AMAC Exclusive – By Barry Casselman

The new year has brought a sudden shift in the so-called mainstream punditry as they reluctantly realize that the ship of the Biden administration has plowed into an avoidable political iceberg, and is sinking fast.
The first anniversary of the Democrats re-taking power in D.C. produced few celebrations, as the Biden-Pelosi-Schumer agenda, transplanted from Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and the “Squad” is being rejected by the body politic, as evidenced by a steady stream of polls and results of the off-year 2021 elections.
At the outset of the campaign discussion in mid-2021, there was a general agreement, for example, that each party had four vulnerable incumbent senate seats, and that control of the U.S. Senate in 2022 was up in the air. Democrats were even encouraged by five retiring GOP senators.
Now there is a shift in the discussion as pundits and pollsters are suggesting that Republicans might not lose any senate seats, and that the four vulnerable Democrats are in more trouble than before — being dragged down by the unpopular Biden and his progressive policy agenda.
A recent Gallup poll indicates a dramatic shift in voter party identification in only one year. A clear lead for the Democrats at the beginning of 2021 has become a clear lead for Republicans by the end of 2021, amounting to a staggering 14-point swing toward the GOP.
Other polls are indicating President Biden with significantly less than 50% voter approval, with many surveys finding his approval rating only in the 30s, and still falling. Voter sentiment, many generic polls say, has the GOP ahead for the Congress.
Still another signal of massive voter shift is the entry of numerous credible Republican candidates in likely competitive races for governor and legislative seats, while Democrats lag in attracting candidates, and are seeing very large numbers of U.S. House retirees.
Now that Democratic Senators Manchin (West Virginia) and Sinema (Arizona) have stood their ground in preventing passage of radical and unpopular Biden-Pelosi-Schumer legislation, and enhanced their own political standing by doing so, it would seem likely that other more moderate senators, especially those facing re-election this year, will turn away from advocating policies that turn voters off in their states. But the more that Mr. Schumer pressures his party’s senators to cast votes, such as in this month’s filibuster debacle, the more ammunition it gives GOP challengers against Democratic incumbents in November.
It isn’t just polling that gives Democrats warning about the upcoming mid-term elections. Voters in the off-year 2021 elections sent an unambiguous message that certain prominent Democratic issues, especially at the local and state level, were unacceptable, including defunding the police, dismissal of parental concerns about education, failure to prosecute criminals, and the handling of pandemic issues. Even in very progressive urban areas such as New York City, San Francisco, and Minneapolis there was backlash, and more moderate, or newly moderate, Democrats were rewarded by voters.
Last year’s statewide election in Virginia can be seen as a turning point. Virginia has been a blue state in recent years, including presidential elections. A former Democratic governor, Terry McAuliffe, with very high name recognition was their 2021 gubernatorial nominee, and favored to win over an unknown conservative businessman who had not previously held elective office. President Biden said parents’ concerns about education were not important, a theme echoed by the McAuliffe, campaign, and produced a grassroots backlash that contributed heavily to the GOP sweep of statewide Virginia offices. New GOP Governor Youngkin, immediately on taking office, began initiating education reforms that might well resonate in other state elections in 2022.
Of course, sudden voter shifts can go both ways, but unless the Biden administration can figure out how to stop and reverse the burgeoning inflation crisis, the results in November will bring no celebrations in the White House or in offices held by Democrats in the Capitol building down Pennsylvania Avenue.
Of course, sudden voter shifts can go both ways. Uh, yes. Assuming those party identification polls are accurate, what kind of people needed that level of ‘clarification’ in order to realize the dems are dangerous.? And why for petes sake does this president still have such positive numbers. Even if this is solely owing to the leftist media, that media and its adherents arent going anywhere in the next ten months. Im seeing way too much certainty that nov 22 will turn things around. My deepest concern is a new gulf of tonkin event that will energize the old meme ‘dont change horses midstream’ By all means vote for anti rinos in the coming primaries. Far too few of us do. But there’re a lot of cards to be played in the coming months. The media is sure to publish new polls showing new support for biden by springtime. Dont get discouraged when you see them.
Inflation is bad but the important issue is safety. The borderless United States is not safe and should not return the power to the sanctuary city, sanctuary United States to democrat power.
These polls may show advantage to Republicans but if the cheat by mail & the other voter fraud tricks the Democrats have used are not fixed, Democrats will steal the election again
This is all wrong. It does not matter if people vote for them or not. They will just steal the election like the did the Presidential election. Fix 2020 first and all these problems go away for a little while. Do away with the machines and all these problems go away for a LONG while. Do not get distracted. Mike Lindell is about to drop a bomb shell of information like nobody would believe.
The great disaster is coming Ben, as we see how poorly the Repubs are at “striking while the iron is hot,” and missing the opportunities at every step…..swaffling, waffling, and spewing political rhetoric with little or no action in pursuit of the restoration of the Republic in the aftermath of the Dems disaster while on top…….unless the whole system is revamped via term limits, budget mandates and revived Constitutionality… will be “business as usual” for both parties while the nation goes further left and on down the path of socialism. The mid-terms will most likely only be a delay in the inevitable outcome……national decline, international loss and pursuit of the leftist agenda. Neither party is in place for the sake of the good of the nation…..
Ben, it’s because they’re all in bed together…they are all getting very wealthy off the backs of the American people, and NOBODY is looking out for US anymore.
Here’s just one example: Recently at a news conference Nancy Pelosi was ask if a bill was introduced to exclude members of Congress and their family’s from being in the stock market, and would she back it? Nancy’s answer was “No, we live in a free market society and we, or our family members should be able to make a profit off it.”
It was noted later that Nancy Pelosi must be smarter than Warren Buffett because she made thirty two million dollars off the stock market last year, whereas Mr. Buffett only made twenty some million.
I personally think people are afraid because he is so out of it that he’s going to start a war that we’re going to have to go in and fix and oh my God
The media has conspired with the DNC to install the illegitimate president. The people are FINALLY beginning to see behind the veil. The people will turn their backs on the MSM and on the democrats. If they continue with their attempt to co trim us, I think an uprising of the people is imminent and the dems and this administration will realize they have more to fear from the American public than the adversaries of the USA who have bought and paid for Biden.
Folks, we can whine all we want about the 2020 election, but it will change NOTHING!
In Nevada, we’re going door to door verifying voter registration lists. We are also making sure that we will be working at the polls where we will be able to make sure that ballots are valid.
Go to your local Republican HQ and get involved! Do it TODAY!!
The thing is these people on the left really don’t care about polling and what’s best for the American people. All they care about is remaining in power and whatever they can do to tilt the playing field to their advantage. If you seriously think the old man in the White House gives a rat’s ass about us you need a cranial examination to determine if there’s anything in the cavity.
Our country is under attack from liberal democrats.
We need 3rd party. I have little faith in Republicans and NO faith in democrat socialist party run by comrade biden.
I like the idea of the great awakening. Instead of the great reset! We see you (government)… We have our eyes on you. The Whitehouse is paranoid as it is. Where is thier right and wrong gauges???! I’m sorry but I have more faith in the people than I ever did with the government. What do we pay them for??? Ok… Rant over
The MSM knows they can no longer cover for Biden/ Harris, so they are trying to regain relevancy so they can help the Democrats replacement for them in 2024. Personally, I am going to vote for Biden in the 2024 Democrat Primary so they can’t polish up some other socialist to pass off as a moderate. If Biden isn’t on the ticket, I’ll vote for Harris. The libs created this monster, let them live with it.
LMAO, the Dems don’t know what to do. If they keep the Covid alive, by reporting increased cases, increased deaths in hopes that the scared will stay home on election day, that is an epic fail for eliminating the virus. If they stop the nonsense, then they will lose their push to vax more, give more boosters and keep people down. Oh what a dilemma. Perhaps they need to throw someone under the bus, Fauci? Joe? Nancy? Will the Dems up for relection, have to defy their progressive party leaders, vote against their radical agenda in hopes to salvage their career or will they double down on this nonsense and try to sugarcoat the epic failures of economy and inflation? It will be fun to watch.
I do not vote in the ‘Primaries’ because I have an idea that all the primaries do, is alert the Left as to how much harder they need to work behind the scenes to scandalize and manipulate to get what they want.
I think it’s always been that way. Nobody who is anybody, including AMAC is bringing up election integrity other than from a third person viewpoint. I don’t understand this. Almost everyone I know, knows the 2020 election was stolen from us. From where I’m sitting if THAT is no longer even acknowledged, how does anything else even matter concerning what the writer of this article states? The positive push of any news which diverts away from the tyranny this country has faced, in my view are just smoke signals. Election integrity is the most relevant issue to date, nothing else will matter if it continues to be ignored.
The more I listen and look at every move and reaction from our POTUS to so obvious he’s not only incompetent and senile but an extremely NASTY HUMAN BEING
Vote for anything non-liberal. IMHO
MAGA2024! TRUMP2024!
WOW! Ya mean that a lot of commie liberals are finally getting the message? Anyone with a brain should know that liberal thinking is dastardly and against ALL morals. Thanks to those who are abandoning Congress and Senate and thanks to Manchin and Sinema. C’mon over to our side.
MAGA, LET’S GO BRANDON. 2022 and 2024
Incredibly enough it seems that reality of the failure of the leftist alphabet soup of social initiatives is breaking through the media fog of distortion and misinformation. The left almost succeeded in taking over total control of the daily lives of all Americans (except the elitist glitterati) via the various Covid decrees. But that “almost” win was shattered by the failure of the various parts of the socialist narrative. None of the dream scenarios taught in Sociology 101 came true. We have shortages, inflation hitting the poor, so loved by the left, the hardest with the elderly on fixed incomes next. lowered work age population employed. Crime is through the roof at all levels with D.A.’s more concerned with protecting criminals than victims. $15 minimum wage has produced increased unemployment among low end wage earners in every place it has been imposed. The ACA has increased medical cost in a quantum fashion while funding the outbreak of urgent care centers nationwide like seasonal taco stands. It allowed public hospitals to acquire for profit suppliers and private medical practices to impose a virtual monopoly on health care services in their market areas while fueling premium and copay increases with excessive referrals and tests. Our GP’s have become screeners and expediters for specialist groups who are also owned by the Hospital system. The Green New Deal has been exposed as the Mean New Deal as the shared misery and shortages required to meet the nonsensical goals of IPCC over a climate not-crisis became apparent during their Covid dry run. What is truly terrifying is that the apocalyptic disasters of societal collapse and devolution in Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged” now seem to be just so much a part of our daily lives. Even the obvious lunacy of behavior control in her 1st work “Anthem” match up pretty closely with the “Woke” cultural suicide narrative. Finally, despite the best efforts of our self-assumed supposed betters in government and NGOs, we have seen through the fog of the lies of the left’s narrative. The 2022 elections will determine the future of a Republican Democracy and idea of a limited government for a generation.
In the mid eighteen hundreds the Whig party elected four presidents. Shortly after they were gone forever .I pray the same happens to the Democrats
Too many gutless Rinos. They all need to be kicked out.
Lets Go Brandon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe, just maybe Congress should listen to its people that they represent and propose solutions to those problems. Even if they fail, it would be a great start. Totally tone deaf! Vote them out! Voting rights was a power grab; less than 1% a concern to constituents.
Stop using the race card! Minorities are leaving in droves!
80% of blacks support school choice.
They want more police not less.
Save my Democratic Party!
Just a simple question. What group of people would support defunding police, lowering bail for criminals, etc., etc., etc. ? The most obvious group…, would be criminals. How can you save the Democrat Party when the Democrat Party is for defunding the police, lowering bail for criminals, etc., etc., etc.? How can you save the Democrat Party when it doesn’t want a required voter ID? The 2020 election in my opinion was fraudulent on many levels, but the Democrat Party with Marc Elios, etc., has and is fighting to prevent accurate voting audits to prove the fraud. Why? It probably would take a criminal enterprise to steal an election. If the party that doesn’t want accurate voting is the same party trying to prevent law and order…, doesn’t it become somewhat obvious that the Democrat Party has become a criminal enterprise? I’m not saying that it does…, because there are a lot of good honest people whom are Democrats…, but why no voter ID?, why no Filibuster? why no law and order? why defund the police?
The Democratic Party is the Graft and Criminal Party. Why vote for that?
With the mainstream media at their side, misinforming the electorate in every way possible, it’s difficult for a republican candidate to defeat a democrat. Luckily, once the voters realize what the democrats intend to do, not even their propaganda arm can prevent the type of blood bath we’re going to see later this year.
Whatever the Republican representatives do in the House and the Senate….remember who sent you there and why you are there. A few of you flip-flop…not why you are there. Stand up fir the Citizens who voted for you…be strong and show that you support Freedom for all Americans.
With the mainstream media at their side, misinforming the electorate in every way possible, it’s difficult for a republican candidate to defeat a democrat. Luckily, once the voters realize what the democrats intend to do, not even their propaganda arm can prevent the type of blood bath we’re going to see later this year.
Whatever the Republican representatives do in the House and the Senate….remember who sent you there and why you are there. A few of you flip-flop…not why you are there. Stand up fir the Citizens who voted for you…be strong and show that you support Freedom for all Americans.