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What’s the Matter with Democrats?

Posted on Monday, November 25, 2024
by Walter Samuel

In June 2004, Tom Frank published a book entitled “What’s the Matter with Kansas?” At the time, his thesis that Republicans somehow manipulate social issues to “trick” working-class voters into voting against their own economic interests slipped under the radar.

Less than five months later, George W. Bush defeated John Kerry, and Frank’s book became a bestseller. More than that, his thesis became the organizing principle through which white liberal Democratic elites perceived American politics. Frank’s basic idea, especially the concepts that any issues liberals deem to be “cultural” are somehow “fake” and that Democrats are automatically favored on economic issues, has remained axiomatic even as it produced electoral disasters for the party in 2010, 2014, 2016, and 2024.

There is a lot wrong with Frank’s thesis. Its analysis of what constitutes a “social issue” is reductive, amounting in effect to taking issue with anyone who disagrees with the present liberal consensus and wants to talk about it. His definition of economic self-interest is reductive to a level that would embarrass Karl Marx. To Frank, voting for one’s economic self-interest comes down to voting for whomever will give you money and take it away from others, with no consideration for the overall health of the economy or any greater societal principles. Economic theory is, apparently, like “social issues” a distraction designed to trick voters into parting with their money.

Economic theory is not the only place where Frank’s bargain basement Marxism would embarrass Marx. Karl Marx described religion as the opiate of the masses, but those words were meant to express respect for a worthy foe rather than contempt. Marx understood the intense power of religion, hence the comparison with an opiate. He also fully understood that unless he broke or coopted religion, none of his economic manifestos would amount to anything.

Frank’s attitude, which has in large measure defined the Democratic Party’s attitude toward religion, is one of contempt. Marx saw religious belief as an obstacle. Modern Democrats increasingly view it as a fraud. Marx understood that religious individuals truly believed regardless of whether he shared that faith. Inherent to Frank’s thesis is that pro-lifers do not actually believe in life, and that pro-family activists do not believe in the family. Rather, Frank and his followers see them as cynically using religion to manipulate the masses to win votes.

It is impossible to exaggerate how extensive this attitude toward religion has infiltrated the Democratic Party. It is evident in the obsession among liberal media outlets with implying that socially conservative activists who opposed same-sex marriage were secretly gay, and searching for evidence pro-lifers may have taken part in abortions.

This conviction that everyone secretly agrees with them culminated in Democrats closing the 2024 election with ads urging married women to secretly vote for Kamala Harris and then lie to their husbands about it. Democrats genuinely believed that millions of married, conservative women secretly loved liberal positions, yet were somehow too ignorant to know that the ballot was secret, and if informed that it was, would suddenly flip to Harris.

If Frankism denied agency to millions of religious believers and reduced the working-class to a greedy caricature, the racism inherent in Frankism was perhaps its defining element. Frank’s thesis left the modern Democratic Party with perhaps the most white-centered worldview of any political party since the segregation-era southern Democrats.

Under Jim Crow, Democratic politicians had no need to concern themselves with the views of Southern African Americans or the votes of the Southern states as both were assured, and therefore their political calculations presumed they did not exist. While Tom Frank was obviously no segregationist, his book virtually ignored non-white voters.

“What’s the Matter with Kansas” featured three protagonists: A white liberal elite that wanted the best for society; a self-interested white conservative elite which secretly shared all the views of the white liberal elite – why wouldn’t they? – they all went to the same schools! – but nevertheless chose to feign social conservatism and religious faith in order to ensure their own enrichment; and a white working class caught between the two. African Americans, Latinos, and other groups did not figure in because it was assumed they were little more than voter banks for Democrats.

There was therefore no point in analyzing the difference between an African American millionaire or a Latino service worker in Nevada who lost their job during COVID-19 and saw their kids’ school closed as well. It didn’t matter what Democrats said or ultimately did to minorities. In this framework, their votes were taken for granted.

When laid out in this manner, what happened in 2024 is not surprising. Married women, it turned out, did not secretly hate their husbands. Religious Christians, Jews, and Muslims actually believed in the stuff they said they did. Shockingly, for Democrats, it turned out that rather than being caricatures, African Americans, Asian Americans, and Latinos were human beings with agency, and voted based on their beliefs and understanding of the issues like everyone else. The mystery is not why any of this happened, but how Democrats could ever have believed it would not.

The answer to that question is far more interesting. Frank’s thesis was never an answer to the Democratic Party’s problems with the electorate, but rather a weapon with which different factions of Democrats could batter their rivals. On one side it was comfort food to liberals. It told them that their views were correct, and more, everyone, including their Republican opponents, secretly knew it.

On the other hand, it provided a convenient scapegoat. Just as Germans following the First World War preferred to believe they had been stabbed in the back rather than confronting their own responsibility for military defeat, Frank’s thesis suggests that Democrats can only lose if they are betrayed.

In What’s the Matter with Kansas?, Frank does not merely posit that Republicans had used “social issues” and religion to turn working-class voters against the Democratic Party. His contempt for both Republicans and the electorate ran too deep to give his opponents even that much credit. Rather, like scavengers, conservatives had merely taken advantage of the decision of Bill Clinton and his allies in centrist groups like the Democratic Leadership Council to embrace globalization and sell out to corporate America.

This thesis allowed Frank, and later left wingers like Bernie Sanders, to blame the embrace of neoliberal policies and corporate America by their Clintonian rivals for enabling the success of the Republican “strategy.”

Had Frank’s thesis merely been a left-wing attack on Democratic elites, it would not have caught on, but the irony was that all of his arguments could be turned around on Democrats. Just as Bernie Sanders and other left-wingers could blame centrist Democrats for alienating the working-class by selling out, the Clintons and Obamas could accuse the left of alienating working-class voters through their bizarre fixations with language, race, and gender.

Frank’s thesis took off because it was immensely useful to every faction of Democrats. It was devastating the party because it polarized internal debate between two positions, both of which were wrong. The left-wing thesis rejected the ability of voters to care about anything but their short-term economic self-interest and blamed every defeat on the Democrats focusing on anything other than offering enough payouts to interest groups. The “centrist” position was that Democrats had a PR problem caused by the left, and that if they could merely get the far left to stop dying their hair purple, using Ze/Zir pronouns, and calling for defunding the police, voters would not actually care about crime rights, education, or open borders.

Both approaches had just enough success – Obama winning twice through the strategy of sounding reasonable and Biden winning by promising everything to everyone – that both sides remained in the internal fight. This, however, led Democrats to ignore the impact of unique, external shocks – the 2008 financial crisis and the pandemic – resulting in shock when both approaches proved ineffective in anything other than overwhelmingly favorable conditions for Democrats.

The reason the 2024 defeat is devastating is that both approaches have now failed. In 2016, Hillary Clinton proved that merely talking your way past reality does not work when you are not Barack Obama and the economy is not facing total collapse under your opponent’s party. The defeat of the Biden-Harris administration revealed that paying off every constituency under the sun, often with literal cash, cannot bribe the electorate into ignoring the inflation and total governmental collapse that comes with it.

Whether Democrats can recover from their defeat will depend heavily on their willingness to abandon the comforts of Frankism and accept the idea that maybe their opponents occasionally have a point. Perhaps there are real problems that real voters care about, and winning elections requires persuading rather than tricking voters. Democrats have not yet stopped to consider whether, rather than being betrayed, Donald Trump just beat them fair and square.

Early signs are not particularly positive. Almost all Democratic post-mortems focus on optics – that the debate about whether or not to compromise on the participation of biological men in women’s sports ignores the real issue, that millions of Americans do not believe men can become women, and are concerned about a social contagion spreading among young people. The debates about economics almost entirely revolve around how poorly Biden’s economic record was sold to the electorate, not the record itself. Foreign policy discussion does not consider whether Biden’s tenure was a disaster but whether, perhaps, Liz Cheney had a poor brand.

Republicans, meanwhile, can be content sitting back and watching Democrats fatten themselves on political comfort food, knowing that it will only lead to more defeat.

Walter Samuel is the pseudonym of a prolific international affairs writer and academic. He has worked in Washington as well as in London and Asia, and holds a Doctorate in International History.

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3 months ago

The author states “Republicans, meanwhile, can be content sitting back and watching Democrats fatten themselves on political comfort food, knowing that it will only lead to more defeat.” That is the attitude that has prevailed in the Republican establishment every time the GOP has won almost any election and then NOT followed up with actions to ensure continued success. In short deciding to sit back and NOT ensure campaign promises are kept and positive results delivered for the American people. The old phrase of “resting on one’s laurels” comes to mind and we all know how that works out when you quickly take your eye off the ball and allow the Democrats to regroup and spring back with a slightly modified strategy to fool the gullible percentage of the public.

We simply can no longer afford that old mindset, as this country is far too close to permanent ruin after allowing the Democrats to enact far too many ruinous policies and strengthen our enemies while weakening us in the process. Trump understands this and I expect most, if not all his new nominees, do as well. This remains a long-term battle for the country, as the Democrats will NOT relent or change their agenda. We must also be up for the continued long-term battle ahead of us against a political party that still wants this country transformed into a so-called socialist paradise by destroying the republic as founded. As long as we remain constantly vigilant and well-informed, we can continue to repair this nation. The last we can afford to do is simply “be content sitting back and watching Democrats fatten themselves on political comfort food”, because we think continued Democrat defeats are somehow assured, if we do nothing from our end to bring about that desired outcome.

3 months ago

What’s wrong with Dems? They’ve become HICs – Hateful, Inteolerant and Condescending.

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
3 months ago

Seems the Democrats in DC only want power and money. They are trying to create a country in which they rule forever and they control we, the people from “the cradle to the grave”. In other words, they are Communists and intend to make our country another Communist China. All one has to do to know this is to read the history of the Communist nations.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

If you ask a question like “what’s wrong with Democrats?” If I answer that, I’ll be writing my own book! Democrats will say anything to get elected… just ask Kamala. Or Nevada’s re-elected Senator Jacky Rosen: both ran on “secure borders” yet WHAT ARE THEY DOING NOW? except making it easier to cross and stay illegally? 60 unaccompanied children arrived at Eagle’s Pass, Tx., do they lose track of those as well as the previous 300,000? Oh, but Democrats will TALK a good game… for a vote!

Patti Zelenack
Patti Zelenack
3 months ago

The Dems are all upper elite or very poor. That’s where they want the middle class too. Thank God Trump is going to be in office. It may be bumpy at first, but it will be so worth it.
I hope Republicans can keep the momentum going for 2028 and Vance as President.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
3 months ago

To list everything that is wrong with DIMMs would take a lot of writing. But I think the key to all of it is that they have made power their “god.” They certainly show ZERO respect to the one True God. Their “sacraments” are abortion, sodomy, and lying.

3 months ago

Democrats are the restaurant owners who stubbornly maintains a menu that has become unpopular. They ridicule and scold customers for taking their business elsewhere. They change the photos on the menu, but not the menu, rearrange the chairs, change the pictures on the walls, change the signage out front…. but whatever they do they will refuse to address the menu itself. It’s not a messaging issue. It’s not making sure your customers know about your specials, ITS ABOUT A FAILED MENU.

3 months ago

Their satanic!

3 months ago

Excellent article! Well worth reading.

3 months ago

It is often forgotten that Obama’s infamous “bitter clingers” remark was a slam on Clinton voters in the 2008 primary. This reinforces the theory that progressive rhetoric is really an internal weapon in Democrat politics.

3 months ago

for most part they(dumbas craps) drank the coolaide and got the stupid syndrome.

lothar baier
lothar baier
3 months ago

Its not that hard to understand , the majority of americans are middle class or below which means living from paycheck to paycheck with maybe a little bit of padding at the end of the month so everything that affects their finacial security is their top concern.
They also often life in regular neighborhoods and dont have the luxury of monitored alarm systems or private security so crime is a concern for them as well !
They also want to have the feeling that politicans acknowledge their concerns and at least are trying to help them and nothing pisses them more off than being ignored or told that the problems they experience everyday are not real !
All other issues are secondary to them , sure they may care about democracy or racism or LGBT or any of the other priorities democrats have but they are not willing to sacrifice their basic needs for it !

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 months ago

I think many people when speaking of democrats still think of them in that term, traditional democrats voting for generation s for the” party of the people”. This no longer is the case,they’ve became and are completely different species,that need to be classified yet ,like carnivorous plants Deceiving and dangerous, they need to reveal their true nature

3 months ago

How sad that years ago democrats were patriotic Americans instead of the communists that they have become today.

3 months ago

100 correct A+

3 months ago

Frank’s thesis is that greed is good! Vote for whoever promises you the most stuff. Don’t worry about the country as a whole but only your own self interest, the supposedly rich, greedy Republicans would agree.

3 months ago

Here’s reality: There’s so much wrong with democrats that entire generations of psychologists, psychiatrists, and other therapists will make very rewarding financial careers out of trying to fix those ills.
But, their problems all boil down to this: They are power mad.

David Millikan
David Millikan
3 months ago

Problem with democrats is they are Communist. The true democrat party died on November 22, 1963.

3 months ago

Democrats are like wolves stalking a buffalo herd. They seek out the weakest most vulnerable and attack with lies of we will make your life much better if you will vote for us. They are cunning and evil people and prey on the uninformed public. Hopefully more people are opening their eyes to their agenda and will demenish their ability to take over this great country.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 months ago

Dems need more drugs, Pot parties OK
Mentally unstable

Just Saying
Just Saying
3 months ago

Well, the problem is the Democrats delusion does work sometimes/enough of the time. And many voters forget how bad things were the last time the Democrats were in power. So they get another chance at the next election, unless Trump over delivers on a good economy for the working class (rising wages and falling prices), a closed border and deportations, at least 10% reduction in government spending, and falling crime and disorder, shutting down DEI and workeness, and no more men in women’s sports.

Sergio bungholio
Sergio bungholio
3 months ago

What’s wrong? They pander to the purple haired nut jobs The party is run by a group of petulant children. Keep it up

Troy Savage
Troy Savage
3 months ago

When you consider yourself among the elite, the enlightened and 80% of voters are peasants, and 90% of the populace cattle to be fed on between elections, it is hard to self reflect. How could cattle and peasants possibly be right or their opinions even considered? this is the progressive conundrum. They believe a permanent class of elites should run everything and the rest of us should just accept whatever our betters decide.

3 months ago

“Political comfort food” is an excellent description of the leftist media.

3 months ago

What’s wrong with Democrats??? We’ll be here all day.

Something, Something
Something, Something
3 months ago

The Democrats are lost in the Wilderness. Do not bother trying to help them. You are the enemy so anything you say to them will be ignored. Let them talk themselves until they are no longer a a viable party. So be it.

3 months ago

I think the biggest problem Democrats have created for themsleves is their insistance on viewing people as members of a Group (often of their own devise), rather than as sentient individuals. Thus, they are stunned when members of, for example, their “Latinx” group don’t automatically support mass illegal migration of other “Latinx” people.

Ted Weiland
Ted Weiland
3 months ago

To continually focus on the Democrats as America’s problem is to miss altogether America’s problem.  
Biden and Harris are just the latest chickens come home to roost thanks to Article 6’s Christian test ban whereby mandatory biblical qualifications for civil leaders was also eliminated.
But to focus exclusively on the Chickens disguised as Donkeys is to miss the Chickens disguised as Elephants across the aisle in the same Chicken Coop, aka the Swamp.
The very best you can get from the Constitutional Republic’s biblically abominable election system is the lesser of two evils. Sometimes,the worst of the worst. And always, the evil of two lessers.
 Time to send both species of Crocodiles (disguised as Donkeys and Elephants) packing.
 For more regarding Article 6’s Christian test ban, see Chapter 9 “Article 6: The Supreme Law of the Land” of free online book “Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective” at bible versus constitution dot org. Click on the top entry on our Online Book page and scroll down to Chapter 9.
Find out how much you really know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our 10-question Constitution Survey in the sidebar and receive a free copy of the 85-page “Primer” of “BL vs. USC.”

Andrew P
Andrew P
3 months ago

Democrats genuinely believed that millions of married, conservative women secretly loved liberal positions, yet were somehow too ignorant to know that the ballot was secret, and if informed that it was, would suddenly flip to Harris.

The ballot isn’t secret if it is done by mail and your head of household insists that everyone fill out their ballots together, “as a family”.

3 months ago


Mark Matis
Mark Matis
3 months ago

What’s the matter with the Democrats?
They merely dance to the tune of their owners – the tribe!

3 months ago

Other than being anti American pro pervert Marxists who differ on all the issues from real patriotic American, I can’t think of anything wrong with them.

David Loring
David Loring
3 months ago

Why should anyone pay attention to someone who hasn’t the courage to put his real name to his thoughts? This is an example of why I didn’t renew to AMAC!

3 months ago

You are right. Frank’s assessment is too shallow to be taken seriously. His historical thesis is basically Marxist. That “History” is on “our side” and “inevitable” so the only explanation why the Left has not won is the “stab in the back” or those “evil Republicans”!!! Nonsense!!!

Bill Carson
Bill Carson
3 months ago

I don’t blame Democrats for thinking all blacks will automatically vote for them, because the overwhelming majority can be counted on to do exactly that. Trump achieved a very small increase in the black vote, not enough to bother to campaign for in a concerted way.

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
3 months ago

We can hope. Sadly the demons have many irons in Satan’s fire and an end is not likely. They are far worse than a mistaken ideology, they are truly evil.

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