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Who Turned the Lights Out? Joe Biden

Posted on Thursday, May 4, 2023
by Outside Contributor

Does the radical climate change agenda know no end? Earlier this year, it was gas stoves – and then lightbulbs.

Then, a few weeks ago, President Joe Biden’s administration announced much less gas cars after 2032. Even though about half of Americans say they don’t want an electric car and only 6% of drivers are buying them.

But that was child’s play compared to the latest Biden scheme to shut down as many as half our electric power plants across the country. These are the plants that charge those Tesla batteries and cellphones. They also keep the lights on in our factories, schools, hospitals, stores, and homes and power the internet. Further, they cook our food and keep us warm at night. No, that power doesn’t just come magically from the socket in the wall.

Most of the electric power supply in America and around the world comes from fossil fuels. Coal, gas and oil power plants account for more than 60% of the electric power we use in the United States today. Only about 20% comes from wind and solar power.

Hold that thought. Because the Biden administration has announced what The Washington Post calls a plan to “drastically reduce (power plant) greenhouse gas emissions.” These cuts are so stringent that most of our gas- and coal-fired plants would be technologically incapable of complying. But here’s what’s sinister: That’s the point of these rules – to wrench fossil fuels from our energy supply altogether.

Our electric grid system is already stressed to the limits. States that have tried to switch to green energy – California comes to mind – are having to undergo dangerous blackouts and brownouts. This is what happens in Third World countries. It isn’t supposed to happen here. 

Where are we going to get the electric power to charge 150 million EVs every night? From windmills? Remember, these new Environmental Protection Agency rules come just weeks after Biden announced cars would soon no longer be fueled with gas, oil or diesel. Yet now, we are going to shut down more power plants? 

financial planning

The Biden administration says that coal and gas plants will have to pay for carbon offsets to make up for their carbon emissions. Who’s going to pay for that? We all will with much higher utility bills. 

If you want to cripple an industrial economy like that of the U.S., a good way to do so is to dismantle its energy supply. Who is the president residing in the White House these days? Joe Biden or Dr. Evil? 

No country has cleaned its air more than the U.S. has over the last many decades. The Institute for Energy Research reports that our air pollution emissions – including lead, sulfur, carbon monoxide and particulates – have fallen by a combined 74% over the past 50 years. We have the cleanest air in any of our lifetimes.

Even our carbon dioxide emissions have fallen in recent years more than any other country, thanks to natural gas production. We aren’t the problem. China is, and you can be sure they’re not doing anything to slow their economy.

These new EPA regulations aren’t about breathing cleaner air or changing the temperature of the planet. They are a dangerous assault on the American free enterprise system and U.S. global leadership.

Biden thinks his legacy will be as the president who fought global warming. 

Wrong. He will go down in history as the president who turned the lights out on the U.S. economy. 

Stephen Moore is a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation and a co-founder of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity. His latest book is “Govzilla: How the Relentless Growth of Government Is Devouring Our Economy.”

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1 year ago

Your statement, “This is what happens in Third World countries. It isn’t supposed to happen here.” is exactly what the liberal energy policy makers want to happen in the US. In their view, the US needs to experience first hand what it is like to be a Third World country. ‘Clean energy’ is just another means of achieving the greater goal of knocking down the US model of power individual excellence by guaranteeing opportunity, but not outcome. Thank you for writing this.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Excellent article.
Still waiting on those Solar jobs that were supposed to magically appear the day after Beijing biden killed our ENERGY INDEPENDENCE on 1-20-21.
All the Oil Workers are still waiting for the High paying jobs from the Solar Power FANTASY WORLD.
The Global Warming lie is just that…A Lie. There is too much evidence in history including geological history that proves their Global Warming lie is nothing but a SCAM.
Funny how they pick 1.5 degrees Celsius for increase in 100 years. Best part is that NONE of them knows what life will be like in 100 years yet along they’ll be alive.
They still haven’t answered the questions of ALL the Natural things that will happen changing earth’s climate such as earthquakes, volcano eruptions, Orbit changes, Reversal of the Poles, Solar flares, asteroid impacts, unknown impacts from Outer Space, Mini Ice Age to Full Ice Age.
Their FANTASY WORLD of saying only the U.S. can stop it when the planet is bigger and heals itself like it has from the beginning of time.
You only see and hear it from one Communist Party…Democrats.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Biden policies are Anti energy
We Lose
& we need Nuclear & Thorium reactors OK

1 year ago

Please, please, I request if you are measuring something use ‘less’ – if you are counting something (think cars) use fewer.

Ron St. Martin
Ron St. Martin
1 year ago

China Joe has got to go!

Mama the Great
Mama the Great
1 year ago

Does anyone proof these writers? Call me! I can help. Case in point: “…announced much less gas cars…” Should be ‘fewer’

1 year ago

Team Biden and the Democrats are just facilitating the whole “You will own nothing and be happy” ideology of the world’s globalists pushing for world-wide socialism and the drastic reduction of the human population on the planet. All to protect the planet of course, as they all make money hand over fist from this artificial “crisis”.

When 99.9999 percent of the world’s population has been reduced to starving masses huddling in the dark, either freezing to death or baking to death from the lack of any sort of means to protect themselves from the weather, then the 0.0001 percent that will be living quite well will declare “the crisis” of climate change solved. They will own everything worth owning on the planet and control virtually every means of production on the planet. That is exactly how this scheme is supposed to play out in the end. That the vast majority of the people of the world apparently seem prepared to go along with what will be the end of modern civilization and the mass genocide of humanity without any real pushback is amazing.

Learn Chinese, as they will be the ultimate winner of this ludicrous joke on humanity. As we dismantle our energy infrastructure and make ourselves more and dependent on China for virtually everything, they are building a new coal-fired power plant every 6 days and are building 100 new nuclear power stations to power their country for the next 200 years.

1 year ago

If Biden and all the money grubbing globalist don’t go to hell, there probably isn’t one… I’m bet there is

1 year ago

Chances are very high that China, India, Russia and Africa will do absolutely nothing about climate change so everything America and Europe do will be negated. We all lose.

Jim P.
Jim P.
1 year ago

National suicide and “80,000,000” “legal” “voters” voted for this.

John Riley
John Riley
1 year ago

Sun beams, sea breezes and unicorn farts.

1 year ago

You mean “unelected, fake Catholic of the criminal Biden family mafia”? I don’t know any “president Joe Biden”.I’m getting I, for one, am getting really sick of this destructive traitor being allowed to get away with this stuff. So, my prayers are things will miraculously move quickly into God’s plan.

Sevcik Vern
Sevcik Vern
1 year ago

Again – enough already. We cannot continue this barage of executive orders from a person who doesn’t remember what he ate for breakfast. The green new deal is a wish list, not a plan to move toward a new way to power this economy

1 year ago

Socialist Joe will no doubt just stuff the money into the Biden family pockets along with his cronies and laugh at us. House of reps, it’s time stop the mad administrative order factory. No more politics, this country is dying.

Sean Richman
Sean Richman
1 year ago

Sloppy joey is in the process of giving back to the so called”elites”that have investments in alternative energy whether he destroys our country or not,he and his handlers couldn’t care less.

1 year ago

Completely following the dictates of the Chinese Communist Party and the World Economic Forum. This entire administration and leadership (as appropriate) of both parties should be brought on trial for treason. They are willfully destroying America while China fills the vacuum.

1 year ago

I’m surprised this writer uses the confusing and inaccurate term “fossil fuels.” That term was coined by the oil companies to create a false sense of rarity of petroleum products in order to inflate the price. It would be nice to see a write up of the various and sundry ways the powers that be have misused our language to garner false belief.

1 year ago

It nonetheless and still baffles me why we are so averse to nuclear power. It is the cleanest source of energy and provides a significant power supply. I understand there are problems as noted from the past, however, we learn from mistakes.

George M
George M
1 year ago

Bidens a Idiot .

1 year ago

This is a comment from a person in S Africa on a photo from a group I follow. Loadshedding is mandatory power shut down due to power suppliers not being able to meet the countries demands. Seems like where we are headed since this administration took over. “What a nightmare we are living in. We were a first world country.. when ANC took over, they have gutted everything through corruption and incompetence resulting in South Africa now beiing a 3rd world country. Our loadshedding today is 6 hours this morning and 6 hours late this afternoon. But we walk bravely and we cannot lose Hope.” If we let biden and his handlers have their way, this could be us soon.

Susan Muller
Susan Muller
1 year ago

He is being backed by big money and he is being paid off BIG. Meanwhile, we are sliding further down the slope which is getting darker and colder.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

They want Americans immobile just like we were still on COVID lockdown. Wonder how many “days to flatten the curve” of climate change it will take?

Mario Capparuccini
Mario Capparuccini
1 year ago

Joseph Biden, and the entire Democratic Party, are abject failures. Yet, the people love them dearly and vote for them, including the dead and illegal aliens. This is the future. I grieve for my children and grandchildren.

Pat R
Pat R
1 year ago

At 81 and having grown up in a booming USA of freedom, promise and accomplishment, these articles/what is happening today sound like I’m reading fiction. But fiction it isn’t. I dare say when my generation is gone, not that we’re doing much fighting against this due to age & physical inability, but because we hold on and verbally share our patriotism, the circling of the water down the drain will quicken exponentially.

It is sad we did not recognize and stop the indoctrination/brainwashing going on in society (via colleges/universities all the way down to public elementary schools, MSM, etc.) until today it is a growing force almost too strong to combat. It seems perhaps already too strong to fight and win. I pray someday soon a force will rise up to fight and win our nation back to the place our founders envisioned.

1 year ago

Climate change is just another marxist democrat party lie.
Remember with useless obama billions of tax dollars were stolen with so called new energy companies like solandra and in months thet were bankrupt and gone.
Those criminals activities were Never followed up or prosecuted???
This lie is the marxist democrat party’s next funding opportunity.

1 year ago

The man is a complete idiot. The only thing he has done is to destroy our sovereign borders, destroy our economy, destroy our energy independence, destroy our personal freedoms, destroy our hard earned retirement savings, destroy the family as ordained by God; and destroy children with their sick, perverted agenda! He’s the destroyer of all things good. He’s Satan on earth.

Kayleen Hansford
Kayleen Hansford
1 year ago

He knows full well what he is doing. My question is WHY HAS CONGRESS NOT FILED FOR IMPEACHMENT YET? They have plenty of good valid reason to. I am disappointed in Jim Jordan I don’t think he realizes the need for swiftness here. We really wont come out OK if he stays thru end of his term. We might as well have the president of China. HAS ANYONE ASKED THEMSELVES WHY ARE THE DEMOCRATS NOT CONCERNED ABOUT HAVING A STRONG CANDIDATE IN PLACE FOR 2024???? BECAUSE THEY ARE GOING TO MANUFACTURE SOMETHING THAT WILL STOP US FROM HAVING AN ELECTION……WATCH. wake up America EVERYONE PLEASE WAKE UP

1 year ago

IF this is not a perfect illustration of the tyranny of the administrative state I don’t know what is. Where in the world does a president get this power? Because it’s delegated to the EPA by Congress. Congress must take back responsibility for major decisions affecting our lives or we will live under tyranny of the radicals running the puppet Biden administration.

1 year ago

Democrats are living in a Dream World in believing the BS being dished out. The president does not have the power he claims to have if he really respects the Constitution of our Republic. I want to know who is really pulling the strings. Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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