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Why Kamala Lies About Her Policies

Posted on Tuesday, August 20, 2024
by Walter Samuel

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz appear determined to offer voters a campaign which is unburdened not just by what has been, but by policy and politics as well.

For nearly two weeks after Joe Biden dropped out of the race, the most compelling offer the Harris campaign could make to the electorate was that Joe Biden was gone, and if they closed their eyes and placed their faith in Harris, Donald Trump too could vanish, along with all the icky problems of the world. Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, and inflation itself were nothing compared to the “vibes” of the Harris campaign – or so they wanted voters to believe.

Harris and her allies in the media appear to have no interest in discussing the candidate or whatever policies she may wish to implement. On the contrary, to the extent they engage with policy at all, it is to demonstrate the contempt with which they view it, and the contempt with which they view those, whether political strategists or journalists, who purport to care about it.

One-by-one, Kamala Harris has responded to questions about past policy positions by ruthlessly jettisoning them the moment they came under attack. Support for Medicare for all, defunding the police, and bans on fracking have all been thrown overboard, often with a terse “Vice President Harris no longer supports X” posted on social media. Such policy shifts are not dignified with even a contrived justification for an “evolution.” It is merely, “Harris no longer supports this, so stop bothering us about it.”

Republicans, conservatives, and the few honest journalists not caught up in “Kamalamentum” have accused Harris of trying to rewrite history. But that may not be exactly right.

There are two types of lies in the world. The first are lies meant to deceive. These are meant to be convincing, and are limited by the need to appear plausible. The second type are lies meant to deceive no one, but rather demonstrate supremacy.

When Vladimir Putin claimed reelection with 87 percent of the vote, including 85 percent in Moscow, where he won only 40 percent in 2011, the intention was not to persuade opponents that he was universally loved, but to demonstrate their powerlessness. By making clear that they could organize, protest, and risk arrest to vote, yet at the end of the day he would release whatever numbers he felt like, his regime sent a clear message that no one should bother opposing him in the future. It was a waste of time.

The Harris campaign’s contemptuous treatment of her past policy record is likewise an attempt to send a signal to the media and Republicans that questions about what policies she may or may not have supported are a waste of time, and attacks on her record are a waste of money. If questioned about an unpopular past position, Harris will merely declare she no longer supports it, and if attacked effectively on a current position, she will deny holding it. Therefore, don’t bother trying.

This represents not an effort to ride out the election through sheer momentum, but a cynical attempt to control and manipulate the information economy in which the election is taking place. It reeks of the conditions of 2020 when tech companies, the intelligence agencies, and the Biden campaign colluded to decide what could be reported and what could not be.

There is no better example of the way in which the Harris campaign and its allies wish to bend reality itself than in their choice of contradictory policy realities. Harris disdains any responsibility for inflation under Biden, yet at the same time she promises money to absolutely everyone. She has promised untold billions of dollars to impose price controls on groceries, build millions of new homes, and create new welfare programs – all while also pledging to cut taxes.

Politicians have always tried to bribe the electorate with public money. There is a reason Ronald Reagan remarked that the problem with socialism was that you eventually run out of other peoples’ money.

But what stands out now is the shamelessness with which Harris is willing to adopt new policy promises with the same, “ok, fine, have whatever you want” nonchalance with which she dropped previous promises.

Want houses? Fine, I will build them.

Want to pay less in taxes? Fine, I will cut them.

Want a cease-fire in Gaza? Well, so do I.

Support Israel? Well, so do I, and have I mentioned my husband is Jewish?

Just as her willingness to drop policies when attacked sends a signal to the media and Republicans not to bother discussing her record, her willingness to adopt policies which are logistically impossible or which contradict each other is a signal that trying to engage her in a policy debate is a waste of time. Her policy on any given day is whatever she believes a majority of the public wants to hear.

Many readers may recall the old school-yard taunt, “I’m rubber, you’re glue; whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you.” It was infuriating, circular, and, absent a resort of fisticuffs which was itself often a concession of defeat, successful. The taunt might as well be the Harris-Walz campaign’s motto at this point, and Republicans would be naive to assume that merely because it is dishonest, circular, and infuriating that it will be politically ineffective.

Democrat partisans do not care about the dishonesty, because they have internalized the idea that they are merely doing what MSNBC claims Republicans did to them. If anything, the idea of hitting back and behaving in the manner liberals imagine Donald Trump behaves mobilizes the Democrat base. How else to explain Tim Walz being able to make an obscene joke about Senator JD Vance and a couch, something he and everyone in the audience knew to be a hoax? He did so because his ability to spread a crude lie made his audience feel empowered over their enemies.

Complaining about these tactics only plays into them. With the Harris-Walz campaign refusing to engage, they either ignore or mock any complaints, whether from Republicans or journalists.

Ultimately, the only way to beat bullies is to isolate them from the wider population. In schools, that means turning the rest of the students against them and showing how an attack on their victims is an attack on everyone. The same is true politically. Most voters will not care what Harris or Walz do to JD Vance or even Donald Trump. They will, however, care what Harris and Walz do to them.

This means Republicans must make clear that the contempt for policy shown by Harris and Walz is actually a contempt for the electorate. She is not listening to victims of crime by flipping her position on law enforcement, but rather showing she does not care. It would be one thing if she genuinely believed in the power of rehabilitation and, wrongly, was convinced it would reduce crime rates in the long-term. Instead, by claiming to drop her “Defund the Police” extremism without explanation, she is indicating that she was willing to allow criminals to run free solely for political advantage, and is now willing to flip her position as soon as the perceived political winds have shifted. It is a sign not of being wrong, but being sociopathic.

Similarly, it is possible for an honest socialist to believe that government construction of houses, student loan forgiveness, or price controls are justified. But such an honest socialist would advocate paying for them through higher taxes. Harris, by promising lower taxes and less regulation to the powerful, and handouts to her base, raises the question of who she will deliver for. She is lying to someone, and there is a compelling case to be made that it is in fact everyone being taken for a ride.

If Harris manages to make the campaign about whether she and Tim Walz are making mean jokes about Donald Trump and JD Vance, she stands a real chance of getting away with it. It is incumbent on the GOP to make clear to the voters that the joke is on them. Only then will they return to Harris and Walz the contempt the Democrat ticket has shown to public the past few weeks.

Walter Samuel is the pseudonym of a prolific international affairs writer and academic. He has worked in Washington as well as in London and Asia, and holds a Doctorate in International History.

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anna hubert
anna hubert
6 months ago

It’s not that she is a slippery contortionist who will wiggle and adapt, what really is incomprehensible is that there are so many people ,especially younger women taken in by her and standing behind her There are those who will vote for her because she is a woman even though there legally is no difference between male and female. These people are slashing their own throats and she is laughing.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
6 months ago

Reminds me of the cartoon strip “Family Circus” and “not me”. And once again, especially after Biden’s midnight speech at the DNC, no one asks the question: “If you have all these problems you will solve if elected, why don’t you solve them NOW?”

Ed Ludwig
Ed Ludwig
6 months ago

No one seems to want to say it but if Harris is elected, we could see a war like nothing we’ve ever seen. I hope it doesn’t come to that, but she is capable of everything immoral and illegal.

Elizabeth Cheever
Elizabeth Cheever
6 months ago

Good article! If Kamala should get elected we can kiss America good-by. We will become a Socialist, Marxist-Communist country. She is a fraud, just another phony democrat.

6 months ago

We know she is lying.
She knows she is lying.
She knows that we know she is lying.
She even knows that we know that she is lying.
Then she lies to us about lying to us…
She continues blatantly lying.
She lies obsessively regardless of the situation.
She is truly dishonest. A “Fraudster”!

6 months ago

She is a born liar.

6 months ago

two disturbed liars

6 months ago

Harris will be a constant liar and plagiariser. She will also try to continue the lies misinterpretation and misrepresentation of Trump

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
6 months ago

Harris lies about her policies because THEY STINK!

6 months ago

Has Harris ever given the exact numbers of “undocumented migrants”?

6 months ago

Wasn’t it Margaret Thatcher that made the statement about the problem with socialism was that you eventually run out of other peoples’ money

6 months ago

JUST her policies? i think we’re all beyond just that. she’s certifiable. why sugar-coat reality and deny the fact. if anyone 10 years said what comes out of their mouths today we’d think these people belong in insane asylums.

6 months ago

Sorry last remark about Wali he is man of low distinction with morals who fail as soldier to meet his duty and be sent to combat zone with his subordinates!

6 months ago

Kama is who slept her way through California and Wali is great being a person who ran her career with stolen valor! These two a wonder!

6 months ago

if she told the truth, like that will ever happen, even the dumbest dumb as crap wouldn’t vote for her or any dumb as crap

6 months ago


6 months ago

Tim the VP Nominee, it just kills me when he comes out on stage at a Rally and does the two handed wave, two hands up in the air and when he puts his hand over his heart. I mean really, this is too much. Oh and then he brags up KamaLALA, so when she comes out the crowd is already wound up to see her. I mean really? How put on everything is, it’s a joke. Their bubble is going to burst soon. They both are phonies, America wake up, we need Trump back in the Whitehouse where he belonged all along. GO TRUMP 2024!!

6 months ago

She reminds me of a satire on TV years ago.
They had a mock election…
The person that was running for the mock presidency promised as their monologue…
………..So vote for me!
Oh brother!

6 months ago

Just because Harris is the Nominee for President, they are acting like she is a whole new person with all new policies. What policies? She doesn’t have any, this is why she won’t talk about them. She is a phony and laughs, this is serious our Country is in trouble and all she does is laughs. She says what people want to hear and talks with the talk but doesn’t walk with the walk. It’s like she is in LaLa Land. She is trying to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes, and there will be some that believe her, but there will be more that don’t. Her honeymoon is almost over, people will see the real fraud that she is. GO TRUMP!!

6 months ago

she’s not brite enough to understand them or we’ve already fallen to globalism and are being “eased into it peacefully. God Help Us ……… And He does! maybe soon, i hope!

6 months ago

after seeing her operate everyday we now understand why biden ended up in Depends.

6 months ago

MZ Harris is soon to be gone from any Democrat ticket because she has been found to be useless in their campaign to win anything.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
6 months ago

She is supposed to lie. She is a politiian. Kyle L.

Jimmy Page
Jimmy Page
6 months ago

Because her policies don’t poll well! Its also why I think polling should be eliminated. Stick to your PRINCIPLES AND VALUES… that is what we really want anyway !

6 months ago

Summary of DNC in 4 words:
Joy Hype – No Substance

Lover of America and GOD!
Lover of America and GOD!
6 months ago

Have you noticed… all the Females at the DNC are wearing slacks? Doesn’t seem at all feminine to me! (and I’m a female)! I try to wear dresses or skirts when I go out (and believe me at 79, it’s sometimes hard) My 58 (yep) husband prefers women in dresses or skirts! – so I try to please him!


6 months ago

or, just wait til they show up at your front door.

6 months ago

Got to hand it to her, she’s sticking to what she does best!!

strongly opinionated
strongly opinionated
4 months ago

It is sad what America is coming to. personally in my opinion; WHY DO WE HAVE A JUGHEADED, TWO FACED ,HYPICRICKET ,THAT SHOULD BE IN A NURSING HOME RUNNING FOR PRESIDENCY! and the bible says that a lady(if you can call her that) should be in the home, not in a high place of power only meant for a man! thank you for reading!

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