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Watch Biden’s Left Hook

Posted on Thursday, June 30, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

On one hand, you will say, “What, Biden’s left hook?” On the other, know this: Democrats plan to double back, drive big changes between November 9, 2022, and January 3, 2023, before the 118th Congress is sworn in. “What do you mean?” Just this.

Democrats have produced zero in legislative forward movement while owning the White House, Senate, and House. Their achievements are retro-achievements – massive errors, economically damaging, anti-democratic, and largely unpopular as well as objectively indefensible. But they are not done.

So far, they have shut down large parts of fossil fuel discovery, extraction, production, refinement, and transport. They have imposed massive costs on average people, with unnecessary spending, spiking prices, $3 trillion in waste and new government mandates, all driving inflation to levels not seen in 40 years. 

More, they have produced international disgrace after disgrace, undermining US credibility globally, encouraging “small incursions” and missteps that produced massive losses, from Afghanistan and Ukraine to creating ambiguity among allies in Europe, Far East, and Middle East, Taiwan, and Australia to Saudi Arabia and Israel. 

They have pushed police defunding, gun restrictions, penalizing and intimidating parents who speak up for their children, placing an anti-science, anti-religion agenda above basic understandings about public education, science, math, and constitutional law.

Meantime, they have failed to address issues like drug abuse, drug trafficking, open borders, illegal immigration, while using underhanded means, falsehoods, and permissive, violent riots to promote everything from racist tensions and delegitimizing police (who now face record ambushes, shootings, and suicides, record low recruitment, retention, and morale) to constant hyperbole on “insurrection.”

Perhaps most damaging, they have attacked the “separation of powers” doctrine, avoiding accountability – no serious investigation or prosecution – for irregularities in the Clinton Campaign, Biden family transactions with China, falsehoods undermining the other party from 2016 to 2020.

Now, they are quietly pulling back on past statements – first, savaging the current Supreme Court, then suddenly pulling back on vows to “pack the court” if they get a chance, that is, turn it political by adding Democrats above the nine current members, a number steady for 150 years.

They are coyly backing away from their “we will pack the court” and “we will make you pay” statements, their past police defunding, drug legalization, end of parole, federalizing all elections, socializing the energy sector, taking over state and local education, ending fossil fuels overnight, raising taxes on the middle class, mass electric car production, massive new spending, and regulation.

Do you smell a rat? Having lived through political cycles back to Richard Nixon’s first race – with some awareness of the old dirty tricks, sudden roar-backs, October surprises, and now the “new Democrat party,” which seems to believe leftist ends justify all means…one must wonder: Are these sudden midterm or deathbed confessions of conversion real, or is this just one more feint?

What is the real plan, the real game, and about what should all Americans be worried? In short, if Democrats can convince the country that they did not mean to do all they did, and that they have no ill intentions for those last “we are in charge” seven weeks – November 9 to January 3 – they may get people to vote for them, squeak out races in 2022 that they should not win.

What then? Expect a hurricane of legislation, to be signed by Biden before two years of Republican Congress. Expect a full-on attempt to “gild the lily” by packing the Supreme Court with more “rank partisan” justices, sudden codification of Roe v. Wade (throwing out the Court’s Dobbs decision), federalizing all state elections, pushing gun bans and confiscation, effectively taking the “woke” agenda and making it federal law. 

You may doubt me, may scoff at this idea, may look at the mandate likely to come out of November 8 and imagine that Biden and congressional Democrats will be demur, never dispose of the filibuster, never try to highjack the electoral process, never revert to “third world” public corruption, not throw a “left hook” in the last round. But mark my words, many are thinking about it now – and America should.

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Renee M.
Renee M.
2 years ago

I believe you are right about their agenda, but instead of worry…pray! God is still on the throne and in control and HE can make all their plans come to naught if we will just pray and leave it on His capable hands and then put legs on our prayers and do our part and vote!

2 years ago

RBC, absolutely correct. The Democrats/Leftist will use every trick in the book to get their agenda passed, especially if they come up short in the upcoming election. It also depends on who gets voted in, whether or not the Democrats/Leftist can manipulate the Rookies to their agenda. A lot is definitely at stake for the country.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

flurry of legislation then?? Really more BS

Barbara P Turner
Barbara P Turner
2 years ago

NOOOOOO I don’t think you actually want my opinion of Biden! TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP! 2024!!!

Dennis Belotti
Dennis Belotti
2 years ago

The 2022 Mid-Term elections may well be “Pie in the sky” for Conservatives.
Don’t forget the voting machines are still corrupt and so are the poll workers … who have sold their souls to the CCP.

John Chamberlain
John Chamberlain
2 years ago

Biden just this morning proposed doing away with the filibuster rule in the Senate in order to attempt to codify Roe v. Wade into law.

Paul W
Paul W
2 years ago

I completely agree with RBC. But wait…there’s more!

John D. Beach
John D. Beach
2 years ago

If Americans do not reject the agenda of the Democrat Party, they will never see representation of the people, government OF, BY and FOR the people, again. Democrats will exercise a partisan-political power of majority rule to bypass the constitution, defined as what they have the power to do, as a majority, not based on the purposes for the constitution and the rule of law, set forth in the Preamble.
They have been on track to do this since the election of 1960 and their “true colors” are being displayed in ways that are disastrous with respect to purpose and costs and consequences. The fact is that they don’t care what the costs and consequences of their policies are.

THX 1138
THX 1138
2 years ago

How far, if you could, would you be able to physically throw a Marxist Democrat politician?

That distance is the absolute answer to the question regarding how far you should trust said Marxist Democrats.

2 years ago

Totally agree with Renee M on God is in control and prayer would be the definite objective

2 years ago


Very good article and of course the Democrats will lash out at the American people, in terms of ramming through as much “change legislation” (with the help of the usual RINOs in Congress) or executive orders as possible during the lame duck session of Congress, should Democrats lose big in the midterms. I completely agree we should expect this sort of activity from the Democrats. I just wish the GOP leadership in Congress was as clear eyed on the threat. So far, there are far too many people on the Republican side in Congress walking around with rose colored glasses and thinking its all a cake walk.

However, I have to point out that the Democrats have indeed accomplished a great deal in just 18 months. We may not view their destruction or re-shaping of national policy as positive for the United States and its people, but I know from talking to a number of “useful idiot” Democrat voters that they do. To date, some of the biggest “wins” that these Democrat voters point are:

1) Erasing the southern border and allowing the free flow of an unlimited number of people into this country from all around the world. The fact that almost all are coming here to be wards of the state and be supported for life on the backs of the American taxpayer doesn’t seem to bother a lot of these voters. That they are either massively under-educated or completely illiterate also doesn’t phase them in the slightest. What matters is “This is social justice for America’s past and current sins against all the other nations of the world.” This is how they think.

2) Destroying our energy independence forcing the country to adopt only wind and solar as “clean energy solutions”, whether they actually can meet our energy needs or not. You have to understand that a lot of the younger (50 and under) Democrat voter base are rabid “greenies”, that have completely bought into the worst case climate change hysteria. They think they are saving the planet, that only has 8 or 9 years left before we’re all dead without these absurd policies. To most of them, they would prefer Biden and the Democrat Congress just ignore the other half of the country and move a lot faster towards imposing even more “green initiatives” on the country.

3) What we view as runaway, wasteful spending on a lot of socialist policies, over the last 18 months buried in a number of bills passed by Congress, is viewed as “Government’s role is to take care of its people from cradle to grave”. The view on the left is “We’ll take as much as we can get from the government, because we are entitled to it”. This is what they refer to as economic justice. Most understand that the money isn’t really free, that is taken from somebody else and that taxpayers actually end up footing the bill, but they DON’T CARE. All they know is the Democrats are willing to expand existing programs or create new ones that allow them to live as well as those they work for a living. Again, this is how they think and they think the Democrats have been delivering for them.

4) The Biden administration and the Democrat Congress has destroyed our crediblity on the world stage as a competent, tough world power. Whether it be the disastrous withdrawl Biden orchestrated from Afghanistan or the myriad of idiotic foreign policy decisions since then, we are no longer respected by our allies or feared by our enemies. Many younger Democrat voters seem to think this is some sort of positive thing, as we should be more like Europe. Or at least their idealized view of what Europe is given most have never been there for any length if time or bothered to learn what life is really like in most western European countries today for the average person. These Democrat voters would prefer the United States to just be one of many, many voices, that just goes along with whatever some entity like the U.N., the EU in Belgium or some other array of global entities decides is “How things should be.” Most younger Democrat voters are completely fine with a NWO type arrangement, where a global, socialist governing entity makes the rules for every government elected by the people on the planet. Of course they truly don’t understand what life under true socialism really entails, but that gets into a much larger issue. They have a romantized view of what socialism means and they see Biden’s actions to date as helping to get us there by weakening us on the world stage.

I could go on, but you get the general idea RBC. While we view the Biden administration and the Democrat controlled Congress as a total train wreck in progress, there are still a LOT of Democrat voters out there that think the last 18 months have been a progressive Democrat’s dream come true.

Jan Satterfield
Jan Satterfield
2 years ago

I was so naive to think that none of my fellow American citizens would ever on purpose and very deliberately destroy our own country. This is truly the ultimate betrayal of all of us.
Its sickening to think they would engage in acts to destroy our country that so many before us fought and died for to let us live our lives in freedom.

Elena Tellez
Elena Tellez
2 years ago

Could they actually DO some of all of these things?

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

I have thought for a long time that the left would do whatever it takes to make the final push at destroying America, whether they have a year or one day, they are very Evil people they have a profound hatred of your freedom all the while enjoying theirs, I have said it before and will keep saying it, do not even try to be friend with people on the left, Shun them, I have stopped all contact with people that have become “WOKE” if they after all that has happened and they are still extremely stupid and still vote knowing that even their own freedom will disappear, there is no hope for them. It makes me both sad and angry that people who are born free wish for bondage.
All this has come about because of the moral decline of America, young people have been taught to believe we are a Racist Nation, Drugs are good, Patriotism is Bad, that big Government will provide all your needs, they are taught that the founding Fathers were bad, but people in Hollywood should be put on a pedestal. I wished to die in a free country but at this rate I doubt if I will as we are on a fast track to the demise of America, more and more every day we get closer to final Judgement as America is the last hope for the World and Freedom, and surly the creator will right the ship.
Pray for America

2 years ago

No matter what the Communists try to implement from now until the new Congress is seated, there can be NO capitulation by the GOP, especially like the latest Gun Grab bill that is thoroughly nauseating. The GOP needs to emphasize how bad things are for every American and send a United message that, since the Communists have taken over and created more misery for everyone, all while the Communists still enjoy themselves at taxpayer expense, the GOP will not cooperate or collaborate with people who are intentionally hurting Americans. That also means that if Sen. Cornhole, Sen. Mitt the Twit or Sen. Catcher’s Mitt-face Murkowski start leaning toward collaboration on ANYTHING the Communist brings forth (and the Communist is likely to do so since the 15 RINOs in the Senate gave them a victory on gun control), then there needs to be immediate steps taken to publicly disgrace them, then recall them and replace them with ACTUAL conservatives.

2 years ago

I don’t trust any of them.Fish stink from the head down!

2 years ago

I want to thank for keeping citizens eyes open and aware. My small circle that I try and communicate to. All the dangers to our country from foreign and domestic threats. Probably has very little effect. But larger audiences being informed is what helps get the word out because they tell people that they know also. That being said. I do not think the majority realize how close we are to losing our country, to the US failing and going under, its currency losing most of its value, our cheap competitive energy being not used, loss of our national sovereignty, and being under foreign rule of the ESG. With citizens having no say so about it. Surely if democrats knew what the democrat party truly wants to do they would vote them out?

2 years ago

How long can we continue supporting Ukraine when we are suffering in every avenue right here at home. This puppet in 18 months has destroyed our County and our Rights

2 years ago

Interesting but maybe Joe Manchin and the republicans in the Senate can stop the leftist. If they get their wish list of corruption The Republic is dead. Maybe the start of a New Civil War.

Nancy Arnett
Nancy Arnett
2 years ago

Citizens need to look at past actions by the liberals. Why on earth would they do an about-face on all the issues named in this article except to cause voters to let their guard down? We did this in 2020 and look where it has gotten us!These people CANNOT be trusted!!! As the saying goes: you can’t get a tiger to change his stripes. These liberals (Democrats) will be the death of America if they are once again trusted or even given the ‘benefit of the doubt’.We conservatives have sat back and been overly tolerant for too many years.The liberals are sneaky and crafty and NOT to be trusted abou tany farce of seeing the error of their ways. They wiill use their “rule or ruin” mentality to wipe out the USA’s traditions, laws Constitution, and it’s moral fiber!They can say anything to try to make us believe that they have changed but they would simply beme wolves in sheep’s clothing.

2 years ago

But, God can make a way. Pray!

Steve Weidert
Steve Weidert
2 years ago

They’ve got to go. They are committed to treason.

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
2 years ago

The democrats have been bought and will try to buy the vote. After they fail, there is every chance they will go down fighting. There is still the question — are there democrats who will prevent their party’s losing all credibility?

2 years ago

They would have to reverse all the damage they’ve done, reinstate all of Trump’s good things, cancel all biden’s EO’s that have made our lives miserable, reinstate fossil fuels, end vaccine mandates for all, stop the canceling of women, etc, – but they won’t do that. They will talk a good game, promise the moon, but not do a single thing to change anything they have done. No one with a brain would believe a word they say, but many might actually believe them if they totally reversed all the damaging things they have done. The dem voters, on the other hand, will willingly believe their non-promises with no action on their part to end any of them NOW, will fall for their faked contrition, & vote them back in.

2 years ago

We MUST get rid of this lying, cheating, scheming, DANGEROUS administration! Let’s get started in November by draining the swamp and continue in 2024 by putting a Patriotic American in our WH who will put ‘We the People’ and our country at the top of his/her priority list!!! PLEASE VOTE CAREFULLY, hoping, of course, we can get nonfraudulent elections.

2 years ago

Of course, none of this is by accident. It is a planned destruction of America in order to build back globalist. Yes, Biden’s brain cells are dying like sprayed flies, but his handlers are doing a great job of guiding him through his presidency(?) to do their bidding even though he is an immense embarrassment to our country every time he ventures into the public or opens his mouth. I hope his wife & kids are proud of the way they have abused him in his diminished mental state. However, Biden is so evil it’s difficult to feel anything for him.

2 years ago

we’re living out the destruction they “gamed-out” 50, 60 years ago, at least. we’re not ahead of them yet.

Bob L.
Bob L.
2 years ago

The author just nailed what has been slowly being implemented for more than 100 years, the Fabian Society’s “destroy the old world and recast it in a new form”, an agenda every progressive, globalist, and socialist regime has followed since the turn of the 20th century. We in America have been subjected to the old “frog in a boiling pot of water” form of subversion and subjugation since 1913 when the progressive movement started to gain traction in Washington. Very slowly at first and notching out victories for 50 years, then the pace started picking up during the LBJ administration and hit a speed bump when Ronald Reagan took a surprise win in 1980 that upset the NWO’s time table for final takeover. George H.W. Bush was supposed to be the anointed choice in 1980 and the NWO tried to place him in the office 2 months after Reagan was sworn in, but the effort failed. They had to wait 8 years for Bush to occupy the White House and he was sent packing after only 4 years in office for exposing the very name New World Order. NWO picks followed from 1992 through 2016 when Trump pulled off the unthinkable, another upset that derailed what was supposed to be the final administration, the one to surrender America to the global oligarchy. In 2020 all the stops were removed and any and everything was used to secure the “win” even if the fraud was exposed. The sailing hasn’t gone as smoothly as the NWO would have liked since January 2021 and you can bet the November 2022 elections are going to be more corrupt than those in 2020. If the NWO loses power, don’t be surprised by anything that happens in and to America. There are potentially tens of thousands of sleeper terrorists who have come amid the massive illegal immigration invasion, across the country waiting for the order to mount a revolution if needed to take down this nation. In addition, tens of millions of useful idiot snowflakes and migrants will most likely support the “transformation of America”.

November 2022 and thereafter is going to be a time in America like no other. .

Bob Al
Bob Al
2 years ago

One simple thought, Hold both parties accountable. We should not be taunting GOP over the DEM. We should be looking what’s best for ALL Americans. That doesn’t mean anyone comprises their values, but rather seek solutions. It takes work to solve problems and the problem is no one in government wants to work towards common goals.
There will always be issues on which we disagree, but there are many that have a viable and agreeable answer.
This is America people, the land of the free and the home of the brave. We can do this together.

2 years ago

Its easy to talk tough but how many of us are ready for the measures necessary to permanently derail the leftist juggernaut? People on our side are burdened with excessive scrupulosity and vainly hope for a political savior. In a recent episode tucker carlson outlined the number of people who’ve been arrested for thought crimes. Right now a genuine show trial is going on. Too many still think a winning election season will miraculously right the ship. We’re still electing rinos. Everyone wants to regain a sense of optimism, but only a sea change in how we think about the problem has any chance of long term success.

2 years ago

This is one of the most truthful articles ive seen but the problem is not BIDEN its the DEMORATS,, pushing and backing him ,, a lot will still change and go bad to this country and its people before JAN. but if we dont get out and VOTE,, in the midterms it will all be on us ,,,

2 years ago


2 years ago

Thank you Mr. Charles for expressing the “things” I have been feeling since they started their “come about”. It’s too late White House staff. You’ve lied and killed and harmed the USA already and folks won’t forget that. At least me and my house won’t forget it. You’re out of there. Faithful Americans must be strong and continue on the path of righteousness and getting rid of evil. Don’t listen to their reverses in order to once again lie to the American people for their vote as if they’ve always been honorable toward America. They haven’t.

Judy K.
Judy K.
2 years ago

There IS a reason, that only God knows, as to why He hasn’t swept this nation with the bessom of destruction foretold in the book of Revelations. Could it be she is beginning to turn around with this first action of our Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe vs Wade? As long as we live and breath, there is hope.
But, the clock is still ticking………

Pray for our country, and pray for Israel.

Dear Holy God of all Creation, please have mercy and forgive us and cleanse this nation of the evil plaguing her….Save us Lord!
In Jesus Holy Name, Amen.

2 years ago

There has been very little to nothing done to secure honest elections. In 2016 Hillary was told they had the extra votes to win, but more people voted for Trump than they anticipated. That is the only reason he won. Do the democrats seem scared to you, not to me. The voting machines have not even been looked at, much less fixed. The January 6th made for TV movie is not believable but will be used to show why republicans didn’t make a better showing in the mid terms. The border is open so they can tell you all the illegal aliens voted democrat. They don’t have to vote, but because they are in country the democrats can manufacture votes, and say it was legitimate. If you wonder why some republicans are joining the democrats it is because they are going to be the ones left standing. I wish all of this weren’t true, but I am very afraid it is. I hope I am wrong. And can we please stop calling them main stream media and start calling them left wing media and Fox and News Max right wing media. We give them an advantage calling the main stream.

Pete from St Pete
Pete from St Pete
2 years ago

Our outdated Constitution gives the party that is voted out of office 56 days to do all kinds of things to sabotage the incoming party, especially when that party retains total control of the legislature and the Presidency with the help of the unelected deep state they have nourished for many years. Republican leaders like Mitch McConnel and Kevin McCarthy will be able to do little more than complain loudly through a press that is in the tank for the Democratic Party. The Dems will have time to pack the Supreme Court and confer statehood on Washington DC unless some so called moderate Dems step in and stand up for our country. So far only a couple have proven to have the guts to face down Pelosi, Shumer, and the mainstream media. Our country will be in the most perilous position it has been since the War of 1812.

2 years ago

The day is coming where all those traitors will face jail or a wall.Our constitution is as strong as it was written.Sometimes we must prevent those who would destroy it from success.Power is a drug. How many briefcases have been left full of cash in politicians closets?I. I for one will work for a stronger safer America.

USN Retired
USN Retired
2 years ago

They know exactly what they are doing. It’s right out of the Marxist Manifesto. Destroy the country, and the government comes in to take over = Communism.

2 years ago

There is a scene in one of the Batman movies where the Joker rides a float in the Gotham City parade throwing money in the air shouting….”who do you trust!?” And that’s the question… we trust the dems to change? Do we trust them to be truthful? Do we trust them to act under the law? Do we trust them in any way or fashion? Who will answer “YES?” Only the idiots and dummies who grab the money like that crowd at the Gotham parade. In fact, for me the trust level for any representative or senator is at an all time low…across the board, and that includes appointees, department heads, senior position holders in practically every branch and department of the government…….I trust the Lord God. I trust my wife, my dog and my old Chevvy….that’s about it. What say YOU?

2 years ago

The Demorat lies have already started in Georgia , we have the governors race coming up in November , they are already saying our Mr. Brian Kemp is taking ga. backwards and that he pointed a gun at a boy in a tv ad , both are total lies , and the so called nurse Jenny would expect people to believe what she says about there health after she gets on tv and tells a straight out lie , if you know her ask her why she would do that other than 30 seconds of fame and money ,, the lying Demorats are backed by big money ,,, go VOTE people

2 years ago

Hey, Biden! You, your family, your administration lackeys, supporters, MSM and Hollywood, academia, and your handlers: GFY.
All of you, you’re traitors, corrupt and evil. Screw all of you.
….and you are not ANYONE’S “President.”

Letts Brandon
Letts Brandon
2 years ago

If you don’t think democrats are evil, all politicians are evil. Politicians are people that have been in politics their entire life. It’s important to remember if you don’t join 1 of the 2 major parties you will not get elected. Republicans will accept anyone in their party, Democrat’s will only accept Marxists who hate Republicans in their’s. Democrats want to destroy the USA and put us under the rule of foreign government’s through the UN. Remember this before voting and investigate the background of the Republicans running in your local.

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

We all recently witnessed a third world banana republic election, it’s the only reason TRUMP is on the sidelines and compromised JOSEPH BIDEN is doing everything possible to completely destroy our country

Terry F
Terry F
2 years ago

Obama told us what “they” were going to do … fundamentally change America, and that’s exactly what has happened. The big question is who are “they.” We know Soros is part of it but there are many more and as a group they are very well organized, funded and powerful. It’s more than these Trump haters and white females that believe because it’s their bodies they have the right to kill unborn children. This article fairly well outlines what they have already accomplished and they are far from finished.

2 years ago

Term limits for Congresspersons and Cabinet level heads are becoming obvious as the only way to get the political establishment back on track to good governance. Term limits spiced with a balanced budget Amendment is about the only way we can get the politicos on track to serve the people rather than serve their partisan leanings. And in order for this to happen I am convinced that the voting system needs to be “cleaned up” to reflect the true democratic concerns and rights of the citizenry The DemocRat Party is slowly dragging the Nation’s Constitutional Democracy governance into a Communistic rule.

2 years ago

We are being lied to. I seriously doubt that Joe Biden is running this country. He’s being directed by his handlers. Whoever the top people are they are hell bent on destroying our country. The only problem is our pesky Constitution. We have unalienable rights because we were bored in America. The globalists that are attempting to destroy us are trying to kill the constitution by ignoring it and defaming the Supreme Court.

2 years ago

You. Have presented a possible attempt to maintain or achieve power and it surely scares the common man.Questions : What can we do about it? Don’t give me the old’ I vote’! We are working against people that stole a national election Failed with Hillary, success with Biden.How can our elections be honest and the will of the people?They knew to cover every base and state with fraud and stop objections to the results. What action can conservative voter take to insure a fair election? We need a leader working behind the scenes well as up front.Our next election can save America if necessary by guns to protect votes and election containers..The liberal agenda Will cheat if we are not watching .No one goes to jail . Any more. America first,foremost and alwayso

2 years ago

Awesome article…NOBODY and I mean NOBODY should put anything past this current Marxist Regime and quite a few Republicans also!!! Mitch McConnell needs to go as does Lindsay Graham to name a few. Keep awake fellow Patriots and fight against all the corruption going on as it is MASSIVE!!

2 years ago

We must assume the supposed Democrats, aka children and grandchildren of the old New Left of the 1960s, will sabotage ANY AND ALL elections that don’t go their way. They will try to gerrymander every political district that has Republican representation. We cannot treat these authoritarian creeps like honest people of good will who will shake hands and abide by decisions because they don’t follow rule laws and accept limits. We must have street smarts and outwit and out strategize. Let’s not assume that because citizens are unhappy with that old imbecile and cronies in DC that voting habits and behaviors will change.

2 years ago

Biden is adjusting his new mask. The one that attempts to show “good ole’ Joe”. If the socialist/tyrants in charge can fool just enough people to squeak out a win, his other mask will come back on. The American people just can’t be that stupid, can they? We all know where our country is headed and why. The real question becomes: how did the frog be so stupid to jump in the pot in the first place, only to realize he is now dying with no way out. Common sense, anyone?

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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