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Infant Adoption Advertising Needed

Posted on Wednesday, February 2, 2022
by Outside Contributor

Written By: Brian Garrison


For more than fifty years, pro-lifers and others have been trying to end abortion, or at least to reduce the abortion rate dramatically. Pro-life organizations have saved millions of lives and have helped millions of women, yet the abortion rate remains abhorrently high.

It is possible to radically reduce the abortion rate. Women choose abortion because they believe they have only two options: (1) Give birth and raise a child or (2) abort. The third option, rarely considered, is adoption. 

Among many women in crisis pregnancies, adoption is considered taboo. Very few women want an abortion. Yet abortion is often chosen. It is possible to radically change minds and to change popular culture. Radical social change has happened in the past and can happen in the near future. 

Frequent, persistent advertising will change minds. Advertising is everywhere. Pet adoption, St. Jude’s Hospital, Shriner’s Hospitals, Tunnel 2 Towers, Save the Whales, Save the Elephants, helping holocaust survivors, and many other causes are frequently advertised. Advertising is effective. Curbing abortion is at least as important and urgent as any of the campaigns listed above. 

Advertising spreads information rapidly and efficiently. Mass-market advertising is the most effective and efficient way to significantly reduce the high abortion rate. Now is the time for compassionate, dramatic change to curb the mass killing of very young people. When uncertain mothers see that adoption is good for themselves, they will be more apt to choose adoption. 

Adoption agencies worldwide should run targeted Internet ads. Targeted and micro-targeted advertising is effective, but it does not reach most of the mainstream population. To make a huge impact, pro-lifers must reach a mass audience. To change the popular perception, attitudes, and decisions, we must reach nearly everyone in each targeted region.

Pro-life organizations, including adoption agencies, should raise money for private mass-market pro-adoption advertising. When private advertising takes hold, the pro-life community should push government leaders to advocate for public service announcements for infants and foster adoption.

Successful ad campaigns will require buy-in and vigorous participation from women’s centers, right-to-life agencies, churches, state-run adoption agencies, state legislators, and other pro-life groups. This effort can start today.

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Susie Johnson
Susie Johnson
2 years ago

I have said this for years. If we want to stop government money to stop abortion clinics then we need to step up and in. Put our money where our mouths are and support the women making the right choices. Adopt where needed…open our homes where needed. Contact pregnancy resource centers and ask. What can I do. Speak to youth groups. There are so many ways to come along side.

Susie Johnson
Susie Johnson
2 years ago

I have said this for years. If we want to stop government money to stop abortion clinics then we need to step up and in. Put our money where our mouths are and support the women making the right choices. Adopt where needed…open our homes where needed. Contact pregnancy resource centers and ask. What can I do. Speak to youth groups. There are so many ways to come along side.

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