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Why the Pentagon Needs Pete Hegseth

Posted on Friday, January 10, 2025
by Aaron Flanigan

As the nation gears up for Inauguration Day and Congress braces for what is almost sure to be a contentious Cabinet confirmation process this winter, none of Donald Trump’s nominees have been as unfairly scrutinized, castigated, and degraded as Pete Hegseth, Trump’s pick to serve as Secretary of Defense.

Slammed by Democrat leaders and their lackeys in the corporate media as “the epitome of white privilege,” “an insult to the American people,” and “unfit” to serve on account of his strong Christian faith, Hegseth is facing a near-unprecedented public relations battle as he prepares for his hearings with the Senate Armed Services Committee, which are expected to commence on January 14.

But despite the left’s incessant outrage surrounding Hegseth’s nomination, an unbiased look at his credentials and the state of the American military apparatus demonstrates that Hegseth is the perfect leader to spearhead much-needed reform at one of our nation’s most vital—and most corrupted—federal agencies.

An Army veteran, Ivy League graduate, and cable news anchor, Hegseth has, in recent years, emerged as one of the most outspoken voices on behalf of military reform, advocating for a new dawn of common sense among our national military leadership.

As Hegseth has repeatedly emphasized, during the Biden years, the Pentagon underwent a jarring shift in mission. Its priorities veered from traditional defense objectives toward implementing progressive social policies and far-left social experiments. Once a universally respected institution charged with maintaining American strength and protecting America’s interests on the world stage, the Department of Defense has since devolved into a hotbed of left-wing radicalism—at the cost of our national security, global respect, and military preparedness.

During the Biden years, for instance, military academies and training programs have emerged as vehicles to indoctrinate American servicemembers with pernicious liberal social ideologies like Critical Race Theory and gender theory. Recruits—many of whom enlisted in the military out of a sense of moral duty and sincere love of country—have instead been met with directives to embrace politically charged frameworks.

The Navy’s Professional Reading Program, for instance, featured works like Ibram X. Kendi’s How to Be an Antiracist, part of a concerning pattern that has alienated servicemembers and gravely imperiled military cohesion and morale. Biden’s Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has also openly supported “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” initiatives, further undermining the Pentagon’s mission of training and equipping warfighters to protect the American people.

Moreover, in 2022, the U.S. Navy faced a firestorm of criticism for mandating training on so-called “proper pronoun usage” while funding drag performances on bases and paying for “gender transition” procedures. To top it all off, taxpayer dollars were directed toward facilitating access to abortion procedures for servicemembers.

“Any general that was involved, general, admiral, whatever, that was involved in any of the DEI woke s***, has got to go,” Hegseth said during a recent podcast appearance. “Either you’re in for warfighting, and that’s it. That’s the only litmus test we care about.”

But the Pentagon’s fall from grace extends far beyond its embrace of wokeism. In recent years, the Department of Defense has also been plagued by a pattern of bureaucratic insubordination and stubborn disobedience to the Commander-in-Chief, further suggesting the alarming politicization of the department.

In one of the most egregious instances of this trend, former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley repeatedly criticized Donald Trump. At the same time, he was president—going so far as to reportedly tell his staff in 2020 that he would rather “fight” Trump than resign. And Milley allegedly spoke to a Chinese military official behind Trump’s back to promise he would provide warning in the event of a U.S. attack—yet another extraordinary act of insubordination.

The attitude embodied by Milley and others like him in the upper ranks of the Pentagon reflects the concerning belief of some high-ranking military officials that they have a right to subvert the interests of a duly elected Commander-in-Chief if they feel personally compelled to do so.

Hegseth appears ready to swiftly address this crisis of accountability. “Defense leaders should be searching for ways to reform out-of-date procurement processes, to collapse layers of Pentagon bureaucracy, and to restrain the growth in personnel and benefits costs,” Hegseth has written.

While Hegseth may lack the traditional resume of previous Pentagon chiefs, the Washington D.C. establishment’s fierce opposition to Hegseth is a good sign his confirmation will benefit the future of the military and American national security.

Veterans who served alongside Hegseth in the U.S. Army have praised his leadership, courage, and aptitude for the post. Last month, more than 120 retired U.S. generals and admirals signed a letter expressing their “strong support” for his confirmation, insisting that Hegseth “understands combat from the grassroots level and will take that much-needed perspective with him” as the next Secretary of Defense—and is well-positioned to deliver President Trump’s mandate to make the military “strong and lethal,” and to remove “wokeness” from the U.S. Armed Forces.

Senate Majority Leader John Thune has reportedly indicated to Trump that he is confident Hegseth will receive the votes necessary for confirmation. After a turbulent introduction to the nominating process, it appears things are headed in the right direction for Hegseth.

Ultimately, Hegseth’s nomination is not simply about confirming the next Secretary of Defense – it’s about recovering the Pentagon’s abandoned mission, ideals, and role in American life, as well as restoring trust in our military leadership. As such, the battle over Hegseth’s confirmation is a battle for the restoration of our military’s purpose and the future of American freedom.

In the end, this is a battle the American people cannot afford to lose.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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Emma Watson
Emma Watson
2 months ago

Milley is more than insubordinate, he’s treasonous.

2 months ago

Quite frankly, it is long past time for a warrior to lead the Department of Defense!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 months ago

Confirm all and get to work. These last days of Biden are simply DRAGGING ON! It’s like being a child counting days until Christmas!

2 months ago

I am offended by the “Holier than thou” attitude expressed by my senator, Lisa Murkowski.
If she continues to question or oppose Hegseth, she is confirming she has a poor set of priorities

2 months ago

NO DOUBT that this Patriot will clean up the military that has been subjected to politics for many years. The military is now far behind in some of the categories that our nation adversaries are well ahead in research, development, and deployment of weapon systems. Many monies have been wasted in supposed indoctrination to better society in the military. CLEAN UP TIME!!!

Dr Capitol
Dr Capitol
2 months ago

Well written and clear why Hegseth is THE man for the job. I am so very thankful for AMAC! Please continue to bless we the membership community with such graced articles.

Kathryn Davis
Kathryn Davis
2 months ago

I doubt that Army veteran Hegseth will ever go AWOL like our current Secretary. Veteran Hegseth will get our military and security to the highest level of excellent like we have never seen.

2 months ago

The liberals are having a meltdown because Hegseth isn’t an incompetent DEI (Didn’t Earn It) loser like Milley and Austin.

2 months ago

pete is a seasoned warrior with great education.

2 months ago

Who knows, maybe the DOD will finally be able to pass an audit!

2 months ago

As many has been doing…watching to fires in California. You can see why this crazy left wing ideology just does not work. They are wrong on just about all of their ideas. There policies are taking this country down. They are messing up our military’s true reasons for being there. It does not work and thank God the American people have figured this out and we have elected Trump to clean it up. Pete should be able to do it and I can see why he is needed so badly.

2 months ago

What the Biden Admin has done to our military is insane. I’m not saying that women or LGBTQ should be treated harshly, but we do need soldiers who are not pussies. We need strong people serving in our armed forces. It’s time that all leaders and military personnel are ousted if they can’t handle the pressure.

Melinda C
Melinda C
2 months ago

The truth in all this should be obvious. Confirm Hegseth.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 months ago

Left only goes apoplectic if someone capable threatens status quo. Only spineless need apply as far as left is concerned. Spine and grit scares them.

2 months ago

Hegseth needs to immediately purge the military of the wokesters and the ticket punchers. Also someone who don’t know if they are a man or a woman are not qualified for military service.

2 months ago

Circa nineteen eighty, Our M-60 team had a couple of slogans that probably wouldn’t go over very well in today’s military.
“M-60, Death at a Distance”, and “The M-60 is killing and killing is fun.”
The purpose of the military is to break things and kill people.

2 months ago

Any rhino’s that vote against Hegseth should be round out of town as a traitor to America. We need to enable Pete Hegseth to get rid of wokism and the bureaucrats st the pentagon and re-establish our strong military PERIOD!!!!!!

2 months ago

Hegseth will be GREAT!!! All Americans LOVE him. I don’t know where the pentagon has been – loving traitors??? How did we let that happen? It was President Eisenhower who WARNED US that such a megalopolis as ‘the pentagon’ was a MISTAKE, and should have been disbanned after WWII was OVER. But instead, it just kept getting MORE HUGE!

Michael Frederick Kloppel
Michael Frederick Kloppel
2 months ago

As a veteran and active member of the American Legion I want to see more respect and assistance given to our nation’s veterans. Throughout the Biden Presidency the VA has, in my opinion, failed to do for veterans what its original intent and formation was to have done for our veterans. I believe Pete Hegseth will bring about necessary change. He will not only work to improve the services the VA offers but eliminate nonsensical programs our active duty troops are forced to undergo. He will focus upon what our service members need to learn to be warfighters, not socially aware panty wastes that the Biden administration and woke ‘pentagoners’ desire. Knowing the correct pronouns of our enemies will not win conflicts or wars.

2 months ago

The demonrats don’t want him because he that good.
Pete Hegseth is a Military man from the word GO.
He is just what we need and that is why liberals don’t want him.
Go Pete Go. Show them how a real Military man leads.

2 months ago

I thought Ivy League graduates were part of the Swamp. Why are we supporting an Ivy League elite?

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