Win the Midterms? No Thanks, Democrats Prefer to Divide and Destroy

Posted on Friday, November 4, 2022
by Tammy Bruce

Do the Democrats want to win the midterm elections? Their actions indicate that either they don’t want to win or they don’t care and are focused only on dividing this country beyond repair.

After all, you learn a lot about people when they’re under pressure or when they’re not getting something they want. During the last few months as it became clear they were losing the electoral arguments because of their disastrous policies, the Democrats decided to accuse half of the country of being fascist, racist, bigoted, threats to democracy.

The bizarre decision to insult voters you should be winning over has, predictably, made things worse for the Democrats in poll after poll. The genius who is in charge of the Democratic election narrative has decided a hopeless, dystopian, and brutish view of the American people and our future is somehow a winning argument. It’s not.

We are now witnessing the Democrats’ panicked meltdown providing the only real transparency we will ever see from Biden and his gang. They just really don’t like the country. The left hates what our nation represents and the establishment continues to seethe at the fact that we elected Donald Trump as president and continue to support him.

When Joe Biden announced that he was going to deliver another lecture at the American people about “threats to democracy” during this last week before the midterms it was obvious the Democrats learned nothing from the debacle of his now infamous September 1st Super Ultra MAGA Semi-Fascist speech in Philadelphia.

Widely viewed as an attempt by a confused Barney Fife to channel Darth Vader, it was a speech meant to condemn and isolate half of the American people. Let’s just say voters were not impressed after listening to Biden declare tens of millions of Americans as, oddly, “semi-fascist.” Do they think ‘semi’ is less harsh? Not as serious? It’s as weak and dumb as everything else they’ve done. The reaction to this absurdity was evident as the midterm polls started to collapse even more for the semi-hapless and fully panicked Democrats.

Biden’s Union Station speech this week was a do-over as though he got the Philly speech only semi-right. They 86’d the blood-red background, (Orwell would have been impressed), and Marines used as props were written out of this rerun. And yet, just a week out of the midterms, he ignored the issues considered the most important by voters, like inflation and crime. Instead, as Politico reported, “The roughly 20-minute address… represented the president’s clearest attempt of late to inject spiraling threats to democracy, lies of conspiracy and malice, and violent intimidation into the midterms.”

Threats, lies, conspiracy, malice, violence, and intimidation. And the Democrats wonder why we’re running them out of town.

It’s not just Biden and the malign fools running the White House that have revealed their utter contempt for the American people. The clown car that is “The View” flipped over when reacting to a poll revealing white suburban women are breaking for the GOP. Of course they are. Everyone is breaking for the GOP. Democrats have made life unpredictable and dangerous and the future menacing.

But Sunny Hostin had a different assessment about women who dared to not pay allegiance to the leftist narrative and are actually concerned instead about whether they could afford eggs for breakfast, have gas in the car, and enough money to heat the house this winter. She said, “What’s also surprising to me is the abortion issue. I read a poll just yesterday that White Republican suburban women are now going to vote Republican. It’s almost like roaches voting for Raid, right?”

Biden set a tone—one of casting fellow Americans as the equivalent of the worst mass murderers in the 20th century. After that, an acolyte going a step further assigning the targets as sub-human isn’t a surprise, it’s a given, and the story of the left for the last century.

Here’s a newsflash for Sunny: It’s going to be more than white Republican women voting for Republicans. It’s women everywhere, of many complexions. Women can be concerned about a variety of issues and then prioritize them. We also refuse to be manipulated, threatened, and demeaned by celebrities and politicians simply because we’re making choices that are best for ourselves and our families.

In the meantime, The Post Millennial reported presidential historian and unhinged leftist Michael Beschloss had his own panic attack about the midterms telling MSNBC that we “could be six days away from losing our rule of law” and that we “are on the edge of a brutal authoritarian system” where children will be “arrested and conceivably killed.”

The only things Beschloss left out of the impending GOP hellscape was the threat of dogs and cats sleeping together and the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man rampaging through midtown Manhattan.

The shocking revelations about the Democrats’ agenda and attitude is not an election closing argument filled with well-meaning but dumb rhetoric, quite the opposite. It’s not well-meaning or rhetoric– it really is the truth of what they think of us. This is perhaps the most important lesson we can all learn after everything we’ve been through. The Democrats and their leftist bosses know what they’ve done to the country and to our lives, and they will never stop if we don’t take an undeniable stand now.