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Trust the Science? Fauci Finally Admits Pandemic Errors

Posted on Monday, January 22, 2024
by David Lewis Schaefer

AMAC Exclusive – By David Lewis Schaefer

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci and White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator Ashish Jha participate in a press briefing Tuesday, November 22, 2022, at the White House. (Official White House Photo by Erin Scott)

Former leading government scientists have finally admitted, albeit unintentionally, that they botched the response to COVID-19. But what we don’t yet have – and what the public deserves – is any sense of accountability for the immense harm inflicted on the American people under the pretense of “trusting the science.”

In testimony on January 9 before the House select subcommittee investigating the federal government’s COVID policies, Dr. Anthony Fauci, recently retired from his position as Director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, in which capacity he was the face of the federal COVID response, admitted that some of his ”scientific” recommendations during the pandemic were based on purely arbitrary judgments.

Most notably, according to the subcommittee chair Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio), who is also a physician, Fauci acknowledged that his “recommendation” that people “socially distance” by six feet (rather than, say, three, or twelve, or any other number) to minimize the virus’s transmission was “likely not based on scientific data,” but “sort of just appeared” to him.

But Fauci was unrepentant about the deleterious effects his randomly chosen recommendation had on American life – most notably school shutdowns throughout the country (since few schools had room to set up classrooms with students sitting six feet apart), closed businesses (for similar reasons), massive federal spending (often wasted) to try to keep businesses afloat and workers paid, kids prevented from playing with their friends, and so on.

Even worse, in contrast with what every parent who observed how little their children were being taught from online classes could see, Fauci still denied that there was any proof that the school shutdowns caused learning loss at all.

In reality, a multitude of studies issued by reputable research organizations have confirmed such losses. For instance, the Center for School and Student Progress, operating in conjunction with the Northwest Evaluation Association (a nonprofit educational testing organization) reported, “In nearly all grades, achievement gains during 2022–23 fell short of pre-pandemic trends.” More precisely, the study found that the average student will need the equivalent of “4.1 additional months of schooling to catch up in reading and 4.5 months in math,” and that ”marginalized [that is, minority or low-income] students remain the furthest from recovery.”

In contrast to Fauci’s reluctance to admit that his policies had any harmful societal effects, his former boss, Dr. Francis Collins, who ran the National Institutes of Health during COVID, admitted that same week before Congress that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other public-health bureaucracies had flubbed the pandemic reaction, albeit with the best of intentions.

“If you’re a public health person and you’re trying to make a decision,” Collins explained, “you have this very narrow view of what the right decision is, and that is something that will save a life.” With this perspective, Collins acknowledged, “you attach zero value to whether this actually totally disrupts people’s lives, ruins the economy, and has many kids kept out of school in a way they never quite recovered [from].”

With hindsight, Collins admitted to the detrimental effects that the government’s vaccine and masking mandates had for the entire nation. Those guidelines failed to reflect the vast difference in the risk of COVID transmission between a minority of the population – the elderly and individuals already suffering from other serious diseases – and healthy people. While tens of millions of Americans contracted COVID, most cases of mortality or major illness were confined to those specific classes – and a significant number of people developed COVID even after having been vaccinated.

As for masking, the evidence shows that the early mask mandates had no protective effect at all; only more stringent requirements for N-95 masks may have had some modest benefit. But again, since the risk to most healthy, non-elderly people was minimal, so was that benefit.

Moreover, Collins also admitted in retrospect that the vaccine mandate, which some people (including star NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers) resisted out of fears of possible side effects, generated a more generalized fear and suspicion among the general population about taking any vaccines, thus adding to the increasingly widespread myths (such as that the smallpox vaccine causes bipolarism) that truly endanger people’s health. And in January, Washington, D.C. health officials were “sounding alarms about a possible measles exposure at two major airports,” according to the New York Post – possibly reflecting the fact that the 2021-22 academic year saw only 93 percent of kindergartners having received the standard MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine, with the CDC reporting the highest ever recorded rate of vaccine exemptions.

But Fauci’s record in dealing with COVID looks even worse considering his long, dogmatic insistence that the virus must have originated in a Chinese “wet market” a few miles from a Wuhan biological laboratory that was engaged in gain-of-function research and receiving U.S. funding.

Early in 2020, Fauci appeared at a press conference with President Trump, citing a research paper by Dr. Kristian Andersen and published in the journal Nature Science to support his claim. What Fauci failed to disclose was that he himself had commissioned and edited the study – a fact discovered only later by House Republicans. As Andersen finally admitted, Fauci made clear that he wanted the study to disprove the lab-leak theory.

These facts were only uncovered in a report issued by the House subcommittee, which also found evidence that Collins himself had been complicit in asking that the study “put down” the lab leak hypothesis.

Notably, when President Trump still pursued the question of whether the virus could have originated in the lab (as common sense would suggest, given the nature of the lab’s work), he was ridiculed.

Subsequently, Fauci denounced anyone who questioned his claims about the virus’s origins as an opponent of science, since, he asserted, “I represent science.” And when, during a Senate hearing in July 2021, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul (a medical doctor) pressed Fauci further to state whether the NIH had funded risky gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab, Fauci angrily denounced Paul for propagating a “lie.”

Yet only a month earlier, Harvard scientist Dr. Alina Chan (coauthor of the book Viral: The Search for the Origin of COVID-19) told the British Science and Technology Select Committee that it was “reasonable” to believe that COVID had been genetically engineered in China. Then, in February 2023, an investigation by both the Energy Department and the FBI concluded that a lab leak was the “most likely” origin of the COVID-19 virus.

Fauci was thus compelled to back off from his original claims categorically denouncing the lab leak hypothesis – but never offered any public apology to Senator Paul. Testifying in a closed hearing before the House subcommittee during the second week of 2024, according to the Post, he repeatedly said that he’d “forgotten” a great deal from the start of the pandemic, though he is also reported to have claimed in private to having taken the lab-leak theory seriously.

Despite the seemingly endless series of reversals and equivocations from Fauci, one thing is certain: as New Zealand data scientist Gilles Demaneuf, a member of a group of internet sleuths looking into COVID’s origin, told Vanity Fair, without knowing just how the virus escaped from the lab, “I am 100% sure there was a massive cover-up.” As Dr. Chan observes, the great lengths that Chinese leaders went to in order to conceal the original outbreak and then to “sabotage” the World Health Organization’s inquiry into the matter – among other steps, destroying masses of data – only fortify the lab-leak hypothesis.

Just before his last prior appearance before the House subcommittee in December 2022 (when the House still had a Democrat majority) Fauci, who had worked at the NIAID with distinction for nearly four decades, serving as director for 18 years, had accused Republicans of having “clearly politicized” public health. In an interview on CBS’s “Face the Nation” in November of that year, he mocked any candidates who criticized his policies during their campaign, saying, “That’s ridiculous. I mean, this is a public health issue. So yeah, it’s going to keep going likely much more geared toward me.” He added, “I didn’t get involved before in the politics and I’m not going to get involved now in the politics.”

Unfortunately, despite his long career as a scientist, Fauci did become involved in “politics,” and not in a way that should embellish his previously stellar reputation. One can only attribute his dogmatism, whether in issuing non-science-based “recommendations” (that were widely taken as mandates) or dismissing investigations into COVID’s origins, to his sudden prominence having gone to his head – along with his wish to preserve his agency’s reputation rather than acknowledge its careless grant-giving.

Apparently, Fauci just couldn’t admit his uncertainty about some issues, or outright error in others. As a longtime professor at the College of the Holy Cross, I am particularly distressed at this development, since I long regarded Fauci – along with Bob Cousy and Clarence Thomas – as one of the college’s most distinguished alumni over the second half of the twentieth century.

But the lesson of this story isn’t that science shouldn’t be subordinated to “politics.” Rather, as Dr. Collins’s testimony indicates, it is the job of political leaders to supervise in a responsible way how science is conducted (for instance, preventing U.S. taxpayer dollars from funding gain-of-function research in Chinese labs that could theoretically produce bioweapons).

Conversely, it is the job of government scientists to cooperate with elected leaders when it comes to balancing scientific findings and data against other aspects of the public good. Americans elect their leaders to craft public health policy with input from scientists, not the other way around.

In a democracy, as political scientists Marc Landy, Marc Roberts, and Stephen Thomas argued three decades ago in their classic study “The Environmental Protection Agency: Asking the Wrong Questions from Nixon to Clinton,” scientists and bureaucrats working on such complex issues are obliged to try to educate the public by showing them both sides – not just try to make their agency look good so as to increase its budget.

In a recent insightful column in the New York Times, the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist David Leonhardt, a certifiable liberal, lamented the tendency of liberals “to adopt positions that are not based on empirical evidence,” and “wish away inconvenient facts.” Among these positions are “the notion that standardized tests are worthless or counterproductive,” and a reluctance “to acknowledge that extended COVID school closures were a mistake, that policing can reduce crime, and that drug legalization can damage public health.”

The disposition that Leonhardt criticizes is by no means limited to the political left. It is true, as he argues, that such tendencies have been exacerbated by the polarization of American politics in recent decades: if politics is viewed as a zero-sum war for supremacy, then conceding you were wrong on any point seems like surrender.

But the tendency for people’s opinions, even on matters remote from politics, to be biased by their narrow self-interests, their group affiliations, or sheer egotism (not wanting to admit you were wrong) is grounded in human nature itself, as James Madison observed in Federalist No. 10. Even in times of crisis, responsible news media should take account of this fact in assessing rival claims, even when they come from “experts.”

If Leonhardt’s lament is taken to heart by all well-meaning citizens, that will be one lasting benefit of the COVID debacle.

David Lewis Schaefer is a Professor Emeritus of Political Science at College of the Holy Cross.

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8 months ago

Yet of course Fauci will suffer no consequences for any of his actions. Yes, he was made to own up to some of what he did, but it is a very small part of his overall actions related to Covid. He will continue to the darling of the MSM and treated as an idol making more millions in speaking fees and TV appearances. Certainly NOT the justice he truly deserves.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
8 months ago

Made errors , lied about data
Dont trust them
Or No change comes

anna hubert
anna hubert
8 months ago

There is a difference between the error and a deliberate manipulative lie He and his ilk lied mislead and knowingly put people in danger For that he got big bucks and a praise No matter how low he sinks he still ends up on the top

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
8 months ago

Fauci should be criminally investigated if not outright indicted.

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
8 months ago

TRUST THE SCIENCE. what science was the Fauci? certainly nothign you knew about. Fauci is a fraud

FOLLOW THE SCIENCE. what science? there was no science involved. just lies. lies from the democrats, Fauci and from the medical community.

So what else is the CDC, FDA, NIH, surgeon General and medial community lying about. Well it turns out they lie about just about everything.

Tome to make all drugs over the counter and stop letting the medical field have full rein over our health.

A Voter
A Voter
8 months ago

Understand this, There were no Plandemic errors. This Plandemic was constructed by communist agents both in the US and China. Faucci was the main operative in the US providing the avenues for the funding of the research in China that led to the on purpose outbreak of this virus.
The reasons for these actions are multifaceted. With the main reason Population Control. How far(at the time) can we push restrictions on the population movement in every country? Well, let’s just have a plannnedemic and see how that goes shall we? For the most part that worked out very well for the communist conspirators didn’t it?
Second in line was population growth control. How effective is this virus in eliminating a particular segment of the population? Kill off the older generations and you have a double bonus coming your way. The first being that the older generations have far too many memories of what truth, honesty, integrity and freedom are all about . Secondly a smaller younger herd is much easier to control and manipulate.
So what we perceive as “errors” are actually statistical gathering tools that will ultimately aid the communists in their future plans and plandemics. Just you wait and see.

8 months ago

Oh no…..”vaccine mandates …..possible side effects…widespread myths that truly endanger people’s health.” The most important area of the vaccines should be exposing the true real dangers experienced by the thousands of vaxed people is relegated to this statement that these “fears” are a “MYTH”?
The evidence of serious harm and death is abundant. I demand a follow-up article.

Nancy Ann Jimeno
Nancy Ann Jimeno
8 months ago

California suffered the most draconian COVID regulations and shutdowns of any state, and the consequences are manifesting themselves in our college-age youth. I teach in the huge California State University system, and we have had a difficult time getting first and second year students to understand that they need to attend class, at a minimum. My students tell me that nearly all of high school was online, adding that they didn’t learn much, which isn’t news to me as their professor. Anthony Fauci and Gavin Newsom should be ashamed of themselves!

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
8 months ago

“…Fauci did become involved in “politics,” and not in a way that should embellish his previously stellar reputation.” His reputation includes the disastrous Federal response to the 1980s AIDS epidemic, which he also royaly screwed up, and partly, like COVID, because of politics.

Tim Aaron
Tim Aaron
8 months ago

I’m not in the medical field or in epidemiology or in virology, etc. However, I have been a geophysicist for a half century. I do understand scientific methodology. After the first. 2 months of the Covid ‘crisis’ the so-called ‘science’ lost much of its credibility. The ‘crisis’ was understandably a crisis needing addressing at first, but, in contrast, the reality should have made it more of a ‘concern’ that instead needed rational moderating. For some reason the reaction remained a 11 on the scale of 1 to 10 when it should have been a 3. Was it incompetence? Politics? I don’t know but it was definitely wrong.

Terry W
Terry W
8 months ago

This worthless POS will never admit that he flat out lied to the WORLD when it came to the facts that HE and several of his cohorts insisted were science. The vaccines were a hoax, the “bat” theories, the “monkey” theories were all fictitious. He was covering his own ass in putting blame everywhere but where it belonged, squarely on his shoulders! He should be tried, and convicted of crimes against humanity, and sent to prison for the result of his life. Stripped of all of his ill-gotten covid millions, and those funds redistributed to people who have suffered losses of family, and those suffering from the effects of the bogus vaccines

Susan andrejcio
Susan andrejcio
8 months ago

It makes me angry that Dr Fauci was able to retire. I feel he should have been fired for the incredibly poor job he did supposedly handling the Covid-19 pandemic.
I n my opinion he should not have been allowed to retire and collect his retirement.
He should have been fired for all the harm he did to children and adults. I feel he should be held accountable for the deaths of people who were forced to follow his rules then suffered.

8 months ago

Fauchi is an OLD man and needs to officially retire from public service!! Then he can play in his own little lab! He is a narcissist who got on a huge power trip and then Biden was so demented and warped on his little power trip that America suffered greatly!! We do not need WHO or NIH or any other such program making devastating rules and regulations for America!! Fauchi needs to pay dearly for his actions and the deaths of many from vacinations. That old weasel is enjoying our tax money while the nation declines. In my personal life, I hate liars, once I find one in a lie, there is no more trust or respect. That is how America should work, LIE AND YOU ARE DONE!!! Wouldn’t be many left in Washington, would there?

8 months ago

Repentance is good for the soul. But that means then that Fauci will be accountable for his deeds. He is fearful of that. In my book his name and reputation is down the tubes. Be repentance can bring forgiveness.

David Millikan
David Millikan
8 months ago

Excellent article. WHY isn’t Fauci in prison?

8 months ago

I don’t care what or who says anything, I still believe Fauci created Covid in the lab. And since I don’t trust him any farther than I can throw him , I also believe he was also involved in the so called ‘vaccine’ and that is why I never got one. I am 84, got covid and have had worse cases of the flu. My friends that got the ‘kill shots’ all still got it and were so sick they ended up in bed. When Bill Gates made the remark ‘vaccines are a way to depopulate the world’ there is no way I was getting that damn thing. All you need is a good immune system, not untested crap called a vaccine.

Janie Smith
Janie Smith
8 months ago

So now he admits his “errors” and no doubt wants total forgiveness. Hang the bum!

Durwood McElroy
Durwood McElroy
8 months ago

The guy needs to be in prison:

Chinese Lab Mapped Deadly Coronavir us Two Weeks Before Beijing Told the World, Documents Sho w – WSJ

8 months ago

A rat is a rat, is a rat , is a rat

8 months ago

Then there’s the problem with the (world-wide) response that no one is talking about — slowing the spread *may* have caused COVID to be with us permanently (like the flu) vs. a one and done.
How? By increasing the number of variants. When one person gives 100 people the virus, those 100 people all get the same virus. If that same person only gives 2 people the virus, it has a chance to mutate before being passed on to the rest. With a chain of each person only giving 2 other people the virus you have to go through 6 exchanges before you get 100+ people infected. Using a slower spread, those same 100 people could have 1 or 2 new variants amongst them, if not more. With a highly mutable virus, super spreaders are our friends. The authorities *knew* (or should have known, I did) COVID would burn through the entire population one way or another. The faster it did that and the fewer the exchanges, the fewer the variants. The fewer the variants, the greater the chance of it burning out vs. sticking around.
It’s probable that the world-wide efforts to “bend the curve” saved lives by reducing the demand on health care systems, but that’s a relatively small number compared to all the lives lost in the future by having COVID with us permanently. That’s not a trade worth making.
To expand on Collin’s statement about being laser focused on saving one life. Our health care system is too influenced by Hollywood-think, they are focused on saving one life regardless of the costs or risks to others. Even if that cost is many other lives — simply because the one life is in the here and now while the others are in the future. In the movies it works out OK in the end because the writers write it that way. But the movies aren’t real life, it doesn’t always work out for the better when you risk many to save the one.

8 months ago

I believed that most inquisitively motivated people already knew this. Fauci knew the truth all along. So… the question remains why did he keep supporting his narrative lies?? It certainly was more than protecting face. There is more likely a much more sinister motive. How long before we know this answer?

8 months ago

The scumbag lied to cover up the money for the Wuhan lab, he lied, he made tons of money off his job, he helped Biden control us and abused our freedom. HANG the SOB!

8 months ago

(such as that the smallpox vaccine causes bipolarism)
Who on Earth, quite literally, ever said that?
Do you mean vaccines causing autism?
Nobody has taken the smallpox vaccine since 1972.

Durwood McElroy
Durwood McElroy
8 months ago

This “scientist” Fauci and his actions, along with most of the incorrect actions and science coming out of the CDC, completely prove your assertion 1000% incorrect. We trusted the science. The scientists let HUMANITY down. Science helped the bad guys and the bad countries and the bad leaders. And I’m a liberal independent, former Democrat.

8 months ago

Lefties are exuberant that Fauci went along with their “Use COVID to dislodge Trump” strategy. Trump should have know better, and put an ally in place. Fauci was constantly playing politics.

8 months ago

Congress needs to pass legislation to prevent this sh*t from ever happening again,

8 months ago

Dr Fauci could not have stopped or diverted the COVID-19 pandemic. It was going to happen as judgement. Look at the US cities that suffered the most. He was NEVER FORTHCOMING about the real data of the pandemic as he was MOST INTERESTED in lining his POCKET with $$$$$$!!!!

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
8 months ago

A word of advice for the federal government: Considering how badly they screwed up the pandemic response, they should not be surprised if we (God forbid) have another pandemic we don’t take any of their recommendations seriously because they have no credibility. They should not be surprised if we tell the government to take a hike.

8 months ago

What an awful man, lied and manipulated information to his own advantage. Hmm, he receives a $365,000 pension every year for the rest of his life from the taxpayers. I’d like to see him pay in some way.

8 months ago

It’s all about the money and power. I knew he was a criminal. Everyone involved in this has made money hand over foot. Even the hospitals were paid a lot of money for every patient they reported having died from something else but was labeled covid. Seniors put in senior citizens home who were infected spread this to others who were healthy and many more died. In NY President Trump sent in a huge ship that was to serve as a hospital for patients because the hospitals were so over full. This ship was never used and instead the seniors were sent to the homes. There is so much information on this, but people choose to continue to watch fake news. Change the channel and hear the truth, your ears will burn off your head when you finally realize you have been made a fool of by the people you voted for. Go on line and do the research for yourself.

Eileen Erikson
Eileen Erikson
8 months ago

And yet Fauci is lose! While others are captive who believed this jerk and criminal!

8 months ago

You suck at science.

8 months ago

Dr Fauci didn’t make any pandemic errors.

8 months ago

what a punk!

Steve Miller
Steve Miller
8 months ago

Interesting headline. Says that Fauci admits his errors followed by an article that states over and over that Fauci does not admit any errors.

8 months ago

All over this on Common Cents:

kris atkins
kris atkins
8 months ago

I keep being told, that since I’m not a scientist, I have no right to talk about these things and that when scientists change their view on something, it’s because they have studied it and have “new findings” and that it is NOT flip flopping…yet these “scientists” had things just come to them rather than doing any research…how does that make them smarter than me????

8 months ago

The “greater good” here is the large amounts of money gained and at the cost of many lives lost and health issues for life for the monetary gain for few.

Waldo Pepper
Waldo Pepper
8 months ago

I want that betrayer Trump, his Operation Warp Speed, & the Trump Vaccine, all part and parcel and originating from the Trump Administration held accountable. He lied to us all. I’ll never forget or forgive.

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