
Education , Newsline , Society

Media Lies Run Cover for Left’s Educational Atrocities While Children Suffer

Posted on Tuesday, August 15, 2023
by Andrew Abbott

AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott

Media covering Biden with school children

As the mainstream media continues to slander and intentionally misrepresent conservative efforts to get wokeness out of school curriculum, California is proving precisely why those efforts are urgently needed.

While California schools have been a testing ground for the latest trends in far-left ideology for years, new curriculum standards adopted by the state board of education last month – which effectively destroy accelerated math at every public school in the name of “equity” – have become the latest example of the left’s war on merit in the American education system.

According to Fox News, the term “social justice” appears over 200 times in the new math standards. The authors of the standards also assert that the goal of the curriculum is to make mathematics more “equitable.”

The curriculum has received widespread condemnation from academics and mathematicians. Brian Conrad, a math professor at Stanford, found “many misrepresentations” in the research used to justify the standards, saying that a “major overhaul” is necessary. The LA Times also reported that “a majority of Black faculty members in UC science, math, technology, and engineering fields” said the new standards would “harm students of color by steering them away from math and science fields.”

The change that has drawn the most controversy is an emphasis on “de-tracking” – a term that essentially means all students will be forced to take the same math class at the same time, regardless of skill level.

But instead of encouraging students to take on added challenges, the new curriculum effectively prevents high-achieving students from taking accelerated courses by instructing schools to recommend that “all students take the same rich mathematics courses in kindergarten through grade eight.” The framework goes on to list “teaching toward social justice” as one of the main components of these new “rich mathematics courses.”

As a result of the change, high-achieving students will no longer have a chance to take Algebra I in 8th grade, and will continue along the same track as their peers regardless of the fact that they are ready for more advanced material. As various college professors and STEM professionals have pointed out, not allowing students to take Algebra until 9th grade could have a calamitous effect on their potential to earn jobs in high-demand, high-paying fields like engineering and computer science.

Yet despite the fact that California is actively sacrificing future opportunities for students on the altar of “equity,” the mainstream media has instead chosen to demonize Republican leaders for working to ensure schools in their own states are focused on academic excellence and not woke ideology.

In Florida, for instance, the media has engaged in a relentless weeks-long campaign blasting new history standards introduced by Governor Ron DeSantis’s board of education. With Democrats and even some Republicans piling on, the media has claimed that, as The Washington Post put it, the standards teach that “blacks benefited from slavery.”

At first glance, that claim sounds rather absurd – and it is. The media’s attack on DeSantis’s history curriculum was so dishonest, in fact, that even The New York Times ran an opinion piece from Columbia University linguist John McWhorter coming to DeSantis’s defense.

While McWhorter conceded that some sentences in the curriculum were “ungainly,” he argues that the majority of the curriculum is historically sound, asserting the outcry over the curriculum is about subverting “constructive engagement for the theater of politics.”

As McWhorter points out, the sentence in question that sent the left into a conniption (a direction for teachers to provide instruction on how “slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit”) “was but one passage amid hundreds of others, which constitute an almost exhaustive coverage of the gruesomeness of slavery in the United States.”

“Taken together,” McWhorter continues, “they are such an informed recitation of our racist past that it is almost surprising DeSantis would approve them.”

Just up the coast in Virginia, the media threw a similar tantrum over Governor Glenn Youngkin’s new model policies governing transgender issues in schools.

Under the guidelines, public schools in Virginia are now explicitly prohibited from keeping information about a student’s “gender identity” secret from parents, and are required to only use names and pronouns that correspond with what appears on a student’s official record unless otherwise instructed by a parent. Moreover, students are only allowed to compete on sports teams that correspond with their biological sex, and schools must make single-use restroom and locker room facilities available for students who are uncomfortable sharing those spaces with members of the opposite sex.

The guidelines also clearly state that “every effort should be made to ensure that a transgender student wishing to change his or her means of address is treated with respect, compassion, and dignity in the classroom and school environment.”

However, despite this seemingly common-sense and measured approach to the issue – which has proven to be a major distraction in schools throughout the country – the mainstream media declared that Youngkin’s new model policies “roll back protections for transgender students” and are even a threat to their safety.

Yet while outraged liberal journalists insist conservatives like Glenn Youngkin and Ron DeSantis are destroying students’ lives by forcing schools to tell the truth about history and keep parents informed about what’s going on with their kids, far-left lawmakers in states like California are continuing to destroy kids’ futures and potential while the media remains largely silent.

Andrew Abbott is the pen name of a writer and public affairs consultant with more than a decade of experience in DC at the intersection of politics and culture.

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Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
1 year ago

We really need to come up with a way to start shutting down companies like cnn, msnbc, cbs and the AP. they stopped being news companies long ago.

John Hancock
John Hancock
1 year ago

Wakeup America, time to reclaim our country in the Nov. 2024 election!

VOTE the Marxist Democrats out!


1 year ago


Phillip Nagle
Phillip Nagle
1 year ago

Our goal should never be equity, another name for racial discrimination. Our goal should be excellence in math, excellence in science, excellence in English. I don’t care what the race is is of those who excel the most. By rewarding excellence, the whole society benefits. Equality, yes! Equity, no!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Media is IN ON crimes on OUR kids

John Hancock
John Hancock
1 year ago

We need to reclaim our country in the Nov. 2024 election. VOTE the Marxist Democrats out!

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 year ago

These “educators” are idiots and fools! Math is morally NEUTRAL. REAL science is morally neutral. “Social justice” AKA jealousy has NOTHING to do with math or science.
The new head of NEA is proud to be a “Marxist lesbian.” Enough said!!

1 year ago

Plain and simple, today’s so-called Democratic Party Leadership is promoting Communism! These Communist wannabes don’t want to serve the people, they want the people to serve them! I won’t be surprised if we have another Civil War because No Way would anybody with half a brain accept Communist Rule! So Patriots, keep your guns handy and your powder dry!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Someone should ask these California “educators” why its so important to them to show young children WIENERS.

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
1 year ago

If you want your children in public education to be taught correctly– THEN- attend school board meetings, vote out the idiots that want to dumb your children down, make sure that books that should NOT be in the library–ARE NOT IN THE LIBRARY, maintain contact with their teachers and inform them of YOUR parental right to oversee their studies and lessons being taught, and advise the teachers that you will be ASKING your children if are being exposed to any curricula that interferes with ALL of these suggestions. These are YOUR children.

NIcholas Elder
NIcholas Elder
1 year ago

If anyone read Alex Haley’s book “Roots”, they would understand how skills learned while being a slave benefitted some slaves after emancipation. Apparently, our vice oresidentvneeds to learn to read, she showed her ignorance and lack of integrity by lambasting the Florida states school curriculum!

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Once upon a time it was a punishable offence to teach a slave to read Today a slave refuses to learn

1 year ago

Their plan to depopulate the world is behind all this. Why have many hospitals closed their birthing centers. Birthrates are dropping. Sterilizing through the COVID vaccine and brainwashing that all kids are transgender anyway is working. The way America is at the moment who would want to procreate. All my grandkids don’t want any children. That is what is behind this push of EDI.

1 year ago

Common sense tells us that to excel as a nation, our system of education must allow exceptional students to excel. (That’s a statement even Kamala Harris could appreciate.) I have recruited students at high school college fairs for my alma mater, a technology focused college that grants degrees in science, engineering, architecture and other technology fields. Coming to our college with advanced instruction in math, for example, lets you skip taking (and paying for) courses you have already mastered in high school. I have encountered high schools that have stopped offering advanced courses, stopped ranking their graduates and stopped naming valedictorians. All of this is intended to ensure that all students are held to the same minimal level of achievement and not embarrassed by an unflattering comparison to some of their peers. At some point everyone gets subjected to comparison, and hurt feelings and disappointment put off until life in the work place will still be hurt feelings and disappointment. Dealing with it doesn’t get easier with time, but not challenging young students cheats them out of the knowledge that excelling has rewards. Our high school achievement levels are well behind those of many other nations. No political party should be accepting of that.

1 year ago

School is not for education any longer. School is now “indoctrination’” daycare.

1 year ago

The Dems can win only if they dumb down the population and they have delegated the job of dumbing down the population to their agent; the teachers union.

Sharon Griffin
Sharon Griffin
1 year ago

Why do parents allow their kids to sit under such woke ideology. Pull them out of these schools! Do whatever it takes!

1 year ago

This is one of many reasons that people are home schooling, sending kids to private schools, or moving out of states like California. My daughter (now in her 50’s) had gone as high with math as possible by the time she graduated (Algebra, Geometry, Calculus and Trigonometry) which was important to have to become an X-ray Technologist and Medical Assistant and she was able to help her kids with the crazy math experiments that California continues to push on students. Any child, regardless of race, color, religion or anything else, can and should be allowed to reach as high as they can with math, science, or any other subject. I totally agree with DeSantis on the truth of history issue. President Lincoln originally planned to return the freed slaves to their homelands (where they were slaves already and treated far worse than most places in America) and had that happened, they would have brought skills that they could have used to help develop their communities. The same skills went with them after the Civil War to use in their new lives. It’s no different than shop classes in high school giving students the opportunity to develop a level of knowledge that they can use in the workplace or personally.
No one is proud of slavery, but it does disturb me that people seem to believe that blacks were the only slaves in America. No one seems to care about the larger number of indentured servants (white) that could never seem to pay off their debt to be free. Many of the same treatments applied to them, including sexual abuse.
We need to stop the nonsense and go back to actually teaching the basics and truth in the classrooms and take politics completely out of the schools. The majority of students today are not going to be able to succeed in the real world!

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
1 year ago

Progressives are plugging their social non-standards into every aspect of education to the point it can no longer be recognized as education. Our children need to learn how to think, not what to think.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

INDOCTRINATION and SLAVERY is what the msm and Dictator Beijing biden are doing to our children.
Our children have already been deprived of education when Dictator Beijing biden illegally and unconstitutionally locked down schools and everything else. Dictator Beijing biden knew back in January of 2021, with the information he had from the lying CDC that NO lockdowns were necessary or needed. Just as Mask were USELESS and UNNECESSARY. But he did it anyway to play politics and abuse of Office for POWER.
PARENTS, these are YOUR CHILDREN and you have the right to choose how your child is educated. NOT the government.
To add to insult, Dictator Beijing biden signed an executive order that allows the IRS to WATCH AND CONTROL EVERY DIGITAL TRANSACTION MADE.
Meaning YOU do NOT have CONTROL OVER YOUR OWN MONEY. Fake news didn’t tell you that did they?.

1 year ago

The marxist democrat party and their failed anti American policies strike again!
Will the non-thinking, used idiots supporting this immoral,corrupt, useless democrat party ever wise up???
Hard to believe they’re being taken advantage of and buying the lies for 50 years, without saying No More???

1 year ago

No one wants to say it but white kids and Asians usually excel in scholastics, whereas some minority races generally do not do as well. So, instead of bringing up the scores and giving more help to the other kids, the school system is just dumbing down everyone. Yeah, that should be good for America’s future. It’s funny how they don’t do the same thing with school sports teams. There aren’t a bunch of tiny Asian and white kids running the basketball team in the name of “equity”. There’s not girls (not yet anyway) playing varsity football in the name of “equity”. No, they only do it when white and Asian kids excel and the others usually can’t keep up, not where minorities excel. Sorry to have to say it but it is the truth. Soon enough, more families will remove their children from CA public schools and the kids that do “graduate” from those schools will not be able to compete in the real world. Obviously, this does not cover every person but it does seem to be a trend that has been going for decades. CA is using “equity” to admit that all the money they have thrown at their schools was simply wasted and they are failing their kids of all races by lowering standards.

1 year ago

The federal government, especially when Democrats are in charge, doesn’t have any business being in the business of education!! I mean, look at the buffoons that house themselves in Washington D.C.!!! They want to indoctrinate our children to be their peons, their carriers of hate, vengeance, spitefulness, anger, racism, deviate behaviors of all kinds and massive corruption!!! That’s not a good future for our kids!!

1 year ago

They really want to dumb them down.

1 year ago

This is all about having 2 classes in this country. The rich and the peons.

1 year ago

Lenin said, “give me just one generation of youth, and I’ll transform the whole world.” If that isn’t a mentally deranged person, I dont know what is!!!

1 year ago

The Public Education System in this country has been failing our students for the past 50 years. And to hold back achieving students in the name of diversity and “social justice” is an insult to our intelligence. Back in my day you either passed or failed the required curriculum. There were accelerated course for high achievers. Our current educational system needs a total overhaul back to a classic education where students should be challenged and rewarded for their efforts. As it is now we are producing functional illiterates who cannot compete in today’s job market.

Neal M Christensen
Neal M Christensen
1 year ago

Equity is just racism with a different spelling.

1 year ago

If parents refuse to stand up for their children they get what they deserve. IMO

1 year ago

In order to be in lock step with Communism, you have to dumb down the minions so they only listen to their masters

1 year ago

California K-12 education has sucked for at least the past 40 years. I was a resident of the sorry state at one time. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that my 15 year old son was functionally illiterate. I had to teach him to read.

Bob Olden
Bob Olden
1 year ago

I’d rather have a bunch of enraged leftists than ruined lives of countless children. Maybe the enraged leftists will have a heart attack, especially those who got the Covid jab and all the boosters. That might be one good outcome of the “vaccines”.

1 year ago

Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. In other words Treat People the Way You Want to be Treated.
In today’s society this is hard to do because there is NO Respect for oneself or Others.

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