A pair of teachers at New Jersey’s Fort Lee High School recently taught students that Hamas is a peaceful “resistance movement” and...
In one of the most shocking examples of left-wing brainwashing seen in the American education system to date, the Portland...
Perhaps what's most distressing about the latest collapse in high school test scores is that no one seems to be...
By: John Moor President Biden and VP Harris have voiced strong indignation to the Florida Education Curriculum on black history. ...
AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott As the mainstream media continues to slander and intentionally misrepresent conservative efforts to get...
The facts of life haven't changed, but sex education is entirely different now from what you likely learned in school....
AMAC Exclusive - By Daniel Berman Politics has often been compared to “sausage-making:” a process which would horrify most voters...
School is starting, but don't count on getting answers about what your child is being taught. School administrators commonly lie...
WASHINGTON, DC, Apr 28 -- Our kids are being brain-washed by the progressive-socialist movement that is infiltrating America’s schools, says...