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US ‘Corrupt at a Level Not Seen Before’: Trump’s Home Raided by FBI

Posted on Tuesday, August 9, 2022
by Outside Contributor

Former President Donald Trump said Monday evening his home had been raided by a “large group of FBI agents.”

“Nothing like this has ever happened to a president of the United States before,” Trump said in a statement. “After working and cooperating with the relevant government agencies, this unannounced raid on my home was not necessary or appropriate.”

Trump’s estate, Mar-a-Lago, is located in Palm Beach, Florida. Florida’s governor, Republican Ron DeSantis, tweeted that the raid was an “another escalation in the weaponization of federal agencies against the Regime’s political opponents, while people like Hunter Biden get treated with kid gloves.”

“Such an assault could only take place in broken, third-world countries,” Trump added. “Sadly, America has now become one of those countries, corrupt at a level not seen before. They even broke into my safe! What is the difference between this and Watergate, where operatives broke into the Democrat National Committee?”

The New York Times, citing unnamed sources, reported that the raid was done because of concerns Trump had classified material at his home. Trump reportedly had brought boxes to Mar-a-Lago containing “many pages of classified documents, according to a person familiar with their contents.”

In his statement, the former president argued that his 2016 political rival, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, had been treated differently. “Hillary Clinton was allowed to delete and acid wash 33,000 e-mails AFTER they were subpoenaed by Congress,” Trump said. “Absolutely nothing has happened to hold her accountable.”

In a 2016 debate with Trump, Clinton said the deleted emails “were personal emails and not official.”

Kevin McCarthy, the top House Republican, said in a statement that the Justice Department had “reached an intolerable state of weaponized politicization.”

The California Republican added, “When Republicans take back the House, we will conduct immediate oversight of this department, follow the facts and leave no stone unturned.”

Other Republican lawmakers also reacted on Twitter:

“The raid on Mar-a-Lago represents yet another example of the federal government weaponizing law enforcement to punish political enemies, silence critics, and send a message to those whom it views as enemies,” Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts said in a statement. (The Daily Signal is the news outlet of The Heritage Foundation.) “The Biden administration and the D.C. swamp are making it very clear that they will use all the power of the state to intimidate anyone who stands in their way.”

“If they think they can treat a former president this way, imagine what they think they can do to the average American,” Roberts added. “Such actions could only be justified based on overwhelming evidence of wrongdoing. The FBI needs to immediately explain its reckless actions and [President Joe] Biden needs to answer the question of whether he ordered this raid.”

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2 years ago

I see the bony fingers of Obama in this.Typical behavior of a left wing Kenyan dictator wannabee.Should have been lmpeached years ago.

2 years ago

All this is just falling Obama’s agenda!

2 years ago

We’ll this is horrible. And the low end New York Times stated the FBI was looking for classified papers they thought were brought to Mar-a-Lago. We’ll did they find anything? I think not. Our country has become a third world nation and sinking fast. If something doesn’t happen by the midterms, I predict America is done as we knew it and will be a socialist country like Venezuela!

2 years ago

That’s it, the marxist democrat party has drawn a line that MUST motivate ALL REAL AMERICANS to THROW EVERY useless, corrupt,immoral, america hating, democrat out of EVERY office they hold.
ENOUGH of their un- constitutional, illegal, overbearing belief that they are in charge.
THROW THEM OUT by whatever avenue available!

2 years ago

Unbelievable that the best president this country has ever had ,this happen to. May God guide you in your ways of dealing with this. The Veterans that gave their life’s for this country are probably crying in.

2 years ago

I hope people now see why they want our guns! They are coming for us. They have weaponized the IRS to take ALL of our money and possessions so we cannot fight back so we will have no representation in the courts or in government.

Michael J
Michael J
2 years ago

Unprecedented? Almost predictable, dems know Trump is their biggest threat, but I’m sure sinister options are still on their table.

Shirley Webb
Shirley Webb
2 years ago

What is going on in our Country? Why aren’t FBI Administrators and agents in jail RIGHT NOW?????What they’ve done is against the law, period end of sentence!!! Dear Heavenly Father, I pray we all get out there and VOTE. Our Country is being stolen from us by One-World-Power Advocates.

2 years ago

Vote RED in November

2 years ago

This is disgusting.

This is the kind of oppressive behavior that can start a war. How many more times will Republicans be treated in this manner before the people rise up again? How much longer will the democrats’ illegalities be protected by the FBI and the DOJ while we’re dragged through the mud for no legitimate reason??!! If they wanted the documents, why didn’t they subpoena them? Obama walked off into the sunset with tens of millions of documents. Did anyone ask what they were about? No…the dem b(*Y*R&^%R&*Y wanted to make a show of this, to beef up their base.

This is blood in the water, and I’m beginning to taste it.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Funny how following day (today) the D.C. Appeals Court says the
Ways and Means Committee
can have access to PRESIDENT TRUMP’S IRS Tax Records.
That will be Appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. That’s what I would do.
All this for a WITCH HUNT since Mid-Term Election is just a 100 days away.
They didn’t RAID HILLDOG Clinton’s home when she withheld Classified emails . Who also DESTROYED Government Phone’s with Hammers. And BLEACHED Hard drives. The FBI and DOJ went through her lawyer who held Classified information in his Safe.
This was pure politics to the core of CORRUPTION.
The RAID was definitely authorized by DICTATOR Beijing biden cause he and the FASCIST liberals are SCARED of PRESIDENT TRUMP.
WHY hasn’t DICTATOR Beijing biden, Hunter biden, SWAMP QUEEN pelosi, and HILLDOG Clinton’s homes been RAIDED? And we ALL know they ARE GUILTY.
With DICTATOR Beijing biden (FASCIST DICTATOR) we now have to guess which one of us is next to have OUR FREEDOMS and CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS
VIOLATED by the New DICTATOR Beijing biden STASI.

Can’t get more of a wake up call than this.

2 years ago

Everyone is angry, everyone agrees this is so very wrong, again and again, but soooo, WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ABOUT IT??? Talk and anger are not enough, somehow we need to take action against this and get our strong country back!!! Any suggestions AMAC? What can we do as citizens to help fight back, besides vote???

Stephanie Marsh
Stephanie Marsh
2 years ago

Time to defund the IRS, they are chasing a hoax but totally ignoring Hunter and Joe Biden crimes, Pelosi’s crimes, Clinton’s crimes, Epstein’s. Soros and the lists go on and on. The FBI is corrupt and must go.

2 years ago

stop paying all former Presidents and let them get their own security. and take protecting the d**k Hunter Biden. get rid of federal taxes and the FBI. fire everyone in the building. no retirement and no pay then use the building to house American vets. the FBI has proven to be corrupt d**kheads who can be bought

2 years ago

The FBI grabbed everything it could find. They were looking for anything they can use as “evidence”, and not looking for “classified” documents, which a President can declassify as he chooses.

The DOJ wants the appearance of getting evidence to “prove” whatever it is that will justify putting Trump in jail so he quits rallying MAGA Nation and can’t run in 2024.

RINOs will posture about Congressional hearings (which accomplish nothing), to dodge an enraged backlash from GOP voters.

Don’t fall for it. RINOs who helped steal the 2020 election need to be gone. Let’s make sure that happens in remaining primaries.

Richard Havarti
Richard Havarti
2 years ago

You are all ridiculous. How long are you going to defend this guy who CLEARLY committed some serious acts. Everyone who approved the raid including fbi officials and judges are republicans that he appointed.

Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s corruption.

It’s not too late to distance yourselves from Trump everybody. No one will judge you. Please.

Letts Brandon
Letts Brandon
2 years ago

You will be seeing it across the country now as evil democrats campaign. Our homosexual Democrat AG here in Michigan has asked for investigation of her Republican opponent just in time to dirty their name for the November election. Anywhere you see democrats using the law to attack opponents I guarantee they will be Christian constitutionalists, vote for them!

Letts Brandon
Letts Brandon
2 years ago

I wonder what the FBI agents stole from his safe and put in their pockets?

Abe Lincoln
Abe Lincoln
2 years ago

Richard Havarti——–you dimwit campus libtard, go live in Cuba you Marxist moron. No American should be treated in this manner. 2 impeachments and they found no crimes??? Best to keep your ignorant mouth and pen silent.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

Watch and listen CLOSELY to those who are speaking out AND to those who aren’t. Nary a peep from The Turtle, John Cornyn, and John Thune. When Thune first ran I contributed to him but wouldn’t give him a plugged nickel now. They are neck-deep in The Swamp; interested only in going to chic cocktail parties and fattening their wallets at the taxpayers’ expense!

William C Smith
William C Smith
2 years ago

Love these inspired, enthusiastic, energetic exchanges of ideas and commentary. Keep it up! Like a kettle left unattended on a stove, it’s all going to heat up and boil over. Don’t get any on ya.

2 years ago

Mr. Trump, as a President of the U.S., has a top secret clearance until the day of his death!! Previous presidents have libraries all over this country with materials from their presidency; classified documents that are now open for all citizens to read and review. This FBI act was not lawful and we all should be fearful of what they have done– political police tactics is all one can deduce from this incident. This administration must be VOTED OUT and or made SILENT via our next election process (NOV 2022) until a new presidential election comes to our country- 2024!! Please all of us stay alert and involved, our country and our children need everyone involved to make sure America stays the greatest country on the face of this planet.

2 years ago

They’re just trying to keep Trump from running for President again! . . . Desperate measures at best, They’re groping and know the majority of American Citizens reject living under Communism! They REALLY fear retaliation if they lose their power! . . . And this time, for sure!

joe mchugh
joe mchugh
2 years ago

This F.B.I. action is actually a good sign. The Democrats are so fearful that Donald Trump will choose to run for office again, that they have panicked, and they have exposed a neurosis caused by the man with red hair and small hands.

But then again, ANY person who might be a serious opposition contender for the Presidency would face the same treatment that Trump is now experiencing. What we are now witnessing is a political party that can see the handwriting on the wall. The Democrat Party might soon encounter the same lesson that befell the old WHIG Party in the mid 1800’s. There is always room for one more failed political party in the wilderness of insignificance

2 years ago

I have recently reviewed several documentaries and read a biography about how the Nazi Gestapo treated the Jews in Nazi Germany starting as soon as Nazis assumed power (1932).
Yesterday I turned on the TV and found that AGAIN the American Gestapo is harassing American citizens and even a former president and possible presidential candidate opposing the administration in power.
If we don’t vote them out this year, I fear we will no longer have that possibility and America, Land of Liberty, will be no more.

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

I have more resolve than ever to work as hard as possible to elect a republican controlled House and Senate this fall and to Elect a Republican President in 2024, You must be double stupid to Vote for a lying Democrat in the First place. Anyone won’t to admit here they are Butt Head Stupid?

2 years ago

Wait until they start raiding PTA members’ houses.

2 years ago

Aunt Nancy said, “No one is above the law!” in response to the raid. Spokesman for the White House claims that Uncle Joe had no warning prior to the raid. Right!

Jocie Taylor
Jocie Taylor
2 years ago

I sure wish the FBI was interested in all of hunter’s doing, or pelosi’s doing, or Harris’doing, or the one gentleman that hung himself from sex trafficking. sex trafficking where’s all that

2 years ago

So close. Everything that is happening is pointing to the tribulation period. It’s a seven year period predicted in the bible when satan who the bible says in several places, rules the world will rule. God allows this because such a small percent of people want God in their lives. Satan misled people from the beginning of our race, and many continue to follow him. You are on God’s side or satan’s. If you don’t believe satan exists, but are not loving God and trying to obey Him, you are with satan. During the seven year period he will try to imitate Christ, and people who are here but don’t know scripture will fall for it. The church will be removed before things get really bad. The antichrist will rule for three and a half years seeming good when he cancels a peace treaty with Israel. He will then have a statue of himself placed in the temple and demand to be worshiped. At that point awful problems will develop, plagues, scorching heat, etc. God loves everyone and will save anyone, who sincerely asks the Lord who shed his blood on the cross for our sins, to save them.

2 years ago

This corruption has been going on for years. Start with Bill/Hillary Clinton Arkansas dealings, Benghazi with Hillary, Hillary’s computer in her basement bathroom, fake dossier, Bill/Hillary’s long list of dead bodies, Biden with his horrible foreign policies for the last seems like 50 years, Obama’s gun running with the ATF (yes, it went all the way up to him for his decision making) that ended up with Brian Terry dead, the FBI with Page, Strzok, McCabe, Comey, Baker, Orr & wife, etc., on and on and on. Oh, but these people keep saying over & over “No one is above the law”. Soooo, why are these people above the law & not a one of these have been sent to prison? This is the corruption that has been going on for years….and will continue with these slick Democrats.

2 years ago

Is this the straw that breaks the camel’s back? Judging from the comments, the majority of us on this site have had it up to here with the Democrats. Ignoring their own egregious behaviors, their all-consuming lust for power and control has sunk to new lows never before seen in America. Maybe we should revert back to using tar and feathers – no, that’s too good for these slime bags – they should be exiled to a remote island in the Antarctic, dumped in a pit guarded by man-eating leopard seals (they’re real – look them up).

Seriously folks, our country is in grave danger if this rogue government is not curtailed. Feeble Joe needs someone shouting in his earpiece telling him what to say, whose hand to shake, and when it’s time to take a bathroom break. Pelosi and Schumer have been a bad nightmare waiting to happen for decades. And, Cackling Kamala adds nothing to the equation. Now comes the FBI to relinquish us of the ‘terror’ represented by Donald Trump. Really, Democrats? How about cleaning up your own house before you raid ours? At the very least, send Nancy a broom so that she can fly home to eat ice cream.

2 years ago

This should be a teachable moment as Obama used to say. The left has thrown everything they can think of at President Trump since 2015 and he not only has survived them, but he ridicules them all along the way. Now the left is just resorting to pure, naked force and intimidation to try and achieve their objective. I expect AG Garland will issue an arrest warrant for President Trump sometime before the midterms to send a clear message to the Demorat voter base in hopes to minimize expected loses. The charge will of course be some esoteric nonsense that won’t hold up in a court of law, but the intent is NOT to actually go to trial but merely “dirty Trump up” as the folks in the legal profession like to say. They just need something to ensure he can’t run in 2024. Then the left will turn its attention to Ron DeSantis to do essentially the same thing. The Dems are simply in the process of clearing the field of anyone who they view as a credible threat to whoever ends up being the Democrat canidate for POTUS in 2024.

What the American people should take away from all this, if they are actually paying attention and have a functional brain, is if the federal government can be weaponized to so openly go after a former President who has never done anything criminally wrong in such an overt fashion, what sort of chance do you think the average Jane or Joe has when that same weaponized government is turned on you and me? Answer: Zero! These are the same corrupt tactics found in left wing dictatorships all around the world. Open your eyes people!

2 years ago

This is getting ridiculous, and faith in our Government to a new low.. how we will ever get back to the country I love. I am afraid we never see again. Evil money is bringing it down . Democrats have sold us out to the highest bidder .

Harold Altman,
Harold Altman,
2 years ago

“The FBI needs to immediately explain its reckless actions and [President Joe] Biden needs to answer the question of whether he ordered this raid.” is not enough…we need justice…we need accountability, we need law enforcement to step forward and put people in jail…It is my opinion that this type action by big government is leading America into a civil war! Law-makers must step forward and do their jobs…

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

“If it be asked, what is the most sacred duty and the greatest source of our security in a Republic?
The answer would be, an inviolable RESPECT FOR THE CONSTITUTION AND LAWS.”

Founding Father Alexander Hamilton

2 years ago

There is zero information to justify what the FBI has done in going after Trump. It is not Constitutional to use the FBI to rummage thru an individual’s private work and documents in hope that you can find something to use to attack him with. To do this required a warrant. Has the public now been able to see the document and the handling process of that document???? NO ,… and if there is any way to conceal it, the DemocRats will do that. One would have thought that the phony impeachment processs against Trump when he was POTUS would have taught the DemocRats not to go after a person hoping they can ruin his reputation. The DemocRats did a more effective job rigging the last POTUS election, but the public pretty well knows that at this juncture. So they DemocRats are now trying to go after him by getting enough info to guide another public attack on Trump. It really worries me that so many people aren’t realizing what the DemocRats are doing to try to block him against the DemocRat opponent in the next POTUS election (assuming Trump will be a candidate in it).

2 years ago

Shut down the government and rebuild

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

There’s a 2 year old in the White House with a 2 year old mentality.
Same goes for entire administration with a 2 year old mentality.
There actions speak volumes.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
2 years ago

Everyone in this country should be afraid who will be next do not make the Dems mad they will come after you with the FBI and who else they can get to take you down it will not stop with Trump time for the Dems to loose power in Washington before the run this country into the ground.

2 years ago

Biden has a plausible excuse: he’s demented and stupid.
The muslim, Soros, Klaus, and gates do not. They’re just plain evil.

2 years ago


2 years ago

Another blunder by this administration. Do you think President Trump packed these boxes and rented a moving van ? Give me a F~~~~~~ break. I pray for the day that the house , and senate are overrun with red conservatives ( MAGA conservatives) . Hopefully then we’ll see some justice. A real FBI. A real DOJ . A real Republic . A day where the Clinton, and Biden families face a court of law. A day where we find out the truth about Epstein, and the ledger of guests attending pedophilia island . A day where Antifa, and BLM face charges for all the destruction they caused to our American cities. God help us . November can’t come fast enough .

2 years ago

Of course it was authorized! Probably by barack, Jarrett, and Soros….Evil on the loose.

Steven Tapper
Steven Tapper
2 years ago

For a political party that is so afraid of Donald Trump running again for President, you Democrats are doing everything to make that a reality, congratulations!

2 years ago

Too bad they didn’t get their address mixed up with Pelosi’s house. Then, the you-know-what would hit the fan.

Rick Utgaard
Rick Utgaard
2 years ago

The FBI has been corrupt for decades. Today they don’t care because they know the media is in their favor. Waco, 52 men, women and children were killed. Ruby Ridge and the incident in Idaho are great examples of FBI unhinged.

Linda brauer
Linda brauer
2 years ago


2 years ago

Don’t worry Kevin McCarthy has a pamphlet with a 10 step plan. WE are doomed.

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
Medicaid text sign on calculator with pills and money. Medicaid text calculatoron American paper money with pills and orange prescription bottle

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