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San Francisco’s Far-Left Mayor Breed Declares City “Safe” As Businesses Flee

Posted on Thursday, April 27, 2023
by Andrew Abbott

AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott

In the latest viral video showing just how bad San Francisco’s crime problem has become, a clip making the rounds on social media this week shows hundreds of cosmetic and toiletry items in a bay area Target placed under lock and key, including low-dollar products like shampoo and mouthwash. Yet as Target and other retailers struggle to combat a rising epidemic of brazen broad-daylight thefts – and many simply leave the city entirely – San Francisco’s far-left Mayor London Breed has incredibly suggested that the city’s crime problem isn’t all that bad.

The Target clip highlights just how desperate many stores have become amid a crippling surge in theft. The National Retail Federation’s 2022 retail security survey ranked San Francisco as the second-most hard-hit metropolitan area by theft in 2020 and 2021, only behind Los Angeles. In the survey, 71 percent of respondents said they have seen a “substantial” or “moderate” increase in retail crime.

Rather than go to such extreme lengths to combat the rise in shoplifting, many retailers have given up and decided to leave the city entirely. Five Walgreens stores have closed over the past year in the downtown area. Retailer Cotopaxi fled last October. Dozens of restaurants are no longer in business.

Many tech companies – the economic powerhouses of the bay area – have similarly decided to close up shop. At least nine major tech companies have announced their exodus from the city in recent months, a fact that city leadership believes will lead to a $728 million budget gap over the next two years as commercial property values plummet.

Earlier this month, grocery giant Whole Foods also closed its flagship store in San Francisco over “safety” concerns. The national chain, which is owned by Amazon, could no longer guarantee the safety of its employees or its customers.

San Francisco Board of Supervisors member Matt Dorsey shared a series of tweets following the news, suggesting that the closure directly resulted from crime and police shortages. He stated: “Whole Foods’ closure — together with many other safety-related challenges we’ve seen recently — is Exhibit A as to why San Francisco can no longer afford not to solve our police understaffing crisis.” The San Francisco Police Department has lost over 500 officers since 2020. The department is currently operating at 75% capacity.

Those staffing shortages are a direct result of Mayor Breed’s early embrace of the “Defund the Police” movement three years ago. Amid unrest following the death of George Floyd, Breed cut $120 million from San Francisco’s police and sheriff department budgets, ignoring admonitions from law enforcement groups that crime would skyrocket and the city would struggle to retain and recruit officers.

Those warnings soon proved prescient as a wave of smash-and-grab robberies swept the city, along with a spike in other violent crimes. Less than a year after defunding the police, Breed reversed her position and made an emergency request for additional police support and funding. While this funding splurge solved the budgetary crisis, it did little to curb staffing shortages. As she and her fellow Democrats demonized American policing, tens of thousands of officers either retired or resigned in protest from their positions.

At the same time, Chesa Boudin, San Francisco’s far-left prosecutor – who was recalled last year – refused to prosecute many crimes, most infamously de-criminalizing theft under $950. Although voters gave Boudin the boot, the city is still dealing with the fallout from his tenure, and Brooke Jenkins, the new DA – appointed by Breed – has hardly taken a tough on crime approach.

Yet despite clear signs that San Francisco is descending into utter anarchy, Breed has remained defiant. In an interview with Fox San Francisco earlier this month, she dismissed the notion that the city was unsafe, saying, “I think that oftentimes because of social media, because of cameras and how people are able to publicize things that are happening in a moment, it is taken completely out of context in terms of highlighting the entire city as being unsafe…That’s not entirely true.”

Instead, Breed said, it only seems like there is a crime problem in San Francisco because the city has been a “target” for so long and has been “used as an example because we’re innovative, we are creative, we come up with out-of-the-box ideas.”

It was unclear exactly what “out-of-the-box ideas” Breed was referring to. Yet if the result of those ideas is Target putting basic household goods behind protective glass and major retailers fleeing the city, it is unlikely even the most liberal San Francisco resident – or any other American for that matter – wants to see any more of them.

Andrew Abbott is the pen name of a writer and public affairs consultant with over a decade of experience in DC at the intersection of politics and culture.

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1 year ago

These ” Woke Leaders” put their heads in the sand and ignore the reality of the situation. They have actively lead this once beautiful city down into the terrible levels that the Dems seem to classify as “Progressively safe”. Or perhaps a “Workers Paradise ” even worse than Eastern Europe in the Communist years. They have lost their tourists and now they will lose their tax paying businesses ….The Perfection of PARADISE CALIFORNIA is a terrible joke.made possible by our Socialist Democratic Party.

1 year ago

Bottom Line: You get what you voted in. As businesses close shop and move out, crime will continue to expand outward since there is fear of prosecution from the area’s justice system.

1 year ago

Burn Frisco burn

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

??? Citys safe?
Sorry No Dirty Harry to call OK

1 year ago

I’m always amazed when I hear ultra-liberal politicians like this tell everyone that black is white, up is down and bad is good and expect everyone, except their equally liberal voting base, to believe them. Idiots, all of them!

Michael J
Michael J
1 year ago

Democrats never tell the truth about their failures, but unfortunately reality has a nasty habit of proving them so.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

The woman who identifies as an ostrich

1 year ago

Nothing to see here. Move along, move along, keep moving…

Gabe Hanzeli
Gabe Hanzeli
1 year ago

Her idea of safe is pretty bizarre.

One of my nieces lives in Daly city (just south of San Francisco. She can not carry a purse or dress up to go out walking around/ She has started carrying pepper spray and a Knife everywhere she goes. She says stores are closing all over. most of the store owners moving out of the state.

The city made it legal to walk aroudn naked. The state made sex with 14 year old children legal. they decriminalized sex with children under 14. they have decriminalized drug use and public alcoholism. There are vagrant tent dwelling drug addicts everywhere.

San Francisco has a large number of public employees to go through the city and alleys cleaning up the poop and pee the drug addicts leave everywhere. By the next afternoon most of the city smells like an out house

There is nothing about San Francisco that is safe. San Francisco is a leftist/democrat utopia.

legally present
legally present
1 year ago

Well she is correct in one respect, the city is “Safe” for the Criminals, as the businesses flee, HOW will they take care of their HUGE number of homeless??? I know how, you can put them up in those offices that tech and other businesses are leaving, a win-win for San Fran and her stupid Representative “let them eat ice cream” Nancy.

1 year ago

If you are only concerned with the safety of criminals and illegals, then, yes, your city is safe!! BUT when businesses are leaving because of the criminal aspect of your society that you are protecting, well, at some point you lose when you support the wrong crowd (criminals)!!! You are losing part of your tax base for the sake of criminals!!! You aren’t doing your citizens any favors with that attitude and yet they stupidly continue to vote for this obnoxious Democrat attitude of protect criminals and illegals!!! I don’t comprehend your attitude!!!

James DeBona
James DeBona
1 year ago

The people of San Francisco, like many other cities suffering similar fallout from liberal Democrat policies just keep electing the same destructive left-leaning morons to run the show. The definition of insanity comes to mind here! At some point, the good people are going to have to take a very hard look at their situations and embrace something different.

Ron St. Martin
Ron St. Martin
1 year ago

All of this is the work of Soro’s!

J Dubya
J Dubya
1 year ago

How can a city be SAFE when the Governor has to Send the National Guard In to police the streets? Just another democratic Idiot Mayer that doesn’t have a clue.

J Dubya
J Dubya
1 year ago

Someone is going to have to prove to the residents of California that Liberal equals Stupid Idiotic Policies that DON’T WORK. Maybe not republican considering nobody trusts them either maybe an Independent with good Moderate Conservative beliefs. Change is only brought about by compromise. And trying to go from one Extreme to the Other is not the answer. The press will have to start telling the Truth about what is happening and quit trying to spin it in a manner that suits the owners of the company.

1 year ago

What do San Francisco, New York City and Chicago have in common? Ineffective and wrong-headed mayors spouting platitudes, DAs that believe criminals need to be given free passes back onto the street and residents and businesses fleeing in large numbers. If that defines success, we have no future that I would want to be part of.

Granny 26
Granny 26
1 year ago

I have had no desire to go to SF for years…more so now. Only reason I even go close to the city is to go to pier 27 and get on a cruise ship.

Marc Ziegler
Marc Ziegler
1 year ago

I wonder when the last time Mayor Breed walked the “Streets of San Francisco” alone, by herself, at 2am in the morning??? I am guessing here, probably NEVER! Until she can say she has, she should keep her mouth shut and just make the streets allot safer. PERIOD! Maybe then businesses and tourists will come back.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

San Francisco is just as safe as Chicago, NY, Los Angeles, Atlanta, and St. Louis. If you believe that.
Since San Francisco is so safe then why doesn’t the Mayor live downtown? Why doesn’t SWAMP QUEEN pelosi live downtown since it is her district?
Why isn’t SWAMP QUEEN pelosi flapping her arms and ranting that San Francisco is safe?
If it is so safe there then why are people and businesses closing and leaving?
Answer: Both the Mayor and SWAMP QUEEN pelosi LIE.

1 year ago

If it is so safe ms mayor, why aren’t you walk or cycling back and forth to work, security free? It would provide proof.

1 year ago

Target spent a fortune for store cabinets with shatterproof glass doors, that customers have to find sales people to unlock to get a bottle of shampoo etc! After 5 minutes of that customers will all walk out! A better solution would be: Post cops at entry doors and lock thieves in when they try to exit with stolen merchandise. Or, Target should just leave SF.

1 year ago

the majority in this country has won an election again. she ran and was elected as the first minority, deaf, -70 IQ, blind and r*** mayor of SF

1 year ago

Just because she “says it’s safe”, doesn’t make it safe in fact. It’s just like someone “saying they are a female”, when in fact their DNA says they are a male. You just cannot say something/anything and make it real or fact because you want it to be. Period.

A Voter
A Voter
1 year ago

She is correct to a certain extent. SF IS safe but only if you are a CRIMINAL.

Michael Stevens
Michael Stevens
1 year ago

She’s cut out of the same fabric as Mayor Ted Wheeler in Portland. He claimed the same BS at the same time REI decided to close its downtown Portland, Oregon store! This follows on the heels of many other stores leaving the Portland area. I guess the electorate will not change their collective votes untill the lights go out and they stand there wondering WHY! This will take an entire generation to reverse itself, if at ALL.

Frank Cowles
Frank Cowles
1 year ago

Like bragging about the new gate after thr house burned down

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