I’ll NEVER vote Republican again. The Party has lost all values. The Republican Party now stands for Liars, Haters, TRAITORS and Violence. They are ALL spineless cowards.
Jim Williams
1 year ago
Iagree with you 1,000%.
Jim Williams
1 year ago
Iagree with you 1,000%.
Steve Camarano
2 years ago
Ann Ritter
2 years ago
President Trump IS our current president, not the pedophile occupying OUR White House and it’s trained hyena.
2 years ago
America needs President Trump to clean up all the corruption of the FBI, CIA, and the DOJ. He will fight for the American people. It will take a lot of work to clean up the mess of what the Biden crime family has done.
Dan W.
2 years ago
It has to be President Trump.
If he doesn’t run, a DeSantis/Haley ticket would be hard to beat in a general election.
shawn r.
2 years ago
Poll question brings up “baggage” like Trump has all these “real” issues. Most of the “baggage” has been manufactured by the current administration, toted by their lackies in the media, and often delivered by the “bellboys” in the Republican establishment. Conservatives will never again control Congress, as long as Republicans like Romney, “turtle” McConnell, and the ever polite Kevin McCarthy have the microphone.
2 years ago
A ticket of Trump/DeSantis would be un-stoppable. 4 years and then DeSantis. Our country will need someone strong to get us out of all the Biden garbage and either of them can do it.
2 years ago
I am praying that there is some trusting soul who would take on the task. Someone who wears iron plating against the barbs and spears from the left. Trump’s refusal to disavow the horrid mRNA gene therapy injections makes him highly questionable. I am not yet sold on DeSantis. The others are a joke. The big problem is that the GOP is infested with RINOs (lightweight leftists) who do not want any outsiders and they very much dislike conservatives. There is simply NO unified republican front to take on the left’s terrorism and extremism.
Vincent in CO
2 years ago
If Trump is the nominee, I will vote for him. His policies were good for the country, despite his personality issues. But I am concerned that he would not win the general election and leave us with another Dem. We simply cannot afford another Dem administration.
2 years ago
President Trump is an elected official ; a Global Leader , a successful politician , and a Constitutional Citizen . I ‘ll leave it up to you to further expond upon .
Debbie Jo
2 years ago
Trump and DeSantis together. UNSTOPABLE!!!!!
Ken B
2 years ago
Trey Gowdy from South Carolina, if he could be enticed to get back into politics. Or Nikki Haley, also from South Carolina. I feel she may be the better and strongest candidate of all. Trump carries too much baggage, Pence is not strong enough. Very unsure of Cruz or Desantis.
2 years ago
2020 is not decided yet
wally werner
2 years ago
Rand Paul
THX 1138
2 years ago
As far as I’m concerned, President Trump is still the only real POTUS.
I don’t give a rat’s patooty what any fool has to say about baggage and tweets. I’d take all of that over the fraudulent clowns that are currently in the three top positions.
2 years ago
Pompeo/DeSantis. We need military experience.
Rose Rose
2 years ago
Never Pence. Weak Pence.
Paul Hale
2 years ago
Tom Cotton
D Wilson
2 years ago
We need Trumps Business acumen. Pence lacks loyalty.
2 years ago
Well I love Trump but DeSantis is as strong as Trump without the baggage.
BUT remember what happened to Trump from the day he rode down the escalator with his beautiful wife.
LIES AND MORE LIES for his whole campaign and the rest of his presidency. It’s already started to DeSantis and of course now the left is trying to do this to every American who doesn’t agree with everything they are doing. And what they are doing is destroying the country from the inside.
So I believe that after all the LIES and conspiracies that they put Trump through he is the best choice.
DeSantis is young and strong and certainly will be President but not at this time.
Michael George
2 years ago
A Trump/DeSantis ticket in 2024 then DeSantis in 2028 for 2 terms would be best for ALL people, country and the planet !!!
Ron Ringler
2 years ago
To all the DeSantis voters out there. I love Ron DeSantis. I get it! I do. But you are going to single handedly lose us the win in 2024.
DeSantis is the NEXT Trump, and that is perfect. Let him run for the 8 years AFTER Trump.
If you all split the republican vote in half, we will lose.
Don’t do this when it’s literally our last shot to save our republic.
William it Patterson
2 years ago
Trump has too many people who are, “never Trump’ers” plus he is getting up in years…we need a new generation of younger leaders to guide us…the current leaders should have retired…
John Page
2 years ago
I remember with fondness the Trump presidency and would love to see him run even with the baggage. I believe a Trump- Desantis ticket would be a winner!
Dean Leenerts
2 years ago
I like Trump’s policies, but I don’t think he can be elected again. Democrats will bring voters out of the woodwork and the graveyards to prevent him from being re-elected.
Claire Cochran
2 years ago
I love Ron and I’m selfish because I want him as our governor for 4 more years. Then he can be president. I love Trump and he needs to win in 2024!!!!
Rocco Zaino
2 years ago
Of all candidates who is most feared by the deep state the democrats and the world elites. Donald Trump. That tells me no matter what. He is the only one that can take them down.
Mario Capparuccini
2 years ago
I love President Trump but he has too much baggage. His running would take the focus off Biden and his abysmal failures as a leader and as a human being (and I am not referring to his dementia). I fear that whatever we do, the Democrats will steal the election like they did in 2020.
Tom Bozikis
2 years ago
I chose other because it’s too early to begin the process. First, we need to return to the original intent of how and why America was founded and the principles of federalism. Presidents were never meant to wield near dictatorial authority, and Congress is supposed to have more authority than the president as it is their responsibility to legislate, but Congress has relinquished that responsibility to the administrative state. I don’t believe the American people have the political will to return to our constitutional defaults. The best way to ensure that we do return to those principles would be to first repeal the 16th amendment which would stop federal spending in its tracks. Second would be to repeal the 17th amendment and return that authority to select senators to the State legislatures. And the third would be to end the Federal Reserve system. If we don’t have the political will to demand these things, then the swamp/deep state will never be defeated.
Myron Andrew Schaeffer
2 years ago
Anyone – Biden is not going to win or any other radical left as they would put the final nail into our coffin if another Democrat was elected
2 years ago
Trump had some good policies but he has no ability to adequately fill the role. Dan Crenshaw, Tim Scott, Nikki Haley would each be better options with ability to speak and work on behalf of all Americans.
2 years ago
Tim Scott all the way…………
Janet Murry
2 years ago
Mike Pompeo
2 years ago
Mike Pompeo.
Lee Rand
2 years ago
Trump/Noem 2024!
2 years ago
I don’t understand the second option. How can you prefer President Trump and prefer another candidate? You either prefer him or you don’t.
2 years ago
I’d love to see President Trump back in the White House but we all know it would be the same old same old on steroids. The left would not let up on him and country would suffer even more for it. Ron De Santis would be my next pick but I hate to see a great governor, whose been such a positive force for truth, justice and the American way leave his state of Florida into less capable hands.
2 years ago
Donald Trump did so much while under attack, every day. Here in Wisconsin we know the election of 2020 was stolen, but nobody has the backbone to prosecute. Trump taught Republicans how to fight back against the Marxist/ Democrats.
2 years ago
Rand Paul
Joe Altobellis
2 years ago
Nikki Haley
Bob Taylor
2 years ago
Hi, I liked the no holds barred of the Trump Presidency, however, He has so many haters that he needs a supporting role. I would suggest Nicky Haley. She’s tough, been in control of a State and knows Common Sence.
2 years ago
Pence lost my respect in his last speech when he said we have to get off the back of the FBI. In my opinion, he is now no different from the RINOs currently in congress.
2 years ago
Maryland Governor Larry Hogan. He is smart, down to earth, and has done wonders for Maryland during his time as Governor. He has repeatedly been named one of the most popular governor’s in the United States.
Peter Loux
2 years ago
His failure to realize that the Constitution was followed on Jan6th. There is nothing he can do now. Winning the future is the issue that he needs to focus on, not the past. I am also worried that the Dobbs case has energized the abortion issue to where the dems have a wedge issue to favor any dem over any conservative candidate. We must talk about the food prices, gas, inflation, schooling, and other kitchen table issues.
2 years ago
Donald Trump never left office of the President of the United States. Wake up sheeple.
Ronald Page
2 years ago
Pence is another never Trumper, he is a turn coat and can never be trusted.
I am from Indiana and he was great here, But he turned to the RINOS. DO NOT TRUST HIM.
PIxie Rubin
2 years ago
President Trump – he won the 2020 election. He’s earned his second term. As far as baggage: all conservative candidates will come with “baggage” because if they don’t appear to have any, the Communists will find it or manufacture it. Gov. DeSantis is my governor and I want him to keep Florida free for another four years.
2 years ago
Trump or DeSantis. I’d like them to be P & VP respectively, but I’d hate to see FL lose ground if DeSantis leaves. DeSantis for 2028 for sure
I’ll NEVER vote Republican again. The Party has lost all values. The Republican Party now stands for Liars, Haters, TRAITORS and Violence. They are ALL spineless cowards.
Iagree with you 1,000%.
Iagree with you 1,000%.
President Trump IS our current president, not the pedophile occupying OUR White House and it’s trained hyena.
America needs President Trump to clean up all the corruption of the FBI, CIA, and the DOJ. He will fight for the American people. It will take a lot of work to clean up the mess of what the Biden crime family has done.
It has to be President Trump.
If he doesn’t run, a DeSantis/Haley ticket would be hard to beat in a general election.
Poll question brings up “baggage” like Trump has all these “real” issues. Most of the “baggage” has been manufactured by the current administration, toted by their lackies in the media, and often delivered by the “bellboys” in the Republican establishment. Conservatives will never again control Congress, as long as Republicans like Romney, “turtle” McConnell, and the ever polite Kevin McCarthy have the microphone.
A ticket of Trump/DeSantis would be un-stoppable. 4 years and then DeSantis. Our country will need someone strong to get us out of all the Biden garbage and either of them can do it.
I am praying that there is some trusting soul who would take on the task. Someone who wears iron plating against the barbs and spears from the left. Trump’s refusal to disavow the horrid mRNA gene therapy injections makes him highly questionable. I am not yet sold on DeSantis. The others are a joke. The big problem is that the GOP is infested with RINOs (lightweight leftists) who do not want any outsiders and they very much dislike conservatives. There is simply NO unified republican front to take on the left’s terrorism and extremism.
If Trump is the nominee, I will vote for him. His policies were good for the country, despite his personality issues. But I am concerned that he would not win the general election and leave us with another Dem. We simply cannot afford another Dem administration.
President Trump is an elected official ; a Global Leader , a successful politician , and a Constitutional Citizen . I ‘ll leave it up to you to further expond upon .
Trump and DeSantis together. UNSTOPABLE!!!!!
Trey Gowdy from South Carolina, if he could be enticed to get back into politics. Or Nikki Haley, also from South Carolina. I feel she may be the better and strongest candidate of all. Trump carries too much baggage, Pence is not strong enough. Very unsure of Cruz or Desantis.
2020 is not decided yet
Rand Paul
As far as I’m concerned, President Trump is still the only real POTUS.
I don’t give a rat’s patooty what any fool has to say about baggage and tweets. I’d take all of that over the fraudulent clowns that are currently in the three top positions.
Pompeo/DeSantis. We need military experience.
Never Pence. Weak Pence.
Tom Cotton
We need Trumps Business acumen. Pence lacks loyalty.
Well I love Trump but DeSantis is as strong as Trump without the baggage.
BUT remember what happened to Trump from the day he rode down the escalator with his beautiful wife.
LIES AND MORE LIES for his whole campaign and the rest of his presidency. It’s already started to DeSantis and of course now the left is trying to do this to every American who doesn’t agree with everything they are doing. And what they are doing is destroying the country from the inside.
So I believe that after all the LIES and conspiracies that they put Trump through he is the best choice.
DeSantis is young and strong and certainly will be President but not at this time.
A Trump/DeSantis ticket in 2024 then DeSantis in 2028 for 2 terms would be best for ALL people, country and the planet !!!
To all the DeSantis voters out there. I love Ron DeSantis. I get it! I do. But you are going to single handedly lose us the win in 2024.
DeSantis is the NEXT Trump, and that is perfect. Let him run for the 8 years AFTER Trump.
If you all split the republican vote in half, we will lose.
Don’t do this when it’s literally our last shot to save our republic.
Trump has too many people who are, “never Trump’ers” plus he is getting up in years…we need a new generation of younger leaders to guide us…the current leaders should have retired…
I remember with fondness the Trump presidency and would love to see him run even with the baggage. I believe a Trump- Desantis ticket would be a winner!
I like Trump’s policies, but I don’t think he can be elected again. Democrats will bring voters out of the woodwork and the graveyards to prevent him from being re-elected.
I love Ron and I’m selfish because I want him as our governor for 4 more years. Then he can be president. I love Trump and he needs to win in 2024!!!!
Of all candidates who is most feared by the deep state the democrats and the world elites. Donald Trump. That tells me no matter what. He is the only one that can take them down.
I love President Trump but he has too much baggage. His running would take the focus off Biden and his abysmal failures as a leader and as a human being (and I am not referring to his dementia). I fear that whatever we do, the Democrats will steal the election like they did in 2020.
I chose other because it’s too early to begin the process. First, we need to return to the original intent of how and why America was founded and the principles of federalism. Presidents were never meant to wield near dictatorial authority, and Congress is supposed to have more authority than the president as it is their responsibility to legislate, but Congress has relinquished that responsibility to the administrative state. I don’t believe the American people have the political will to return to our constitutional defaults. The best way to ensure that we do return to those principles would be to first repeal the 16th amendment which would stop federal spending in its tracks. Second would be to repeal the 17th amendment and return that authority to select senators to the State legislatures. And the third would be to end the Federal Reserve system. If we don’t have the political will to demand these things, then the swamp/deep state will never be defeated.
Anyone – Biden is not going to win or any other radical left as they would put the final nail into our coffin if another Democrat was elected
Trump had some good policies but he has no ability to adequately fill the role. Dan Crenshaw, Tim Scott, Nikki Haley would each be better options with ability to speak and work on behalf of all Americans.
Tim Scott all the way…………
Mike Pompeo
Mike Pompeo.
Trump/Noem 2024!
I don’t understand the second option. How can you prefer President Trump and prefer another candidate? You either prefer him or you don’t.
I’d love to see President Trump back in the White House but we all know it would be the same old same old on steroids. The left would not let up on him and country would suffer even more for it. Ron De Santis would be my next pick but I hate to see a great governor, whose been such a positive force for truth, justice and the American way leave his state of Florida into less capable hands.
Donald Trump did so much while under attack, every day. Here in Wisconsin we know the election of 2020 was stolen, but nobody has the backbone to prosecute. Trump taught Republicans how to fight back against the Marxist/ Democrats.
Rand Paul
Nikki Haley
Hi, I liked the no holds barred of the Trump Presidency, however, He has so many haters that he needs a supporting role. I would suggest Nicky Haley. She’s tough, been in control of a State and knows Common Sence.
Pence lost my respect in his last speech when he said we have to get off the back of the FBI. In my opinion, he is now no different from the RINOs currently in congress.
Maryland Governor Larry Hogan. He is smart, down to earth, and has done wonders for Maryland during his time as Governor. He has repeatedly been named one of the most popular governor’s in the United States.
His failure to realize that the Constitution was followed on Jan6th. There is nothing he can do now. Winning the future is the issue that he needs to focus on, not the past. I am also worried that the Dobbs case has energized the abortion issue to where the dems have a wedge issue to favor any dem over any conservative candidate. We must talk about the food prices, gas, inflation, schooling, and other kitchen table issues.
Donald Trump never left office of the President of the United States. Wake up sheeple.
Pence is another never Trumper, he is a turn coat and can never be trusted.
I am from Indiana and he was great here, But he turned to the RINOS. DO NOT TRUST HIM.
President Trump – he won the 2020 election. He’s earned his second term. As far as baggage: all conservative candidates will come with “baggage” because if they don’t appear to have any, the Communists will find it or manufacture it. Gov. DeSantis is my governor and I want him to keep Florida free for another four years.
Trump or DeSantis. I’d like them to be P & VP respectively, but I’d hate to see FL lose ground if DeSantis leaves. DeSantis for 2028 for sure