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What Happens When We’re Hit with the Next Pandemic?

Posted on Friday, December 8, 2023
by Andrew Shirley

AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Shirley

covid pandemic - map of china

In recent weeks, reports of a “mysterious” new illness dubbed “white lung disease” sweeping through China have once again raised fears that another global pandemic could be on the horizon. But just over four years since the earliest reported cases of COVID-19 in Wuhan, it is not at all clear that the United States or the world is any better prepared for the next pandemic than it was for the last.

In early November, Chinese health officials held a press conference detailing an alarming rise in people admitted to hospitals with pneumonia-like symptoms, far above what is normally expected during flu season. In Tianjin, a city of 15 million about 100 miles from Beijing, one hospital is reportedly receiving 30,000-40,000 sick patients every day.

The Chinese officials insisted that these cases are merely a nasty strain of mycoplasma pneumonia, a relatively common bacterial infection that leads to uncomfortable symptoms but rarely kills patients, and not a novel pathogen as was the case during the COVID-19 pandemic.

But other medical experts around the world are less convinced – no doubt in large part due to the fact that China intentionally downplayed the danger from COVID-19 for months and cost countless people their lives.

Unlike COVID-19, which was exponentially more dangerous to the elderly, this mysterious new pneumonia strain in China appears to be disproportionately infecting young children, as the average patient’s age is just eight years old. In x-rays of patients, telltale white splotches on the lungs (hence the name “white lung disease”) also suggest that doctors could be dealing with something different than a normal pneumonia strain.

Although the vast majority of cases have been reported inside China, patients are now beginning to present with white lung disease worldwide. Denmark and Sweden have both reported outbreaks. Warren County, Ohio, and East Longmeadow, Massachusetts, have also seen an unusual spike in child pneumonia cases, although there is not yet any evidence that these cases are directly linked to the outbreak in China.

This developing story understandably has people around the world concerned about the potential for white lung disease to become another global pandemic. Most medical experts currently say that there is little reason for alarm – but that sentiment is again eerily reminiscent of the early prognostications of the “experts” prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Meanwhile, there are few signs that the country today is better prepared today to face down another pandemic-level health event than it was prior to 2020.

For starters, President Joe Biden has un-learned the lessons that former President Donald Trump wisely understood in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. Trump, recognizing that the World Health Organization had blatantly colluded with China to hide the truth about COVID-19 from the world and was actively working against American interests, pulled the United States out of the organization in July 2020.

But just days after taking office, Biden enthusiastically rejoined the WHO, continuing to funnel U.S. taxpayer dollars to a puppet organization of the Chinese Communist Party. Unsurprisingly, the WHO is once again parroting Beijing’s statements that white lung syndrome is nothing to worry about, and has only said that it is “seeking clarity” from Chinese officials on just how widespread the disease is.

Biden is also currently pushing for U.S. entry into a so-called “pandemic treaty” which would force the United States to ship 20 percent of its medical supplies overseas and grants broad authority to the WHO in the event of another pandemic.

The major public health institutions which repeatedly failed the American people during the COVID-19 pandemic have also not been held accountable, leading to a predictable collapse in public trust.

For instance, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the public face of the nation’s COVID-19 response, has faced no consequences despite the fact that House Republicans revealed he lied to Congress about his involvement in gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Lab from which the COVID-19 virus may have escaped. Fauci also actively worked to discredit the so-called “lab leak” theory early in the pandemic despite receiving an email from another scientist stating that the virus “looked engineered.”

Unsurprisingly, a recent Pew poll found that just 23 percent of Americans say they have a “great deal” of confidence in public health scientists, down from 39 percent in April 2020 and well above 50 percent in 2019. About 25 percent of Americans now say that they distrust CDC recommendations, while just 37 percent say they have “a great deal” of trust in the institution.

On a more general note, neither Congress nor Biden has tried to understand and learn from the shortcomings of the government’s response to COVID-19. While Democrats were busy trying to use January 6 as a cudgel against their political opponents and pass trillions of dollars in spending, they never made any effort to look at what went wrong in 2020 and 2021 so that future leaders might avoid those same mistakes.

Moreover, Biden has failed to alleviate the country’s reliance on China for important medical equipment – a major problem in the early months of the COVID-19 response. While Trump laid the groundwork to remove America’s industrial supply chains from China, Biden has largely abandoned that effort.

As a result, the country under Biden may be even less prepared if another pandemic should arise – just one more thing for voters to keep in mind as election year rapidly approaches.

Andrew Shirley is a veteran speechwriter and AMAC Newsline columnist. His commentary can be found on X at @AA_Shirley.

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9 months ago

Well considering Team Biden has done nothing to reduce our dependence on China for 80 percent of all pharmaceutical ingredients and materials to combat any sort of pandemic, I would have to say we would be scr**ed. Team Biden wants the WHO to be able to dictate whatever our medical and national security response would be to any such pandemic. So the same WHO clowns who robotically spouted China’s official talking points as being no real threat to humanity as China sent millions upon millions of their infected citizens around the world would be telling the United States what we are allowed and not allowed to do as part of any pandemic.

Hey, the NWO order types have been saying for decades that the optimal global population should be no more than 2 billion people in total. So, with about 8 billion people on the planet, a good man-made pandemic unleashed against a world totally dependent on the likely nation to unleash it (that being China) would start the ball rolling nicely. That the American people continue to tolerate the administration that is openly working to undermine the country on all fronts is truly amazing and dumbfounding to watch.

9 months ago

Another pandemic is on the horizon — and just ahead of the next Presidential election? Gee, what a strange coincidence that will be.
Leftists know this tactic helped to steal one election, so they figure it is worth trying it yet again.
Wake up, people! Get ready for the next hoax.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
9 months ago

After the way China, the WHO and Fauci lied to us during the COVID pandemic, we would have to be delusional to believe anything they say. As the old saying goes, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

A Voter
A Voter
9 months ago

What Happens When We’re Hit with the Next Pandemic?The simple answer is, “We’ll find out in November 2024 when the Democrats yet again use a “Planned- Demic” to steal yet another election.

9 months ago

Biden addressing our reliance on China! That’s a joke. Hell, he’s been bought and paid for by China!

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
9 months ago

I can tell you what I am doing. I am ignoring the cdc, fda, state and local health officials and I am open carrying everywhere.

cdc, fda, state and local health officials all lied about the covid vaccine and it is still killing millionos each year. they want to play that game again and we will get it over faster.

9 months ago

Honestly I’m shocked that 23% of “We the People “ still trusts the scientists after what they were backing ,when they knew damn well there was anti virals that could have curtailed the sars 2 respiratory virus. It’s damn evil is what it is . I believe they’re going to spread another scare of pandemic before next year’s election. We should not be part of the WHO . CCP backed no doubt!

9 months ago

We didn’t have a pandemic. We had a Plandemic! all in the name of eliminating 1/3 of the world population. When the Bioweapon didn’t kill enough people they unleashed the CLOT SHOT. The majority of the “killer” shots went to “red” or Republican States to eliminate deplorables. The next Plandemic will possibly succeed in stripping us of our God given rights if they don’t come up with a contact bioweapon to eliminate those of us who won’t take their bioweapon shots. For those not aware, in the nest two years all “vaccines” will have certain batches that will cripple or kill you! WAKE UP RINO & Democrat voters!

anna hubert
anna hubert
9 months ago

The monster we’ve created is poised to swallow us all

9 months ago

Prepare your home and family. I know, I hold a very unpopular opinion that encourages people to prep. If you believe prepping is crazy, for the of love of family prep for the them. You can hide what you are doing and not admit it but at least think about your family.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
9 months ago

I’m sure Fauci has nothing to do with this one either…

9 months ago

On a daily basis we are living with the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on the world. Climate change. Democrats think that if they have more power spend more money have higher taxes and more regulations they can change the freaking climate of the world. Let that soak in for a minute. It is really sad that there are people that believe that as well. I wanted to be 70° in 2 weeks. Can the federal government do that for me? Can they even tell me what the temperature is going to be in 2 weeks? But they’re trying to say they can tell me what the temperature is going to be in 50 years. This isn’t my first rodeo they’ve been beating this dead horse for 50 years. If you repeat a lie often enough people will believe it. They need to be charged with child abuse of what they’re doing to the kids today.

9 months ago

Rather than presenting us with a speculative article on what might be going on in China, how’s about an article on the unprecedented rise in the U.S. death rate related to the covid vaxes. I know, I know, our govt. won’t list them that way. So go to the New Zealand study.

9 months ago

It’s not unusual, especially with this administration, to not be prepared for anything (on purpose?). A pandemic used to be a very rare occurrence, but it may happen more often now that it has political uses.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
9 months ago

What pandemic were?
Another rerun 2020 scare

9 months ago

So now we’re going to have a pandemic every 4 years if the left doesn’t like the people’s choice?

9 months ago

If anyone here becomes ill with any so-called ‘infectious disease’, don’t go telling anyone. Just stay home and self-treat unless it’s an emergency. Announcing your illness could very well have you grabbed up by the regime’s henchmen and dragged off to some isolation-quarantine camp/prison, away from your family and job for who knows how long. Same is being done in NY.

John Beach
John Beach
9 months ago

Since the days of mustard gas in World War I, the concept of biological weapons for purposes of mass annihilation of populations has been a reality. World War II saw this practiced on millions of people, gassing with Zyklon-B. But the number one killer of human beings is steel, in more forms than bullets. Since this is true, regularly, diminishing the world’s population, daily, do we, really, need to effectuate “gain of function” on bio-hazards for the purpose of adding a few million more dead, all of which will do nothing to change the minds of those who are convinced of man-made, global warming and climate change or to affect weather conditions? If “natural causes” are not good enough for some people, they can choose how they want to die. Pick your poison. There are enough types out there.

9 months ago

No mistakes, all according to Globalists planning. Destroy USA.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
9 months ago

I’ll know when it’s Armageddon when toilet paper gets rationed at two rolls per customer again.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
9 months ago

Prepare. ??? Hoiw are you gonna do trhat when you dont know whats comming. Thats like sandbagginj a house, then a forrest fire wi0es you out. Kyle L.

Just some advice
Just some advice
9 months ago

We will lose a lot of you but it’s ok

republicans aren’t worth saving

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
Medicaid text sign on calculator with pills and money. Medicaid text calculatoron American paper money with pills and orange prescription bottle

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