASHINGTON, DC, Jan 8 – Tens of thousands of immigrants enter the U.S. legally from Mexico and other Central American countries.  The vast majority of them, 77% of them, according to Pew Research, enter the country as law abiding permanent or temporary residents; 23% are illegal immigrants.

“We can fully expect that the numbers of illegal immigrants will increase exponentially should Joe Biden be confirmed as the next president of the United States.  He has already laid the groundwork for a new and potentially larger surge of illegal immigration by promising to stop President Trump’s border wall initiative.  In fact, almost immediately after the November election reports started coming in of new caravans from Central America getting ready to head north toward the U.S. border,” according to Bob Carlstrom, president of AMAC Action, the senior advocacy affiliate of the Association of Mature American Citizens.

Carlstrom says that there are many reasons why it is important to take measures to repel the influx of illegal aliens.

“The principal reason is that they are breaking the law.  We are a nation of laws and Congress needs to get some backbone and deal with illegal aliens and their migration.  No doubt that many of them are fine people, but they need to take a legitimate path to come and work in our country if they are good guys and there is a need for their services.  That’s why we are backing reintroduction in the new Congress of the No Social Security for Illegal Aliens Act, a measure that would stress the fact that if you are in this country illegally there’s no way you are ever going to collect Social Security benefits.”

Carlstrom points out that it is not uncommon for illegal aliens to use false Social Security cards to get jobs and the legislation is designed to reinforce the fact that using a fake Social Security number or one belonging to someone else is criminal.

According to the language of this bill, unauthorized work performed by illegal aliens in the U.S. would not constitute coverage by Social Security, prohibiting them from receiving benefits later in life. This legislation helps to close the gap between Social Security and U.S. immigration rules, ensuring that those who violate immigration laws are not rewarded for their actions.

“Addressing this crucial inconsistency strengthens the laws of our country and safeguards Social Security benefits for hard-working citizens,” Carlstrom explains.

About AMAC Action

AMAC Action is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit advocacy organization created to assist Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC] members with grassroots participation on Capitol Hill and at the local level through its advocacy programs.

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3 years ago

Now that our Comrade Democrats have gained power, this time they don’t plan on ever giving it up! … So “giving” millions of illegals OUR Social Security monies AND “Free” Healthcare AND the Right to Vote will GUARANTEE that they STAY IN POWER!

All I can say is: “DON’T TREAD ON ME!!!”

Carol Forster
Carol Forster
3 years ago

Illegal immigrants and aliens should not take part in our Social Security that we worked hard to earn! That is unjust and unfair!!

3 years ago

Why bother? The leftists are incharge and the snowball has a running head-start.

Wayne Wideman
Wayne Wideman
3 years ago

Might help if I-9 forms would be required to be submitted to USCIS and perhaps to SSA, and then the employer would receive an “OK” back from USCIS on the potential employee. In that way, someone who is starting to work, but using a false SS number would be identified. As it is, I-9 forms just sit in the employer’s files IN CASE of an audit.
In other words, the proposed legislation should assign a more active role for I-9 or develop some other instrument for actually identifying those trying to use false SSN.

3 years ago

We must all be diligently paying attention and involved to protest such legislation by contacting our senators and voicing our concerns loud and clear like never before. Our children will NOT HAVE social security if it is given away to illegal immigrants who have not earned nor do they deserve it. Now is NOT THE TIME TO THROW IN THE TOWEL!!! Pay attention, stand your ground and let your voices be heard. Those in power will pass every law possible until the USA. we live is totally socialist! If you don’t want that -PAY ATTENTION AND BE HEARD!!!

Nick P.
Nick P.
3 years ago

I agree with this legislation, but you mention “reintroducing” this legislation. When was it first introduced, why did it fail and what makes you think it will be successful this time? This is something that needed to be pushed hard four years ago. I think AMAC is a little late to the game. The horses have already left the barn, so to speak.

3 years ago

I would hope to see some legislature to stop these illegals but with Biden that’s not going to happen. Unfortunately it’s going to take the whole patriotic country to come down on the house .

K Verdoes
K Verdoes
3 years ago

This should have been in the books from the beginning. Sadly, the democrats love illegals because it ensures an eternal democrat supermajority. Illegals will vote, and they will always vote for the party promising “free” handouts.

3 years ago

Biden will flood the gates bringing in these illegals so the democrats won’t have to cheat so blatantly because the illegals will vote democrat thinking the democrats will give them all sorts of free stuff, like the democrats are saying to our young people in public schools now!!!

3 years ago

Under Dems, it won’t just be Soc Sec they raid & steal, illegals will, via Biden, be ‘forgiven’ and given voting rights to ensure Dems never lose an election again.

3 years ago

You can pass legislation, and pass legislation, and pass legislation. But until it is enforced nothing will ever happen. That’s very obvious in the election fraud that just took place.

3 years ago

Back in he 1960’s congress realized there was a surplus in Social Security Fund [SSF]. With that in mind the congress took it upon themselves to [what they referred to as borrow] steal money from the SSF. At the time congress insisted that they would in fact return/payback all the money – That was a blatant lie. It did not stop there as congress continued to take money from SSF and use that same ole useless excuse. To date now, more than fifty [50] years later not so much as a cent had been returned. We the Americans that have paid into the SSF are being systematically lied to be congress. One such lie is; “SSF is running out of money and will be broke in or by 2035.”
One of their latest lies is to give our money that We Americans paid in to the SSF to illegals that have never paid into the system. Its a total disgrace how our government lied to us and continues to lie to us. We the People are sick and tired of being lied to. Further, now that Biden is in office all we can expect is more lies and more money being spent on anything other than what it was intended to be spent on.

3 years ago

Did not explain in article, but if not a citizen then how does illegal immigrants get Social Security? Don’t you have to pay payroll tax & then if retire and get benefits it is based on about 35 years of earnings ?? Confused on this issue.

Diana Alcala
Diana Alcala
3 years ago

I have spent 5 days plugging holes that someone made in my credit by using my social security number to apply for fraudulent loans, merchandise, and credit cards. Congress needs to stop the use of American citizens ss # to identify people.

Susan Eckel
Susan Eckel
3 years ago

Is social security tax being taken out of their paychecks? If not, plus if they are not paying the same federal, state, city sales etc taxes as we citizens then Absolutely they should not get SS benefits. I’m retired yet still work and my employer takes out Medicare and Ss tax plus SS admin. deducts Medicare and ss tax from my benefit check every month. We need a one time tax either when earned or ehrn received but not both..A real racket.

3 years ago

the legislative branch has the ability to make or change immigration laws. the executive can either veto or sign immigration law proposed by the legislators. biden can make promises all he wants. it is up to the PEOPLES REPRESENTATIVES!

3 years ago

It is simpke. As my father used to say, if you do not vote, do not fight for what is right, if you just watch..then do not complain when you do not like the outcome. I am 70 years old, and I have seen too many complainers who want others to do the heavy lifting. Time for those people to stand up and join the fight. Thank you to all who already do. To others, do not give away this country and what you hold dear. Integrity is not lost…just hidden under a pile of trash. Dig it out.

jan siniscalchi
jan siniscalchi
3 years ago

Legislation for election integrity, cleaning up who is covered by the Constitution seems like a no brainer as it is already spelled out, and getting the illegals off the books for benefits is all good. HOWEVER, we are not dealing with a bunch of cheating crooks for politicians in the WH and Congress. We cannot expect any good to come. I blame SCOTUS for not doing their job when they had the chance. We could all see the writing on the wall and what was coming. SCOTUS was really our only hope for correction and they failed. Our country is in the midst of shambles. We have corrupt politicians working for China, Ukraine, Russia and God knows who else. The Chinese have entered our space along the NW corner of our States ready to pounce on us. The fraud has taken over in the elections. The country is divided.

I personally am ready for a civil war to break out. I would be ready to buy a gun and join the fight. I will not start it, but if enough people would stand up, I would gladly join to take back our country. The only other thing I can see happening is a large number of people agreeing to become a different country using our Constitution for the conservatives. I am sick of the left. I am sick of the public bending to the 1% who are offended by whatever and everything. I am sick of the racist card when it does not even begin to apply. I am sick of someone calling White Supremacy when it never enters the picture. I am sick of people not recognizing problems for what they are. I am sick of bending down for the ghetto to become on equal footing. Those in the ghetto need to stand up, pull themselves up by the bootstraps and stop calling themselves a victim. I am sick of giving benefits to lazy asses who won’t work. I am sick of trying to bring socialism to this country. It hasn’t worked elsewhere why would it work here? I am sick of people feeling that they need to be Robinhood – steal from the rich to give to the poor. Everyone has equal opportunity here. People need to get over it and themselves. And, I am sick of the BLM movement, another racist clutch. Officers shooting blacks is not an offense on its own. Someone who does something and then refuses to give in to the police is offending the law and deserve to be stopped by whatever means. Those who pull guns or other weapons on the police should expect to be shot. The police enforce law and order as they should. I am sick of authorities who put handcuffs on the police and will not allow them to do their jobs only to have the authorities call the police to protect them. I am sick of the do as I say and not as I do actions by the authorities. I am sick of this country’s attitudes.

Society took God out of school and want us all to become atheists. I am a Christian. I may not attend church, but that does not mean I don’t practice within my own way in my own home or daily dealings. Madeline O’Hare is to blame, however, if it were not for her, there would be someone else. By the Constitution, people have a right to their own religion and should not be punished or have their churches and people shot, killed or burned down.

Society said we have to give EVERYONE a ribbon because no one should feel they are a loser. Sorry, but not everyone wins in this life. Not everyone gets to be “king” of the hill or CEO or any other position. Not everyone will be paid the same because everyone has different skills and different levels of education. If the left wants to raise wages, how about starting with our military, those E-1 and below the higher paid officers. Sacrifices are made at large costs and they should be compensated. Society needs to teach our children how to deal with losing, because everyday we may lose at something. That doesn’t mean we get to whine, cry, destroy, and expect someone to make it right. They need to learn how do cope.

Repatriations is joke. Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves but now he has become a racist, per the left. I am sick of the left taking down our history and trying to change it to be politically correct. I did not own a slave. No one in today’s society owns a slave unless they are part of the sex industry which is another drug infested piece of society that needs to be brought down but is so corrupt it will need many generations if they are to be successful. Why should we pay all the blacks to make them feel whole? I know many black people. They are not all bad. I know many white people. They are not all good. This is society. You have both good and bad people. Those that are bad deserve to be punished, no matter what color they are. PERIOD

Our Constitution is addressed to its citizens and a citizen is defined under the 14th Amendment, Section 1:
“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

Who can vote? Perusing the US Constitution, I have found only references to“citizens” can vote. There is nothing in there that says non-citizens can or cannot do. Those of us who have been around know it was meant to be only citizens that can vote, which means Section 1 of the 14th Amendment applies. How hard is this to figure out? Democrats like to extend the rights to non-citizens and why they want not only their votes to count, but also to be counted on the census. This kettle of fish needs to be vetted in the US Supreme Court. 2020 Certainly had enough opportunity to present itself. Unfortunately either the Supreme Court opted not to get involved (Shame on them) , or no one has set up the proper legal terminology to get this in front of them. Either way, I am not willing to accept Biden as the next President. If I could leave this country today I would as I believe we are headed for big trouble. Congress is willing to give no maximums on spending. Over extended debt incurred brings no happy endings.

If you or I go to another country to live, we cannot vote in their elections. We cannot get handouts. We are not counted in their census. We may not even have to pay taxes there, unless the law or Treaty says we need to. Why are we allowing all of this to happen here?

I am just sick and tired. The election results only make me angrier.

Cheryl Lynn Andrew
Cheryl Lynn Andrew
3 years ago

Looking for reliable news on what is happening in U.S.A. & the world. Do not trust media &/or politicians.

Barb R
Barb R
3 years ago

While I agree the United States was partially populated with immigrants, your ancestors and mine, however, times change, populations change, job requirements change. This is no longer the same country it was in the 17 and 1800’s. Most of the immigrants who enter our country illegally are not here to work, they are not here to help make America great, they are here for whatever they can get out of us. To allow masses of immigrants to flood into our country when we already have high unemployment for natural citizens would be a dreadful travesty. It is not our job to support them. They have absolutely no right to Social Security or any other funds from our government, funds we paid as taxes by working.

3 years ago

Yes! Social Security need to be protected from illegal aliens. Some of us have worked for a long time to secure our SS. Now the leftist are given our money to criminal. Yes illegal immigration is a criminal offense, let’s no sugar code their offenses.


3 years ago

Your point is correct but the dims will never pass a law to restrict full citizenship, healthcare, school,and voting rights to the 40 million +
illegals. Or is it 60 million ? We don’t know because we prefer to stay stupid.

3 years ago

I think illegal should be jail and charged for stealing ss cards and receiving money under fake names and sending our hard earned money to Mexico and over seas
It should be for American citizens only

Hip Hopper
Hip Hopper
3 years ago

We don’t need a new law. We need to enforce the EXISTING law. Politicians are always willing to pass laws for votes. We have so many laws on the books now, we are all guilty of breaking the law every day. There are so many laws now that any of us can be threatened any time we think about becoming politically active. Selective enforcement is what needs to be dealt with.

Lynn Shonhart
Lynn Shonhart
3 years ago

Please keep Social Security safe for the US CITIZENS that have contributed.

3 years ago

Here is a question for any of the Biden/Harris “Rocket Scientists” to answer. So, Biden says that his first order of Socialist agenda will be to grant American Citizenship to ,an understated, 11 Million Illegal.”immigrants” currently illegally residing in the USA. In Bidens “Idiotocracy”, all 11 Million Illegals will flock to the newest Governmental Immigration Office to sign up to start paying Federal Income Taxes, Social Security Tax,etc ??? And pay for Obama care ??? Asking this question for a friend, as they do not agree with my answer. Thanks !

Ariel Sinclair Bouchard-Toulouse
Ariel Sinclair Bouchard-Toulouse
3 years ago

I just read in Washington Exminer Biden administration is giving asylum applicants social security cards and permit cards to stay in United States?? Is this true. This is insane!!

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