The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) was the most consequential tax legislation signed into law since the 1980s....
Last month the Wall Street Journal editorial board (“The Great Biden Welfare Blowout”) reviewed the staggering number of welfare recipients...
Vice President Kamala Harris wants to extract a $5 trillion tax increase from American households and businesses, her campaign confirmed on Monday....
Retirement planning involves navigating complex calculations and forecasts. From determining an appropriate withdrawal rate from your investments to reducing your...
During my meeting with former Republican presidential candidate and financial guru Steve Forbes in October, he told me gold could...
President Biden was in spin mode Wednesday when a reporter asked him to comment on data showing an uptick in...
AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott A shocking daytime shooting of an eight months pregnant woman in Washington, D.C., this weekend served...
Over the last few months, President Joe Biden has been lauded by the liberal media over his alleged successes at...
WASHINGTON, DC, JULY 18 -- The bad news is that inflation is at an unanticipated new high -- 9.1%. The...
Written By: Brian Garrison For more than fifty years, pro-lifers and others have been trying to end abortion, or at...
Imagine working your entire life alongside your family building a business, only to have Uncle Sam take almost half of...
A review of current state unemployment rates reveals a stark partisan divide between the states with the highest and lowest...