AMAC Exclusive – By David P. Deavel

We are mere weeks from a possible red wave. Some smart people are even talking about a “red tsunami” coming. To ensure that the wave tends in that larger direction, it is important to be prepared for the tricks the Democratic Media complex will throw at voters who sensibly plan on voting both against the Democrats and for the Republicans. They are going to be trying to trick conservative voters based on arguments that appeal to good but mistaken impulses toward integrity and moderation.
Voters should not be distracted by things like possible scandals in the past of candidates, the fact that their candidates are themselves not ideologically perfect in every case, or the shiny cultural trophies held out by our political culture as rewards for being “balanced” and not “extreme” by voting for candidates who claim to be “moderate.” They need to be ready to fend off arguments based on these scenarios both for themselves and for others who are tempted by them. Voting is reserved to adults, but it’s easy for adults to channel their inner 15-year-old and give in to the peer pressure of bad arguments. The following will attempt to sort through these too-clever-by-half arguments so that voters can behave like adults and make rational decisions.
The Integrity of Your Candidate’s Moral Record. October surprises are nothing new. They usually involve some past wrongdoing or alleged wrongdoing that is trotted out by the opposing campaign in an attempt to guilt voters into voting for the opponent—or at least not voting for the candidate.
The first thing to observe about these surprise claims is that it is not always clear whether they are true or not. You can get people to “remember” a lot of things about a politician if you pay them. So it’s best not to get too excited about mudslinging claims before the facts come out.
But the second thing to remember is that even if the claims about some past indiscretion or wrongdoing are true, this does not mean you are morally obligated not to vote for the person. Herschel Walker has been accused of paying for an abortion for a woman with whom he had a sexual relationship. Is it true? I don’t know, but is it really important for the Georgia voter to know? I don’t think it is.
At this point, some reader will react in horror, perhaps noting that I teach theology and am proposing an amoral political calculus. But I’m really not. The moral component in voting has to do with how a candidate stands to vote on matters of public concern. Walker’s opponent, incumbent Democrat Raphael Warnock may be a Christian minister, but like all Democrats he is in favor of the abortion license, the Equality Act (which would, if passed, put “gender identity” into Title IX of the Civil Rights Act), and all gun control. Walker is against all of these things.
Not only that, but Warnock is no angel. Through his church he helps run a “low-income housing” building that has broken elevators, is filled with pests, and has served eviction notices to people who owe as little as twenty-eight dollars. Some “ally for the poor.” In addition, as the Washington Examiner notes, the church “paid [Warnock] a $7,417-per-month, tax-free housing allowance last year—an arrangement that allowed him to circumvent federal limits on outside income for U.S. senators.”
Adults realize their candidates are not perfected saints. They also realize that the other side’s candidates aren’t either. The important thing is whether the candidate will do the work for the moral and sane policies they favor.
The Integrity of Your Candidate’s Ideology. Herschel Walker is ideologically more my cup of tea than Pennsylvania Senate candidate Mehmet Oz, who doesn’t have much of a track record as a conservative. I don’t think I would have voted for him in a primary. I don’t think that Mehmet Oz is the second coming of Donald Trump, but the option is not Oz or Trump. The option is Oz or John Fetterman, a disastrously “progressive” Democrat. Or whoever gets put on the ballot by the Democrats at the last minute, given Fetterman’s health.
I may have disliked John McCain for some of his policies and his betrayals of the Republican Party, but once he was on the ballot I would have voted for the guy who regularly got an 80% Conservative Union score over a Democratic candidate who has a 0% conservative record. I want Republicans to have control of the Senate and get to consent—or in this case not consent—to
judges and pass on bills for Joe Biden to sign or not sign. Mehmet Oz may well be disappointing in many ways. But you know what? Not having the Senate will be a lot more disappointing. Voting for an imperfect candidate may not give one the best feeling, but it’s what adults do when they understand the system.
Come On—Be Moderate About Your Voting. It’s tough to be a conservative these days since the Democratic Media Complex is always telling you you’re an “extremist.” There can be lots of pressure from Democrats and your squishy Republican friends to just be “moderate” and vote for a Democrat who claims to embody that moderation in “nuanced” views.
First, let’s stipulate, as the lawyers say, that this is even true in some case. What matters in elections to legislative bodies is not just whether some candidate has some “nuanced” position but whether they can or even will advance something like what we want. The reality is that right now the Democratic Party has swung so far in the direction of economic, biological, educational, and legal insanity that a “nuanced” Democrat who managed to get elected would have no way of swaying his or her party. Prolife Democrats are nearly gone. Democrats who oppose the transgender agenda are gone. Democrats for border security and fiscal sanity are gone. So, even supposing you found a True Moderate, voting for this unicorn will give that party more power to enact policies that are far, far from moderate.
But let’s face it: almost all of this moderation talk is simply, in Bill Clinton’s immortal terminology, “boob bait for bubbas.” Joe Manchin talks up his worries about the direction of his party, but in the end…he votes for the Inflation Reduction Act. The same goes with all major Democratic politicians these days. They may come in as Renegades, but they all end up as the Meek Sheep of “Progressive” Pastures ready to approve a trillion here, a trillion there, and then squash American energy and push abortion.
Voting in American elections is an adult act. It’s not the kind of voting that teenagers do for prom king and queen. Not liking somebody in our party—even for good reasons—is not a reason not to vote for him except in extreme circumstances. So, too, liking somebody in the other party—even assuming good reasons—is not really a reason to vote for him except in extreme circumstances. We vote for people who will do a job and advance our position. That means taking into account not only the individual but the position of the party that serves our interests better. Anything less than this is neither morally more sophisticated nor moderate. It is childish.
David P. Deavel is Associate Professor of Theology at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas, and a Senior Contributor at The Imaginative Conservative.
Stuck between a rock and hard place. Not all candidates are the best but you may have to vote in the one who is the lesser of two evils. There is and has been no perfect human being except the Son of God who will be returning soon to establish and reclaim his Kingdom.
They stole the Presidency from President Trump ! We all know that’s true !
The SCOTUS betrayed Americans by not hearing the case … there was ample proof and yet they turned a blind eye .
Who can we trust ???
Pence …. What a bum !!!
I Love President Donald Trump and Melania Trump ❤️????I’m forever grateful for their whole hearted service to this country ❤️????????????
I worry about them , about their safety .
I pray ???? to God for Divine Intervention .
Hell is empty and all the demons are in the WH !
While it’s true that not all candidates have something that could be construed to be nefarious, here in California it’s the badly worded propositions that elected state government officials purposely distance themselves from are the real deception.
Many of these props are disguised tax increases but targeted for only a select few, but voted on by the entire voting population. One example where property owners alone are assesessed tax increases to pay for services or entities enjoyed by all.
Badly worded “vote no on yes/yes on no” rhetoric is used to confuse voters. Even a prop “to use clear and understandable language” was voted in, only to be watered-down with each successive election. Californians had voted to cut their own throats by erroneously passing a proposition cleverly written keep a gasoline tax that was initially voted to be repealed. It’s this slight of hand why the public has to be ever vigilant. When in doubt, follow the money and the sponsors.
The bottom line of the article is to emphasize that we are voting for people to represent us in government. That’s it! People that reflect our views and principles on a broad array of subjects, that may or may not require legislative action by the federal government. We expect them to vote, in the vast majority of cases, as the will of the people who sent to Washington expect them to as standard practice. When they don’t, they had better be able to articulate a da*n good reason ahead of time why they are not voting the will of the people who sent them to Washington to represent them. That’s the job.
We are not electing saints. We are not electing priests, pastors or rabbis either. We do however expect them to be honest and not personally enrich themselves at our expense and to also abide by the Constitution they have sworn to obey. We are electing flawed human beings, as we all happen to be, to represent us in the federal government on matters impacting our daily lives, our economy, society as a whole and our national security. That’s the job in a nutshell.
Professor Deavel,
Thank you for your grounding message. While thinking and acting in an “adult” manner may (I’ve not decided) be the best way to define the need for a considered vote. I fear the use of “adult vs child” may drive as many away.
My preference would be to define each voter as a business owner, perhaps because I am one, with their livelihoods dependent on a hire they can’t fire for 4 years! Interviewing every candidate, skill and personality testing, background, and no guarantee of continued employment (we need 4 year term limit). A hire who will show up every day to ensure the company is improved because the employees have a stake and share of the company’s profit. Lives are improved, committed to build the company. I feel there’s no better analysis of a democratic society than a public held company.
An excellent argument for “holding your nose,” and voting for a much lesser evil.
Well put article.
Another good example of Vote like an Adult…Communist News Network (cnn) this morning said that, Having PETS Causes GLOBAL WARMING.
Yes, you read that right. That’s the NEW LIE on GLOBAL WARMING.
The Communist liberals don’t want you to have Pets. They ATTACK and DESTROY our Agricultural Industry leaving FOOD SHORTAGES which WILL be WORSE as each day goes by.
But since Pets cause GLOBAL WARMING according to FANTASY WORLD FAKE News. I guess ALL the ANIMALS and SEA LIFE in the WORLD cause GLOBAL WARMING too.
They (cnn) and rest of the FASCIST liberals are so STUPID.
Guess a galaxy far, far away causes GLOBAL WARMING too.
Thank you for posing this concept. Vote like an adult. We unfortunately tend to vote emotionally.
What this article means to me is that when things are going well, we then seek perfection and revert to those to tell us we should and can get there. After we see for the umpteenth time that perfection cannot be obtained, we then look to pick up the pieces and seek rationality and stability. This is what we want now. But I worry that if the right choices are made in this election and in 2024 we will go back to our old nemesis, social perfection.
Amen to that
In other words, let your faculty of reason trump mere feelings.
Although this elections is no less important then the last one, I do not trust that the DemoRats will refrain from cheating in every single WAY POSSIBLE. Especially since the last election had massive fraud and no one was held accountable. DOES IT NOT BOTHER PEOPLE THAT THE CANDIDATE KATIE HOBBS IS THE SECRETARY OF THE STATE IN CHARGE OF ELECTIONS ? She has already proven so incompetent with the Primaries with Yuma County running out of ballots for only the Republican primary. She was IN charge of the 2020 election, and the Dominion VOTER machines had been in question before the election with several states refusal to purchase or use the machines for failures in security. Rule changes prior to 2020 elections were not legal, it is up to the state legislatures to modify and make rule changes, yet it happened. PLEASE VOTE FOR KARI LAKES TO GET ELECTIONS FAIR AND FREE FROM FRAUD.
Ignorant people vote Ignorantly because they have NO COMMON SENSE and are easily swayed by lies and stubbornness and vote accordingly!
We can pontificate all we want to, appears that no progress has been made, especially in the swing states to curtail mass mail in voting. This is why, at the local level, you need to vote for state representatives, secretaries of state, attorneys general, etc. that will support curtailing mass mail in voting, and doing away with Dominion machines. According to Dick Morris, the massive amount of mail in ballots heavily favors Democrats. Shades of 2020 when proven claims and evidence never got a fair hearing.
Need to have the election attorneys ready to go.
Make sure you vote ON election day or as close as possible to it if you have to vote early.
Just remember what the Liberal Left Dem’s did to us in the last two years, Lockdowns, Mandates, Lawlessness, Inflations, and of course who could forget Open Boarders!!! So, when you vote, do you want this to continue? If so, vote for the Dem’s, if you have commonsense and a brain, vote Republican. You have no choice!!!! MZ
It’s really as simple as they say “Are you better off now than two years ago” if you are rich, have alot and the real world doesnt doesn’t matter then vote like a child or should I say idiot. Take away the colrs, blue and red and think with you kids in mind, the crime in mind, your pocket in mind and especially your freedoms in mind and the choice is not that difficult
I plan on Voting, in person –> and not fir for the Democrats!!!!!
We American Citizens have got to get our great Country back on the correct Track.
I am saddened that our only way out of this hell is the vote. It has been proven to me that the vote is what the authority wants it to be, not what we put into the machines. The results of the primary in Georgia proved that the machines changed the votes.
Always remember, “PARTY trumps PERSON!” If you vote for a democrat, even if he is a rally good guy, or gal, you get ALL of the democrat baggage with him!
Amazing how just before an election, stories come out about Republicans: sexual assault, paying for an abortion, domestic violence, etc. No proof, just accusations. Walker wrote a check to a woman he had been dating. Zero proof it was for an abortion. She could have asked for help with her rent or car repair. The fact that she had a receipt from abortion clinic doesn’t necessarily mean that it what the check was for. So tired of all this BS!
I only pray we can have an honest election and the marxist democrats don’t destroy our democracy
The democrat candidates are lying about their goals. Mark Kelly is a prime example. He’s very two-faced especially when it comes to securing our border. Sadly, he lives in AZ and has seen the destruction and chaos the open border has caused.
Excellent article! Absolutely nails the correct attitude about voting. Thank you!
Along with voting as an adult, we need to vote more with our brains than our hearts. Government needs to be more business like, meaning being fiscally responsible. Theological and social organizations need to take back helping the poor.