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Who Leaked Dobbs?

Posted on Tuesday, April 18, 2023
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

How can a stunning leak by someone within the Supreme Court, a crime putting Justices’ lives at risk, roiling the nation, mocking rule of law – remain unsolved, forgotten? The leak of Dobbs – which overturned Roe v. Wade – must be solved, and likely can be, despite self-investigation failing.

The Dobbs opinion was deliberately leaked by someone within the four walls of the Supreme Court, almost killing a Supreme Court Justice. The source of the leak was within, or that seems the conclusion of an internal inquiry that interviewed 100 persons with connection to the draft.

Still, as if it were a mere clerical error, or semi-permissible breach, the inquiry came up empty and everyone shrugged – at the Highest Court in the Land, public discussion over. Why?

In the real world, people go to work, get sweaty, and also get held to high standards if someone violates the law – every effort made to catch them. Shrugs are not permitted. So, why here?

The reason crooks get caught when it counts is that investigators do not settle. They use computer diagnostics, sophisticated backtracking, every tool in their chest, polygraphs to fingerprints, time records to elevator cameras, even telephone and digital records kept by the National Security Agency, to at the truth – which deters future bad acts.

Where can that possibly be more important – for stakes and by definition – than at the Supreme Court. Needed is a serious relook at what is going on as to this unsolved Dobbs leak.

To date, we have had a simple, non-invasive, polite, genteel inquiry, thoughtful interviews conducted with preening deference to the dignity of the Court, no polygraphs, no pulling NSA data, no turning over cell phones or invasive searches of homes of clerks and left-leaning justices who might have profited from the early release, aiming to intimidate their conservative peers.

Why not? If this is what is clearly is – a massive breach of honor and law, not occurring at any prior time in 200 years, a flagrant, dangerous attack on the High Court, why handle it this way?

The question lingers, and will until the perpetrator is identified, caught, prosecuted, convicted, and sentenced, no matter who they are.

And why – pray tell – do you think this is not happening? Consider the backdrop – a Justice Department that continues to arrest peaceful protestors against abortion, refuses to arrest anyone for dozens of attacks on churches and pro-life services – because they “occur at night.”

Really? Mr. Attorney General, are we to imagine that crimes occurring “at night” get a pass? If one may be so bold, what percentage occur at night? Is there some provision in the federal code that gives their perpetrators a pass? If so, I missed that provision in law school.

No, anti-conservative, anti-church, anti-prolife bias in this Justice Department and White House, is transparent. Supreme Court Justices were put at risk by an AG who would not enforce the law – and we now know he advised against any “arrests,” if possible.

This is the same AG who is apparently considering surveillance of “Catholic churches,” since they adhere to “traditionalist” ideas, and thus may be “domestic terrorists,” like those terrible parents who speak up for their children at school board meetings, and oppose the leftist ways.

Is it any wonder that the Biden crowd has no interest in getting to the bottom of who leaked the Dobbs opinion, which re-anchored reasoning in constitutional principle but upset the left?

Is it any wonder that the AG – when asked why he had not worked harder to protect Supreme Court Justices after the Dobbs draft was illegally released – said he did not like the job, would prefer to give it to others, maybe put security back on the Court itself?

So back we come to the question: If we have the forensic tools – tough, hard-hitting, truth-finding tools – to assess, pursue, doggedly search and find the leaker of Dobbs, why not do it?

Forgive the audacity, inspired by so many excuses these days from this White House and Justice for not doing what they could, what others have, and what the American People expect of them.

Bottom line: My past coincidentally includes clerking on a US Court of Appeals, which required – as the High Court does – honor and honesty, no excuses. The leaker violated that in the extreme. The release was a bold crime – it deserves solving because it affects the future.

Thus, the inquiring, unforgetting citizen has a right to ask: Why have we not dedicated ourselves to the task of finding and prosecuting the Dobbs leaker? If not now, when? If not, why not?

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman2 for AMAC.

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1 year ago

Jeremiah 17:9-10

1 year ago


Given the very small potential list of suspects that would have had access to the document, if the authorities really wanted to find out who leaked the document and then prosecute them, the whole thing could have been wrapped up in a matter of days from an investigation perspective. The sad reality is the AG doesn’t want the leaker found, because that person helped fire up the Democrat voter base ahead of the midterms with an ample assist from the MSM. So to this Democrat administration, that person is a hero and thus will never face any accountability. So to answer the questions you posed at the end, as long as we have any Democrat sitting in the White House, this particular leak will go unresolved and the matter has already been brushed under the rug never to see the light of day again.

Rule of Law only exists when the Democrat Party find it politically useful. In this particular case, the leaker served a useful political purpose that helped accomplished the desired outcome for yet another election cycle. It’s nice to want the Rule of Law to be universally respected and applied, but those days are long gone here in the United States. There is a very long list of instances where those that helped advance the Democrat Party’s socialist agenda, through illegal activities, have escaped any real accountability over the years. We now live pretty much under the same sort of two-tiered justice system that is prevalent in most third-world banana republics and socialist / communist dictatorships.

Norma Smith
Norma Smith
1 year ago


1 year ago

Roberts appointed someone with a title and absolutely zero investigative experience to find the leaker. Surprise, surprise nothing was solved. Total waste of time and money. Military secrets leaked for months and nothing found until a newspaper did two days of investigating and revealed the leaker. Really impressive government we have.

1 year ago

I think it was the Jan 6th pipe bomber…

1 year ago

Yes, this does need to be solved and resolved. Do we have to wait for a Republican administration (by which time the evidence will be gone!)?

1 year ago

The only ones not investigated were the Justices so…………

John H
John H
1 year ago

What will it take to re-open or re-focus on the investigation? What about hiring an independent counsel, or even an independent investigator who could pursue leads to an end?

Brings us to the question…why is the Democrat Party so anti law enforcement but pro-criminal…including their law enforcement top management officials?

Incredibly Obvious
Incredibly Obvious
1 year ago

Dems/Libs are lawless from top to bottom. Their leaders are followed blindly and the MSM tells them what to think. They continue to accuse Conservatives of ehat they, in fact, are doing. Anything goes when they are not held responsible for their law breaking. The elites delightfully piss on the heads of taxpayers and accuse Patriots of being anti American. Deception after deception. Redirection after redirection. All the while hiding their true agenda for globalism, anti religion, protecting their sexual deviancy and spending tax money to oblivion. Meanwhile the Republican party bends over and takes it deep, pretending to save the majority from being incarcerated and destroyed.

1 year ago

It seems simple narrow the possible leaker(s). Conservatives had nothing to gain from a leak. So look to the Left.

1 year ago

They can find the Ukraine leaker in 2.2 seconds but not the leaker from the Supreme Court? BS.

Marc Ziegler
Marc Ziegler
1 year ago

Nothing will change in government until we stop the lying and dishonesty of elected officials. Knowingly lying to the public by the government should be a felony, punishable by fine and imprisonment! You want to see elected officials become saints over night when they talk, make them face jail time if they don’t tell the truth.

1 year ago

Could have been a hacker! Everything else is or has been hacked! Or it’s a Dem-o-rat swamp mole sniffing its way around the court!!!

1 year ago

I don’t trust anyone in the current administration for anything! I believe obiden’s Supreme Court nominee is a plant to leak information and stall rulings every way possible as well as rule against conservative and Christian values at every opportunity. All his nominees are chosen, not because they are intelligent and capable people, but because they are malleable, inexperienced, black and gay. I’m not being racist just calling it like it is. That goes for military cabinet members as well trying to advise on intelligence and military strategies when they have NO actual wartime experience fighting taliban etc. Someone needs to take the bull by the horn and shake the truth out of someone then charge, prosecute and imprison the traitor while they do what they can to remove brown from the Supreme Court and keep anymore of obiden’s nominees from being accepted to the Court or any other post as long as he’s in office.

As for the poor guy accused and arrested for the military secrets leak. This smells of democrats leaking for political and religious persecution in order to further their communist agenda of takeover and control and to obliterate the rights and freedoms our ancestors fought for!

Democrats and their agendas have to go!!

Rich Kvies
Rich Kvies
1 year ago

We, the people, are still not permitted to the whole truth about JFK.

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

Why hasn’t this come to a conclusion? Because the dems are investigating enough said.
Just like January 6th was created by the dems and are investigated by dems we will never know the truth. Just like who placed the pipe bombs on January 5th?
When you do the deed you are not going to investigate it.

1 year ago

We all know what the outcry from the left would be in any scenario anywhere if their operations were criminally breached. They protect the criminal class at every level of society whether violent or white collar. They protect their own ferociously like mama bear protects her cubs.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Lowly clerk?
Chief Justice
Insider job

1 year ago

Lock up the A until he decides he wants the perpetrator arrested. Guarantee you that you will see a change in his attitude!

heil biden
heil biden
1 year ago

TRUMP 2024

Paul W
Paul W
1 year ago

A very important, as well as accurate and thought provoking article, since so much of American has forgotten this atrocity due to the constant barrage of shiny objects that easily distract the not so informed populace. Gee…I wonder why so many of the Founders warned against a politically ignorant citizenry? Strange how they also haven’t been able to identify that J6 (actually, the night of the 5th) “bomber” either. garland’s performance as AG has been anti-justice and utterly fascistic; and that’s insulting to your average fascist!

Well done RBC.

1 year ago

This was leaked to serve a political agenda. That is why the perpetrator has never been found.

1 year ago

They spared no expense immediately finding the leaker about Ukraine which pointed out all the lies we are still being told. Makes them look bad and they got him quickly.

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
1 year ago

If anyone actually believes the “Dobbs leaker”, isn’t known is also stupid enough to buy the juvenile BS that Ukraine, the nation of church burning Nazis America has supported with hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars since 2014, is winning the conflict with Russia. You have to be really stupid to buy either line or someone waiting in the Adams Apple transplant list that Rachel Maddow has been standing in for years.
Don’t buy anything our “wonderful” government and their bought and paid for media tells you. If their lips are moving or if they put something in print……the opposite is true

1 year ago

Thanks for article, I have been wondering what happened to the investigation of how Dobbs opinion was leaked. That is very serious when the Supreme Court discussions of 9-justices are leaked to the public & one would think the FBI could nail this source down so that it never happens again.

1 year ago

Isn’t the world like television??? There, the FBI solves everything in one hour. The Airman recently arrested was stormed on by the FBI and Lord knows who else. From clips it appears they needed 20+ people to get him. Seems like they should be camping out at the Supreme Court. Birds chirping.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
1 year ago

Funny (odd, not humorous) how the young airman was found and arrested so quickly while the Dobbs leaker “can’t be found.” Could it be because the lame stream MEDIA was actually doing the FBI’s work because the airman EXPOSED Joke Biden’s failing foreign policy?
They wouldn’t want to expose the domestic terrorists of “Jane’s Revenge,” antifa, BLM, etc. would they?

1 year ago

All part of the marxist takeover that is currently underway.
“useful idiots” either wont understand or actually believe this is a good thing due to the brainwashing they have experienced.

1 year ago

I’s a safe bet that they have known all along who is responsible, and an even safer bet we won’t ever find out. That is how the socialist left works. Had it been someone from the right, they would have been tried, convicted and in prison right now.

1 year ago

In answer to why it appears so far to be a pass-on ignored event is that those involved don’t think the letter of the law applies to their wrongdoings only to those who opposed their viewpoint. Take the current committee that went to NYC to hear about the various ways DA Braggs doesn’t apply the judicial system correctly to the victims of the crimes committed by criminals who were not charged and allowed to stay free of any sentencing under the equity definition he uses and the Congressional Committee which included Schiff tried to turn the entire hearing into a rant about Trump because he didn’t want to admit there was any wrongdoing, Karma will come for these people.

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
1 year ago

The Supreme Court is being attacked by the CRAZY left as part of an all out war to defeat NORMAL Americans.. The soldiers have been getting away with terrific pressure on Supreme Court Justices even though it is not legal.
Nothing changed except the authority went back to the states where it belonged.
Right now Democrats think they are doing what it takes to win, but there are no curbs. While they are sneering and jeering at us, they have no thought that the damage they are doing has limits. At some point, outrage will explode.

1 year ago

Satan controls the world. The bible says this in several places. He is going all out, as his time is short. God is allowing it because most people don’t want God in their lives. People not aligned with God are Satan’s minions. God loves everyone, He sent His son, Christ Jesus to atone for our sins. However, God will only save those who want Him. If we confess we are sinners and ask Christ to save us, and mean it, we are saved. A lot of people will go into the tribulation where they will have a choice, but that will be a very difficult time. Now is the hour of decision, as Billy Graham said.

1 year ago

They found the DOD document leaker in two days….don’t tell me they can’t find the DOBBS leaker. They simply won’t!

1 year ago

Bob old buddy that’s a word salad of poop, to say John Roberts knows who and isn’t willing to do Jack %hit about it. Even though it almost cost a justice his life !.

1 year ago

My bet it was one of the Justices. Hence the silence, or lack of published findings. It would be too embarrassing to the court so the Chief Justice is squashing the report of the investigation. Odds are it is one of the liberal Justices. If it was one of the conservative Justices – that would get published. The left keeps trying to take down the conservative ones, and Chief Justice Roberts keeps kowtowing to the left. Just my two cents worth.

1 year ago

Looks like the FBI is looking with their eyes closed. No one on the left is interested in finding the leaker. They are sending a clear message to the Supreme Court not to vote against the Biden gestapo agenda.

1 year ago

Why does everyone believe it was a clerk? I have always believed, and still do, that it was one of the liberal justices on the court. They weren’t harassed or stalked. Liberals NEVER have worried about doing what is right when it doesn’t fit their ideology. So, even if they found out it was a justice, what can they do about it? They can’t be arrested for releasing their documents, can they? And even if they could be they would still be on the court unless impeached and removed. And if that is the case you will never get 67 senators, because you need demoncrats, to remove that person from the court.

N Giddens
N Giddens
1 year ago

One reason is that the perpetrator is a Justice, which would destroy the reputation of the court. However, he or she should be dealt with and the sooner the better.

1 year ago

Ketanji Brown Jackson confirmed by the U.S. Senate on April 7, 2022. On May 2, 2022, Politico released a draft of a majority opinion. not yet officially “sitting”, so the supreme court technically didn’t leak and can technically hide from having authority to disclose or punish. MPO is it was a condition of her confirmation. she still can’t come up with a definition of what a “woman” is. shape-shifter would be one definition.

PG Wist
PG Wist
1 year ago

Anyone in the deep state even looking?

Rebecca Moss
Rebecca Moss
1 year ago

They need J. Warner Wallace, cold case detective from Los Angeles to solve this mystery!

1 year ago

Another great article by Robert Charles. Our FBI, CIA et al could find who is responsible for most anything, if they wanted to! Criminals can almost always be caught today with the many tools they have including surveillance cameras everywhere and the smart phones everyone carries today.
The problem is that the FBI, CIA and others work for Bidum and his sycophants, who don’t want the perpetrator found. They might find he/she was asked/ordered to leak the SCOTUS draft by Bidum!

Beagle Boy
Beagle Boy
1 year ago

Of course Anarchist General Garland isn’t going to get involved in the Dobbs leak. It’s for the same reason he doesn’t prosecute Leftist politicians or Rioters who destroy cities, yet he’ll go after Parents who exorcise their 1st Amendment right to question Progressive School Boards or people that questioned the outcome of an election that was fraught with irregularities. What was the “One” thing he was denied by a Republican controlled Senate? He was denied a seat on that Supreme Court. From that day he seams to have made it his mission to disrupt “Legal“ proceedings for his own purposes. We dodged a very high caliber bullet when the Senate refused to consider his nomination. Be glad. As a Supreme Court Justice he’d have life tenure. As the Anarchist General he can and will be fired by the next Republican President.

1 year ago

If I had to guess? I think one of the liberal justices did it. Knowing they could get away with it

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