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Will the IRS Come After Joe Biden For Tax Fraud?

Posted on Tuesday, July 27, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive


President Biden seemingly can’t go more than a few weeks without finding himself in a new moral and ethical quandary thanks to the professional schemes of his son, Hunter. But while previous scandals have revolved around Hunter’s drug use, potential illegal lobbying, business dealings with the Ukraine and business dealings with China, the latest round of revelations could directly implicate President Biden by raising new questions about if Joe Biden violated federal tax law – as well as the United States Constitution – by not reporting income received from or through Hunter Biden’s business dealings.

According to recent reporting from the New York Post, Hunter Biden was allegedly paying thousands of dollars’ worth of bills for his father while Joe was serving as Vice President. A series of emails dating back to 2010 expose Hunter Biden’s growing frustration with having to make payments for “JRB,” presumably Joseph Robinette Biden. The digital discussions were between Hunter and Eric Schwerin, his business partner at Rosemont Seneca.

Additionally, text messages from 2019 between Hunter and his daughter, Naomi, found on the now-infamous Hunter Biden laptop seem to reveal the extent to which Hunter was footing bills for the entire Biden family. He wrote:

“I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years. It’s really hard. But don’t worry unlike pop [Joe] I won’t make you give me half your salary.”

At the time he sent these messages, Hunter was employed by Burisma Holdings, one of the largest gas producers in Ukraine, which has faced numerous charges of corruption. Hunter was compensated $83,333 a month to serve on the company’s board, despite having no experience in the natural gas industry. Two months before Biden left office, Hunter’s salary was cut in half to $41,500.

Many of the expenses Hunter paid on behalf of Joe were for home repairs, most notably $2,600 for a stone wall and a recurring $190 monthly phone bill charge with AT&T. While screenshots of texts and emails appear to confirm these specific payments, it seems likely that these examples are only a small fraction of a much larger pattern of potentially improper payments Hunter made for Joe while he was serving as Vice President.

President Biden has maintained that there has never been a conflict of interest regarding his son’s professional career and consulting while Joe was in office. However, if Hunter did pay a significant portion of Joe’s expenses with money earned from lobbying for foreign corporations, as these emails suggest, and Joe did not report these gifts as income, he likely violated U.S. tax law.

The section of the U.S. Tax Code dealing with gifts, commonly known as the “Gift Tax,” directly limits the “transfer of property by one individual to another while receiving nothing, or less than full value, in return.” Up to $15,000 may be transferred without incurring taxes. Yet the aforementioned emails suggest Hunter could have “gifted” far more than this to support his family’s lifestyle. More investigation is required but, if accurate, this would constitute tax fraud.

Additionally, it is possible that Biden’s failure to report these gifts deriving from foreign sources violated the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution, which states: 

No Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

While no evidence so far shows Joe Biden personally accepted foreign gifts as Vice President, the possibility of him receiving benefits through his son’s business dealings raises massive red flags for Joe, Hunter, and anyone else in the First Family involved in such activity.

Even the Washington Post has reported that Hunter Biden understood his role as being the family’s breadwinner. In a widely cited piece from last October, columnist David Ignatius quoted Hunter telling a confidante that “my mom and dad don’t have money…. I have to make money for the family.”

Both Hunter and the Biden White House have also faced scrutiny recently after it was reported that Hunter had reached a deal with a New York-based art gallery owner to sell his paintings for as much as $500,000. Hunter, who is not a professionally trained artist, took up painting as part of his rehab from drug and alcohol addiction.

According to reporting from the Washington Post, citing several art critics, “Hunter Biden’s art would never be priced so high if he had a different last name.” Even CNN, a leading Hunter Biden defender, published an interview suggesting that Biden’s work is thoroughly unimpressive.

The White House has argued that Hunter’s newfound identity as a professional artist does not violate ethics requirements because of an agreement with the gallery owner whereby buyers remain anonymous to Hunter. However, Hunter is still set to meet with prospective buyers at “art shows” in New York and Los Angeles, with no apparent way to enforce the agreed-upon anonymity standards set by the White House.

The announcement earned bipartisan rebukes, with Walter Shaub, the former Office of Government Ethics director under Obama, blasting the White House for permitting the sales to move forward, stating “congratulations, you’ve just outsourced government ethics to a high-end art dealer.” After four years of the mainstream media falsely accusing the Trump family of profiting off the Presidency, many are asking if Hunter’s art career is simply a guise to allow Hunter to receive huge sums of money from individuals or groups – including foreign governments – who may want access to the President.

At a time when the Trump Organization is being aggressively investigated for even the perception of potential tax malfeasance, the Biden family’s alleged wrongdoing is facing far less scrutiny from the media and federal investigators. Such a double standard casts fresh doubt on Joe Biden’s claims denying any impropriety and warrants further investigation into the nature of Hunter and Joe’s financial relationship.

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3 years ago

LOL!!! Of course the answer to your question is NO.

3 years ago

No! IRS is a political arm for the Dems.

3 years ago

The IRS is not for any of the elite State local or federal. (unless they make their masters mad that is)

So no nothing will happen to him

Its not even a question.

To even pose it is idiocy

James R Maxwell
James R Maxwell
3 years ago

Slo Joe and his crack head son are safe as long as Democrat Socialist have invaded our Political
system and will lie, Cheat and Fornicate they laws of our Nation for their own purposes and it
is beneficial for them to do so and to gain more political advantages over our Nation.

3 years ago

Yea Right – no way will consider. His son getting away with more.

larry burroughs
larry burroughs
3 years ago

Why do you think Joe Biden is so interested in the Russian pipeline obviously there’s some monetary kickback that he’s getting

3 years ago

Hunter should be in prison and Joe should be locked in his basement.

Patty Hanson
Patty Hanson
3 years ago

The short answer is “No”. It appears the mentally & physically incompetent, invalid, presidential “interloper” is “untouchable” … for as long as he is “being the useful idiot” his abusers placed him in the White House to be… those abusers consist of of his family & the Communist Democrat Party…

3 years ago

If Sharpton can’t be touched, why would Biden be any different? Also the Dems are all perfect people. How could anyone think there is anything wrong with what they do. Perish the thought.

Mark R
Mark R
3 years ago

Having been a criminal and civil investigator, in my past life, I shake my head in disgust at the immoral and unethical behavior of our elected officials. There is no longer any personal accountability for immoral or illegal actions. I am saddened by the abuse of power for evil gotten means. I can’t watch the news as it repeats itself with such predictability I don’t need to be reminded as nothing will come of it. Sorry, I forgot about the double-standard, retaliation only happens if you believe in the Constitution and America!

Sherri C
Sherri C
3 years ago

Are you kidding me? The answer to your headline question is no. The corrupt establishment in DC has made the Bidens untouchable.

3 years ago

we always hear ” NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW”… YA RIGHT!

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
3 years ago

We now know why Merritt Garland would have been a TERRIBLE member of SCOTUS. Kissing Biden’s butt every day and attacking constitutionalists!

3 years ago

The answer to your headline should not be NO. I don’t know what the answer is to that question, but somebody does, and the answer is Yes. If there is evidence that Joe Biden violated Federal Tax Law, then the IRS should be required to investigate his income, foreign gifts through Hunter, and income tax payments. This was all done before he TOOK the office of the Presidency. What does Bill Barr know and when did he know it?!!

Misty River
Misty River
3 years ago

The Bidens remind me of the Clintons…nothing sticks. Not holding my breath this time.

Paul W
Paul W
3 years ago

5 CFR § 2635.702 – Use of public office for private gain; just one of countless laws china-joe has broken, via the use of his spawn as his bagman. Equal justice under the law is one of the most easily recognized total, shams (and it ballooned drastically in the clinton years) that has harmed this country, gravely. Ultimately it, and a host of other injustices (like an equally obvious coup) will topple this country, irreparably. We have become a banana republic and sans a complete reset…and soon…we’re doomed. That’s not pessimism…that’s realism.

3 years ago

The Tea Party has a hundred percent chance of being stiffed by the IRS rather than Biden being given a cursory glance by the same taxing authority.

Ken G
Ken G
3 years ago

You know if joe biden had an (R) after his name, the IRS would be all over this latest release of emails.

3 years ago

Bien will never be prosecuted nor any of his family. We are already seeing the DOJ refusing to investigate and prosecute Cuomo for putting Covid 19 positive patients into nursing homes resulting in the deaths of thousands.

3 years ago

Well i guess we all know that they will never touch anyone named Biden, besides Joe would always
swear i don’t remember what a sad old man to be representing America

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Hey add Al Shaprton too for 1M still owed for 2004 campaign

3 years ago

It’s a dog and pony show. His “Handlers” are shaking him down and want a piece of the pie. Follow the money with this is like playing a shell game or a “Monty” card game.

3 years ago

He’ll be investigated just like the clintonistas!

David W Slaughter
David W Slaughter
3 years ago

So morally broken!

3 years ago

Nail him after he’s out of office.

3 years ago

This is a rhetorical question, right? No way he’ll ever, ever be prosecuted for any crime. Why would he when so many others have done more (think the Clintons) and have never been prosecuted. We have no justice system anymore!

3 years ago

“No one is above the law”. ….they say

3 years ago

Thanks for this article. I needed the laugh!

3 years ago

Look….these characters need to be brought to justice with a fair and impartial investigation into Hunter’s dealings and how $$ reached then VP J. Biden. But if these were payments made by Hunter for JB household whatevers, this will be considered by the IRS to be a gift. If these gifts exceed $15,000 in a calendar year from a single person….or if this is a ‘split’ gift from a Husband and wife, then Hunter would have to file a form 709, which will calculate the gift tax on the gift and then use this tax amount to reduce the unified credit calculated on the estate of the giftor upon his or her death.

But with the AG ignoring all of the Biden’s misadventures, I doubt this will go anywhere.

3 years ago

With Hidin’ Joe Biden and his crony crew organization and a Democrat controlled news media, he will never be tried for his criminal actions even if he murdered his wife. Certainly the CIA and/or the FBI would not pursue him since to date they have avoided doing so. Besides, in a court of law his lawyer would present a plausible defense that he is not mentally able to defend himself (but he can run the Administartion of the most powerful Nation on the planet ???). Biden’s fixture as USPOTUS is making the USA the “figure of fun” (to quote Captain Bligh in one version of Mutiny on the Bounty.) Elections do matter … and the last POTUS election was a fraud on the American citizenry.

3 years ago

The article says $15K gift per year. I was under impression that both husband & wife could give $10K per year to one person without having to pay taxes on that. Anyone know

Frank Cicero
Frank Cicero
3 years ago

BOTTOM LINE: If there’s evidence… Someone will step up to prosecute. Otherwise, it’s just a headline to make people read their article.

3 years ago

Biden should be charged with multiple crimes from treason and voting fraud to indecency with minors and removed from his illegal role as President immediately.

3 years ago

Is Lois Lerner a Democrat? Of course Quid Pro Joe will be given another hall pass by Democrats’ favorite federal agency the Romans loved their tax collectors as well.

Joseph Michael Loglisci
Joseph Michael Loglisci
3 years ago

Don’t hold your breath!!????

3 years ago

Are you kidding? Of course, Loopey Joe will be given a pass…AGAIN. There is nothing Loopey couldn’t do, including murder, for which he would be prosecuted. The demo/globalists are home free on any crime they commit. All of them. If they were to actually be held responsible for crimes, they would all be in prison. Every one of them is a liar, cheat, & fraud. Most are guilty of so many breaches of the constitution they could be put away for centuries. It’s ludicrous to read stories about demo/globalists actually being held responsible for themselves.

aluminum head
aluminum head
3 years ago

Yeah, OK. Get Oboingo and the Clinton’s in solitary confinement first. THEN we can look at Jo(k)e Bye-then.

3 years ago

Imagine that lying dirty corrupt biden involved in a lifetime of many serious scandals even while vice president now fraud president no…really? i guess the one good thing is when he’s locked up for life he’s gonna think he’s on fantasy island!

3 years ago

Biden and Hunter are disgusting. They are criminals and need to pay!!!

Michael B
Michael B
3 years ago

Yet as with ALL democrat dealings, they will get off scot free! Obama did, HRC did, Comey did, along with many others. Clearly they have a different justice system.

3 years ago

Killery, the poster child for “should be imprisoned” is evidence enough that this will never be investigated, let alone prosecuted!

3 years ago

Why ask such a stupid question? Of course nothing will happen to “President Puss for Brains” as with all of the NSDAP operatives, they are exempt from anything!

Michael Peterson
Michael Peterson
3 years ago

I agree with JOHN. That is NOT a serious question in regards to Biden or his family.

John A Bird
John A Bird
3 years ago

When a virus enters your body, the only way to rid yourself of the virus is to kill it!

Larry W
Larry W
3 years ago

Is there anyone in the IRS with enough fortitude to go up against the Democratic gestapo and lose their job and endure fake charges and a reputation ruination? I DOUBT IT

RJ from Arizona
RJ from Arizona
3 years ago

Who is going to order the investigation,,,IRS?
Who is going to prosecute? DOJ???

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
3 years ago

The IRS is just another Progressive infected government agency. There is no way that the corrupted people who run the IRS are going to do anything to any other Progressive who is in any position of authority in government. The IRS is just one of many government agencies being used and abused by politicians to control American citizens.

Jerry Sleeman
Jerry Sleeman
3 years ago

When you break the law you must be handled most expeditiously. That means the
constitution also. Don’t outlaw the guns outlaw the idiots.

3 years ago

This just keeps getting better. The comments are just too good and too true. LOL !!!

Paul DAscenz
Paul DAscenz
3 years ago

Hunter Biden is Dirty, Everyone knows that! Executive Privaledge doesn’t qualify criminal behavior.
Prosecute The Bidens!

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