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Unthinking Legislators

Posted on Thursday, April 25, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
US Capitol Building - Washington DC - USA. Capitol building in Washington DC, United States of America

We live in an age of willful disregard for the gift and obligation of original thought, the ability to think for ourselves – when everyone from bristling neighbors to irritating anchors punt, and do not think. Worse, federal and state legislators are doing that, no courage. We have unthinking legislators.

What have we seen this year? The list of stupid nonsense, dictated by politics, saying all “must be onboard” to stop “the other side” from winning, is long.

At the federal level, tormented budget and spending bills produced 6,000 “earmarks,” tens of billions for useless “pet projects.” We get thousands of lines of ambiguous language in appropriations bills, vaguely for a “hub program,” “innovation,” “training,” “development,” or “assistance,” non-transparent.

Unpacking this deception, getting behind it, and how spending can explode with no accountability, is like solving a Rubik’s Cube blindfolded, impossible.

Of course, what no one says is that is by intent. So the deceptively named “Inflation Reduction Act” was about massive overspending on everything from turbines and solar cells to quadrupling the IRS and arming agents. Obamacare was for raising premiums, reducing benefits, selling as reduced premiums, and better care.

Hokum, bunk, dishonest, arrogant – are words for it. Any wonder why people do not trust Congress, the president, or state legislators? Trust is earned. It has been betrayed.

For reference, the “Inflation Reduction” law accelerated inflation, oppressing all Americans. In the name of senseless spending, inflation – higher for seniors, young, and in places like Maine and the southwest, is up 19 percent under Democrats.

Nationally, the rate was 1.2 percent in January 2021, shot to nine percent, and has retreated to three times the level of January 2021. The average family spends 700 dollars a month MORE than in 2021 for inflation – a huge tax on the Middle Class. Credit card debt has soared to $770 billion.

Honestly, the list is endless, and we know it. Leaders talk a good game – not even – and do great damage by the absence of courage. We have $35 trillion in debt, a 3500 percent jump from 1988 when Reagan was criticized for a one trillion dollar debt.

Just for a good, sardonic (not happy) laugh, look at the zeros: $35,000,000,000,000. That is what you, me, and our kids now owe – because someone took it, for things like “bee-friendly highways,” $400 million for improved “border security” in other countries, the wokeness religion, and wind turbines. 

But the crazy, unaccountable, spendthrift “herd mentality” does not end at the federal level. If infects the “herd” at the state level, and in spades this year – 2024. Dozens of blue states, controlled by Democrats, have jumped the rails.

Look at Maine, a traditionally “Normal Rockwell,” hardworking, fiscally conservative state, not fond of overreach, top-down mandates, overspending, or overtaxing, constitutionally faithful, with independent people, “common sense.”

Under Maine’s Democrat-controlled statehouse and governor, aggressive one-party rule, this freedom-loving population has been hamstrung. Many are just fed up with it –mandates, taxes, top-down government, immoral acts in their name.

Examples are countless, many ugly. Original thinking, and courage from a few to say, “Hey, wait a minute,” is … nowhere to be found. Herd mentality.

In Maine, Democrat lawmakers moved in lockstep, blind party allegiance – and very “un-Maine.” Clearly, many did not read the bills before voting, convinced no one would notice, or notice contents, objectively hard to defend.

Put differently, elected Democrats – young and older – who would never personally take their hands and kill a baby “at birth,” who grew up with parents and grandparents who would be revolted, ashamed of a vote to do that, nevertheless voted to do that. Herd mentality.

Likewise, in Maine, where most own guns, are well trained, use them with care, learned in Boy Scouts, 4-H, and NRA “Safe Hunter Training,” from a caring parent or grandparent, most legislators would not grab a neighbor’s gun, be unreasonable.

Nevertheless, Democrats in lockstep passed a legally overbroad, objectively noxious, poorly drafted “red flag” law, readily convertible to a widespread way to confiscate firearms – no medical basis – if you are offended, feel “threatened.”  Herd mentality.

In another bill demanded by Democrat leadership, Maine impaled itself, Democrats permitting fellow citizens to be trashed, removing Maine from the electoral college, intended to protect small states. Why? Lockstep, big state wokeness. One-on-one, most could not defend that bill to Maine.

So, we live in a time of profound personal abdication, a running away from responsibility, “herd mentality” at federal and state levels, contentment with negligence, unthinking allegiance to Democrat leaders. Ask:  Is that you? Needed are … courage, original thought, not unthinking legislators.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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5 months ago

Then if people are fed up with the antics of the Democrats, why in the Sam Hill (an old Southern expression) do they keep voting for these idiots?

5 months ago

RBC, great article and on the money. Now, will the people get up and follow your last paragraph to get this country back on track with reality? Only time will tell, and that TIME IS VERY SHORT AND CRITICAL.

5 months ago

Well RBC, the death of critical thinking and personal responsibility in this country has certainly come at a great cost, hasn’t it? The attention span of the general public is measured in seconds these days. People, if they read at all anymore, only skim the headlines and never read the rest of the story to gain a better insight into the facts and details crucial towards making an intelligent decision on an issue. Thus, it doesn’t take much for politicians to push almost any nonsense on a uniformed and unthinking public.

As for personal responsibility, that has been plowed under by the almost constant refrain of “There ought to be law against that.”, “Someone should stand up to this.” or “Someone needs to step up and save us from this.” No where in the minds of a lot of people does there seem to exist anymore the reality that they and rest of the people truly concerned about something are the ones that have to try and do something. There is no shadow citizenry waiting in the wings to fix our problems for us. It’s ultimately up to us whether anything gets addressed.

The Democrats are NOT geniuses by any stretch of the imagination. Quite the opposite in reality. Their objectives are readily transparent from the start and their strategies are literally a handful of well-worn plays run over and over again. Yet they get away with things over and over again, not because they are brilliant or innovative, but rather they know far too many people on our side won’t push back under any circumstances. It’s not a war for the country and its values when only one side actually shows up on the field to fight for what they want.

Nice article by the way.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
5 months ago

The Elite class shows true colors
Screw the Voters

A Voter
A Voter
5 months ago

You can not break the herd mentality until you dissolve the herd. Term limits for every elected or appointed position will be the only way to better control this.

corbin douthitt
corbin douthitt
5 months ago

The Democrat Party- is actually the Communist Party- a godless, statist dictatorship party. compare policies and see. The Communist Party USA wastes no $$$ on advertising- the Democrat Party does everything the Commies want. Democrats have always been able to be unified behind whatever candidate was presented. “Lock Step”- blind loyalty. Advance the agenda at every opportunity. Setbacks mean nothing. Keep moving forward. Advance the agenda. The agenda is” destroy America”. voting Democrat is treason.

5 months ago

it’s the voters, stupid, and the ones that didn’t vote. They put these dumacrats in office and thus getting what they deserve! Wake up America before it’s too late!! THINK. It’s not illegal yet

5 months ago

Robert Charles: You are WRONG. The Legislators (DC Clowns to me) are THINKING: About themselves and the money they can pocket from LOBBIEST. The Second Smartest Guy in the World Substack says it best: —– “The majority of “public servants” operating in the foreign nation of Washington, D.C. are owned by the Intelligence Industrial Complex and their globalist partners-in-crime the UN, WEF, WHO, CFR, et al. When most of these venal insiders are not insider trading and getting massive under-the-table kickbacks, they are engaged in degenerate pastimes that make them all especially vulnerable to control by the likes of the CIA.”

5 months ago

Sad, but true, unfortunately

5 months ago

Robert, you are insightful as always. There are many of us who do think, but not enough to make a difference, sadly.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
5 months ago

Nothing for America in this last BS bill… $100B for other countries borders though!

David Millikan
David Millikan
5 months ago

Excellent article. The democrats thinking is going, MOOO! This is what happens since they live in FANTASY WORLD.

5 months ago

I, just this morning wrote to my grown daughter of the many whys that I am proud of her. She is a grown woman, a grandmother and is having difficulty understanding her very own adult children. She, as I, are floundering with disillusion. Neither of us can believe that so many adults seem absolutely conscienceless. Neither she nor I understand today. What happened? Politics, fame and wealth and greed. That’s what happened. Neither she nor I support our current president. He comes as close to evil as either of us ever imagined to meet in our beautiful nation. We see him as a narcissistic, bumbling manipulator, who makes both women and children uncomfortable to be near. A being who lives in the world of me. The walking, talking, personification of an individual who has manipulated with such carelessness that he was deliberately slid into office as a pawn for others of his like thus leading a whole country smack into a state of evil and greed, led by conscienceless rulers. I see the video of Biden harassing a baby on foreign soil to the point where the child showed honest fear and rejection. Biden can damn well be grateful that it was not me and the intimated baby wasn’t mine. All I can think of was that young girl in the jungle when the plane in which she and her family were traveling went down and how that child managed to get herself, her brother and baby sister out of the jungle alive by climbing trees to safety and climbing back down to successfully trapse their way to safety. That young lady will make a fine leader one day. Can’t say the same for anyone where manipulation, like quicksand, is the goal.

anna hubert
anna hubert
5 months ago

Sad but true and nothing new This has not sprout over night It was allowed to develop into this monstrous proportion over years and now it no longer can be ignored

Thomas Kessing
Thomas Kessing
5 months ago

We should return Maine to Taxachusetts since the state is run by Massholes.

ted u
ted u
5 months ago

the gop gets more evil and extreme by the day because of idiots like robert charles

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
Medicaid text sign on calculator with pills and money. Medicaid text calculatoron American paper money with pills and orange prescription bottle

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