
President Donald Trump signs executive orders in the Oval Office on January 20, 2025 in Washington, DC. Trump takes office for his second term as the 47th president of the United States

Since taking office on January 20th, President Trump has taken swift action on various initiatives. Recognizing that supporters approve of most or all of his actions, which one do you agree with the most?

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Mist Carter
Mist Carter
16 days ago

The choice is simple, (but not one of the options from this poll)…ALL of the ABOVE, and MORE! Each executive order (EO) is important in its own right, and a crucial puzzle piece to complete the campaign pledge upon which millions of voters took to heart – to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

First and foremost on day one, President Trump had to sign an EO to rescind 78 EOs that PINO (president in name only) Biden had effectuated on America. President Trump took a sledgehammer to Biden’s catastrophic, socialist, and insane EOs that nearly crippled our nation, both home and abroad.

Now, that most of the Biden’s EOs have been thrown into the woke trash heap, President Trump can continue each day to put in place EOs that will restore safety, prosperity, law and order, energy independence, global respect, and common sense governance for America.

However, that is only half the battle. Congress cannot continue to abandon its Constitutional responsibility to govern. We can’t continue the silly game of “Executive Order Ping Pong” when a new administration comes into power. 

Hopefully, President’s Trump’s team and the slight majority in Congress will work tirelessly to codify his EOs into law so they can’t be repealed by the next liberal president. Might be worth it to write your elected officials to hammer that message home.


           “For the Lord your God will be with you, fighting on your behalf against

           your enemies in order to grant you victory.”            Deuteronomy 20:4

15 days ago

Where is all of the above.

Dave G
Dave G
15 days ago

Aw, c’mon. The obvious choice is all of the above!

Ronald Donald
Ronald Donald
15 days ago

Sheesh, I’m supposed to pick ONE of these. They’re all what I would expect and more. Thank you so much President Trump, everyone involved, and especially YOU the voting citizen.

Marcia J Brown
Marcia J Brown
15 days ago

All of the above, but one more, stop this daylight savings time crap. No more moving the clock back and forth and forth and back!!!

Marty M
Marty M
16 days ago

Every day when I wake up and remember Trump is president again it brings a smile to my face, Lovin’ Every Minute of It!!!

jim wood
jim wood
15 days ago

Trump is doing exactly what he said he would do and the dummycrats are running around wondering what went wrong. As long as the GOP in house and senate stay focused and together his goals can be achieved, but the margin is small so GOP cannot wage petty problems with each other for him to continue to make America great again. Stay unified and treat each days successes great fully. Thank you Mr. Trump. Love your actions and leadership.

Mark Carter
Mark Carter
15 days ago

There’s never been more of a need for “all of the above”. I simply hope the majority in congress stays on board.

15 days ago

“All of the above” would be the correct answer!

Timothy Wertz
Timothy Wertz
15 days ago

All of them equally.

15 days ago

All of the Above

15 days ago

The open border to me, is the beginning to make us safer, and to use our taxpayor resources for Americans. It will be costly to send them back, but it has been much more costly to keep them here, not only a financial burden, but also, safety for Americans has deteriorated as crime and drugs have overtaken our lives.

15 days ago

I agree with all of them 100%!

15 days ago

That is not a fair poll to answer because all the choices are just as important plus more to do yet. Do not forget that we have 12 years of Damage Done to our country between Obama and Biden and Trump so far has only had four years to try to fix it. We have a lot of work to do in 4 years to reverse all the damages done. It’s not just laws it’s it’s the moral decay of society that we need to fix also. And that in itself takes years to fix. First thing is we have to get our country back to God.

16 days ago

Too many choices, and all of them good ones!

Joe Nunn
Joe Nunn
15 days ago

I would like to vote for all of them. Thank you. JN

Kevin Brooks
Kevin Brooks
15 days ago

All of the above! Come on man.

15 days ago

I wanted to vote for enforcement of all immigration policies and deportation but the impact of birthright citizenship (anchor babies) and chain immigration from a child born in the U.S. of illegal immigrants allows for 100’s of immigrants (siblings, aunts/uncles, grandparents, multi-generational, etc.) per ‘citizen’ born in a U.S. hospital (at taxpayer expense too.) This needs to be considered an ‘immigration policy’ enforcement.

15 days ago

I support ALL of these actions.

15 days ago

Hey AMAC, It’s all of them.

Gary J
Gary J
15 days ago

It warms my heart that Trump is doing what he can to stop the vicious persecution of all non-Leftists by the Federal government. Of course, Christians and more than a few Jews were targeted relentlessly, but the hostile Deep State juggernaut was obsessed with slandering and persecuting all persons MAGA under the guise of so-called Democracy. They enjoyed destroying the lives of everyone connected with Jan.6, while simultaneously congratulating those who committed mass destruction during the BLM and Antifa riots.
The totalitarian Biden regime was bound and determined to break the spirit of every MAGA person in our land. I will never forget that.

15 days ago

All of above!!!!!

15 days ago

You’re kidding me, right?! One dozen and I can only choose one which is most important to me? Each, in its own right, is most important to me, the only choice is number 13, which doesn’t exist, all of the above. Puleeze!

Danita Martin
Danita Martin
15 days ago

All of the above

15 days ago

ALL of the above

15 days ago

Again, there is no “All the above”. The Democrats and Biden have turned the country into a Socialist dictatorship and I applaud Trump’s efforts to return to a Constitutional government.

Candace Vanata
Candace Vanata
15 days ago

Thank you ! I agree with all of these actions !

Dan W.
Dan W.
16 days ago

Using the term “warp speed” is unfortunate choice of words but in any case, securing the southern border / deportations is and will continue to be the most important issue.

Patrick Kelley
Patrick Kelley
15 days ago

President Trump knows nothing about Islam, what he doesn’t know can be detrimental to America. In 2020 President Trump told the Prince of Saudi Arabia (home to Mecca and Medina) to invest in America, the Prince then spent $80 billion to build mosques in America, cementing Islam in America. Muslims hate to and me, they hate America, they conquer continents by lying, deceiving, and subverting those around them to further Islam in any country. Most Republicans and Democrats think Islam is a friendly religion, it’s NOT, Islam is a danger to America because there is strength in numbers and there are enough Muslims in America to start a war of intimidation, aggression, rapping of women, killing of Jews and Christians, killing all non-Muslims.
A plethora of Islamic organizations (1,000’s) are existent in the USA today. Elite members of the Muslim Brotherhood (a worldwide terrorist organization funded by Qatar) and CAIR (Center for American Islamic Relations) walk the halls of Congress and the White House to influence and pedal their corruption and subversion. Muslim have money and lot’s of it to influence political candidates, fund educational institutions to enable control of the narrative, fund media corporations to control the narrative, fund county libraries to ensure books on Islam target children and adults, making Americans think Islam is friendly. Go to your county libraries to verify. You can find Muslims the NFL, lawyers, doctors, engineers, teachers, professors, they’ve integrated well but, THEY DON’T ASSIMILATE! They have multiple wives (4) to outproduce the average American family. One of the favorite baby names in our hospitals is Muhammad.
Muslim Student Organizations on campus for the last 30 years and funded by the Muslim Brotherhood control the narrative on college and university campus. Look at all the Hamas supporters you find on every street corner in America, all influenced by Muslim Student Organizations.
Leftist Democrats have become our enemies, Leftism/Islamism/Communism are partners in America to defeat America. If President Trump doesn’t surround himself with people like John Guandolo, Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller, Bill Warner, America is doomed! Americans 90% no nothing about Islam, when the President of the United States knows nothing America is in DEEP EXCREMENT!

Billie Camic
Billie Camic
15 days ago

We should have been able to select more than one on this. I would have selected them all.

15 days ago

All actions are fantastic

15 days ago

Although all the actions are a step in the right direction, a free and fair election with Voter ID is very important so the the representation of the “US Citizen” is truly achieved.

15 days ago

I chose Immigration, but I wanted to choose ALL OF THE ABOVE, but once again, no category for that!!

Raymond Corbeil
Raymond Corbeil
15 days ago

All of the above, really.

15 days ago

Rescinding the open border policies whould seem to be the obvious one and is of vital importance. I voted for the DEI issue as Trump not only placed restrictions on the military and the federal government but also restricted funding to schools teaching DEI and CRT in K-12 and that will have a positive impact on the future children in American.
Of course everything listed is important and Trump wasted no time in Making America Great Again. Now if he can just get his cabinet nominees in place to make it happen faster.

15 days ago

There should a option for all of the above.

15 days ago

Why do you do this? They are all most important!
All the above!

Marc Price
Marc Price
15 days ago

I seriously question who puts these polls together. The obvious answer is not a choice. THE OBVIOUS ANSWER IS “ALL THE ABOVE AND MUCH MORE!

15 days ago

All of the above are extremely important. Impossible to pick just one.

15 days ago

All are good but you did not put “all of the above ” choice.

Karen Haren
Karen Haren
15 days ago

Note to AMAC/survey authors: you should more randomly sort the choices. There is probably a bias with how you list them (i.e., the most likely choices are at the top). Voters may very well pick the top one too (the voting results reflect this). There may be completely different results depending on the order of these choices.
And I mean (CoPilot’s response backs me up):
1. Primacy Effect: This is the tendency for people to remember and choose items that are presented at the beginning of a list.
2. Anchoring Bias: This happens when people rely too heavily on the first piece of information (the “anchor”) they encounter. In a survey, the first option might serve as the anchor, influencing respondents’ choices.
3. Confirmation Bias: Survey authors might unconsciously place their preferred answer at the top because they expect it to be chosen, further skewing results.
4. Status Quo Bias: Respondents might choose the first option as a way to stick to the status quo or because it’s easier than evaluating every choice equally.
In designing surveys, it’s important to randomize the order of options or rotate them to mitigate these biases and get more accurate results.

15 days ago

An “All of the above” should have been included for this one!

15 days ago

All of the above, should have been an option.

15 days ago

Oh, my goodness ????. I like most of them & it’s hard to choose but living in Texas gives the first one top priority ????. Thank God for President Trump!

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
15 days ago

Another ridiculous poll by AMAC forcing you to choose one, when obviously it’s ALL of them.

15 days ago

All of the above absolutely should have been a choice!!!

15 days ago

It’s hard to choose only one as they are pretty much all important things. I’m glad he had his last term as experience and knows a whole lot better what he’s doing this time around.

Jackie Moran
Jackie Moran
15 days ago

How about all the above!!

David W. Dion
David W. Dion
15 days ago

All of the above! Thank you!

15 days ago

So many great things to choose from!!!!! Hard to pick the best, but immigration/national security affects so many other things!

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