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Will 2025 Be the End of the Left-Wing Climate Cult?

Posted on Monday, January 6, 2025
by Aaron Flanigan

A few issues have galvanized the political left in recent years, such as climate change alarmism. But after a string of electoral defeats, the left’s “climatism” movement now appears to be more demoralized and politically weak than ever before.

For much of the 2010s and early 2020s, progressives poured untold amounts of money, energy, and resources into convincing the public that the world is on the doorstep of a fiery apocalypse. This apocalypse can only be averted, we are told, if left-wing politicians and the “expert” class are empowered to control every aspect of our lives, from the food we eat to what car we drive. Democrats and the corporate media have smeared anyone who has denied this worldview as “anti-science” and even “racist.”

But despite these extraordinary efforts, the climate movement has utterly failed to convince the American people that “climate change” is the existential threat they claim it is. In fact, the public seems more exhausted than ever with the constant fearmongering.

The left’s failure to turn climate change into a political winner is not for lack of trying. In fiscal year 2024 alone, the World Bank Group spent a whopping $42.6 billion “to help countries address climate change”—a 10 percent increase from the previous fiscal year. In 2019 and 2020, perhaps the zenith of the left-wing climate movement, governments and intergovernmental organizations reportedly spent $321 billion, corporations spent $124 billion, and private investors spent $8 billion in the name of defeating climate change.

Yet in poll after poll, climate change falls low on the list of issues Americans most care about. In a December 2022 Gallup poll on Americans’ most important issues, the environment was tied for last, with only three percent of respondents mentioning it as one of the “top problems” facing the country.

Likewise, a February 2023 Pew Research poll found that “dealing with climate change” ranked remarkably low in a list of Americans’ top priorities—and based on every indication, the issue was not remotely close to being a top issue for voters in the 2024 presidential election.

In 2023, former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger – who himself believes climate change is an existential threat – slammed left-wing climate change efforts as not going “anywhere.”

“Cause no one gives a s*** about that,” Schwarzenegger put it bluntly. An opinion columnist in the left-wing Los Angeles Times echoed that sentiment in a fall 2022 op-ed, writing that Americans simply “don’t care about climate change.”

Much of Americans’ apathy toward the so-called “climate crisis” can almost certainly be traced to the fact that the left-wing expert class has been forecasting impending environmental catastrophe for more than half a century.

In 1970, for instance, The Boston Globe reported that “scientists predict a new ice age” by the start of the 21st century. In 1978, The New York Times said that there was no end in sight to the then-30-year global cooling trend. Americans were told by various supposedly authoritative sources that oceans would be dead by 1980, rising sea levels would “obliterate” and “wipe nations off the face of the earth” by 2000, New York City would be underwater by 2015, the Maldives would be completely submerged by 2018, children soon wouldn’t know what snow is, and Britain would become Siberia by 2024.

Perhaps most famously in recent political history, Al Gore repeatedly warned that global warming is “a true planetary emergency” and claimed that absent “drastic measures” to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, “the world will reach a point of no return” by 2016.

But at this juncture, it appears that even the left’s most ardent adherents no longer believe their incessant doomsday rhetoric.

The waning energy behind the climate movement is evident not only in public opinion polls but also in the fading visibility of its former activists. Once a dominant narrative in the corporate media, the climate agenda now struggles to maintain its prominence. For instance, child activist Greta Thunberg, who once commanded global attention, has drifted off into obscurity. Major climate protests have also seen declining participation and momentum.

Additionally, legislative priorities have notably shifted. The Green New Deal, once touted as the cornerstone of the progressive political agenda, has failed to gain traction in Congress—even when Democrats held both chambers. Meanwhile, global climate summits like COP27 and COP28 garnered far less media coverage and public interest than earlier iterations, reflecting a mounting fatigue among the American people.

Of course, the left’s failure to convince voters that the environmental apocalypse is just around the corner does not mean that Americans do not care about environmental stewardship and safeguarding our planet’s natural beauty.

But by this point in time, it has become entirely clear that the left’s environmental fearmongering is losing the little effectiveness it had. As conservative commentator Logan Hall aptly observed on Twitter, conservatives’ concern for the environment is rooted in “beauty, nature, stewardship, and preservation,” whereas left-wing environmentalism is marked by “poverty, wind turbines, unaffordable EVs, and gas stove bans.”

With Donald Trump just days away from assuming office, the United States is poised to once again exit the Paris Accord and roll back the Biden administration’s climate change policies.

In the realm of politics, the American people have much to celebrate in 2025—not least among them the demise of the left-wing climate cult. With its credibility shattered and its influence sinking, climatism is finally fading into history, paving the way for a renewed focus on the issues that truly matter to most Americans.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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Lieutenant Beale
Lieutenant Beale
7 days ago

Will 2025 be the end of the left-wing climate cult?

The short answer is “No” – they’ll be back.

The far left never takes no for answer. That is why we can’t afford to sit on our laurels and let our guard down.

Semper Vigilans

USN Retired
USN Retired
7 days ago

It IS time to stop this silly endeavor the Left has subjected us to. When is comes to weather and climate changes of the earth, the main driver is well defined by “Milankovitch cycles.” Look it up, it concerns earths eccentricity, axial tilt, and precession in relation to solar energy striking earth. Lets be honest, humans have little to nothing to do with earths climate. Not to mention one volcano eruption trumps all of mans contribution of green house gases to the atmosphere (meaning since existence of man). Ice core samples support every bit of this, but the left wing propaganda machine works hard to suppress and obscure these facts. They modify opinionated “data” to support their political agenda. Even organizations like NASA obfuscate and create their own exaggerated data to make this a talking point toward the Left-Wings agenda, means more funding for them. But facts are facts and science (real science) is indisputable. Man has NO long term effect on earths weather nor climate. 
The Left will find another way to push this agenda, or find another one that gullible people will believe. They will not stop, it’s all about money and power and they seem to think Communism, with them in power (they have a surprise coming with that) is the way to go. Very sad we have people like this, and extremely sad they are in a position to manipulate our lives.

7 days ago

Climate change enthusiasts believe government can fix anything as long as it has unlimited access to money, labor, materials, and masses of poorly educated mouthpieces. These people have drummed into our heads that this existential problem is our fault and, therefore, that government must fix it. Those who can, do; those who can’t, look to government.

As a lifelong student of science and nature, I see no solution worthy of investment that won’t bankrupt the people and an entire economy. No solution, period, since we can’t alter the earth’s orbit, prevent volcanoes, cap ocean floor vents, or shield us from solar emissions. My modest contribution involves altering my own environment by insulating my home, growing most of the produce I need, reducing the lawn, and planting native species. Each of us can assuage our own conscience by doing some of these things, but I wouldn’t want government mandates dictated by some clueless bureaucrat.
We have exhausted ourselves by listening to endless end-of-the-world nightmare scenarios that have accomplished nothing. Maybe the doom-and-gloomers will fall by the the wayside just as the issues of personal pronouns, drag queen story time, toxic masculinity, white supremacy, and men bashing in faces of female competitors have quieted down as we approach Trump’s inauguration. Time to bring sanity back to our culture.

7 days ago

Climate apocalypse is but one tentacle of the left. Even if that arm is chopped off, another will take its place. Theres a real chance today of neutralizing the octopus by discrediting leftism in the eyes of the young and finally realizing Reagans prediction of communism dumped into the dustbin of history.

6 days ago

America should NEVER forget that 75M Americans VOTED for Harris. After the disastrously way the Democrats ran the country, nearly HALF of voting Americans still voted for more of the same…..and most assuredly worse. 75M!!! The answer is a resounding NO, the insanity is not over.

anna hubert
anna hubert
7 days ago

At least two brainwashed generations would have to wake up and see for first time how shamelessly they are used and manipulated. Proclaim themselves free to think. Slaves no longer. That is the only way, left needs its blind followers.

7 days ago

Several times this past week, I’ve read articles posted on various liberal websites (Yahoo, MSN, etc) about this animal spotted after being extinct, discovery of some ancient city found after being submerged under the ocean which rose naturally? Or my favorite, geology-based articles which contain OBVIOUS clues that the natural processes of the planet were changing way before the industrial revolution, and not all that long ago!!…can the sheeple of the world NOT put two and two together and come up with climate change scam? I guess not.

James D
James D
5 days ago

So, can we now dispense with all the solar and wind farms and start building real energy infrastructure for a real future?! Think of all the money saved that can go into our national debt!!!

6 days ago

I think when the windmills cause whales to beach themselves and Oregon is willing to bulldoze an ungodly amount of forest for Solar Panels even some of the Liberals are starting to rethink things! But I won’t believe the cult is dead till The Weather Channel stops using the phrase “Climate Change” like the mindless Mantra it has become for them!

6 days ago

Climate changes 24/7. Always has, always will.

6 days ago

Not sure what Biden’s ban on offshore drilling in the Gulf might do to our production. Of course he’s an idiot, so there will, hopefully, be a meaningful response shortly. We’ll see.

6 days ago

The one-worlders departed from the tried and tested methods of controlling populations–war, pestilence, and famine. All three of those are at play to a lesser extent now and they will get back to them in ernest as the climate well goes dry. The driving mechanism is the United Nations–the enemy of America. Get US out!!

7 days ago
  1. Truth must be told.
  2. 2. Millions and billions of dollars taken from the public repaid or jail time — AND, idenfiy who they are by name.
  3. Time for common sense and as President Trump said, nuclear has advanced substantially, is clean, safe, and NEEDED – BADLY! Get with it America – you get it now! So, question all of the talking heads as to truth, their take, rumor, falseness, etc.
  4. Way past time for the [fail to read, understand, and detemine the truth] on power and (much, much more passed as ies and selfishness) so,stop the whinning, crying, and ‘get rich fraud rhetoric, the untruths, frauds, and useless need to clam up.


Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
7 days ago

The climate cult has experienced a defeat ,and that is good, there is no place for nonsense – especially the dishonest sort of nonsense that the climate cultists promote. Having knowledge of the non- political aspects of climate is something that should be encouraged as it is a great source of knowledge connected with geography, with the growing of food, with trees, forests – so many things vital to life here on. Earth. Getting books written before climate became. political is one way to do research like that. The understanding of what makes life possible ,what is the truth concerning the orbital system of this and other planets , the reasons based on facts collected over centuries of intelligent observation is something to value. And it will , it should, keep the climate cult from polluting society with. ideas that are not based on facts, not based on the truth.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
7 days ago

Guess this was written before Tyrant Biden sigle-handedly signed regulations making millions of areas “off-limits” to oil exploration in the Gulf and East Coast. The World Trade Center came down in less then a day; Biden and Democrats have 13!

4 days ago

Two observations indicating that the climate folk have moved on:

  1. Child activist Greta Thunberg, who once commanded global attention, has drifted off into protesting for Hamas.
  2. The Obamas purchased waterfront property.
Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
6 days ago

It goes well beyond left wing, it boils down to governmental control. What should be a joke has become one of the main challenges of our time. Hoping it will evaporate is wild fantasy. Governing bodies across the planet are employing the climate change tool and however ridiculous it may actually be, the fingers of power are not going to let go. The left is currently struggling in a sea of absurdity yet still maintaining a huge number of members and supporters to whom truth, logic and reason employ no affect. One has only to look at absurdities like men competing in women’s sports, to see the hopelessness of counting on a birth of sanity within the human race.

4 days ago

For my entire life, and I’m in my seventies, there have been people telling me the world is coming to an end, for more reasons than I care to list. I learned long ago that life is much better when you ignore these people.

6 days ago

Two ways that Trump can override Biden’s efforts to prevent drilling. One is to have Joe declared mentally incompetent and so be able to rescind his assinine orders. Not sure it impeaching Biden is a necessary part of that (according to the Demwits you can impeach someone even after they leave office!). Two, prove to the whole world what most of us already know, that Biden cheated in 2020 and therefore has no authority to prevent his decisions from being overturned. While we’re at it that would mean we could also remove Beijing Biden’s Supreme Court pick since his was not a valid presidency in the first place. Is there a third option? Convicting Joe of treason may be doable. Let’s face it, he has given us a lot to work with in that department!

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