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Vulnerable Senate Dem Candidates Face Anti-Catholic Bigotry TV Spots

Posted on Thursday, September 5, 2024
by Aaron Flanigan

With a special focus on Ruben Gallego, a congressman with a far-left record running for the U.S. Senate in Arizona, conservative group Frontiers of Freedom Action is launching a new ad blitz (below) that attacks him and two other vulnerable Democrat candidates in the Southwest—including two endangered incumbent senators—for the Democrat Party’s extensive record of anti-Catholic bigotry.

The two-minute spot, which will air this week in both English and Spanish on local Arizona channels, with efforts also being made against Jackie Rosen in Nevada and Martin Heinrich in New Mexico, demands to know why Gallego has supported or otherwise sanctioned repeated instances of anti-Catholic bigotry in his party’s ranks.

In dramatic fashion, the information-laden, fact-heavy ad kicks off by highlighting Gallego’s “cruel war” against the Little Sisters of the Poor, noting his emphatic support in a prominent tweet supporting Xavier Becerra, the Biden-Harris administration’s Secretary of Health and Human Services who sought to force the group to violate their faith and pay for abortion pills. In its Nevada and New Mexico versions, the ad singles out Rosen and Heinrich as casting the winning votes to confirm Becerra.

George Landrith, president of Frontiers of Freedom, explained the ad’s potential to become a bombshell in the final weeks leading up to the November election. “Gallego is particularly vulnerable because of his far-left record. He is unsuitable for Arizona — but so too are Martin Heinrich in New Mexico and Jackie Rosen in Nevada,” Landrith said in a press release. “And when Hispanic voters—especially Hispanics who attend Catholic Mass—come to learn about their senator’s record of anti-Catholic bigotry, they are going to be stunned.”

“Republicans too often forget,” Landrith continued, “that even though many Hispanic voters are moving towards Trump, they are likely to vote for incumbent members of Congress just because they know their names. But they need to be shocked into realizing just how far left-wing they are—and particularly how anti-Catholic they are.”

“These spots are powerful and have shock value—and we are focused on broadcast news and daytime TV because many Hispanic mothers are particularly devoted to the Church, and Hispanic voters in general remember all the attacks and persecutions of the Church, as the ad says, in Mexico,” said Landrith.

Here, Landrith is referring to the end of the ad, during which the narrator states, “Viva Cristo Rey. Viva la Virgen de Guadalupe,” which translates to “Long live Christ the King. Long live the Virgin of Guadalupe” in English.

The spot takes aim at Gallego’s and other Democrats’ imposition of an “unconstitutional religious test” against Catholics nominated to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court and other roles within the federal judiciary—referring specifically to claims from Kamala Harris and other Democrats in the Senate Judiciary Committee that devotion to the Catholic faith prevents nominees from serving as federal judges.

Senate Democrats’ questioning of judicial nominees’ Catholic faith caused even prominent secular figures—including the president of Princeton University—to speak out. In September 2017, Princeton president Christopher L. Eisgruber issued an unprecedented letter to Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee, urging them to “refrain from interrogating nominees about the religious or spiritual foundations of their jurisprudential views.” The president of the University of Notre Dame, the Harvard Law Review, and the Anti-Defamation League echoed Eisgruber’s sentiment, also releasing statements condemning the rhetoric.

The ad then catalogues some of the progressive left’s most shocking acts of anti-Catholic prejudice—from their embrace of transgender ideology to their flagrant persecution of Catholics who uphold the Church’s teachings on the sanctity of life.

“Ruben Gallego supported the Harris-Biden administration’s gender craziness—forcing Catholic schools to destroy women’s sports and allow men in women’s locker rooms,” the ad’s narrator states. The spot’s focus then shifts to Gallego’s support of Harris’s attempts to force Catholic healthcare providers to perform abortions, the Harris-Biden administration’s use of “SWAT team tactics” to jail peaceful pro-life activists, and the FBI’s infamous targeting of Catholics as potential terrorist threats.

“Gallego is a pro-abortion extremist, supporting unrestricted, up-to-the-moment of birth abortions paid for by taxpayers—and even voted against legislation that would protect newborn abortion survivors,” the narrator says.

The ad goes on to target Biden’s and Harris’s celebration of the so-called “Transgender Day of Visibility” on Easter Sunday, the holiest day of the year for Christians, as well as the administration’s initial refusal to allow the Knights of Columbus to celebrate a Memorial Day Mass at Arlington National Cemetery.

“Latino American families remember—Latino Americans remember—how evil governments in Mexico, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela hated the Church and Catholics, and how they persecuted priests, nuns, and laypeople,” the ad continues. “Latino Americans know from history that this must not happen here in America. Ask Ruben Gallego why he has supported so many bigoted, anti-Catholic measures. Ask Ruben Gallego why he won’t speak out against the anti-Catholic bigotry in the Democratic Party.”

With this latest ad blitz, Frontiers of Freedom is imitating a series of ads from the 2022 midterm election cycle taking aim at the left’s extremism and the “chosen candidates” of the Democrat Party machine and corporate media apparatus—even as most GOP consultants spent major GOP cash on running ineffective ads that neglected to target the well-documented records of extremism of most Democrat candidates.

The 2022 ads, which targeted five incumbent Senate Democrats in New York, Arizona, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Nevada, alleged that the media is “the most powerful and corrupt institution in America” that seeks to “smear” GOP candidates and protect their own “chosen candidates,” asking voters to “send a message to the media bosses” who are corrupting American journalism and give them a “miserable election night.”

The 2022 ads sought to exploit Schumer’s watershed failure to stand up to the primary threats against him and other senators, as well as his decision to force his colleagues to greenlight the Biden-Harris agenda, from inflationary spending to the federal takeover of elections.

Additionally, the ad noted how attempts by the likes of Harris, Biden, and Senate Democrats to push a radical takeover of elections—as well as efforts by other Democrats to alter the makeup of the U.S. Supreme Court, the U.S. Senate, American citizenship, and the Electoral College—represent a “scorched-earth, rule-or-ruin” attack on longstanding American democratic institutions.

The 2022 ad blitz first drew national attention when it was hailed by one conservative news outlet as the “greatest campaign ad of all time.” The Arizona media similarly credited the spot for “reviving” Republican senatorial candidate Blake Masters’s campaign in Arizona. The ad has since been featured by the New Hampshire Journal and was tweeted by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

This cycle, Senate candidates Bernie Moreno (R-OH) and Tim Sheehy (R-MT) have been using terms like “extremist” and “liberal” in the vein of the 2022 ad, instead of the usual Senate GOP failure to make the broader ideological case against the progressive left.

As the 2024 election season enters its final sprint, Kamala Harris is polling much closer to incumbents in Nevada and New Mexico than usual (Rosen’s and Heinrich’s Republican opponents have polled within single digits of their Democrat opponents in surveys this summer). While her campaign has faced some recent setbacks—including a poorly received CNN interview—her missteps have laid the groundwork for a strong environment for conservatives to make significant Senate gains in states that were initially expected to remain blue.

Of course, this will only happen if these issues are effectively highlighted. Whether it knows it or not, the Republican Party is sitting on a political goldmine. Should it choose to follow this ad’s lead and expose the anti-religious bigotry of the left for what it is and treat Democrats’ anti-Catholicism as a serious campaign issue this fall, it could very well find itself on the path to an unprecedented electoral majority.

Whether or not it chooses to do so in the waning days of campaign season, however, remains to be seen.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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David Millikan
David Millikan
5 months ago

The democrats (vast majority) have proven they are anti-GOD, anti-American. Their record and actions speak volumes.

5 months ago

Marxist Communist, who today all hide behind the name “DEMOCRAT” to fool their Sheeple. Marxist are anti FAMILY and anti GOD. PERIOD. I’m so glad that the Conservites finally are calling “Democrats” for who and what they actually are- MARXIST COMMUNIST.

Rob citizenship--
Rob citizenship--
5 months ago

The term you used Aaron “… sitting on a political gold mine ” to describe the great advantage the Republicans would have if they regard the Democrat anti Catholic policy as a serious campaign issue and expose that anti Catholic mindset as much as possible to those that would be insulted by it , puts the elections in that area in an interesting situation. There should be no hesitation by the Republicans to make this very negative policy by the Democrats something very positive for the Republicans. If someone were to literally find gold somewhere it would be sensible to do something about it in the right way for obvious reasons. Good article , well done !

5 months ago

I have often questioned WHY our GOP ads do not SHOW DEMS SAYING the horrible things they SAID! Just put their stupid remarks OUT THERE so the PUBLIC can SEE AND HEAR them, in their own words, from their own mouths, decrying EVERYTHING our Nation has ALWAYS STOOD FOR. I hope the new GOP will pay due attention to this article!

5 months ago

And we are supposed to vote for the Harris/Walz administration to continue the anti Catholic anti religion regimes. I am not Catholic but when you attack one religion you attack all. Freedom of speech, assembly, religion, is in great danger. They want only one God and that is Harris. Total govt control by making every American poor. Dependent on the govt to live. We are being ruled from the moment we are born and assigned a gender what they need the most off. More men to fight, all will be transitioned to being male. The parents or mothers have no say. The cities will be overrun by foreign gangs to kill those who don’t obey. Gangs in Colorado roam free with the blessings of the governor because what we see is no crime is just your imagination. Nothing to see here. The past 4 years has been all smoke and mirrors and those in power, especially in blue states, have perpetuated the myths. That is why they kicked Obiden to the curb and installed the worst qualified person. Who will be ruled by the deep state with O at the helm. The elites are buying the election. Why? To be in charge of the country and create more wealth. And we all kept silent. Time to rebel people. VOTE TRUMP/VANCE. Your life depends on it.

5 months ago

I am not a Catholic but encourage all those who are to take a stand and fight for their beliefs regarding abortion and everything else that matters to them. All believers in God, no matter what they call themselves, Christians and Jews alike, must unite and encourage and support each other so we can bring an end to the demonic forces that are threatening our country. God help us!

5 months ago

My husband and I watch “Murdoch Mysteries” and love it. Since it takes place at the turn of the 20th century, many of the prejudices of that time are brought up. One of them is that William Murdoch, one of the best detectives ever, cannot rise in the ranks of the constabulary because he is a practicing Papist as they called them. People keep telling Murdoch be patient times will change, albeit slowly. Well they eventually did change but now we are returning to the prejudices of yore. Unbelievable! But I’m hearing more and more every day where Catholic charities are closing down their adoption programs because they won’t accept the secular rules of the Left and don’t want to be fined or jailed as a result. It’s time we vote all of those people out and these ads are definitely on the right track.

5 months ago

If I remember correctly they don’t open the dnc convention with Christian prayer anymore. That one act tells me volumes

Roger Nolan
Roger Nolan
5 months ago

It feels like our US Government is anti Catholic and it is sad.

5 months ago

This clown has been my elected representative for years. About the only good thing I can say about him is he is a brother Marine. Beyond that, all he does is promise useless crap to Tucson residents, the Hispanic community and Tohono O’Odam Nation in exchange for votes. Sad part is, the area he represents has an empty suit in congress.
Many of his subjects in the Nations live in poverty conditions, with no running water, sewer, electricity and a public garbage dump. I’ve been to places overseas that are a paradise compared to the Nation.
Those of us that write to him and demand action about serious problems (open borders, COVID-19 scam, Fauci’s lies, etc) get the old “Nothing to see here, move along” routine. If not outright chastised for having an opinion contrary to his B.S.
From first hand experience, he has provided nothing for the people of Tucson or rural Pinal County where I live. Just a lot of hot air. Sad part is, Hispanics and people on the Nations vote for him time and time again based on empty promises and still have nothing to show for it.
In the mean time, I have mules trafficking drugs less than a mile from my house. I have found illegals sleeping in my garage, I have had packs of illegals knock on my back door in the middle of the night, I had two coyotes knock on my front door one afternoon offering me $1,000.00 cash (one guy pulled a wad of bills out of his pocket) to drive them in to Phoenix (my car would have made it, but not me). And yet this looser tells me there is nothing wrong and stop pestering him about it.
We keep trying to vote him out, but so far his empty promises to large communities have kept him in office. Maybe this year we will get lucky!

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
5 months ago

It is not surprising that DIMMs try to harass Catholics. After all, the KKK, founded and run by DIMMs for years, hated Catholics (and Jews) just as much as they did blacks. And Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, and Saul Alinsky both tried to co-opt priests to push their agendas.

5 months ago

Great to see the advertisement exposing a corrupt and liberal slimeball, but it’s 2 minutes long, the graphics move on/off the screen too quickly and viewers will lose interest a minute into the ad and mute the volume/change channels. Hope I’m wrong.

5 months ago

Expressing hate for certain religions could be an excellent, and highly effective political strategy for Democrats.
I also understand that keeping the tires of your car at HALF of the manufacturer-recommended air pressure will greatly INCREASE gas mileage! …AND, sleeping with six prophylactics right next to you, on the bedside table, can PREVENT PREGNANCY! It’s the higher quantity that does it!!

5 months ago

biden is a phony catholic

Mike Shea
Mike Shea
5 months ago

That two minute spot needs to be redone and reduced in the amount of information you are trying to get across. As a more than 50 year radio broadcaster, I assure you if people cannot clearly understand the copy being read the message does NOT hook up. No kidding. I fully agree with the effort to expose someone who doesn’t find the worth of a baby the same as the worth of any human life, but being over-anxious to tell the story does not effectively get the message across. This AI devices used to make more copy fit into a certain time period does not cause people to be able to hear more clearly.

5 months ago

On another note, a local weekly “shopper” newspaper we get in the mail had THREE advertisements for Kumbaya and Tampon Tim spouting lies about Biden’s “accomplishments” (border invasion, inflation, crappy foreign policies, surging crime, etc etc were conveniently left out) and how Trump is unfit for the presidency. Not ONE SINGLE advertisement was published for Trump. Broadcast ads for liberal candidates are also airing but I don’t see any ads for the conservative opponents. We live in a pretty conservative area, so I have to conclude that the republicans are unwilling to spend money on local print and broadcast advertising to get Trump and local candidates out before viewers and readers. Remember this post if Hairball and AWOL win in November “by a narrow margin.”

5 months ago

Very unfair. The Catholic Church is the true face of Christianity and always has been.

John Pacey
John Pacey
5 months ago

Yes catholic bigotry is alive and well, but let’s not forget that the far left and democrats hate people of faith no matter what race you happen to be. Jesus warned us some 2k years ago that we would face trails and hardships for our faith in him. If we stand together in our faith nothing can stop us
My prayers

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