AMAC Exclusive – By Seamus Brennan
As Christians observe Good Friday and memorialize Christ’s Passion on the Cross in anticipation of Easter Sunday—the celebration of Jesus Christ’s resurrection from the dead and humanity’s liberation from sin—people of faith can surely expect that the left will once again exploit the occasion to engage in secular virtue-signaling that whitewashes the true meaning of the holy day.
For years, the progressive movement has steadily escalated its campaign to strip all major religious holidays, including Easter, Christmas, Passover, Hannukah, and others, of their religious meaning. In his 2021 Easter message, for instance, President Joe Biden (a self-proclaimed devout Catholic) twisted Christian terms like “resurrection” and “renewal” to justify his administration’s draconian COVID-19 policies and insist that “the virus is not gone”—all alongside a masked Easter bunny.
Likewise, Senator Raphael Warnock (D-GA), who campaigned on his status as a Christian pastor (even as he supports unfettered access to abortion) infamously tweeted last Easter that the real “meaning” of the day is “more transcendent than the resurrection of Christ.” Easter’s true meaning, he suggested, derives not from Christ’s sacrifice and the miracle of the resurrection, but instead from “a commitment to helping others,” by which we can ultimately “save ourselves.”
As Isaac Shorr wrote for National Review in response to the tweet (which was quickly deleted), “nothing, nothing, is more transcendent than God’s only begotten son becoming man, dying to absolve humanity of its sin, rising again, and consigning Satan, sin, and death to a final, eternal defeat.” He continued: “Easter is about man’s rescue by God Almighty, not ‘sav[ing] ourselves’ through some kind of secular self-improvement scheme. For all intents and purposes, Easter is Christianity.”
Progressives’ reduction of momentous religious occasions to vague secular celebrations centered on social justice and leftist political priorities is not limited to Easter—and it is nothing new. In Biden’s first Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony as president last year, he failed to mention or make any reference whatsoever to the birth of Christ or the true meaning of Christmas. Rather, he opted to diminish the holiday to a mere secular “beacon of hope” and a season to “find light.” Even when Biden did give a subtle nod to his purported Catholic faith by quoting several lines of the Peace Prayer of St. Francis, he still managed to omit portions of the prayer that made explicit reference to God.
Additionally, at a 2021 Menorah lighting ceremony to commemorate Hannukah, Biden awkwardly incorporated his “Build Back Better” political slogan into his remarks. “That little bit of light,” he said, can “dispel the darkness” from our “democracy” and encourage us to “build back better or perhaps build back brighter.” Biden’s presidential proclamation on the 2021 National Day of Prayer made similarly cringeworthy references to a “reckoning on racial justice” and the “existential threat of climate change.”
Given Biden’s propensity to invoke his faith only when it is politically convenient for him, it’s of little surprise that Catholic bishops and other leaders in the Church have repeatedly criticized him for diverging from the dogmas and teachings of the Catholic Church—most notably on abortion.
The left’s trend of omitting references to religion on major religious holidays can be traced back to the Obama years. On Easter Sunday in 2010, for instance, former President Barack Obama spoke of “the shared spirit of humanity that inhabits us all, Jews and Christians, Muslims and Hindus, believers and nonbelievers alike”—seemingly diminishing the day’s special importance to Christians. In Obama’s 2014 Easter message, after briefly acknowledging the Christian origins of the holiday, he went on to describe Easter as being representative of a secular “universal mission” embracing a “common thread of humanity that connects us all.” Obama and other Democrats were also criticized for referring to Christians as “Easter Worshippers” in 2019.
By contrast, former President Donald Trump’s Easter and Christmas messages were defined by a clear sense of reverence for the holy days he was commemorating. “Melania and I join millions of Christians celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the gift of eternal life this Easter,” he said in 2020. “We hope all of you are filled with the joy, love, and hope that marks this holiest of days.” In each of his four years lighting the National Christmas Tree, Trump consistently made explicit reference to “the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ”—marking a significant contrast with the broad-based secular language of Biden and Obama.
The left’s evident desire to craft a loosely defined godless religion based on the so-called “spirit of humanity,” which throws traditional religious language and authentic religious practices by the wayside, represents the progressive movement’s fundamental misunderstanding of who Christians are and what they believe. Therefore, as Christians near the end of Holy Week and enter into the Paschal Triduum, they should not be surprised or discouraged by the inevitable onslaught of watered-down statements, speeches, and social media posts that subtly seek to separate Christianity and the Easter miracle from their ultimate source, meaning, and hope in Jesus Christ.
After all, the good news that still pours forth in every corner of this amazing land is that despite what progressives desperately want, the true meaning of Easter will not be lost on hundreds of millions of American Christians this Sunday.
In his Easter Vigil homily at the turn of the new century, Pope John Paul II powerfully restated the fundamental and timeless need for an authentic Christian witness in the world:
Yes, Christ is truly risen, and we are witnesses of this. We proclaim this witness to the world, so that the joy which is ours will reach countless other hearts, kindling in them the light of the hope which does not disappoint.
As he prepares his own Easter message this year, Joe Biden would do well to take note.
Very well written. Brought up a lot of points that I had forgotten.
The eyes don’t lie. Joe Biden looks Satanic in that photo. Because he is.
Carries the same tone from Obama as his cronies are pulling the puppet dictator’s strings, in their attempt to destroy the fabric of the American Republic. We must stay focused and be strong in faith.
Since the demoncrats have adopted liberalism as their religion, they can’t recognize that God is all powerful. That no one is equal with Him. They can’t accept the fact that Jesus took the form of man, came to earth for the sole purpose of dying for our sins. That he is alive because of the resurrection. That would defeat their entire agenda.
Warnock the warlock showed his true colors. I feel sorry for the people who have been under his teaching.
The only time Democrats are religious is when they are running for office. Democrats hate religion and what it stands for. Since they don’t like religion let’s abandon all religious holidays for Democrats and no getting off those days from work. No one knows or cares about any of our holidays, all they care about is they don’t have to go to work.
Good article! I don’t listen to any politicians because most seem to spout the worship of sin as a replacement for the worship of the living God. Pride (CRT), greed (shop lifting and theft), lust (rape, child abuse and abortion), envy (victimhood), gluttony (spending welfare dollars on name brands, alcohol and drugs and letting children starve), wrath (rioting and destroying property), and sloth (living on government handouts without ever working) these are the ways to deny God and reject eternal life; not the ways to the ‘good’ life.
I REALLY DO NOT CARE what that COMRADE does anymore
HE IS the enemy – who is not CAPABLE of doing whats going on today. Obvious indeed.
I am betting there are (WHO????) doing his bidding.
that SACK of PSAKI is doing the LYING for him and his fellow comrades.
SO why waste my time reading this stuff and commenting – I have PTSD from this garbage now.
Thanks Comrade Brandon and the rest of the DemShirts – heil Biden.
Perhaps Mr. Biden should read the following verses from the Bible and take it to heart!
Jesus speaking:
“ 32 “Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. 33 But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 10:32-33
Blasphemous Morons
“Will Joe Biden Once Again Distort the Meaning of Easter?” That’s a rhetorical question, right?
Why in the world would anyone expect a polititian, of any bend to rightly access Easter ( or any Christian celebration) when they open their mouths and spew mixed and misinterpreted words to promote their agenda? In particular this current president continues to espouse his Catholic faith as he promotes the sins of murder (abortion), racism, sexual abominations and outright lies. He is no Christian, let alone Catholic Christian by virtue of the obvious secular speak and act that has remained a part of his career. Hypocracy is his religion if he has one. This is not a judgment, it is an observation of the facts. If you want to know the true meaning of the Christian faith, read the Bible and ignore what our political realm says or thinks.
I have created a new term for the gang of radical liberals who have hi-jacked our country, along with the mainstream press & other key elements of our society. Just add one letter to democrat & you have what they are in a nutshell…Demoncrats! Feel free to use my term for them any time you are referring to this group of socialistic extremists! I think it fits them perfectly!
Very good article!
Christians unite arms!
Do not deny Christ!
God sent His Son who died for us and we will die for Him!
Biden has absolutely no shame. He preaches division and racial hatred, falsely claiming that the biggest threat to our country is white supremacy. He encourages open borders, while thousands of Americans are dying from illegal drugs smuggled across the border. He acts as if human trafficking and sexual trafficking are no big deal. He either doesn’t talk about all the chaos or mentions it very rarely in passing. He is encouraging inflation and human suffering, just because he wants to satisfy the stupidity of the deranged left which wants to kill all forms of fossil energy. Biden has no business talking about Easter, period. He is a Christian and a Catholic in name only. He only sometimes talks the talk, but he almost never walks the walk.
For one thing, he and his claimed religion has left Jesus on a cross ever since the event of the Crucifixion. The Christ I follow and worship arose and Ascended into heaven and has long been off the cross! biden is incapable of believing the truth as he set the standard years ago for his own life (and gain) to be a constant liar.
Sleepy Joe is a self-proclaimed Marxist as is demonstrated by his total support of deviant and sinful things like abortion and the agenda of the LGBT. This support also declares he is an atheist. No Christian could support such evil things. He lies about everything so why not lie about being a Catholic. The democrats are a party of evil, Godless Marxists bent on getting America into the one-world government. Of course he will say nothing good about Easter. He will make it political. Saying words like “God” or “Jesus” are as offensive to democrats as holding a cross up is to a vampire.
Some of your articles are ones I want to print to give to someone or for future reference, but I cannot seem to get most articles to print. Why don’t you make a “PRINT” icon, get rid of all the photos, etc., and let us print from that article. Thanks for your consideration.
Simple answer to Joe Bidens problem, He’s a brain-dead IDIOT!!
If Il Papa wasn’t a socialist himself, he would excommunicate the “good Catholic” Senile Joe, along with Piglosi and a host of other baby killers and sexual-corrupting pols!
These are NOT progressives. Progressives were all about progress. These are certified totalitarian anti-American Marxists.
In answer to the question ask in the title of the article: YES.
This clown joebama is an anti american, anti God, corrupt, self serving 50 year swamp marxist democrat!
These traitors,EVERY Democrat, EVERY rino, EVERY politician seeking to destroy America and Freedom MUST BE REMOVED!!
In 2022,2024 and beyond, remove every local,state federal politician in any role who supports marxist democrat policy!!!
From what I learned growing up Catholic In the 60’s President Biden should have been excommunicated long ago. It sickens me the way he and other demogods use religion only when it suits their agenda. I think that they all should be recalled, or whatever form is used, to remove them from office.
As a true devout Catholic, I’m deeply offended by Biden’s claim to be a devout Catholic! Also the likel
likes of Pelosi, and others who have made such claims.
He can’t help it, he doesn’t remember what Easter is about.
I wish I could have pity on Biden, but for the fact he’s ‘always been’ a highly privileged, lying, thieving, pervert… especially since becoming involved in the political world… FIFTY (50) YEARS AGO.
The only thing that has changed is that he is now presenting with symptoms of dementia. I suppose, he (at least) has a valid reason for his behavior associated with dementia. We all know, they “stole” OUR White House!
Waste of DNA..Total and Complete Moron
Come on man……Joe just laid a chocolate Easter Egg wait a minute that’s not an egg and it ain’t chocolate!
The democratic party has to twist everything to fit their agendas. Even when it’s not about them It’s all about them.
The difference between American Catholics and American Protestants is that American Catholics did not come to the colonies or the United States for religious freedom.
and that is why Biden is Catholic in name only. To believe in something one must know what it stands for.
We need to get rid of these RE-GRESSIVE socialist Marxists masquerading as Democrats… and take America back again. Send Biden to Russia and leave him there with his son, brother and otherpolitical ilk.
Biden and Pelosi and all the other self proclaimed Catholics, including the Pope, make me glad I left the Catholic Church, after being raised in it. for 10 years. There will be a judgement day for all of them. Happy Easter to everyone, for JESUS CHRIST is alive.!!!!!
Any true Catholic that’s a supporter of these leftist liberal democrats must be ignorant, the progressive socialist democrats that are in place especially since Obama are so obviously against the true meaning of Christ our lord and savior must like sleeping with the enemy, if your a Catholic and vote for these haters of god then your simply a fool. And unfortunately that’s tens of millions of American citizens who actually agree with and support these radical and destructive haters of our Christian beliefs. You vote for democrats your voting to end your family values and destroy the Catholic religion.
Since Joe is mentally challenged, I think his wife deserves a big part of the blame. Why would you knowingly put a loved one(in his condition) in that position? She is as power and money hungry as the rest of them. Total disregard for her family values. They are a disgrace on so many levels.
Thank you. Believers need to now more than ever take a stand for their faith. First, by falling on their knees before our Savior and praying for forgiveness for the apathy that is rampant in the church today.
Second, proclaim your faith. “I am a believer in Jesus Christ” and for what He’s done for me by his death and rising from the dead.
Finally, love your enemies; don’t call them stupid, evil, hateful. Love them as Christ has loved us
You will change the world.
Wouldn’t surprise me at all if joebama and the marxist democrat party tried to “rename or change the narrative ” of Easter.
They are a Godless group of liars who are destroying every good and moral aspect of America and Feedom, crushing religious beliefs are surely next.
This disaster democrat party is being sued along with out of control teachers in Massachusetts for attacking and instructing on gender of minors,in opposition to the parents and without parental consent!!
NOTHING is to VILE or IMMORAL for the marxist democrat party!
They are the enemies of America,Freedom, and GOD given Rights!
Enough of their attacks on the good Legal Citizens of OUR COUNTRY!
Not surprising. All I can say is, God’s word is happening right now as we live. “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it.14 For the gate is narrow and the way is constricted that leads to life, and there are few who find it.” Matt 7:13. The “falling away” is becoming more and more prevalent as those who profess to be “devout” (in their minds) do not follow Christ or live by the Word of God!
Warnock is a Pastor?? The Resurrection of Christ was God’s promise that the Blood of His Son washed away our sins and gave everlasting life to whomsoever believes in Him. This is the central thesis of Christianity. You don’t get to make up your own religion Warnock. Progressives twist religion so it appears to support their agenda. That is at its essence, blasphemy.
Brandon gives the WH Easter address: “Come on, man! You know… the guy… that guy… they cuisinarted him… ppl with bulging veins in their necks came out of the fields man… with ghost guns”
This is just a thought I had , if Biden, Obama, Clinton, carter were on the titanic and it was about to go down. Would they given the opportunity let a transgender or woman ( yes this is gods and a biological fact! ) let them get on that last lifeboat, or would they be MAN ENOUGH to let the last few CHILDREN AND THE MOTHER’S LIVE?
Biden and Warnock are not Christians. They are both fake.
Progressives are human agents of Satan, their father. Jesus told us that the world hated Him and will hate us too. We are not surprised one iota by the lies and vitriol of the left. May they come to repentance before the great day of the wrath of God Almighty upon the sons of disobedience.
If the hierarchy of the church had any spine they would ec-communicate Joe z Biden……the hid all the molestation of some priests fro good Catholics……then the requested fro those same good Catholics to pay off victims of their priest’s molestation…….
The people know from past speeches heAdmits of control of scripted messagesFrom behind the curtains. His soul isOwned by demons of the satanic realmThat direct every move he makes…his only true salvation is to commit To Jesus his sins and to free him fromThe evil That surrounds him…thenHe would be recogned by God…sinceHe represents a SACRED office ofThe the people..and weThe people…it could somewhatRedeem him for the people to forgiveThe sins he has committed to The people….God is waiting
I won’t even speculate on how Joe Biden can and will distort the Easter message. A good catholic, he is not!
If Warnock and Biden are considered Christians, then just look at the source of that hypocrisy!!
Why hasn’t Joe Biden been ex-communicated by now. He purports to be a strong Catholic yet doesn’t even nod in that direction in any of his beliefs which are all secular and many w/o morality or ethics. It seems our bought and paid for pseudo president had bought and sold some himself.
Yes, send the vile b*st*rd (and his hag) to GITMO for eternity…