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Why Is One Republican Senator Working with Democrats to Nationalize CRT?

Posted on Thursday, April 21, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive-By Seamus Brennan

Nearly six months out from what could be the most significant midterm victory for the GOP in more than a decade, common sense would suggest that Congressional Republicans would be more determined than ever to oppose unpopular progressive ideas like Critical Race Theory (CRT). But, perplexingly, one Republican senator is taking the opposite approach and playing directly into Democrats’ hands on the hot-button issue of education.

Rather than finding ways to fend off Democrats’ eagerness to impose CRT, gender ideology, and other progressive academic “theories” on children throughout the nation, Senator John Cornyn, the senior United States Senator for Texas, has instead opted to join progressive Democrats in paving the way for more leftism in education.

In March of 2021, as the national debate over CRT in schools was just heating up, Cornyn co-sponsored the “Civics Secures Democracy Act” (CSDA), a “bipartisan” legislative effort that would “support and expand access to civics and history education.” As benign and well-intentioned as the bill may appear on the surface, however, if passed, it could effectively mandate the teaching of CRT and other left-wing ideologies in American classrooms.

As Stanley Kurtz of National Review recently observed, CSDA is virtually equivalent to “Common Core 2.0” and would “set pro-CRT leftists up as the arbiters of a de facto national curriculum.” Kurtz proceeds to point out that the legislation is undergoing a revision process intended to make its provisions seem less radical and foreboding than they truly are. A draft version of a revised bill relies predominantly upon vague terms that would still leave wide open the possibility for leftists to exploit the bill to their advantage.

The revised draft directs the U.S. Department of Education, for instance, to prioritize grant proposals from entities that are “traditionally underserved”—including “underrepresented minorities.” The proposed draft would similarly compel the Secretary of Education to “close gaps in civic knowledge and achievement among traditionally underserved students.”

Though these provisions sound largely unobjectionable at first glance, the left has demonstrated time and time again that every time it invokes seemingly imprecise language like “traditionally underserved” or “gaps in civic knowledge,” it has very specific definitions for these terms in mind. As recent history clearly shows, the left’s manipulation of such language almost always incorporates historically revisionist accounts of the American founding, which paint the United States as a systemically racist country defined solely by its “oppression” of racial minorities.

Following the public release of the revised CSDA draft, the Civics Alliance, which is affiliated with the National Association of Scholars (NAS), published an open letter urging Congress to oppose the CSDA if it is formally introduced. “We want our message to Congress to come across loud and clear,” NAS wrote on its website in a recap of the letter. “We see the Civics Secures Democracy Act for what it is, and we will not let it go unchallenged.”

“In practice, the Civics Secures Democracy Act will enable the federal government to impose both Critical Race Theory and ‘Action Civics’—vocational training for ideologically partisan protest and lobbying—upon America’s schools,” the letter states. “Now that the teaching of ‘civics’ has been heavily politicized by the introduction of Critical Race Theory and Action Civics, it is more important than ever that the federal government remove itself from this arena and allow America’s states and localities to set their own education policies, particularly when it comes to standards and curriculum.”

The left’s well-documented ambitions to take over K-12 education with curricula like CRT, Kurtz indicates, cannot be fully comprehended without considering what he describes to be the “most influential book on the new civics”—Meira Levinson’s controversial No Citizen Left Behind. Kurtz writes that Levinson, whose book first introduced the concept of “gaps” in civic knowledge, believes that in order to “close” such gaps, we must “abandon the traditional view of American history.” For Levinson, Kurtz continues, this traditional view of history is rejected by large swaths of racial minorities, and therefore, it “must be abandoned.”

Because Levinson understands that the vast majority of Americans are unlikely to accept her civics reform plan, she has advocated for a so-called legislative “rhetorical tweaking.” This “tweaking,” Levinson hopes, would be convincing enough to mislead conservatives and moderates into supporting efforts along the lines of the CSDA. One can expect to see the latest instance of this “rhetorical tweaking” if a revised version of the CSDA is formally introduced.

“It’s tough to see what distinguishes Levinson’s understanding of civics from national suicide,” Kurtz continued. “Yet these are the views of today’s premier ‘expert’ on the ‘civic empowerment gap,’ a concept that may soon be written into federal law.”

Why, therefore, would any Republican senator greenlight legislation that would permit Joe Biden and Congressional Democrats to nationalize the teaching of CRT, smear their country as systemically racist, and redefine the meaning of civics altogether? What reason is there to believe that this project and others like it will yield anything other than more CRT, more race essentialism, and more flawed and divisive retellings of the American founding? Cornyn was wrong to sponsor the original CSDA bill, and he or any other Republican would be making a terrible mistake if they were to introduce an ostensibly new and improved CSDA that was nevertheless filled with bogus revisions—even as they claim that the problems had been fixed.

Republicans stand on the cusp of a potential midterm victory that would enable them to stop the CRT and progressive “equity” agendas from advancing any further at the federal level. But, as Cornyn may soon come to realize, Republican voters are unlikely to reward their party if its own members are the ones responsible for advancing such policies.

If conservatives are serious about stopping CRT, they should urge Senator Cornyn to revoke his co-sponsorship of the original CSDA altogether, disavow its new “revisions,” and ultimately commit to preventing the spread of CRT, gender ideology, and other far-left academic theories at every level of government—even in spite of any “rhetorical tweaking” efforts that the left may make.

In what looks to be a promising year for Republican Party, anything else would amount to political self-destruction.

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Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

Senator Cornyn ( RINO ) of Texas needs to go & I mean yesterday! It is RINO hunting season & this traitor to the GOP Patriotic cause has to go & I mean promptly…He is every bit as shady as Romney, former McCain of AZ, Cheney & numerous other RINO’s immediately within our midst…
Cornyn is every bit the fox in the henhouse with respect to Texas politics, time to go sir, quietly…
Bill… :~)

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

RINOs always aid Dems day 1

2 years ago

Send him a message on his website. Call him up. Let him know that America knows what a traitor he is to our country and that he does not deserve the office that he was voted into. Let him know that [if you live in TX] you will not be voting for him again.

Most importantly: SPREAD THE WORD!! The best way to stop this crap is to vote these jag-offs OUT of office!!

2 years ago

I can hardly believe what I just read about a supposedly Republican so called conservative politician is for CRT for our schools!! I say Cronyn needs to go..

Nobody’s Business
Nobody’s Business
2 years ago

He’s probably doesn’t know he’s a man , forgot to look in his pants.

Linda L Rath
Linda L Rath
2 years ago

I absolutely do not know why Texans keep voting for this man. He is useless as a senator. I may start voting for a democrat for his seat. Couldn’t be any worse than he is. At least with a dem, you know what you’re getting. Cornyn ONLY votes conservatively when he’s up for re-election.

Bob L.
Bob L.
2 years ago

By John’s 62% rating in The Freedom Index and a 59% on his Numbers USA scorecard. , I guess he qualifies as a moderate, not a Conservative. I’ve never been impressed with him as a politician. He’s been one of the “vote for the lesser of two evils” candidates.

James Thompson
James Thompson
2 years ago

Why? And there’s more then one, they pay them more then we do.

Michael F. Burke Sr.
Michael F. Burke Sr.
2 years ago

The reason is, in spite of the fact that most of us on the Constitutional right had a great respect and trust in Senator Cornyn it turns out in the end he’s just another Asshat on display. I honestly don’t understand his reasoning or lack of for that matter but what do I know? I’m just another John W. Public.

2 years ago

The State of Texas is a non-CRT State! Why would this Rino not represent the state that he represents. Bet he take big teacher union money.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

I am totally mystified by Cornyn’s strong support of hateful ideas such as CRT and fanatical gender activism. Perhaps, he is too concerned with being politically correct at the expense of rational thought and critical analyses of various social and political ideas.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

To the censors, please actually read my comment ASAP — since I have written nothing illogical, unpatriotic, or vulgar.

Texas Resister 64
Texas Resister 64
2 years ago

I just sent a message to Cornyn asking him to confirm one way or another his position. As “my” senator, I actually donated money to his campaign. It’s hard to believe he is this stupid.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

We must remind people that the operative word is not critical or race but “theory”.

Gen Grant
Gen Grant
2 years ago

CRT is being funded by China and Russia internally here in our country, to foster hate and tribalism throughout America. It is a Marxist theory, designed to cause disunity in America.


Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
2 years ago

Dang Cornyn! I have to contact him!

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

Education is a LOCAL and state issue. Shut down Jimmy Carter’s Department of “Education” and send the money back to the states. Local PARENTS should choose the curricula for their schools!

2 years ago

Sadly, most of our Senators AND Representatives forget that they were elected to carry out the requests of “we the people” that are paying their ridiculous salaries. THEY chose to vote or not vote what THEY want.

2 years ago

Unfortunately, RINOs can’t help themselves when it comes to walking across the aisle to support regressive Democrat legislation.

2 years ago

We need to take control away from the government and put it back into the states where it belongs.

Ed Black
Ed Black
2 years ago

My first question is: Why is Congressional members even involved with dictating Educational curriculum? Where in the Constitution does it say the Federal government will set school policies? This should be parents (you know… those “domestic terrorists”, school boards and the states. This is a State Rights issue and DC needs to stay out of it!
Stop Federal over-reach!
Take back control from an out-of-touch Federal government beholding to lobbyists and unions; return control back to the states, local school boards and the people/parents! 
Article V empowers the States to put forward Amendments! A Convention of States. This starts with us the people. 
– Impose fiscal restraints on the federal government
– Limit the terms of office for its officials and for members of Congress
– Limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government
Congress will never fix these issues.
Become informed and engaged consider this movement which is already millions of Americans strong and growing. Consider signing the petition.

Judy K.
Judy K.
2 years ago

If millions of Americans don’t march on Washington DC demanding this current traitorous administration start obeying our Constitutional laws, this country is sunk. We cannot depend on our election processes any longer due to the criminal element in higher offices of government. Millions of Americans have a voice, hundreds do not!! This is what it is going to take. Americans have become so uneducated, fat, lazy, and complacent over the last 50 years with the influx and bombardment of anti-moral Liberal Leftist social porn and evil desires; the MSM leading the way! Killing the unborn has gone on for decades. Now, actually satanic state leaders are working to pass laws to allow babies to die up to 28 days after being born. Sick doesn’t seem to suffice to describe the mind that can do such a thing. How did we allow so many Sociopaths in our countries state governments?? In our entire White House government?? Unamericans are invading our country and pushing Americans down the rabbit hole! They’re being supported, and we are being robbed BY A SATAN CONTROLLED REGIME!!! We need to start pushing this information how ever we can for Americans to stand up and march on Washington DC!!
Millions will make a difference, but it has to happen NOW!!!

2 years ago

This is a good reason to dissolve, abolish, eliminate the department of education. Government is too big for comfort.

Jane CA
Jane CA
2 years ago

Texas is a great state and the citizens have a right to remove Cornyn from office as he does not represent the people of the Great State of Texas!!

2 years ago

The Constitution left the duties not addressed to the States, it did not give Education responsibility to the Federal Government. Since the Feds took over States and School Districts have been threatened with withholding funding if they don’t comply with teaching certain things like Common Core CRT, and now sexually inappropriate materials starting as low as Kindergarten age. The responsibility for education NEEDS to be returned to the states and hopefully the majority of them will go back to teaching reading, writing, math, science, history, and Civics and return to testing to make sure that a student is working at grade level and should move to the net class or graduate. Our education today appears to be a soapbox for opinionated teachers rather than actually teaching responsibly. If they cant do that, then any money that funds the child’s education, should be provided so a parent can enroll the child in a private school or home teaching programs.

2 years ago

I wonder what Republican will replace Cornyn when he next comes up for reelection. Maybe he has already decided not to run again and retire.

2 years ago

Texas….you know what you need to do.

2 years ago

“CRT – Kids, it will make you like you were never born”. It appears the first generation of trans’d kids are coming of age, and many (most) are clinically depressed, unahppy with their transition, some even suicidal becuase they are not sexually functioning, and of course, none can procreate.

CRT pushing trans like they do in CA, is like a post birth abortion. The end of that familial DNA line. Like they were never born.

Nill T
Nill T
2 years ago

Democrats all stay together, Rhinos always help them with everything. Republicans get in office, they still help the democrats?

Brian Brady
Brian Brady
2 years ago

GOP base is getting played by Kurtz and others creating a phantom Bogeymen in CRT and Action Civics. Notice how students and teachers from these classrooms are never interviewed? Because Action Civics is simply asking students to follow the issues and decisions made in their local community and to prepare to be a participating citizen. The number one issue kids choose to work on in Action Civics classrooms is how to reduce bullying in their schools. OMG, clutch my pearls, says Kurtz. Kids trying to reduce bullying is Communism! Don’t believe the hype. Kurtz hasn’t visited a classroom in 40 years and knows nothing of what’s actually happening in schools. As for CRT, 99% of teachers have zero idea what the heck that is and CRT is simply tossed out to play on racial fears of whites. You are being played. It is all a strategy to use fearmongering to kill public education (vouchers anyone) and to drive turnout at midterms. It may be working but it’s all complete fiction.

2 years ago

The renaming of Texas to texafornia

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
2 years ago

Sent in my letter this morning. He obviously doesn’t know what this CRT teaches. I sure told him, having seen what they teach on the internet. Upset me royally. Told him he also needs to look into the background of the author of the theory of the CRT, I’m not going to do the work for him, why would he believe me? He needs to do it himself.

2 years ago

bills with poison pills must be voted down.

2 years ago

Sometimes I wonder if Cornyn even knows what he is co-sponsoring! He just co-sponsored The Bipartisan Borders Solution Act with Senator Sinema that “DOES NOT ADDRESS BORDER SECURITY!!!!!!!” But only addresses how to process illegals once they cross the border. REALLY?

He needs to start paying attention or get out of office.

2 years ago

When was the first time you discussed transsexuals, race and inequality. For me these emerged in the past couple of years. Primarily pointed out by people who are homophobic or someone who is a closet LQBT-WXYZ or someone that is racist, black, white, brown, yellow or red or has a resentment toward wealth or perceived wealth. In other words my way or the highway.The American constitution, which is a document that is not included in any of the Civic Studies in question; however, is the foundation and protection for a free people. The Constitution is the only document in the world that insists the people covered have a right to pursue happiness, freedom of speech, freedom to protect your family and self from harm and the freedom to choose our representation where we live, states, to work as a federal government to protect the citizens of the United States and their rights and privileges as a citizen.Trying to provide federal governmental control over education is not in our Constitution. Neither is and obligation to sexual preference or rights over one color or another and nothing about abortion as a right, which is an issue of morality and law. Murder is the taking of life. Therefore, the law is clear and Murder is illegal. Moral and legal issues are left to each state to uphold. Each state, where citezens live and vote, is where morality and laws are set, not the federal level.Education is also a state issue. Since Hilary Clinton started trying to make education the responsibility of the Federal government and supporting unions at a federal level, which established a right, by political design, to dumb down education in America and stymie free thinking and self development, which was designed into a goal and reward driven education. This was the beginning of the participation trophy rewards, and began replacing parental responsibility for children’s education and success. It’s like the Bell curve for grading. The bell curve left no child behind, but put high school children on the street who couldn’t make change, write a check, tally a check book, build a budget or even read and retain what was read at a 6th grade level.The education failures over the past 4 decades occurred because parents stopped taking responsibility for their children and gave them up Unions, goggle, twitter and failure. You don’t have to have a blue blood education to be successful, after all sports figures have made millions, until they have to fill out an employment review and can’t.The people who are trying to impose CRT, gender ideology, and other progressive academic “theories” on children are out of touch with American values. The Americans who have blood in the sand and generations of service and support are the people who share American values like freedom and responsibilities, as outlined and provided for them in our Constitution and Bill of Rights. At this point we have representation in our government who have no Blood in the Sand and may have just became an American citizen because of loop holes or benefited by resident voting not American citizen voting using mail-in ballots and harvested. These tactics have been successful in the past, but no longer. It is time all of us looked at these topics and reviewed our common sense values and understandings and put the federal government back to protecting Americans and American interests. If America wasn’t the greatest country in the world why would our boarders be the most valued by the rest of the world. Stop these hate programs now! These doctrines are hate programs used to build discourse. They falsely identify hate programs as viable, allowing people to blame their failures on others or other practices that allow them to escape their own responsibilities. In many cases they offer opportunities for financial gains, but who pays the tap. A bucket with holes in it won’t bring much water to the garden. Common sense, take responsibility in November and again in 2024. NO RESIDENT VOTING!!!!

2 years ago

He’ll be voted Out!

2 years ago

He is crazy, he will be voted out!

2 years ago

Perhaps he is a RHINO? Definitely NOT a true American. See ya’ Senator Cornyn!

2 years ago

Because he is used to sucking the straight skin of Marxist Nazi’s.

2 years ago

Perhaps the money is better than representing peopling the district, because his decision supporting CRT he has got to go!!

Chris Barnes
Chris Barnes
2 years ago

I hope there is a true conservative looking at this seat. We need patriots right now more than ever to retake this country and permanently write into legislation new laws prohibiting this kind of socialist,dangerous type of thinking, PERMANENTLY!

2 years ago

100% agree!!!

2 years ago

Just how in this world would a staunch Republican like Cronyn be coerced into a national nightmare if passed? It’s clear the Democrats are out to destroy our Constitutional Republic and education system too! This is WHY EDUCATION MUST BE RETURNED TO EACH STATE!

Mark L
Mark L
2 years ago

It’s all BS.! Everything CRT stands for is not supported by most of the Country just ask them!

David Maddox
David Maddox
2 years ago

It must be understood that the states created the Federal government, not the other way around.

2 years ago

Texas need to shitcan him.

Jeff Noncent
Jeff Noncent
2 years ago

The Devil try to attack what he can not win

2 years ago

Jon Cornyn will sign his own political demise on this one. ‘Traditionally underserved’, ‘underrepresented’, ‘gaps in civic knowledge’, and ‘oppression’ are trigger words used frequently by the left. Kudos to NAS to question and act. Words are used to confuse, destable, and revise American history. It will further propagate racism, hate mongering, and far left”academia theories” already being taught in colleges and universities by far left ‘professors’. Why are the democrats and RINOS NOT working on bringing people together instead of segregating them? Control? Change history? Corrupt people’s minds? Has John Cornyn even used CRITICAL thought on this one?

Rich C
Rich C
2 years ago

Can you say RHINO? Just another part of the swamp.

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