
Republican Presidential Nominee Donald Trump Holds Election Night Event In West Palm Beach

As President-elect Trump’s inauguration approaches, AMAC Action is ready to get to work representing your interests. What issue would you like them to focus on first? Please choose one.

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Marty M
Marty M
29 days ago

After their complete failure who could ever take a democrat seriously again?
All the above and then some!!!

Mist Carter
Mist Carter
29 days ago

President Trump’s work on the “issues” began even before November 5, 2024. The American People elected President Trump with an overwhelming mandate that demands he, his administration, and Congress fulfill the promises made in the campaign.

President Trump has already let Congress know his intent to have “one big beautiful bill” (or possibly a 2-bill approach) to cover his priorities: Border Security; Energy Independence; and Economic Growth.

In reality, this won’t come to fruition on day one. However, on day one, Trump will experience a bit of writer’s-cramp from signing Executive Orders (EO) to undo the countless absurd, woke, anti-American, socialist EO’s that brain-dead Biden dumped on Americans in his attempts to destroy us.

The “Trump Effect” has already begun globally and domestically. The leftists, socialists, terrorists et al, are scrambling, backpedaling, and trying to clean up their acts for fear that a real leader will hold them to account. The world is buzzing and it is exhilarating.

If the confirmation hearings go as planned, we’re going to see a first-class cabinet hit the ground running to address and remedy all of the issues that have threatened our Republic. Common sense has returned to the White House (where there has been nonsense for the past 4 years). We can now return to having our Constitution upheld; a formidable military; a vibrant economy; global respect; secure borders; rule-of-law; energy independence; two genders; and a renewed faith in our Creator. God Bless America!

“Pray for rulers and for all who have authority so that we can have quiet and peaceful lives full of worship and respect for God.”      1 Timothy 2:2

28 days ago

I have to say, I couldn’t pick one. I want all of them. Also, include defunding of planned parenthood. So much for this administration to do after biden’s attempt to destroy our country that I don’t expect it to happen overnight but just knowing it will happen feels great.

jim wood
jim wood
29 days ago

Cannot believe we are finally at the end of the Biden/Harris nightmare. A new dawn is on the horizon and Big D is ready to hammer down. This country is a mess and the policies he sets in place will get us going in the right direction. With the border securing being number 1. He has a great group of cabinet nominations and they will follow his mandates. So nice to have someone who will not jack around and finally deliver. Best to you Mr. Trump.

28 days ago

I would like all of the above.
1 get rid of illegals
2 secure our voting system
3 make the tax cuts permanent and reverse the democrat tax on social security
4 shrink the government to pay for it
5 hire the best, not by check boxes

Vance Donald
Vance Donald
29 days ago

Biden. Worst President EVER. GOODBYE! Hard to pick one of the things from this list when ALL of them need to be done. Jan 20 can’t get here soon enough. Let the tar and feathering begin.

Jim Thompson
Jim Thompson
28 days ago

Each and every one of these items NEEDS to be addressed! Instead of “pick one” how about “put these in order of importance”! Even THAT would be hard but all of these need to be done!!!

Gregory L Elder
Gregory L Elder
28 days ago

All of the above!

28 days ago

How ’bout “ALL of the Above”?

Tim Darnell
Tim Darnell
28 days ago

All of the above! But for seniors, no tax on Social Security would be a great start. Why do we keep taxing our taxes?

Dan W.
Dan W.
29 days ago

It’s got to be the Southern border (and deportations) but we can walk and chew gum at the same time.

Also, get going on extending the 2017 tax cuts and tightening healthcare spending (Medicare, Medicaid, and ObamaCare) since that’s where the money is.

Phil M
Phil M
28 days ago

Your poll had us select only one item. You may have had your reasons to do it that way. If Trump can work on several things at one time, you can, too.

28 days ago

Nearly all choices should be acted on-Gov’t is an 8000lb monkey crushing citizens

28 days ago

He should concentrate on winning more seats in the house and senate come the mid terms by making good on his promises. He has got to stop the infighting of the Rep party. Johnson has to stop being a semi Democrat. He has to bring down the cost of food and gas. Together we win divided we fall, it is that simple.

28 days ago

Let us pray for a peaceful day on Jan. 20th. Yes, the very cold weather can be dangerous to many attendees if the inauguration were to be held outdoors. But, there are many significant threats against Trump’s life, stoked by the Demonrats with their inflammatory statements against Trump and with the who knows how many terrorists who have been allowed into the country by Biden’s open borders policies. Holding the inauguration indoors will, hopefully, provide Trump and Vance with additional protection. Considering the failures of the Secret Service in the past year, they may not be well prepared to protect Trump. The threats to his life are real and many. Heavenly Father, continue to surround Trump and all of his family and team with your protection. Thwart those who would attempt to do harm to our country. May our Constitution be fully upheld throughout the land. Open this country’s eyes, Lord, to truth. Let all who have eyes see and all who have ears hear. Inspire the righteous, Lord, and give them strength to do your will. Let thine will be done. Amen.

28 days ago

Where’s the box to check for

Peg Jones
Peg Jones
28 days ago

All of the above plus ridiculously high property taxes and home insurance. Insurance companies seem to be holding us all hostage ????????????

Dalyce Kingston
Dalyce Kingston
28 days ago

It is very hard to make a single decision on what I would choose for President Trump to address as soon as he officially takes office. Every single option is extremely important. President Trump has so many things that need attention and I know that he is ready, willing and able to address them all.

28 days ago

The United States Government has grown to be a bloated machine. There are too many departments that are duplicates of others and should be eliminated. By doing so will help reduce the national debt. In our household we don’t spend more than we make. That should be our nation’s policy.

28 days ago

Eliminate the illegals by whatever means necessary.

28 days ago

All of the above ,will improve our living standards in this country and put us on the right track to be dominant in the world again.

28 days ago

Again you left out “All the above.” The Administration has appointed people to lead in all of these areas and Trump can certainly multi-task.

28 days ago

ALL THE ABOVE! Set up teams and actively work on all at once. The primary issue that will change all long term is to take control of Education, K-College. We must get a balance of conservative to liberal educators in all schools. There’s a reason why from Marx to Lenin, Starlin, Hitler, Moa, Pol Pot and all the others 1st move after taking control was to take control of the schools. Stop putting out the fires and stop the arsonist!

28 days ago

All very important in their own ways. Trump must do everything in his power to preserve our liberty and national security. So, some of these items are a part of this. We have seen what the consequences are if a stolen election, i.e., open borders allowing terrorists and other violent criminals to enter, spread of woke policies, inflation, loss of energy independence, parents being called domestic terrorists, etc. Many of these items items on the above list to vote on would be less of a problem if the 2020 election had not been stolen. We must insure the integrity of our elections if we are to preserve our country.

28 days ago

Mass deportation of millions of illegal aliens will free millions of housing units, and save taxpayers billion$$ in healthcare, public schools, welfare, endless free ‘benefits’ and reduce crimes.

Ron T
Ron T
28 days ago

I thank God for returning president Trump to the Presidency. May the American people remember what the Democrats have inflicted on this nation for decades to come! It’s time for term limits and equal justice for politicians.

28 days ago

We need to work on ALL of them after the disasters of the Obama and Biden Admins created the mess we have!!

28 days ago

While all of these issues are critical for our safety and security our children are our future. Stop the indoctrination in our public schools and teach our children how to love the country and respect it’s founding principles and each other.

Joe J
Joe J
28 days ago

The illegal alien problem is the one which exacerbates nearly all of the problems we are currently experiencing. Long waits for medical care, overcrowding in schools, crime etc.

Vincent in CO
Vincent in CO
28 days ago

Immigration and extension of the 2017 tax cuts are the most urgent and should be the immediate focus.

Jean J
Jean J
28 days ago

All I can say is, “Thank you Jesus, that Trump is back!!! Hallelujah!!! Praise the Lord!!!!

Dave G
Dave G
28 days ago

I always say “All of the above” on these issues. The Feds need to learn to walk and chew gum at the same time.

Tim M
Tim M
28 days ago

Support efforts to shrink the size of government. This one action will provide the foundation to do all the others if applied properly.

Buddy Crabtree
Buddy Crabtree
28 days ago

All the above.

Shirley Ellis Vatter
Shirley Ellis Vatter
28 days ago

All of the above are critical issues to be dealt with for our country.

Kim D
Kim D
28 days ago

It is extremely hard to pick only one! There needs to be a “All of the Above” option 🙂

Meg Carpenter
Meg Carpenter
28 days ago

Trump has his work cut out for him. All these things on the survey are important. Another item to add to the list is to clear out the crooked courts and DAs and start prosecuting crimes again.

28 days ago

Without secure borders, we have nothing. Once we remove the illegal invaders we can rapidly addres our most pressing needs

Rick R
Rick R
28 days ago

Hard to pick just one! I picked Deportation. Every one needs to be addressed! If I had to pick 2 more they would be passing the SAVE act. Election integrity is very important. And Energy Independence is self explanatory!

Mickey Gallaway
Mickey Gallaway
28 days ago

All should be focused on. The 10 Issues should not be a burden on the legal American Citizens. Bad and/or illegal voting put us in this “MESS”. President Trump needs to take names and kick butt.

Laura Musclow
Laura Musclow
28 days ago

There’s no way I can pick one from the list given. They are all of great importance to taking back our country.

Venice Palm Press
Venice Palm Press
28 days ago

Wow, sister and fellow AMACers! We are one sharp group! I think repealing taxes and securing our elections should be second on the Prezzie-Do List. I think after getting all the EOs, pardons, and deportations underway, Trump will multitask. WE MUST BACK HIM AND FREEDOM CAUCUS BY TWEETING/Xing LAWMAKERS RELENTLESSLY. It worked to kill the omnibus bill. Let’s tell rogue reps we’ll start the recalls and primarying now! We’ll choose candidates online, so that quality candidates without beaucoup bucks can run, too.
Let’s freak out the corrupt establishment by proving every day it is a new paradigm, one in which as the founders intended, the people rule. Reps obey.

28 days ago

Make sure we are ready for China!

28 days ago

Too many good choices to be accurate. Should have been maybe top three.

28 days ago

YES, THE ILLEGALS NEED TO GO!! I see plenty in my small town. Been threatened, too. If you see them at Costco & Walmart, it’s a lot different there….they behave. I know I sound racist, but these people are felons, and those who helped them here are felons!!
Demo-crats love to talk about the “Rule of Law”, don’t they? They sure don’t bring that up when voting on sending some criminals and felons back to their countries!

28 days ago

Why can’t they work on all the above at the same time? Why should the American people expect only one thing to be worked on at a time? Maybe they should be ranked in order of importance instead of only picking one.

Hot Dawg
Hot Dawg
28 days ago

Trump is the ultimate multi-tasker.
I’m sure he will be able to focus on many of these and more at the same time.

Hal H
Hal H
28 days ago

I agree with Mary M
All of the above is only a good start.
How can any democrat look in the mirror and not break out laughing(crying).There are not explanations their reasoning?

28 days ago

Dang, wish you had given us the chance to pick a top three. There are a lot of things I want you to work on with his admin, almost all are important.

Ed Southworth
Ed Southworth
28 days ago

As part of the move to deport illegal immigrants, ask all non-citizens to register. This would not hurt those here legally. It would provide a list for front-of-the-line benefits to legal immigrants for jobs and citizenship. It would also motivate self-deportation to avoid an identification list for permanent banning.

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