For more than a half century the welfare state has waged war on marriage. This assault occurs for two reasons:...
The decline in American fertility is connected to the decline in the number of Americans getting married. If we want...
Dear Rusty: We were married two years ago at ages 78 and 81. Do we need to do anything with...
AMAC Exclusive - By Aaron Flanigan Last week, the Biden administration released a 12-page report that remarkably blamed former President...
Historian Arnold Toynbee observed "an autopsy of history would show that all great nations commit suicide." It's hard not to...
When conservatives lament the many ways in which the U.S. welfare system discourages marriage and family formation, it’s usually large-scale...
In 2006, then-Sen. Joe Biden ranted against the supposed irrelevance of a proposed constitutional amendment to define marriage in federal...
The Respect for Marriage Act, codifying same-sex marriage as federal law, already decided as such by the Supreme Court in...
In March 2013, nearly a decade ago, in this space, I made a prediction. "Within the next few months," I...
AMAC Exclusive – David P. Deavel The twelve Republican Senators and sometimes conservative figures such as David French say it’s...
A favorite game of politicians, when reality does not conform to the facts they want, is to simply redefine reality....
WASHINGTON, DC, Mar 23 – Marriage is at an all-time low. There are more single men and women out there than...
Democrats introduced the Equality Act to Congress last week. “The so-called Equality Act undermines fundamental freedoms by mandating a single viewpoint on sexual orientation...