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Win the Midterms? No Thanks, Democrats Prefer to Divide and Destroy

Posted on Friday, November 4, 2022
by Tammy Bruce

Do the Democrats want to win the midterm elections? Their actions indicate that either they don’t want to win or they don’t care and are focused only on dividing this country beyond repair.

After all, you learn a lot about people when they’re under pressure or when they’re not getting something they want. During the last few months as it became clear they were losing the electoral arguments because of their disastrous policies, the Democrats decided to accuse half of the country of being fascist, racist, bigoted, threats to democracy.

The bizarre decision to insult voters you should be winning over has, predictably, made things worse for the Democrats in poll after poll. The genius who is in charge of the Democratic election narrative has decided a hopeless, dystopian, and brutish view of the American people and our future is somehow a winning argument. It’s not.

We are now witnessing the Democrats’ panicked meltdown providing the only real transparency we will ever see from Biden and his gang. They just really don’t like the country. The left hates what our nation represents and the establishment continues to seethe at the fact that we elected Donald Trump as president and continue to support him.

When Joe Biden announced that he was going to deliver another lecture at the American people about “threats to democracy” during this last week before the midterms it was obvious the Democrats learned nothing from the debacle of his now infamous September 1st Super Ultra MAGA Semi-Fascist speech in Philadelphia.

Widely viewed as an attempt by a confused Barney Fife to channel Darth Vader, it was a speech meant to condemn and isolate half of the American people. Let’s just say voters were not impressed after listening to Biden declare tens of millions of Americans as, oddly, “semi-fascist.” Do they think ‘semi’ is less harsh? Not as serious? It’s as weak and dumb as everything else they’ve done. The reaction to this absurdity was evident as the midterm polls started to collapse even more for the semi-hapless and fully panicked Democrats.

Biden’s Union Station speech this week was a do-over as though he got the Philly speech only semi-right. They 86’d the blood-red background, (Orwell would have been impressed), and Marines used as props were written out of this rerun. And yet, just a week out of the midterms, he ignored the issues considered the most important by voters, like inflation and crime. Instead, as Politico reported, “The roughly 20-minute address… represented the president’s clearest attempt of late to inject spiraling threats to democracy, lies of conspiracy and malice, and violent intimidation into the midterms.”

Threats, lies, conspiracy, malice, violence, and intimidation. And the Democrats wonder why we’re running them out of town.

It’s not just Biden and the malign fools running the White House that have revealed their utter contempt for the American people. The clown car that is “The View” flipped over when reacting to a poll revealing white suburban women are breaking for the GOP. Of course they are. Everyone is breaking for the GOP. Democrats have made life unpredictable and dangerous and the future menacing.

But Sunny Hostin had a different assessment about women who dared to not pay allegiance to the leftist narrative and are actually concerned instead about whether they could afford eggs for breakfast, have gas in the car, and enough money to heat the house this winter. She said, “What’s also surprising to me is the abortion issue. I read a poll just yesterday that White Republican suburban women are now going to vote Republican. It’s almost like roaches voting for Raid, right?”

Biden set a tone—one of casting fellow Americans as the equivalent of the worst mass murderers in the 20th century. After that, an acolyte going a step further assigning the targets as sub-human isn’t a surprise, it’s a given, and the story of the left for the last century.

Here’s a newsflash for Sunny: It’s going to be more than white Republican women voting for Republicans. It’s women everywhere, of many complexions. Women can be concerned about a variety of issues and then prioritize them. We also refuse to be manipulated, threatened, and demeaned by celebrities and politicians simply because we’re making choices that are best for ourselves and our families.

In the meantime, The Post Millennial reported presidential historian and unhinged leftist Michael Beschloss had his own panic attack about the midterms telling MSNBC that we “could be six days away from losing our rule of law” and that we “are on the edge of a brutal authoritarian system” where children will be “arrested and conceivably killed.”

The only things Beschloss left out of the impending GOP hellscape was the threat of dogs and cats sleeping together and the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man rampaging through midtown Manhattan.

The shocking revelations about the Democrats’ agenda and attitude is not an election closing argument filled with well-meaning but dumb rhetoric, quite the opposite. It’s not well-meaning or rhetoric– it really is the truth of what they think of us. This is perhaps the most important lesson we can all learn after everything we’ve been through. The Democrats and their leftist bosses know what they’ve done to the country and to our lives, and they will never stop if we don’t take an undeniable stand now.

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David Capps
David Capps
1 year ago

The Democratic Party should have been abolished after the Civil War,they are and always will be the party of hate.

Jeff Noncent
Jeff Noncent
1 year ago

The Democratic party is purely evil

1 year ago

Very well written! I don’t think I can add anything to it good job, the Democrats have revealed their true character

1 year ago

We would be much better if the demoncrat party was destroyed forever. They are tools of Satan.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
1 year ago

Supposed “historians” like Beschloss and Meachim ate just far-left partisan NUTS. True historians should be telling the TRUTH!!! As for “political violence,” let’s see what happens when the GOP sweeps both houses of Congress? Want to bet that the antifa goons will go out and riot?

1 year ago

Perhaps the Dimocrats are so sure that “the fix is in” that they don’t have to worry about the mid-terms. After all if 81 trillion, er billion, er million (the way Bidet says things) “people” voted for Slow Joe, maybe the DNC has the dead, voting machines and ignorant lined up for the coming election.

1 year ago

This is so perfect an article. I looked to see who wrote it and saw it was Tammy Bruce. Well, why am I surprised then? Tammy Bruce has been so excellent for so long that of course this was bound to be a perfect article. I would cite reasons for my admiration of this article but it would be longer than the piece itself. Just reread it to see how great it is.

I always used to tell my liberal friends that Obama hated this country. They were in shock. How could I say that? My answer was that if he did hate this country, how would he be behaving differently?
And now sock puppet Biden a man with no ideas, no brain anymore, does what he is told, and reflects Obama in every way, even to the divisiveness and, as this article says, hatred of America and Americans. The result is inevitable destruction and chaos
.I have never understood why Obama was so well loved. Even his charm has become the opposite of charm to me.

Biden’s recent two big speeches have been the worst I have ever heard from any president in my lifetime and I am 85 years old.

Deborah R Campbell
Deborah R Campbell
1 year ago

Such a great article. Tammy Bruce is the best and always on point! Thanks!

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Why is the NIH weaponizing Monkeypox Virus just like Boston University weaponized CHINA VIRUS?
Answer: So DICTATOR Beijing biden can use it against AMERICANS.
They already are making the CHINA VIRUS vaccine mixed with the Seasonal FLU vaccine. Since their ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL CHINA VIRUS vaccine Mandates they found a way to FORCE you getting it by giving it to you at same time of seasonal flu shot despite the HORRIBLE side effects including DEATH.
Why else would they weaponize these viruses except to maintain CONTROL and POWER.

1 year ago

It’s not that the Democrats don’t want to win the midterms, it is that they just don’t want to have change their socialist agenda to do it. The American people are ALL supposed to be dumb enough by now to simply accept whatever the Democrats do as “what’s best for the people” without question and just shut up and sit down as the Democrats systematically re-make the country into a socialist Utopia. Half the country already meets that desired criteria. It’s the other half the Democrats have a problem with. Elections have always been viewed as a roadblock by the Democrats to getting their agenda enacted in its entirety.

1 year ago

Beschloss speaks like a fake nonpartisan when things are going his way, meaning leftward. Its like asking lenin to write a balanced history of the russian revolution. Hes one of many moles who dress up as objective truth tellers but spew a slanted view of history. As The Who said fifty yrs ago ‘we wont be fooled again’. I hope.

1 year ago


Mario Capparuccini
Mario Capparuccini
1 year ago

At least Nero fiddled while Rome burned but Biden pours gasoline on the fire.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Here’s a move that the Weaselcrats would make…$2 BILLION of Natural Gas sitting on cargo ships off coast of Europe NOT being unloaded because they are waiting for Price Increase to cash in.
Meantime, Europeans will have NO ELECTRICITY and NO HEAT for WINTER.
Sound familiar?

zoe frost
zoe frost
1 year ago

Tammy Bruce is spot on. The fraud puppet ignored the issues considered the most important by voters, inflation and crime, because his/his handler’s, in their insane, evil desire to destroy our beloved Constitutional Republic…are responsible for both! Crime and inflation, and more…the means to crash/divide/destroy, are deliberate, not due to stupidity, or incompetence!

How ignorant/clueless/indoctrinated idiots still voting D are able to ignore their eyes and ears and believe the myriad LIES from the fraud puppet (via his evil Commie/Globalist traitor handlers), D/RINO politicians, their corrupted MSM propaganda spewers et al is freakin unbelievable!

Greg brown
Greg brown
1 year ago

The dems are not worried, they got this. Cheaters always cheat and the press will never question them. They are conditioning us by saying repub. Are stealing the election. I pray I am wrong.

1 year ago

I am amazed that puppet biden is talking like only marxist democrats can or should live in the United States. He is dividing this country and nothing will repair the things he has said. This man is senile and should be impeached but we can not take harris as this is worse

1 year ago

I just listened to the Michael Beschloss response and I’m confused. He was saying we’re on the verge of becoming under a totally authoritarian rule (next week). I thought we already were under one.

1 year ago

Dems already know they are going to lose the House and Senate, so Bidum just wants to divide us more than he already has. It’s all he has left!

Nobody’s Business
Nobody’s Business
1 year ago

James Carville, Bill Clinton’s mouthpiece said it best, He could never do what he did with Clinton for a Republican because you can tell a Democrat anything and they will believe it. So true it’s not funny. I still think a civil war is coming unless we stop this Democrat socialism crap and in order to do that we need to get rid of Dems in office and we need to get rid of the establishment Republicans McConnel Graham and Romney and every Rhino.

Bill R
Bill R
1 year ago

With defeat staring them in the face the mindless have become kamikaze pilots trying to take the nation down along with themselves.

1 year ago

I’ve said this many times in the past — Democrat politicians have become unelectable. I hope this holds for the rest of my time on earth.

Brett Christensen
Brett Christensen
1 year ago

The democrats don’t care because they plan on cheating and staying in power no matter what

1 year ago

Read today that diesel fuel available in US is down 31% vs 2021 & yesterday that diesel supply is at 25-days in US but is producing another day every day so staying even. Inflation is top of list for this election, but I think that Biden war on fossil fuels is #1…. as what will happen to inflation if we are short on energy to heat homes this winter & run so low on diesel that goods cannot be delivered in US. The shortage due to decrease in trucking goods would be a blow that would send inflation skyrocketing. The WH admin seems oblivious that they are going to lose heavily in mid-terms.

1 year ago

Democrats are going to lose a lot of elections to Red Wave at mid-term, as Biden administration seems to be ignoring the real problems that voter polls are indicating. It seems like Biden/Harris hope to lose elections.

1 year ago

This weekend and just prior to Tuesday, the Dems will tell us how they are for law and order, for fully funding the police, for a secure border, against condoning and allowing depravity into public schools for our children to see, they will suddenly be for lowering taxes, anti crime, and all for energy independence and fiscal responsibility to combat inflation, thy will suddenly be against tax payers funding a war in a country they have no vested interest in and cannot point out on a map, against a climate change hoax, etc….and the dumb voters in this country will reply, see I told you so. Forgetting anything that has transpired more than 24 hours ago.

1 year ago

Normal people still actually watch ‘the View’? I can’t stand 2 minutes of their liberal BS. Only time I ever watched it was when Tom Selleck was on it and he didn’t take their BS.

1 year ago

It continues to be bizarre. The Democrats are doing NOW that which they accuse the Republicans of planning to do in the future. Truly bizarre.

Guy Cooksey
Guy Cooksey
1 year ago

These wicked people cannot be out of office soon enough!!! Now if we could only get the real president back in office we will be OK. Look for these criminals to pull out all the stops to steal the mid terms.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

That sends a STRONG message.

1 year ago

In Germany they lied about their enemies and blamed them for what they were doing. This is the big lie.Didn’t someone say it is a “vast right wing conspiracy?” It has been a left wing conspiracy all along and the evil people do what they accuse you of doing. Hitler’s media called the Jewish people roaches and I heard that the view called conservatives roaches. The left is following the play book from Hitler and his henchmen. The left- what I used to think of fondly as my party in DC. They are copying the devils to hold on to power. Do people like the view people believe what they are saying or just lying for the money? Communism/socialism is known the world over as the philosophy of death.Over 100 million people who were not soldiers died in camps in Germany, Russia, and how many in China? Over 40 countries followed Russia and then killed many of their own to make everyone equal or die — it is now known as equity– NOT possible! Give everyone a million $$ today and by next week some will have 10 times that amount and some will have nothing! It is called human nature. Read ancient literature and see where human nature has not changed and cannot be changed no matter how much social engineering there is.

1 year ago

This is a very thought provoking proposition. Yes, its possible the the DIms think if they cannot have it their way, they want nothing. Just like japanese suicide. If I am rejected, I must kill
myself. Not a bad idea. But, knowing this crowd, in 10 days they will, unfortunately, all be here and ready to fight for 2024. One of the greatest political jokes of all time is comments by Hollywood that they would leave the US if Trump won. Regrettably, they all stayed. Just another
pack of Dim BS.

1 year ago

The only hope the USA has is in the Lord Jesus Christ and we must pray ernestly that God won’t allow the democrats to win any of these elections . We also must pray that the republicans win everyone of these elections because if the dems win it will be bad for the USA.

1 year ago

This is what Mr. non-violent self righteous thug Biden said in 2020 during a TV interview.
“Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden once again wished himself back in high school so he could beat up President Donald Trump, “I would like to be able to be back in high school and just have he and I in a room,” Biden said during an appearance on “The View.”
Former Vice President Joe Biden said he would “beat the hell out of” President Donald Trump!, 2018 CNN

1 year ago

Gee whiz, who was it that said he would like to take the former President behind the barn and beat the H out of him?

Jill Green
Jill Green
1 year ago

As usual Tammy Bruce, well said.

Sharon Halstead
Sharon Halstead
1 year ago

When will folks get the fact that Dems have been trying to divide and conquer since Lincoln???? They have NEVER been concerned about us – only about being able to tell us how to live our lives, but what we can (or actually cannot) think and talk.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

They worried about TRUMP? When Biden was at his sharpest, he was just a sub-par politican. Look at him NOW! Short & sweet: Biden is mentally diminished and needs Article 25-ed.

1 year ago

Biden’s handlers, seeing the very bad reaction to his semi fascists speech decided to fix it. Whenever Biden or his handlers fix something he said, it never improves anything.
Biden was trying in his most recent speech to clear up what he said at Independence Hall. He explained he did not mean to say all Republicans are MAGA Republicans, only a small minority are. He wanted to make it seem not all Republicans are insane, only a handful. Divide and conquer. It could work. How else can he ever ask Republicans to work with him?

But he said it clumsily and anyone listening knew he did not really mean it. So his explanation fell flat. And anyway, how can it be explained that Trump MAGA people still fill up venues in the tens of thousands?

He means ALL Republicans are semi fascists and that’s what he said. No watering it down will defuse the terrible effect of that speech.

On the basis of his angry face and raised fists alone, everyone should want to steer clear of anything Biden wants to do. These two recent speeches were the worst things I ever heard from a President in my life.

1 year ago

this is how they see things. the rapture and the tribulation are just around the corner. Anyone who doesn’t worship their agenda is an enemy to be destroyed. That attitude is where they are today.

Douglas C
Douglas C
1 year ago

Democrat Party: Home of repression and America last. They require your submission and silence.
Republican Party: Home of patriots and America first. They hope to earn your loyalty and curious mind.

1 year ago

Well, according to Hostin we are now roaches voting for Raid. I do hope the Disney Channel “the happiest channel in the world’, suffers the consequences of hiring people with deep psychiatric illnesses to spread its bigotry. Because in the end, it is the Disney Channel the one that promotes and tolerates this pathological, highly destructive behavior. The divisive tactics started way back when Barack Obama, being a mulato, chose to deny his white ancestry and actively promote division between Blacks and Whites. He wholeheartedly supported the most hatred driven organization, one that has made billions of dollars on pure hatred, BLM.

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
1 year ago

Tammy touched on what I realized long ago. The Progressive-Socialists and their brethren of every stripe, will not go away and will not ever stop until their agenda is complete and all their goals are met. Beating them back in one(or more) election cycles will only delay their comeback. They must be dealt with in a more permanent, decisive manner.

1 year ago

In your face Biden. I think TRUMP is winning again, again and again! GOD BLESS AMERICA. THE HOME OF THE BRAVE!

Allan E Brem
Allan E Brem
1 year ago

It seems to me that to the average voter the D stands for “Do it again” and the R for “Replay”.

John D. Beach
John D. Beach
1 year ago

Election observers (monitors) need to document and video-record any irregularities they see. While the consideration of such evidence was denied after the election of 2020, there is too much at stake to allow any fraudulent activity, something that is likely, given the publicity that has been given to the likelihood of “a red wave.” Democrats are desperate and desperate people do desperate things.

1 year ago

It’s what the Bolsheviks did. It’s what the Nazis did. This group is right up there with the worst.

1 year ago

The Dems are not trying, because oue elections are fraught with fraud. They will cheat again, because nothing was done to stop it. We all know it, Joe is an idiot, no one liked Kamala, and they sit in the White House anyway, killing America. We either turn this around this election or kiss our once prosperous and free lives goodbye.

Greg Phillips
Greg Phillips
1 year ago

Don’t be surprised if we either have civil disobedience or a big war.. the republican takeover won’t happen until January..

1 year ago

I agree with a lot of what Tammy said except I believe for at least the higher echelon Democrats, they are aligned with the New World Order. Just as most “leaders” around the world, their policies are destroying the foundations of their individual countries. People are expected to freeze this winter, food supply is low. Farms and animals for food have been destroyed or severely curtailed. These leaders align with the WEF plans to reduce the world population and the best way is to starve us. “Useless eaters” must go! England’s Prince Phillip once said he would like to be reincarnated as a deadly virus so he could depopulate the world. This is how they think and is the foundation for all their actions. Of course, they don’t consider themselves useless eaters as they heat and cool multiple mansions, fly private plans everywhere, sail in yachts etc. I know who the useless eaters are!

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